ibibllahed by conddleri Newspapers Corripalty noon to Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Ileny terrible WeberOcean Manager all Editor Emaritua WV ir Mamme on lAOld nth or The Telegram WHuman Interest Story oi the Toronto Telegram Ir Interest story of the first msgnh The newspaper has become en durioyhilts toyear history and we eservcd plaudits for ug editorier and attractive oi news and ieatures people could hardly believe th when they read Publisher John announcement that the Telo would cease pubchilon shortly be of Inysrmountable nancial prob Prascd to monsiiitr his ded lir Basrett made bk position pen clear The Telegram Is dead later when the Telegram prints lie ibdttion Some will find employ with The Toronto Star or The and Nail Others may be hired by Canadian dailies particularly to to rad rtory but many may be forced to otliormeansotiimcilood or of long standing who felt would end tireir working days as rteffere Sentiment has place buslnrsr Ind the sad news could have been reversed ti llr basreti could have otlmd wry to keep the newnaapcr rig Iioirrerer he could not Ignore herd nandai facts The Telegram has been oping large amounts of money rtearlUy er the past three years and the pros poets for the future were equally dint There had been contract trouble with employees who were seeking larger my package but this was not the only reason for hir Barretts decision though it was an important rotor 35 YEARS AGO lNTOWN Barrie Examiner $017113 itii Sim coo County Council toobl0000reople on Georgian Bay cruise out Port hIcNicoIi on CP creams Kocwati visited londonio inspect wote eii ly with tied to expanding Barriee ay em uniior modern conditions Wltb El don Gris Gorin apiiehtii Olarko Clarke Tannery at Uri erhtlla Shoo Factory in town softball final Steve limes endiitenliougtdon were umpires lirrllobert Hall Guthrie bi not naratOroliowerShovv orb iiyment Barrtes rugged young heavy Vivetgbt boxer plans to turn pro and campaign in Britain oi Hamilton addressed iiiwmiariliub at American Hotel on Cm and Curator War At StrMaryolamdi iii Rev Monsignor Sweeney cele brated 40th year hood Contrary to Toronto reporu Dr mm more oi Dorrie stated that Ontario hicdleatl Association would not sponsor health insurance Codi hi Norrie of Barrie Creamery said that he was in favor ofoew regulation by and George Vickcrs of Barrie holeinone at Barrio Country Club In will be branded by nudity lves Steyrser elected Society thy trot which gull Besident Canadian Gladiolus iroutora cbdm included some years scored lild Astlng play ing with Harold Pa erson witan by Emlel Write and ArthurJilin ace at DOC was tired by Dick Garrett lamp burden will enter senior team in Ontario itu by Football Union head ed by Dave ardtng former Queens illstar Among ionising rookies are Frank Herrcy oi lgoais Jean lien nor oi Barito Collegiate liedunprece will STORY ally Labor mi IOU BOWMAN Georgo Ileany Induolion lo priests ad Difficult Time were held to be to restraint of trade ihen britain passed The Telegram died ma torrid ootgeiaalicaoitboedyutngdoller euiitcieot to mandate Weclory eouo Mimi Ths Toronto Star ioniiily illnilm newrp field Tge idem were fully ew airttrattherwotildbentbowidestpodbio readership in the bit The Globe and burviv been It deliberatelycalled to national readeiablp wtiiaout matr rooolitan Toronto area butt Tele gram went under beeiusort could not oxnpele with The Star for adveriking In iictro The Toroer situation is not unique Big MWhb gone under Iu many of the major US citiesior similar reasons Theoiiailtyofthoirnowaro duct was seldom in dtavute but eir ability to reads rcedepeiwas Newspapers cannot survive on circula lion mantra clone Theymurt havo advertidng to peyIor high production cools includln era with it milieu also convince business tout the adrcriia kill mews it Rell Kit In Barrie The Mr has baton eilon coarsegomf rennin onion Toronto Telegram inow eragea it could not compete with The Star and TbilWIiOTM to go under Mutt andnrovide reed They must hormonally tour The Urn cov lheseere iiiobard tact oftbe om prper businealim women are not uniotrd Any whether it be eupennarkot me1comer atoreumusl compote or mirror the consequences of loci revenue dented 12 firsts InUpper School easementsiii got taro scholarehig it runs announced by Prinoi 1A irdiyood ryaoue Teri featured this penda windieset the My Dairy large bricks Zoo Lioru Clu heard by Gordon longman William oer and lies Smith do lotarnniioild erel raUyPromIer llltdieil Hepburn re ported Ontario uorine beslln many yearn other speakers were Dr icon ardstmpmn Duncan McCualg KC of Darrin Dr William lowis ep pointed dried coroner for Sirocco Coun ty Town Council otated no igrant for either unless ndaio and Barrie ottiscnr bands amalgamated ngbtmen landfallow local anee agent robbed and leit lying in car on side od Highway 11 oriirirfrnirore VIEWS MORE LEISURE TIME riGoderlcb SignalSLar it is becorrdng more and more up ar cut as the care roll by that genera ons to come it havealmoei as much lets ure time as working time it is difficult for some folks to understand that the iourdey workweek iselready will in some arena and threeday work wee not considered urikely in the future Unless mnitdpal provincial and fed ergi governments take some steps now in proportion for this potential upsurge of activityhunting in towns like God erleh could be adng economic ruin in Last the future as toruista and even residents settle elsewhere to satisfy their leisure titno wants and needs it Isnt eeey to legislate wisely today so that tomorrows citizens will not lose out and turrcm ratepayers will not sui tor The task to one which callsfor soul raerobing and courage It passed legiriationthet opened thewa for more eiiective cant be agin eraritwnuoosrorroiiiiiarniuiieiiii Hid outinubor Day il eele on the Iirat Monday in Se her the birlbde or mind labor in Cane mi tint data int that the Carie dien Lebor Union was formed It wu the beginning olneiloo Illy organlacd labor In Canada Ind inllWIttd convention err ranged by the Toronto Trades Aarerrrbty in thore days there It about no local union throth niit Canada but only it him represented at the Toronto meeting Morita the Canadian labor Union or came from Ottawa and Hamilton Member alln was live centa every three normal Labor onions bed difficult time until tilt because they in wnraaddlww iigirl Carte oi Trader Union Iam which established the le gallty ol trades unions and the welllie 5e leather it yresdri Wm Md km Uolled Slater and Canada Even so is union leaders to Toronto were arrestedJn itll for calling strikePrinters wanted Mbpur week but To ronta publishers were oilering cohort weelr tor no pay There was mauproteet when the uoloirmen were arrested and more people demand ride tM legislative buildings Toronto One oi the men awning 15 Gertie Brown bublilher oi the tilobe who was air you ifrrdonalda rtrougeat parlour oppooeotrbir John was pad in in the came at labor and Ceoedea Wiilmi lhiekiy union development Tbe Ilrst local union to Can sde may have been It Quebec in nor when printers were or geniaod other small unions do vrloped in other parts ol Cen ede graduaUy generally to on sore mechanization oi their in uririoa lu toil the Journey man Tailors at Toronto were or rented to oppoea the introduc tlon oi sewing mtchluee Shoemakere formed or union called the Knights oi Si crispln router to preterit the employ men at unskilled war those deifl rhoeniearra were highiyakihd The Knl ie oi Labor also grew rapid in Canada in the titer orgenlaing men women in email committee or now onnerut There Is one noticeable feel inrnine MOMENT The and believes tNel organis or ii fiirf=n Parliamentarian Tiihiillo rrriiir arr on and ieediugvthvia or iuu The main oi lir lew ture aboutthe NDP camplin ntiorr rein consumer Lis travel in la visittbe local in this election The carapai baa all the ltii tacelcetureegt Home of the other parties leader Stephen Lewis is olilngvibmghot the pro alone who hormonal and greet parrymere urns eh ercd lane and chartered bur And leadch tour In cover ingtbo wide dirtiest oi Ir his the eagle campaigning is the kriyto political mesa dpnctica even more comprise centred purierMug to show with the Liberate and egovormneot This would iv New iuranvaaa every borne In their Vuserl Only until Toe goal workouts orlllalaeliooltndioed tbern it talks aodlolormetlooi elency II OTTAWA yeerold Huang line was named five months egoes lint am alum Peoples iepublle herehaherediin dip one some grormd calilodblmgoodvaloax ihatlexp with balcon notation of haunaliko eiii and ateedineai one up well the image created by the Gainers embassy ttseli using its nearly lit months oinper Ila tiuo wry money is being roor solution and porn let met It to ted the pen portion NDP th101 ill WW rldlhgi at least three times man will be spent on news aper torn and Ii mil log the umpalgn and then oi radio and television Idieriislng releulelcd its point in ruse To keep rourre to see that the vde gets out on election day it is concentrated effort the roost specialised we have seen pressure on is workers to in And the pertyle concentrating in to election rumination Tilll ilrvvsf Wed To Use Firmer Hand by non curtain WASHINGTON tori Presi dent Niaoo on the basis of lo torrrration leaking lrom the White House apperently is in the throea at once slain revler tog his thinking on how to cope with domestic end oi the eco nomic crisis His first aboutlace came alter months of agonizing when he bowed to the weight oi evl denea and the edvloe of col leagues and announced last month ayetem oi wegeprico ent ireeses hour the start at his presidency be bad vowed be iilnlortr it beylleld one Barrie Ontario Telephone mint Second Clare lieil Registration Number MM Return postage gnereniced Dailyourdsya and Statutory Hellore excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier the woolly this year ly Single copies the Ily rneil Danie tilde yearly Elrriooe County error yearly lieience of Canada rune yearly All other countries room yearly biolor throw oil ratio yearly National AdverUsiog Olllcee tit University Avenue Toronto bio Cethcari St tinotreet iternber oi the Canadian Press and Audit bureau oi merrie lioni The Canadian Press Ie exclun ivciywntitied to the use for re pubUcetloo of all nova dispatch ea in this paper credited to it or The Assoc reed Press or Reuter end also the local newa publlabi ed therein The BlitiLAmiltti claims Co yrlgbt in all original adven rising and editorial materiel cre atod by in employee and re produced to this newspaper Copyright Registration Num pd ber sortie register at would never invoke ruoi mea sures hie yeere as young lewr yerworklng on such wartime measures having convinced him they alrnply dont work ielriy At the true he told come that the aecoodpbrse oi the plan to come Into client when Uta today ireere ends Nov ii would need the letter pnsrlble cooperation Implylog volun tary guidelines rather than iInlt posed regulations Nothing would be moredeb rimcotal to the new prosperity in lhe long run he said then then to put the nations great elrong free enterprise ayatern lo permanent atralilatkel at government controls Since thenbowever there has been peredo ot tdvisem labor leaders business repre sentative end spokesmen for agriculture and consumer groups Into the prerldenla ovei oillro From what wbliejiiousa ler dcra report It appears the range oi diverse op alone has convinced Nixon that his admin lstretioo will here to usoJ tuol irecse expires than be hoped when he addressed Corr gress roarround arrrrunr in an advisory capicity The ieellng apparently ii that aurh athrcealded panel labor and public representatives would gang up on bltainess As the Washingtonviost recs It lilo problem in advance pi final presidential decision Is that the various sides will commit themselves to lrrecon clieble positions or in en nounce nonnegotiable demands even before they know what the administretlm proposing All this posturing and fortify Irig olpoalrlon seems uncon atructivc the Post says may observer once that compromise is the name oi the gems and it will be loog eon teel ii the princime rtert oli delylng the ruicaeven haiore they ere announced lrom Chairm theyre even got any trees wearing Meodyictunire They make their mode ween iog eilve bruineee tulle Just like envoya from other eouotrluood without Maoist buttons in their iapela Contention ithiLwteoon rIhoembeery oillresmeu mmr rm tbetoptwoiiooraoianexpcng air gitflee epertml bulld lrrr ridthe eitebie its liuang fknowp as one of his mntrye oremmt and most anpbiitireitd dlpiomatlzgda about in chruttoor yen Mercedes iNVITlID rrs For his tlrst blg reception tboi ambessedor hired large room at the tlbaleeu lauricr iiotob and invited Canadian gov eminent olticlala diplomats businessmen and iew ionrnei inittsm it was all eeeorintsone oi the big at events at the year tnOitewe but observers here do ot be lieve the atness have gone bourgeois They koowlhet when in ilorne you do as the it do remarked an external ieinoiileleL Ambassador Nuang grant no Interviews though he has re relied niuober oi callers tor private chats The Canadian Press was turned down when It sought an interview with some embassy oiiiclai whnruld answer ques tlbns rooming the expert ences of the illness dl mate in getting settled in Otis aiaii oi does an accident longdiaiaoee Oltaw Ifascismnunriirbmriinnl rillaidmml mostly ta or The tibia themselves deeply enxiorrs to Iiueocc Canadian public output in molten relaiiogio Galas iii uh PM Time raid the external eiielra oiticlel ilowever they are eeiective those with whom they deal necervro AOAiEhlit Forinilenee they have known to receive group young people Drive rpontaoeoum basis They Vere culertv Leptlve to read es Among so who received ens hilililtl United Steiner proiessori tour to iruproverelatinns tween China and theU3 plieeIIons must be reierred Peking an or ouidot whether the HAPPENED iii much firmer bend alter the so By last week when Nixon called surprise press confcr enre in his oiiice ha pointedly ut aside talk oi cooperation nit instead dwelt on the idea oi putting recur into any oewreghr letters The princle point oi diam greerneot between labor and in duetry Is what sort oi body should administer the new plan labor outta realistically bo iieves business hu more Iriende within this Republic and is pushing idea pertlle egeoey ede up at rein rcseoietlvee oi uniool manage ment and the public business alter yeare oi prn tut against what it terror too much government control now want the administration at the second phase pttt lit the bands of overoment agencywltb any tr body acting only Adminis tretlnn than the we in men atri CANADA lesion ituarig has beencerelu to eanphirlea that hole Chine Minimiuuioilioi hoiurorrotiuionrotirr immersiriiiiiriuomouo Willi idiiiibliilbtilur umrniiwouiiorrouirir gourmmorisnol itii mltlDiitI Ritoili oitilt slittiiiitriisleettllriitiiiiiioiF enior in Canada America atiargo WATCHING 05 Ceriedlen diplomats eey vately there no atness here new peylngeloto doubt Titey would tool It didnt take advantage oi the wnmmrrioouuii ruin rrrouoiir surreal ettbtni and to Ioralve Thoughaariat in oils advocate ltir not until weadmit that lie will save us God mercltuitoiateesinbarletbe attendee to developments US