ego Klofiellll Dominion lg Ind Inther tiotll Robert titII raid tortilchlI oi insurince or not Johns we motorcycle to the rst piece Accorth to the consuhles er it lieclilhnon also questioned iig ii EEEeEEE inner 5m4 so 33 Egg pi 3352 PE go assassaaa John data to my IitIient tron till BIrrierII convicted on threo oiII mtgmvloel en Prorioelai court dry Coiee pleIded guilty to Ill three chum hetero Judge it Gooey On time ni Ind no no not cubed three cheouee errh tor Moo It In MM later he dismvered lhIt the polite werI loohin tor him Ind he amend In them Deieneo eounul ll CIrter IIid DoieI hid Ingmar IIVH Il debt to remind end no ed the money he hsd othtn ed by mud to oil the lie med thIl be puton ptobttioo Ind nid Cele Ild unions to men restitution Crown Attorney Evnnsielt tenement debts Cole Mound with iottnd threhoouto Ilnlwittt um Honey pulmtloiee on the identlIkIlion oi one lot two ynn Ouinr Mum Crown Attornor to llolee tinIneiIl Iitontlon the ludro nld there would be no Coins timed llnrtescont tine Ind Cole wu Iilowed one more Ind cubed Iil thrII yen to null rutitullen hoquitted in Two Charges Barrie Mari convictedOn 3rd Dnutlu ltoy Johan pi Ernie III Irnuitted in Pro rtnclel Court WednesdIy Iller he pieIded not guilty in chutes oi inlllnr to provide prool oi insurmte Ind oi driving Ihllh lhllr licence out under ruepen on Johns pieIded ruiity to third chIrre oi min license plate on the motorcycle other then the one Iuirned to it on this oiienre be convicted Ind lined I100 Mable Doorid Butcher oi the BIrrie city police rtid he obeerved John titling on his mioreycle It the edge oi the iollL our the iniernteilon or him lid nod Burton Are Con ItIhle Bulnler told the court thIl tho previous dIy he lllll delivered doeumentln Johns rpm the Depntlnent oi Trun port Idvirtny hint lent his to once hId been ruspended be ctnno he hId Iteumulrred too mtny demerit polntr Buhner IIld he recoroiud Johns irorn IpproxlntIlely zoo teet my Ind rlrpped to own lion him He IIld thll Juhns did not the the proper ltcenoc tor the vehicle he or tilting on Ind that he told not produce whether or not John us on the higthy Is delined by the illzhwty irIilic Act Judie hi Cloney concluded that Johns we inde drlslnr the outline Ind VII in control oi it but nld thl the Crown htd lIiled to prove iin John on IciuIliy on the rend Ind dilntlslrd the churn oi driv ing while under Itupeorlort Ind inning to provide prooi oi inrur Ince Robert hlIclilnnoo deicnes room tnILeted thtl there us some dorbt Is to whether drivinr the idence he we only rtrtinr on led onlthst Illergtsinr my LllWIliy lemme Ird Bellow Jul VIndInn BrlIn ilIeGreIor llIrh Price mill set In unlit Mt dlIrd Squirt eirIrnpiornyainlnro dosh Engineers mmnouu Cull Deetrie Seoit unr lord Norm Wriil icoIchi Iei Outer itmBolton no mariner Photos No BACK Itllln DrlncIrr Did Not Payi Telephone Bills Barrie Manlined $200 Costs the Iccept thI hills Ind liIreey would my tor previoun child When he lulled tor the III in question his ulster rescinded the privilere ihe toiIl Insnunt ol the two cells In ditto Juice hind looey lined Htrvey $200 Ind lnionned him thIt he wes obiired to repay the debt to the telephone company iudre Clone Iirn eduised lIIrvey in in his driiriend letter in luiurI Ind ihli he should wait until sire com home tor the thrill ot heIrinr her voice Eduud Cecil ltIrvey oi Barrie pleIdtd rullty in Pro vlnelIl roilrt Wednesdsy to charge oi their under loll iiIrveye their Involved non payment oi Bell Telephone lonr distInce services the eourt Ill told by crown Attorney Robert EvensI thIt on tile lib Ind llth oi June liIr vey rnIdr two ion dlcrIncc telephone calls to his piriirtend in Wilcox Sorhtehewnn Ind bed the hill sent to his Iinlerr residence in Dorrie Robert hlclllnnon detenre counsel uld liIrrey had In Ir renrunent with th sister thIl New location to serve you ylexam is proud to Innonncethe appointment oi llr Phil Bernler as our retailer It Essa ltd Ind oi this week There will he lire outer hats ma Bat lloons tor the kids and on Sunday there not be hoses for the first too ladies to visit the station Drop inrnd help us celebrate There will be some not con lrlmlni Denny Foet er dell Dinnn Tony Krill Rodney ties lion Price tcoeebi billion Orririeoson DIIny lllidtdlr Bob hlIhornIy BACK loll Ito PrncII count lien lion Pttlnhn EEEE In Collegiate Concertberies The popularity is the NItlon Ii Arts Centn Orrhretn in it two pevioul Ippesrences in Barrie on the Colieritle Concul SerirI bu prompted the boot in oi return periormIncI tor tlIrrie patrons oi the rules on April it The orchestui context will be the lounh Ind lut one oi thin wintere Ierlu Ind lltI the three II it will be held in Centnl coiledII rudder tum The Coilerinte tiInd Associl He tns painting inside and out Hes your nearby Pittsburgh Prints dealer1nd her the right guy to roll to when youre mdy to give dullnesI the brushed tround your home His snrtrr newv Custom Color Collection of longluring bermcovering Pittsburgh Print gives you wide selection of more rhIn 7oo cyc urehing contemponry colors to choose fromhiore than thrrhe an otter you lots of inrrgintrive home decorating ideas Plus helpful tips on how to ger better re ruitr quicker ruler and more economically When it comes to colors Ind colorful ideas get together with your Pittsburgh Printrdcolcr Heriirred in the Yellow Page underPilntDeIlereliettil unitm tlorr uhirh sponsors the eerie will iirrly teed oil With can cert Iehednied to ally tierup but other bootinn IrI pend int helm the tlehet Kiln eunle which to IlItod it eeriy October th Iin ol the inland Arid Qml reside on ruin it pruible II theirboolediItolIrriIoritI Inntllitonrol Turin lunoideiumlntd IrhllrIrily Ihen it III lint tornadinlJorthlllmli nrcheetn MI long trIditinn Ind hos played In not rolotnthedereotrmme inihdwrslernwnrld Gets 15 Months 0n Probation For Attempted Dorclu lhornu Drlsh id oi thrrle III reoriented to 15 months mm to iollowlny his conviction in provinelll court itreedry on ehIrge oi Iltenspt ed hreIk Ind enter 0n the morning oi Altr ll Drlsh wu oheenrd trying to inn entry to Jone Autornotivu rtan on Penrtlnl 5t BIrrie Police Iere notiiied Ind EIrish wu Irrested belnre letting in the building ihe court wn told thIt eIriier Made in Ctmdi by Break Enter thIt ulrht EIrinir ham truth Ind drove dlroeily no More with III rIlrtiooId tht under the terms oi the yrohde lion he would hm to to prohItloo niiieer open month end be we to keep the pun Ind Ah iront Ilenholie beverlgu sI HAND Inn All PHONE mute ier thrII IpeItnl IpeciIlI Omditn Piruburgb industries Limited EADQUARTIRS FOR QUALITY rlmeunoll the piequ piIeI to deIl PAINTS tse iNleFlL or 50 Coupon Mll notion rim Cotnor liloIrlNlllloltler its iii with Iii chute ruins TEXACO In no no main It PHIL BERN ESSA AND return title ammo Internet