Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1971, p. 16

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COMING EVENTS In TV RADIO TECHNIQUE GT TVRADIO come is heads oncounelerDOERS Ibo not to VIN WI Itllr Weneedyouandyotn hands to get started For bro rhure leer etc all Extension GAIIDENINO RlTII EARL WK II AT MARRIAOES awvw mewmu rm rnal 5m rrt vrnnu mun we to Maryanne monitor roe Earl to waiting the you to Join his elm bottle he starts this ten evening course In tall and winter gardening For evening lee rte rail moor Extension 511 NEARLY NEW Gram at Its Iuvioo Aver lu atalor at rm am frail re rrw MIN II the Plihkl FWII NW II id II Imh Private at am tnrar nu In vaeM ht Mlhl IM out WWI Fella Gr It Ylltlluvt ltd Eldon than Indllvlevoill DMC GIT arna MI II CARDS OF THANKS MUIENIIlekyW itan the III mant Ilrvilly or in rat Ethel wrr on II more their norms It on nelstoeura tor ndnere erratum lymle rmr Irihrllva Will mull In ltd rm Mil It hmllib Mlile In the lllti OI If Jemtt Funelll Mm Ia It Ilndill SI IO HELP WANTED JOBS OF INTEREST T0 SALESHELP Ir AGENTS SALES REPRESENTATIVES required by NATIONAL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ll YOU RAVE neut appearance Ability to meet people Sellmotivation VIE WILL GIVE YOU Complete training Guaranteed salary with bonuses system witir N0 COLD PROSPEWIINO For Inlorrrialion write ID BOX 551 EARRIE ONT TIllS out uternren Iov In or humid power eevlprnonl Ind Illtod litst Apply Iol Nd W21 Ilvile Examlrlr lll EMPLOYMENT WANTED our more alter armor new in my tons days to hitch lutuaal terms In re eotviet Phone Irrytlru 1mm in tt LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS OTHERS AND IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM TIIOIIAS tlelADDEN late of the City at Barrie In the County at Simme Circulation Manager who died on or about the 19th day of toll ADtrrr ALL PERSONS having claims against the above estate are re malted to send iulilparticrrlars oI such claims to the under signed Executors on or belore the leth day oi October itll alter which date the estates as selewlll be distributed having regard only to such claims that here then been received DATED II Barrie Ontario thlI tgh dry oi September AD BRUCE OWEN harrixter and Solicitor Owen Street uAilBIE Ontario Solicitor iortheErecutorr haverr Elaine MeEodtlen and Robert William McFadden SIM REPRINTS ll tun nouid like to hara re tlltRi Inyurws pictured token by our stall pretension elem call It our Burtrett on let We are sorry we cannot secret phone orders SALE TUBDAY AND WEDNESDAY ocrosrn BAND TRINITY IAIIISII IIAIL TURKEY SHOOT OCT 2nd III ll mile south ol llwrntan on Highway ll llAUGE SIIUTGUNS Procteds loThoratan Community Arena REFRFSIIMENTS ltr Ind hiss GEORGE ROTTEN ttJloaebanLRal North itlrtedaenra holding OIEN IIOUSE Anemoon and Evening SUNDAY OOIOIIER Mi In honor at the lortheomlng marrlagc oi their daughter SUSAN to JOIIN FRENCII Coolrxtown rzrntnrns TENDER TOWNSHIP OF ESSA TENDER FOR TRUCK RENTAL The undersigned will receive sealed tenders dearly marked as to contents ontll ttzbo noon Friday October tat till Ior nlier to rent one only 16 to ion lnsek cab and chassis ready to accept Township vending equipment Na tendon will be considered unless received on lorrvrs supplied by the Township llrmo lorvvtl and specications will be ayallable lronr the Town ship OIIIN on or alter Septem her 20th till lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted IAIUIS TRUAX Road Superintendent RR No ANGUS Ontario BRIAN OAULEY ClerkTreasurer ED Do 10 ANGUS Ontario S21 TOWNSHIP or lNNlSFIl TENDER FOR FUEL Sealed tenders cieIrly marked Fender ior Fuel will be re eelved by the undersigned until pm Friday October 1m tor tho supply ot luelr Including Iurnnce uII diesel luel and gae ollno lor the minus township departments Speciiirltlone Ivyl tender terms may be obtained trim the nod era good at the Municipal oirlre Slroud Iawesl or soy torulrr not near ersarlly Icrepted GIIOII Clerk Township oI Inrustll STROUD Ontario SIMIJI IIEAFOIID ONTARIO Tenders arn Invited tor the eon Itrurtlon oi In ADDITION to the llEAiOIID GENERAL IIOSPI TAL IIEAFORD Ontario Ten tiers shall be received by the Administrator tlr It Car Ion not later than IItttraduy to October ltlh ltil at pm IIllll ad rilleItloru Ire available to General Corr hectare only tram lira elllee oi the Archllrelr on dcperll ei orator The lowest or any larder will not necesrorliybe accepted Illlltbhllllllllllu Ill Dull IO ilgt Etii is is or worn ssrxrraura IFIED MVEITISINO were an 252 IBIS AND OIIICTIOIII MIN do not mm no more are itlidlblo lav correction or maia noon The am Ealmlrer mm no right rrIaMrulvtrr Irrriou Ind 4538 SIZES IoVrlolr Shaped To Flatter Br ANNE ADAMS Spend onrg lovely Iuturrrn day Iiter Iha other in this shapely titers rrlth attering lean long wairtrtl lines thooee linen hill Printed IIIII Sim tall 11 Illr Til tatm 11 SEVETTYFIVE CENTS ill tents In coins tno stamps plerret lor each pattern add to rents Ior old puiern tor ilrrt eiaas mailing and rpetII handling talartr mranurrr run rules the Print plainly Fill nusnrun Semi order to ANNE ADAMS one at The tlarrlo Examiner Pattern Dept to heat Street Weat Toronto Onttrlo NEW IIASIIION AC ED Fell Winter Catalog Iratea lumpsultt atyca ino Free pattern coupon to rents IR ANT SEWING DDOK eill ill on modern wayitoo lrIbIANl FASHION BOOK cot set whattowerr aorwerrtoo thurrb Angus autonomous autov pans Ono ol lnnislil teIuahIpl beau tllul recreation spots pessimist Pork has had busy manner IIsrre parishes have held Sunday morning services tor their on gregarious iotlowed byyleaslcs Various Sunday gchooll have on toyed the maomada late slldu and swings and baseball iIeIl tiles Almost every Sundaythe prrliioo harm the sweet lanrliy reunions Ia lrrnLrRl lnilr wen proud to slow trialling rct alive the park Situated on to gldcrood and lira Tthllna oiln rabid many lunlllcs Ilnd it piece Ior quick evening on din Ind oarbenre alter days eerie hlore MILAN phal ersby drop in to admire Its scenic beauty and take short break The lovely evenings we are nowenloyingprovlde an up portunily to get out In the open bolero old man winter arrrves PLAN rrur Strand senior ellier resumed their meetings on Sept president William Parkinson eI eonng tit members randrhre riding tor the Moreennoose plans were made Ior bus trip date to be posslhly curly in later and northward to today the tall mlorr Air and tire Parke Ineen were Stroud delegates to renter eitlrens convention at York University in August arrrd Ilr Iarklrttorr give concise and interesting report oi lame social hour over the ten cups was relayeel ATTEND RECEPTION Ilrs Iehn Cowan ltIr altd lira IIIIilI his and Mrs ampbeltvrrra among the lanislii guests who attended the rreenl relebrlltorr at Air and Teeterl 40th wedding shut my It Guild Inn Tor onto llr Irwl lira Tester ior mcr Torontorrlans moved to llohrrood Beach Stroud on ttr Testcrr retirement THREE HONORED St Jamaal United thurch blruud has been the Ioeation oi community ahowrra Ior three pspulnr young bridesto be in port weeks liixI Leah Young whose marriage to Wayne Neely was nlrmnlrtd recently was guest at honor Sept when lriends gathered to tender their gills and best wlahes The base Inent galty decorated with streamers and belle made ruling setting as lire Ross ilub hrrt read wellworded Id drexs Ind lull misled by her bridrsroaldr opened her many gills expressing IWreelItloo Ior the good wishes at her Illerrds Joint shower war also hold rrrrniiy In the some getting tor lno upcoming brides like Ill Roberteon who will wed Keith llllls at Barrie and IIlu Clndr Ayers who will become thl bride oi lien Stoutlnburg this Saturday Sept II llrr hi the Illicit read In address Iood wishes to the two girls who were then arrlrl ed by their attendants to opep the lnlrlrulng array It glltr huh rt was most crpresaiva oI her pleasure In the lovely things and gathering at their llleods Both evenings lraturedrrnuric al antertslnment Iotl elated with delicious lunrh and social that tcr am the III cups INDUCTION SERVICE service at aordinollon and Induction the Arthur MPIIII Ion it do by the Presbytery oI Barrie Into thI parlertl charge oI Stroud and EIII Road was held In Stroud Proof bytrrlaa rhurrh on Threads Sept It NIH earlve service were luv ED at John lhrlt IIII Root crouch ti Paull Ibornbu Ilouatoa oI itthl Fast Noltswu data moderrlor Irre Ibe byteryr llev Do hieore oI Knot Church AlilIton St Andrews lilanrtl liar IIIII in little at Itmlnatar march Bulls and lion Following the Ire or Rev Arthur Ill and hull was held to church hallsoda time at iellrrwrblp was enleyrd angling end but rrlrbea were log am by lilr Prlusoor lather sod alrtcr hum Ottawa letter ei cornmmlatloo wishes wsa read by My little lrorri ldr Pallirenx home dtunll Ottawa dammit Ind Glen ltobrhrnp coworkers also extendedgood vrtgbes or ministry oilritoesa and laith We extend to lllr and limitat tbonsodlbelr young son warm come to lnnlsiil town tbclr new home II WINDOWS UAhIAtiED We are all corrselmts oi the tart through the news media thatyaadalism Is an Iheup sweep When the congregation oI Strotvt Presbyterian Church gathered lor worrhlp San day morning Sept 11 they iulry reatIred this Fourteen bole made by stones orpellet or were In the lovely colored to Kuau high In the choir loll Some windows have been broken pro vloualybut tth on the worst piecelnl destruction and ed memories or nonrtltt Ihinmieas coolly And more eatliy replaced could be used or target practloe We hope the $th ean be apprchended causad to realize their dcs tructionness tor we believe no snerrlllrraerrse oi rofponslb Illty wuultldo this W1 MEETING At the September meeting ol Stroud VII hirI Read presided Roll call child hood memory oi my common lty vru answered by It mtnr berISlx VIsIlon were given hearty welcome Word was received lrom FWIO that Innlverrarypro loci trrnd tor home eoonum lcs University at Guelphwes new corrurleitd donation was made to Eailyn lree Homestead Iuan It was deelrdrdthe Womens Institute would buy the book Theoatario Womens Institute Story and placell lo the li brary There Is no charge to heroine member oi lanlrlil Township library and It Is open Iionday 15 pm and to err nlug and Frday pan to halo llrr Tuck will show her plev lures ol ACWW trip totter way In Guthrie on Sept Id at all branches Irelnvll leaders course In llatlir will be given In Atiislon Oct mil and Stayner Oct not ad lesdera can be lound num be at ladies would be Interest ed to the class lirt Goodleliw rcporkd on bus trip and sold the tickets Ior Sept to leaving Stroud It pan CIIANOED DATE Owing to election date tailing on Oct It the next meeting ol the branch will be chsnged sub eel to picaaura ol speaker This will he Inovenlng meeting birr iland read current events preparcdh Mrs Illx who er absent to land owing to the death other brother Sympathy wII expreurd to Illa bereav tImIllea IlrI WIIIEII ronveo er ol the mectlnl gIva an In teresting paperon the motto garm at musical chairs waa Iaycd wills hIrI Ilerl hlulhol and at the piano rd won by lira Pagan SLIIOOL PATROL Potter thlel Brown show ed In Interesting litrn on school patrotierraod lhtn lutrorlue ed rII hiikaltrmowat head oi Inn ill School Patroia who he most enthruitrllealiy at work with tho trollere who do Iwarulerlti in Iro ing Wings tn rdrooi rictottiro arnmannrdnia it years at Sb reboot atroia there has not been an sec at It gives the children In goodtvtlhlnglnre III ton tied Waiterutu given opiaetgr by Iimlt billet on tireutwlt and had her honorary mambo oi nrrlrllt Thwarblp reboot pllrbl Mrs John Oorrad lire to llte la not She most enjoyable plan btld by Church School and bet at Stroud Presbyterian In IhnISIII Centerinlll Part on urday evening John Rowan aa led us tic and alter welcom log all called on Andrew cow on who road hrumrout pectic Iridreseto Ill and Ilra Armstre recent Imus groom to me Whitney to enloy the gettngetIII Gamel Campbell presented grit on brhail ol the do nrembers where lieu has been In nallra member Rev Ar Pat tlsou Ipoke brioliy then Guess What molest wu eo yeti Winners weralirs Conan and Grant Campbe Ioan Ayursl Ind Bobbitt nbwr ol visiting deciding Il wsaa ClitiRCll AnnivrrnaAnt Youth Sunda was oiherrad In Stroud Prer erian Church by Illa newly InductiI minister Rev ll Pottlaan preaching thoughprovoking ctrlldmtl sermon on Bird Watchers Anti turd Astronauts the rerpullSIta ralm not read by Grant Camp on while Grog Campbell read the lesson hunt the New Tes tament Owing to anniversary services in St James United Church on Sept to there will be no service to Presbyterian ehureh The congregation Is in vited to worship with the neigh boring tonmegalion IIIOIIRTOII Ill IlIRSAI IIOLT III UNIT When the ill Homemaking Club Tlrlnlng School wIs held at Stroud Aug 23 and 2t rt lcndinglrom Thornton wIs Mrs lions Robson This tells protect is Featuring Fruit and It Is open to any girl who was it yours on or belore Seplrvl TRAVELLER Those who hora retunred honA Itlcr touring in other areas are hire hIcQuny three weeks in ltrillsh isles George and IIorenee Iloll Canadian west coast with rcttnn through northern United States by bus Lou Conn and lira Cb Ila Reid 12 ethyl by motor to Late loulxa and home through the States with Cell and June Smith Vol lloclrley MARRIAGE Congratulation to the recent ly married maples lo the com muo amely Bob Fisher and um arguson married In llaple Church Aug the data ol marriage to tailor Ircsbyler ll that also Dale Fergusons ed IJnda Drrpuls In St Anns church In ltnolnngulshenai on Sept Lorna CnsssimIn became the wile oi Frank Peter llllawlrl at St Cothrrlnea In Ourlrody oI Perpetual IIth Church there On Aug ll Mr and tits Theodore Morris and tire Tur nor rt Irrthbrldgr Alberta were virlllnr in the villa newlng amunnlanca The tall Thornton In rue Mrs David drott entertained ttevnaon Demotlll showrooms Sympeibrlx extended to the three murmur tItnllr unto tally Iollaysoe la the death oi ber lather Re Glories Perch In Royal Victoria Hospi Aug so rollers who have been bereav od Ire Clsreneo Munro In the taunt his brother Norman llauil who posted away and deal Aug as to the Dullerin Area iloapltaL Orangerltlo 0th or loll to mom blades are his wile Beatrice IIIIIirler Ollte tllIts Wlb blulllsat Brad lord Paul Ipenlzlhe moat ol his this In the lhornIaotsrea ttltri having llarmedteo the Ituam hom ead lot Ooh urelt alnnsilll nxtrlplnthellllly 1th community ler onto her at years iEveryono saddened also to hearpl the parting oi Or raI Ilerrr Barrie in Royal Vio torla lloapitaL Sept iailer lingering Illnbr borne rrttb rrrueh ppllenee Orval was IIOIte tlme Thornton residan where be housed molt tor RR iarea belore moving to Barrio in ms condolences are extended to his wile Sartre daudrtera lean Edilh and Shirley their hur bands and tarrrllles at this tlrrre Those lronr lhemlon who at tended the Ferguson Dupuls wedding In Penetanguisherre on Aug 18 were lho grooms mother Mrs Arthur held his er tin MIry Ferg uson and rarcia an aunt Ourlle and Dianne it llovrard Corbett has been charged trom Alliston hospital where he hid been lor about two months Bob and Brenda Sanders have announced tba sale Irrlval oi IdelIruo hlarie on Aug ll In Royal Victoria Hospital On Aug 29llev Paul Park In resumed his duties to Trim lty United Church pulpit alter an absence six wee when he Vacltlontd In the MIritimas vnrvhnsrrrr crua Nineteen were present tor the tint tall meeting lor the Friend rblp Club In St iudoa school room an Labor Dry hlra Rob trilrrntlee showed beauiitut tildes oi Iler mo Florida tour Relrutments were provided by hilta Irena Barlow and tire Barlow and hire hlabellocoba Recent guests and Visitors at Scott Sharp were llrs Percy Clarksoo oi Ioranlera lire tlaurlto IIIlI ol Nowmar cl and on Aug rt weekend hit and hire Slurp and Mrs Owen vrdurnrne Slant Aalt ol IIartley Barlow Orono spent Augutt and it with his sister Irena Barlow For low days In August ilsymend and Eleanor hlaltby were visited by their cousin learlrrres Chapman oi los Angriet lilrs Esther Downer tituland and Airs William Galbraith ot Barrio were recent vltitora with tire ll Mooney Labor Day weekend guests were llairlliodil lllller oi Weston with MIAt Edith Greens euro and Doris Iloit ot Bur Un on thhir brother George In airtar Florence IIoIt Ill TO MEET The Thorsten Warrens lnIllt trio will be returning meetings the Frlrrrdrhlp Club loan at lernuerr lcaon Sept There were about It present to ear toy hrr hospitrllty IN IIOSIITAIr Those who have been hospit atixed are lira tvan Caldwell not lira Franria Grant to RW II Victoria ll vpltll The termrr trsd an Irnr rulttvl In In auto mobile accident on Aug II alt tor which the was drrhsrgrd truth the hospital in tow days only to ho rrlumed on Aug Ii wt agait bisrldor attach llrr Crane returned home rottept rltrr baths surgery to star Arron Intuit Srieceuiul aaaireraary acute or were held In St Georgei glitter hutch Suhdty Dooolo llcllasier Jim Coon sod Iriends spent the end In Detroit DIIImercCIIliI was borne treats hunt to it his parents hlr rod JackItOlnn PRESENTATIONS haer Ioclrl cIent was In the Rail Saturday night trends gathered to honw two cent brides Carol lilller llrs Winston Went and Borbar Olbeoh hurt him Gordon Nell llorrls no Ito ior crust and him blcllastrr the Address expressing best es from the community to young couples John VIh pen and Gilbert hIeMaster rented cord tabiurhatrs picture and Hicbeneet table and aha Dancing lunch hrotrgltt the erut NC Sympathy oi the etmvnurdt is extended to bits Eugene in her bereaveman by the or her brother and le llrr by the death at his wile BRIDAL SHOWER number ol ladies Ilierrded shower at the home oi Kennedy In Angtu to Alisa illan llciliniey lobe Lillian liieloog resrdmt oi this community until death oI her grandparent and Airs William Bovair Iloee made her home In where her kindly ellicieat his brought much happiness ihatollts at Ibo Grova Home lor the Aged Air and Airs Vic hirliaster and llr and hire or Oroo colored weekend to Moowmca over the Labor weekend and Air and tire hlcCInn oi Ingcrsoit kept at the poet olllee llrr James ltell wood spool Tuesday allemoon with llrs Allen tillier Iliiller It ticDooaid St entertained with dinner triends on the occasional brother Allens llth bulhday Sept Ii Donald hicidasler tended the Ontario Legion IIRIIDIIMRI Ihla week at rronr TIIANllALF South Alrch today generates in Its thermal power more than to per cent oi electric power delivered throughout the continent Inddontknovt gwhtehwaytotum crllrhr

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