ALMOST sun tics nurturinmcuonrnr nttruua evens ILArthrrrEnrswintnnMsl WWWmimicst night wss the untested nominees Ihs Wra their Young Frontal Conserva tive Association who nominat ed Ilr ll and Ir Evans Sorter Indrnore photomphs in Plgl ll miner Pho to DecisionMaking Needs Reform Report tang TravellersConcerned About Too Many Hitchhikers iQiTAWA iCPl Young tray ctirrs are cnrcuncd that there are too many hittdeldhrs on the roads tor III to get rides snm oi transient youth In Cans this summer has iound The survey at In persons aged this years and represent ing to cities was done or the Canadiln Cornet on Social De vebpntcnt which is holding its annual meeting here The ccimoil is nationsl vol untary orgsoiulion which surl yses the ears or social irresi dotsn and need him Gtsrlrtte Unswth the price assistant told round member today that most at those surveyed tell that bus service tor transients would he the answer 11th senior couldhe pl kicdatscheaperntetoenahle more youth to trsvsl she said bus service shordd aha he provided In larger cities to transport youth from rats end at iheritytothsothtrtoenahla them to proceed with their traveL She said young people rtrr toyed also altar said hitchhik ing laws should he reiued Many tell that hostels shotdd snake youth led at home with Indenite staying periods and better organization they should he open2t hours day Ind allow children and poups to stay together KWW CAPSULE news Unemployment Caused By Ownership oonrrwsu GP ttdersl government report says sh sentoa ownership oi Indoory is maior rem win tsrerrploy mhthbdtyoimhthehighestlnmdo Thereport air that at isan hrteniewrd Isadoraresident GI Education Policy Should Be Considered UtlAWA CPt Government policymakers should cm dder whether students pay more Ior their edrxutinn so to school ior shorter time and perhaps alienate toms hod hgwithpeedaoiworheapenmthennnmdouxmuini Cwuds save Pnncess Margaret Delayed By iog iIDNONN OP illdlt delay Bed by big in Inndots tut tantamount to arrest out ol Prim narrows visit lotlosonio today Organizers said the proton will arrive at it Nit hire at Thrnnto International Airport and syxod rrunutes here hetero leaving tor tiinmpeg to open newlsrt rollers Bishops Blame Companies For Poor gt rortompu or International renovation whirl uh WuolI lnpioilkthnntheyptlilnu vrrtmenl were blamed by Cansrhsn Rantr athotmhadtoo Wrdrresdsylorheingmatoroootrthutorslothawidentngssll between ride and poor muons Tentltin NayBo Cause 0t Cancellation rTDKYOlIiotleri miss may have decided to Motel in nationalday ads hecstsre ot lemon on the western side oi the vtetahreee horder the Japsness news tronsy Nyodo reported today Irons Minn French Foreign MinisterInOttawa sum Schumann oi OTTAWA CPI Pose Mlnhleruldm mm Publishers Lose During Shutdown IONDDN it British wh ilshers may have lost more than million in revenue in our day newspaper publishing Ireese om warn dispute that halted the turnout at some so million copies or national and Iondur dailies Settlnrrent was MM WI Matt As the tint lions oi the tondor papers canra hack on the streets today eager renders rushed to nah artery copy available rha Besverhrook Evening Standard hullded the end oi the dispute with Good Morning headline and break iIstscrne when in which mother tells chlidm Dont he lrlghlened drildreo it only your daddy withmt hisp per The dispute which disrupted some pronitctim II week as ploded into hill publishing treese Inst Mildly as one union demanded resdiushntot at pay hrcresse so thatth high position in the pay scale could he maintained againstJoueb psld workers auto elastic crust routsq was to cm Lottie Found Guilty In Loporte Kidnappin NONTREALICPIBesnard Lnrtie bokinglhodint calm Itanopdntsndlsdlednesday nightwhershawlslotdthaths hldhecnioondgrdiiyollidnap Din Pill home she labor minister AssortedI last October The IannLnrous guilty verdict wasnndsatsnldnishtsiterllr am oi ddlhentims t1 the lintsn tiny hearing his use Its messold trade sdtool drnpuu is to he sentenced Nov lie ism pnsihls sentrsxe oi lilo imprisonan Mr Justice leInPIul Berge rur told the accrued siler the ii IDTNAlD WRITE Beach No dais has heen set lot thin ending with the contempt aim aimbhelgfndeWd du DimlltIImtAl dhaquwhouemedin Tho halthrowiog inddent diilaent Ital appeared to he wasonsolsnusnhnoidisnn sleeplngthrvnmornnmaihis May Leo CLC EDMONTON test the ployre lssnciliions with the prisihllity at split Between the tongue sh added Csnadisn labor trims Ind lhapmpoeloilahorunions its largest sinlintr the Cana lsto get workers organized and dlanUnionoiPuhiicEmploy thaclrchssnorightioteli tea loomed Wtddlt by CUPEwhnntitcanorcnonotor lowing an etnoilonai melon It gInine the CUPE annual convention The dispute cotrcrrnod Juris diction orer provincial govern mem employees Delegltes to the onventinrs ol the remnant organization voted weenme to allow their executive to withhold contrihu tlons to the occurs disputeis not settled The resolution said that de spite In agreement that sll pro vincial government employees section tsnion slants must do so throng CUFF the CM had openly encouraged direct nuns tion with the room Ii corn withholds contrth trons to its parent nrglnlsatlnrs tor three months the conng charter provides the CUPEI su lomatic expulsion Until tly the CLC told applicants ior direct membeo SIUBuvsneedit You ship that they nntst thin the mm ltwuromeonnio destroy ed Illtlh ate with itnisdl ofuaaid Shin WNWWWW Iey Carr oi Niagara Falls lsut the CLC now is encouaging di rect lilllation of provincial em Intemcittonql Money Cure mansion in my plans inc an interns itd 93153 ten cars per duly orderlys mole Ids Email sources said Wedneet oillcials will threeway rotrn nreetlngs Inthsnext they seek ways to Ming hack to lniernationsl exchange markets and esse the thaw or has tsrnItionIi trade Alastair Gillespie deed minister and iorrner ceehalb nun oi the moron iinsnco committee tiles to NIth north representCsnsdsIls wealth nance ministers mesh lngtodsv Ind Milt htnsnc Mlnhter Ben son will go to Washington in heyday meeting oi the to lead tog mots poqu ol the West ern wnr plus the entrust meeting oi the srnshonal onetsry nod and World Bank tor it lion and Develop meat That starts Monday Mr Benson is tehoduled to sddrear lhennetlosttsesday atheists here say they are not militant really coo crele will cons at the series at creates they suggest it nrsytakestsnsnnthsarayesr oi Living with Merit Nixons new economic policies and hir ther internItlonsi negotiations hi to produm sohylon Thaprohiem Ls longstand President Nisan untied the vs dollar lrorn the Fries oi gold recognized hy governments for the settlement at international dehu lschniealiy loid Lr still priced at $15 In ounce in US dollar Imus But since Aug Lt trial was expelled twice ior continued Interruptions this last rpuLtloo rInre Thu day Illrr he was denied re onut tor week to iurthcr pre para his ddcnce White with anger and crying Inrtie was oldersd out Iitrr ceiling the ludgc ins and screaming We will win latte was canted ithour adjournment later hsesdsy to prepare his de to the court lie told the tiny then that he was not preparing delence British Support Changes IANDON tCPt The British garment will support polith cal changes in ulster tor the henetlt oi the ttnsrsan tathnhc minority hut veteran UNITED NATIONS CPI The Uhitd Stat waged slightly Handled ednaday mu mum In the over whether Gains steroid ha sested Ind iatwan expelled Somaohserymsaldthsts suiiesnd at least rst we not yI qpllhda nidccisirssetn advance at Dina drhaia In the annual Anrmhty starting shout Oct ll ax steering ti tee oi the Insetsth on th sgenda the lip delegala will dehsts string the nest thres months The its speed by the narrow margin oi st to to in chsde In Amerir Lian on the agenda calling or sent or both nina aod Taiwan Ther wese iotsr abstention bachtdinl remain and France lint by much pester maim lly11 to with tour shim lionsit sun speed to tmlude It the Aihlniln item calling it sspuisioo or Taiwan and nesting oi Gilli in all UN huts TIL wsn and Coats itch opposed it and ths US Belgium Japan Irai the Philippines Ihlthin Then deleals tor is sgsimt Ind three Ihstentione In Amman hid to debate both items under the hearing the question oi ulna with III doohtsnchnrmwnu and name Secrets inpid ilsudling gait UNITED NATIONS CPI can gos long way hruad hint ui measuru being in NI sedimentation considercd as he operand the emergency debate on the Ulster crisis Prime Minister Neath who closes the drhnte tonight expected to outline um potiti csi rciorms under study not one Northern trelsnd pan Iiamentary aide said the re iorms are liter to he too late li they had been introduced dur ing the last so years at Unionist Protestant ride the situation might be diiierent Now he doubts that the Irish chuhilcan Army which is gaining increasing support among Catholics will reduce its terrorism in its hid to unite the Island through iorce CHANGE VOTE SVSIEM llaudllng hinted that the major political change will he in the votln system panihly with the introduction or proportions representation whereby Inter prcirrcnce can he switched irum one candidate to mother The goal would he to increase Catholic representation in In expanded Ulster legislature and pogihly area hsvn Catholic Ip pointcd to hroIdbssed thi neL the its will no longer buy and sell gold at that price in no Leaders Discuss iieiusai To Work Overtime DSIIAWA tCP Poaslhio re lussi to work overtime was heing discussed today on union leaders huddled orn plans In nounctd General Motors oi DInIiI hi to cut ion at Ontario and Qoehoc plants stave Nlntigon chalmrsn oi the United Auto Worksrs Cans nwmm an so meetingr Ii theyre trying our people Jeanlast Pepin Iedersi trade and lnhtstry minister sug in Otths sites mett with GM oiiidais Wednes day that the union should he plying pressure to counter the ed hyniis It itvs Ontario plants and St Therese Qua liPepin menu whstho hes on our side Mr Ni gon said in an interview But Msddodtheuolonlseon corned shoal tederal reaction Capi heat Medina Ind his wile burst Into hig smiles as they meet the press lotions tug his acquittal on all char eit so cant work overtime towsrds union pressure proves gs concerning civilian deaths llU Strike Nears End TORONTO CPI Elliott hlsclilsuie president at bocll at International Typographicl Union said Wednudsy the end is near tor seveny rru strike sinrnt Torontos three daily newspsperst Mr MacKensie said John Etch ITU president will visit Toronto Saturday to talk to strikers We have never been liven data as to when headquarters planned to cut air strike hare lib Mr Msciienzie said But Anyone who isnt com pletely divorced Irom reality could see the end had to come sometime Nesaiddldoltheori printers and matters went on strtie July 19 against lhs sunm Telegrun and The Globe and hiail still are manning picket lines Each pickets has received Mums week hMlthnM nrsrtialiurystrtltemni manoeuvre reader tested Medina el premeditated nrnrdar rini ianndatirsl and as Britain and rm In thrujho voted again MACK enemas saw the rots or the Amrnuu Meanwhile in us inane plahll lb mains Onesaldthstot wan must he consisted In portsnt assertion repairing twothlrds maimtv it those big tor pansgl 1a nth railed tor the out log oi Peking and Taiwan in tho UN Take the sac tor1mm his TIN uiiiclal re tunrcd recently lrosrt strip to Geneva lie said in huh roosn cnnrersationr ths min in the corridors try if that the Canadian prime minis in has the inside track ior the ioh oi secretarygen soon to be vacated by oi Burma OTHER NUhIONS The UN olcial tonight the rumor into hctstsse nudrao is not considered man who would give up the prime minis ters oitice ior one here But the word got out and soon it was being reported on at least one wire semce This week rumors have been more than usually thick as the Mucountry General Assemhly Mod gt other rumors some based puhlishcd speculativo rem include President Nisan la going China sllcr meeting illrohito oi Japan in Monday Memento to China hetero there Is his having to nreet Kosygtn oi the Soviet The White Horns denied the port Wednuday drillers sham lAlt