Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1971, p. 5

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250 lur obiccttve by the admin prime In In within ene organlxn oyl man parity the re which It sub corros prima was pre the end his he was the gvi vssss oi the external tailodlo Ollltllllill use its pInls rophcilc the govern It in 77 ers have have Ywnvt diludiag the oildey rides lots Ora and run at dictateu lain Photo Honor norm inns nr graph taken II Ore lair shows grotrp coining rida on merry mixer rrdrn tell to right In trout are ital Ito we do Any ii and Sheila Bursa ll another PM or asna isli lectod tbh late iltthelli Hepburn mot haaded ills liberal gm Per the put it years ha has sat on the government side said was lorsrwr speaker tbaraiilocsvab pile Yan cannot rams the we nounse raIqulmIsails ills aIvay baspvru unlicelrne lrol stop to eight weeks linu ever alter omtiuud use on cav ciai tenure in live to six years In elecde has draped drastically the spray has not changed bur on runs have there world be 1in rice cases oi rostrum originally bul Ihrso eruptions have pruducad the pracrul rulstaut tiles The operator who has tilLv plrobieni has several alternatives the term ol deer belts other IurIIra sprays or at contain diluent insecticide they all must pass rigid gsirernciils bctnse bclIg licenced Ind Ira Ilil when used Iccur ding to reenrnuirndatiens In my opinion the rut prob lem II to work on existing tly breeding mode it you dont control or restrict ily breeding then adequate in control In lire tuIin lmpmxlblc Based on convey taken the main breeding sources are rail pens msngcrv Ind guitars binnurs price were try not tuned to be slgnlilcant on on ctt Ivy and hale as well Is Alliston and vicinity llbaralIup erswrrs leas Il edwith the at line ltr Ixcn the prospect pt contest has been stirring party supporters in thelIIl provincial elect lion on till Mr Down or carried tlt IcrvIIIvLa wh ills Josephine Cu and Willlnm Shannon NDP teacher Ior it years Plai ter ltilot oi OrIogevuie it signed as OrIngIleIe high school principal to mad as llbcrsican didaIa In the riding III selected at an enthusiastic nicel trig at Allislou Iasl spring continuum 5riientlenod vIblI IsderIl candidate lor the In PuIWIerInSIIItW the nomination will nextmouth alilaydeld bl school miles at Aillvlou area and litelong resident ldayor hin ilmiislil Dairy Catll Winners Al Oyo Fair llelEllu SQUARE Staitl Sherirocks Panus at ionic Iii was the leading ssblbilsr In the liolsteln dairy cattle class itlthe litth annual Ore iai the Innbtli entry won tor the best group oi Inlniail champ Ibn can best More icarnle Iwe year old Inmate and II jab the Earl Reid special Inr heil dairy cow iternur lIrrns or Midland wbn Ior thrca yeIr old to maie anrl iunlor yeIrIIng while titles llkkiing wen Inr holler Ittli with William Clark art and dough third iteIinyr Panns woo tec Lnnd irr two ycIr old Iernnla Grant Jermey wnn third tor brs lwith Sherbronlte Farms Inur Ind itciyrrir FIrms tIitb BEdT BHOJITIIOIINB John hogmsn at Ruby won roost points ier Shorthorui long with Doug iJngmau For lied An eta Bass Llaukls was the lending la and Willluis Arnold were the top winners In the lirreiord rinses Sham rock Farms and lied title also won awards in Ibis section Albert Anderson won tlrsl tor the best beet herd with John Langman second Arnold third and It third the baby has tons won by Scott Brown wit Greg Brown screed Bob lini dln third lien IrIn inurth He could beat any on gh so has so act hspr Albert Anderson on ed Caasdn spending some Barked by stroilg executive handed by Arnold Vandls inr Interut Intha riding than tor Derek llnrlcy OrIngevilie courw gay ctllor who has been speaking at vxrleus places througboiil the in the Jersey dairy clue 0ch binrtsnn Ind Sons were the main winners while Grant lcrrriep swept the Iwnrds Ior is Ayrshirer Iillll CLASSES Emil Johnston oi Brerhin won most prizes Ior abort uonl Ihecp Conn Brothers won Ior ram mob and ewe lamb in the long wool class Crswtnrd oi 0rn awe nor their ilnss lcrmey acad third twice and Corn Brnthers once Conn Brothers swept are top lEPIIOi By MRI bl lilll lira iIlInI Kelly and tire llsrle llobbs thI returned ho Item motor trip to western CInIdI visiting wit lrllLlV an triends at hsgin other bliss bean Scott Vancouv or II visiting with air and hits it Gross ltir and hits Dnuglns ilrld enioycd motor lrIp In western time with Mr and hire Norman Sprouts Ind Isrnlly In Cllgsry and visiting with blr Ind hirs ian Jack and IIrnIly in iladlum Hot Sprindss BC illr an bits hclord Herrler nurtured to western CIuada visited with relatives in Edition ton and other poIn white man In the world Hciustcouldntbeat yell oilhem MMIM The Great White James Earl Jones Jane Wuhibmhw AI tender Ila until it WNLOP STW IAIAIL ONT ilcsldents has been giving Slime County snentbmlng illI villi to Btu Bor ders Ind Barrialsst week as well In his trip to Ailislnn last yasr bir Nixon also has agreed to Itiend at the Not tawasaga in out ei Allistoo on Prbtsy Irtarnoon where ha will Insurer question ng his partys policy on regions government and educational tun in speeches elsewhere blr Nixon has condemned the ln crossed III burdens imposed on taxpayers whcra regional gov ernrnenl his been Implemented lie also criticised the ecntrIll tlou iablng locbladmlnittn then local autonomy It elect Uberal government would to per soul ol chool costs in rare to relieve property tax crv Streamlining ni govern rnanl to reduce other rests also was promised prim In the commercial sheep Iciusu the specivl tor mirth lambs was wenyby Oswlnrd with Ross Jerme second Conn Brothers third and Errol Jnhn Ilori tourlb To Plan Program for Alcoholics CLENCAlilN ISIIiil menu tor extended treatment inr Iicohnlics will be discuss ed at rnniervncn at the Hope Acrcs Rehabilitation Centre oi the Salvation Army nu llturs day evening September Brl adier Joshua Noni re glen director or alcohol ism will attend the govern Addiction itcsurrrr Foundation has resisted and metrics the benets oi the rehabilita lion prongm ml merit oi Ontnrle as well as the occasion oi their lace Iarrned vnrrra although the survey wII done during dry spell nvn aucnmioxs Several logical suggestions would be to Keep tha rail pens dsy there is twoiold benefit In heal thier inr raircs itsnrnva wet Ircd deposits trnm mangcra and thee inr dripping water howls Bun your gutter cleaner It lust every second dry lull gul lara are ldrsl hresdln sources ed title pisrnicr nrrryrs en ti you stockpile manure then pile on crucial pad with ade quate drainage away train the Balsrrran returned item visit with their not and uncle st ton don Ont Miss Judy ltallrk cnioyrd holiday with her aunt and Airs Winston Smith and iIInrly at Wangn Benoit llr and hits Terry Wood lit rhIIl Ind Paulina have gone to ilvs In Gravrnhurat where Mr Wood Is wortlng TN tliAlNlNG liud Darlene Trsllck was guesl oi honor at party at live Pcrgusnn heme ililicresl Ave Burris where group ol relatives met In aslend beet wishetnn her Icavurg Ior Owen Sound to commancs nurses lrnining Site was pre sented wlth money lrrrd Mrs Ean birdie Calgary ills returned home ailcr visit with her pIreuls hlr Ind lira John Nell mm and broth and their iamliles TREE lell FALL John blarnuis is heme iron Barrlc hospllal liter sullcring Ii Iceldrnl Jack was cutting down dead elm trees on his Iarrrr when limb Icll Ind hit him lie was blocked unconscious and when he In the house its le took him to the heepltnl Is irellng better but nccds In iuIIy recover lOTll ANNIVERSARY Congratulations to nir and hire William Wallace on tha illih weddtrrg antiversary Mr and hire Wal rid him rd beiorr muting lie rest on the this to Painswlcir Mcdonta Township Residents Only rrrt EMERGENCY tits Iliectlva Sepilmbar is run with hiseustsno lass lumbrrsi will TIrl blaNlroll bit Iaanbrnl will Bluavals till numbers with Coldwater til numbers Ina llntl visa III in numbers litiOrtlelinlIu anmbars number con la sisnoes all ienp distance and ask tor llNlTrt lllsd no toll charge oi other Munlcipalitles your the call us he turns aitllt cal Just became Illrs congregsie Inanarsadouuotmeulhcy bslrh there However while these they will lay users cw it conditions are tnvornhle tor tnrut remove the iIvanhIa coo dissects to be truly eiieetlyr ma asclss cstrcrna carillon In the me oi pesticides Cut Licence Tees Perform Trucks Reductions tn licence Ices inr torus niacks with reg Isterrd glues wright at over soon pounds were evinced Thruaday by the lion charter lidtnurhton Ontarios Minister oi Transportation Ind Communi cations Hr liIcNaughtnn said the one were being made becaisse under existing ac schedules Ontario tamer al distinct competitive dis vantage with tumors In other provinces except headland and Prion lslai the new schedule was dcvct oped Iitrr consultation with lldwsrd the Ontario Drpartmcul at Ag to ricuilurr and Food the Ontario Federation oi Agriculture and othrrrrprescnlativrx ol the noun Industry ilrs Naugbton added The new ice sdtsdula will apply to eligible tarrrr truck owners Ior in registration TDSORONTTO MEETING EVERETT lSlalIl The next regtilxr meeting at Tenorontln lnwnshlp roisncll will be held at the municile building here on binnday October starting It pm Ilcave Junen Wales Im he thscuuu DUliTiIOQl Slaill grant oi be has been approved Nottnwasagn council to sup port ol the inner commuIIllJ and trade lair TATERN JAMBOIIZE IOIMNGVIOOD Istalit Count Trail Riders will pro vlde music tor country and western iamboree plan ned at Coilingwood legion ball on Friday night September at VIAMOA CHAMBER IUIY WrISAliA BEACH lSlalt New president oi the Wrongs Chunber ni Commerce Hewitt Quick Ind members ei his axe sculle have started or Iha new term hIs been arranged day Oil TINV CONSTRUCTION PERKINSFIELD lSIaIii Construction In llny township during the month at August rov rrrd value at lirlitl accord log to rtilrnvlu mIdl tor building permit Council Votes IOIIONN IClI City Count cli voted in Phlday to Ippro construction oi LINsuite apartment development In town Toronto The vote to nor oi the devel opment nIrutd St James Town liesl Ioiiowrd six hours oi de bIIo on the question oi housing and urbsndovelopinrnl sing in bi per cent oi elementary and seconds Kiloot costsInd dr Ision to keep ma annulment rnlr as tha tax base unld ro usessoarnt Ia completed by rm omen oi land assessed ier iarrriiog vcrelrrd direct In sat grant equal to it per ml oi net lm property taxes lialn sotnra oi provincial menus are obtaiad Irena re lall Isles tax lion in rear nllna tax and share at Income in It per mil and other items Ices low ENVIRONMENT Under to heading Divine merit the inldor drew Ilten lion to the aslIblIshlng at new dcputnient with prompt designed to corner manage Ind protect environan The policy II to male Gown lands IvIIlIbla an lusa but only with adanlagr in Canodlaun to tease ilrsl Strictar mutinlalon auto crrileilons InrreIsed Iioei tor polluters and Increase In rcrnment Investment iur ruulsltlen also outltu as government pal Under the heading tires to Business Ictsaid tsnadinn owned bus Interns will be given psclerence when srnllng Ontario guverrr lllult irons and grants new eIleIl iund is being establish rd to assist in the tlnanclng nt lnran small bruincssri with men Ir new iivopcrccrd credit ior lob creating Investment in mIchIncry and coutprnent by Ontario companies becarno II tecllll April PI till The governments labor pol Icy Includes inciauad work condensation besetrtr end leanidown Ind mm ltd per hour in gencr ur try and tilt per hour in the construction Industry lleslth Ierricea Include nur arrd home care services covered by Ontario health Insur uvh eiioctlva In Ill ba covered it Iiy OIISIP premium IM an will be extended to ti chiropractic and osteopa thls services NIJAUIJ lNSUMVCE Noiault lntuvnnre provides basic Indemnity Ior economic loss due to iniury or death with out going in court to prove tIuIi The noiault package In in be compulsory Ior all winter vshlrls liability Insurance conirnrts as Jan rm Agriculture policy Includes pro vincial rnnlribullon to cost nI rrop Insurance premiums to crease rum to 25 per rent in tail capital grants to finance isrrn improvemenlx rtlsrd irorn 500 to $1000 rnnslmum and expansion oicllgllllc work pro lecis tor capital grsnts with two new rinislilrriloni added Succession duller have been In used csernp and widowcrs Surturs Ira mlnatcd Ior per dbrneilrlarlrs such as chils rev and grandchildren Euualnmplnymrnl opportun lites Ior women are provided by regulations prohibiting discrirn nation in recruitment training and promotion based on sex or msrtlal ItaIui Provision also ThuMillltllglJOiil gt Young Stockbroker it now rtnvirrc no em rrs DrivelnsiowOmn in mended Tuesday evening Ind anon has been Irrsng rd nerdy Ontario residents In chron lhe pamph Id be seeking ion unsemtira outing at St Jamrs Anglican church hell lid la abmu has been made tor ll weeks maternity leave tor irmale am ployru with one year oi serv ra or more Needy pensioner receiving the iedevsl Income supplement on receive previnrla sine ii tth ouslily An Increase lid In monthly remiert allow rdior Ic hospitals nursing homes and homes tor the nod and retard Corutiturnls were Invited to give their views on various sues Including whether they lay or adding more to present berry personal incense taxes to help lower the present hospital and OHSIP premium whether there should ba specilic government In centives to develop this am Dd whether they think ths gor erurncut should cud sappan tor Separal schools to Orada ll Besides llr lionlgnmcry oth er rulita olllcers oi the riding executive Include Jim Jones at lgrsntluplsalP lhoiut live Photo duta Jack Pramqu ot onnta township secretary Bardol Testey oi Midland tum lira Lily Page oi Orlllia and hire Ulliala Carroll It In honorIry psuldcuil Ma resentslives Include Stallion ei Port Stanton II lrorisido oi Wuhsge lhal Dnurins Ge rtl lilggs oi hiedniata and John lrwin oi Ortllia ire minus st more Salnvon Freesr Dasl Continues Whole Cotton Salmdrtu Rap $215 lb $135 so Stock up new white they last Orllila Cain Partrrot ltldlaud WW Dick Tlowe at or and CometoAvcoFInnnoIel Services Iiyounwnehomepnidior ornolyoumayborrow$2000or moreatAveohnsodonihe equityinyourhome Andyoucnnuseihemonny anywnyyou wenllo Forhomeremndeliingoroiher improvements Io relumlnh your homeIorinvnstmenleyou nemeit Ynuiibesurprisedhoviiow your monthly peymnnlsmayhe Andthey can betelloredtolit yourbudgel Sothinkeboul whetyoueould dowlthbipmoneyThencaIius no curator IIIrw nuances isswctirirorois stva

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