It the vdioolntherrews coumns on Lihs loading and other tactics Ior survival In tile American counterworIdreport lig trim llriir new carton timpapl re Bayllold am emu more Ilia manner avoided or workers For positioned Mannlheydo notiollowcdtovoia stumblers sistaotcandiv dstes there Is reason to believe thIt iiis pdldnoivoletortheNDPlntha NDPwouidnotwsntlobslhspast oi Iarlo election motor the old sa solid block In be NO leader Lewis would recognise tint asp port from duodenum electorac would bdvprdmblb political party whether it be NDP liberaior Conservative should rcpras errt III the people at Ontario it the bulk oi fling support oasne irorn ones too tion oi conmrunlty it would have stroller vand likon unhealthy re oponslbiliiy to their Bolts harder DI and liberal lcsdcr Robert Nixon are appealing to all Ont Irlo voters ior support they no care lolly avoiding an appeal to sectioml Interests bir lewls mould lotion the rarneeourseiiheliopcsiowinthisel ootion tor his party Oi Zanies has sold 100000 es despite the re iunl oi publications carry ads ior such books which Is the New York times advertising department puts It illegal sols Who knows in the unics logic re iectinn iron the NY times tor ad space may be worth more in sales than on ad IIseIi And reicclion Is tree The NYtInies did the book In ad ditionai reveregave it pi eiuli review by Dotson llader editor Deance Radical lteviewt thus the times either III crossed up the mom eompunctione shown In their Id decision it made the tactical error oi taking the union sorl only in their book review section or 5i PM tpoiice0 course we Itiabxok the outgwown in mud creepIr UIIII nineteenth were mtdmlmlmtmupdt women on lvrryone int llr be are artqi tlrsssnsiiculiiehmaka MIMI ha rdm rum mentioned or htanatnuinwreiiwttd iiriitleltll realistic re hrnwcllurlrlirWJW dlleOn oi Abbie iloiimans trecdom lo the ND uccntrtnr on prev lie heard mint to be Inhsmed Zariwslianyone could koep liotiman Wm Wm irorn ng heIrd him another vntarl they were lust making avvnirnitr rouse hundred thousand bucks oilheraoksnd be at government Ii the NDP were osmosis intorming an ad ministration And proeulnably unions would believe that whailebor wanted labor would get observations come to mind One is use the miorit oi union members do not tollow the pnrty line in am rising their transition in the past they have voted no they pleased iotlowtnrt no set pattern Ind certainly not listening to the arguments oi their leaders Second this irecdoin oi action sd tiered to by union members is moot oi in Language Clinistlan Science Monitor Adapting the old adage shotstwolves Hiyouwanttotalknottomanli on run with the molar you have to any with carries At least QUEENS PARK advocate that was the conclusion one would have drawn from the Abbie Hott man wblidtylsecsion In Boston the other dsy there no Intaili bis bridge to iwcen the down rero onaries sort the sirnights and only somewhat bends oi adtlely ilr iioiinian dole book during tour oi Boston bookstores which are hoycotiing lloitmans owr new paper back Steal This Book When he was asked what hed do it someone took soman oi his be said hed cell the or new onunnw As this campaign tatu shrpe it appears thnra are three key terms which runs up the dliierv ent approaches nt Iha three par ties powar persistence and pressure the governments campaign is going to be powerhou menial second page oi big city dIIites The no hi plays it he mean to win eiihor wayy booka manual on thctt Ind Im The ever in the summer campsgn Is Irnms ataIy ap parent svcn In the arrange cdly OTHER EDITORS VIEWS MARIJUANA MYTH EXPLODED Since lens the two doctors have lest Olinlharn Daily News ed and observed group oi 250 users am amgheg PM However only 30 cases were the basis ei that the line of mm mm cm psychiatrists or marijuana Is Innocrious Ilitse contention mostly that or urm eliminated any patients who had previous contacts with otherdrugs or who had his been that mariiuana leit no perman ent mmyrm the mind of plum mi rihown Instances oi menial Instability he tore the tests their age ranged between monitors Is not the ridld Intoxicsnt It 24 ittb mpposod to be but well and truly Regular users are smokers who smoke van pgmanmt scars on the minds oi poi Ibout twice weelc m0 Eight ot the test can became Ii CI III lilaruid ltolsnsky and WIlIlIrn lioore niter psychotic while oi the weed rend NillilltigilVmold bitched their iindings In the Journal tour actually allcm led ruleid Ili It WW It It ymeAmerksn Medical Association and other thirty showodpvarious dorlrcos pl Wldlgulf mtedunenulvocslly they had iound disturbances such as paranoid delusions mm Turtles grilled Moot aberrations In the mentality oi oi grandeur and excessive several promi their mood rules with do mmy todny uctuation but with its WW reects Iillucnca Mr Davis will have Vie coimt two biases and pricnto car available iryr the live weeks ot the campaign He will have IIIan 53 By not vomit Oct it provincial elselicn cam mm under way it seems bul Indeed More tth at any time since organised labor helped terns tha New Democratic Party in they are conlldent thavtock ls WI dirt Imitation It BIytleld Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 716551 Second Class linil Registration Nunrberottli itoturn postage guarsntced Dally hudays and Statutory llnlldaya excepted Subscription rIles daily by TIJTlIHwC weekly onion 1th ly single crplu loo By mIlI Barrie tiitpryesrly Simeon Onunly lithe yearly balance oi canIda mill yearly All othsr countries time yaarlyr linior throw all taint yearly NaIInnIl Advertising Oitlcrsr can University Avenue Termini Ito Oethcart it Montreal Member at tha Canndlan Press and Audit Burssu oi Circqu um tha Cnnndlnn Prcss ls sxcluo lusty entitled to the use tor re ubIeIIIon oi Ill oawI dleItch all edb Mr and ldrsJohn Newman oi Box 41 troy inniniiilbvp itlrr Nowmnn ellnthtspnrrrcrriinurnrrer Asa Ith it alum than Ellenlmm llldOlhahclitIloWtrplldslI Bingham and count ed Illmln oil oi Ottawa son oi the lite Dr and mm mm rs itobert Sprott oi its sr Birrle Dr SproII was Mayor oi llintrte several IM gears and romlnent In Masonic circles we mm mm lla nail medical practitioner In Barrio Ior many years and ohoirmtsler oi Irhilty church was lilllllcle oi iirs Nowmtn to rriis rtrsronic more shows til Dariis lleroos oi the BoerWen loll1001 They Include ilitleninn ohxrd Ilendmon Buglor Douglas Wils nu who sounded enIr It listllo PssrdeburgBoulh vicar illilemnn arry Southwood Bingham There are two other district men all lurrtcera In this picture which we have it tbeen able toidenlli ii In one contact line Itor waldo so please oliIundnoritIhsptioto was suppIi Itad by Its empio ass and re produced In this nyewspaperc it It bcroltlurllii dillerolI Mm Aiuence ll airsxd sllewln it tit all will spend let oi merits tor the premiers tour it or Union Loaders Latest Political Readings campnlgnundI poisoiiil alaiI along Ind will have raven ad vInoe turns out In iront ills loiir tI closest to the old Reflected In Govt CarnpaignC an 31 ans eye It lsvceulred to downtown to rooto silicon there swarm style at the three Ieadvrnllt In nlckotii chides ao nilleial month which he llers Ibao donnd this time its Is than if Dill Io Kiwis if cweaotrsliulaon one ans ice on or WWI number ills ainaiiaf communities mutual lilo slay Unlike other yaIrv Morey be is only going on name tot IdsyertwnItstlmo Is peered to make only eight sortlaa Into the provch In use campaigning in the Toronto men when than us some so crucial seats and Intends to hold regular weekly clbtncl meclinp BitOllie the veal muscle and aiilucnca oi the PC cImpsIgn however In behind the lands at the tour Ital not obvious to the pubilo about to soar especially among their own people therell be more union par tlclpallcn In the NDP campaign this your the ever bclorv predicts one nItIcIsI oi the On tIrIrs Federaan eI Labor the looting II around Iii the party iusl rnldrt coma Iway wills tho marbles Ihla Ilrnc At Just lhal It could be the lug sat group in the legislatura sites the election But union oIIleIaii Ira cIreiuI to hedge when they discuss oxlenl eI laban backing tor the NDP While llssy male on In cret rt their support they dont want to give Impression lhal the mm nreuturs oi the unloru TIAVIi NOOUAIANTEE they know there in no guaran tes list even ton rtty oi sonnet union mom rs In On lIrIn will back the party on election day At dissolution lhe NDP held it seats the ProgresslvsCon aervativci bi liberals 1i Ind independent one In British Columbia where the old COP and the NDP hava long been political bridesmaids on the vcr eel victory NDP lander Dav Barrett has been working re convince voters that inbtira support Isnt that impur In Ontario unionists grant the ndings oi 1ch study indie eating that class In it per cent at Canndas nrranlacd workers have never voted either tor the NDP or the predecessor CCP Arid Ontario loader die It innit hu IIId iliII the wor ers have not only declined to tote law the evhcrtallnns oi their leaders lth have also raiecl party whniepoilc thorn on In it are penundrd are In In Oshawa IhaUnltrd Auto Workers hII successhilly mobi lixad Its numbers to support tha NDP and the party new repre ssnls the doing both IadaraIIy and provinciatiyr yet while to to on per cent oi the workers voter go to tha NDPl only some on per cent nt Its members bother to go to its pniis rir reversed the decline oi the par andlhoo outlon about this no la whatiaar II aruIl Indbanvarvrnan public oitodal ta being Might Ind ma isel lllal It resent this And eraJrllllllmt than has already been one Imrii indl ration oi too many cooks initially the plus bus wIs scheduled to trapel hall ahead the premicrs itcporters It nrtcs pro tested it Is their lob nI course to be closan the mullet nn III occasions the schedule wII chanted Dul whoever had drawn tupdiint know his his too well eugli perhaps other wise good manager Tomorrow luv words IWi the motions oi the other pan or watching cl to olasaionsl politician advea and =5 45 DEAR Wiltlat WI you were training oltlcer ler the above nInisd unit you kept no middle the to us As we went on vault recruits ob iron tha Shaw Festiv marches at Centre to Baantsvilic kept thinking aboutihai You were stern wherth turn report In to the to Orderly Oiitca whsra Grant iii charge Well was driving down llosdr Observation Bill nicnt talking wiihBob Pow ln trout oi the Sirocco liotd Venerable along Draiiop St East winds ei drill iniorrriing ms all that rail trIIIIc going Iheuse was sat Earl Coxs slight de ausa there was This in Irleeilal oi edi torials an carnal too trusttan irons the Preaclilangsage rrevs Canada ltinutsull to Daniel According to iIgures cited by David invite about twolhlrds oi Cansdlin ports to the United states coma irnm multinational sum Wn think our ieltows sub slInlIally support the NDP says one UAW olllcer Our ranum is In get them to vote Unionists however child that labor support tor the NDP Ia growlnl One Indicsllen II that more union members are training the guy Ind playing an ultra role lta aIIaIra Ancthcr is simply the visa to the partys standing in the legtp laiurs to it seals the trend has cut CCP whlrh had dropped to live seat by litl rent it In it Perhaps the blgsest encour Igemcnl howerrr has been the partys succesch In linuiloba tributcd heavily in those cam II on In botIi men and money mp ileIIlIvely little ol the NDP campslgn backing however will come irom the dues check ed that Iillllntcd union locals contrlbu It the rats at live his month mcmbrr The chockoll yields the pro vlnclnl wlng oi he pIrty corn in 5000 year but Iimoet all or It goes in pay Idriilnistraiive expenses More imporlunt are the elec tIon Iunds raised by dlsliirt lIbor councils Ind the political sction committees ii number oi union Iocsis the Metro 1bronln Labor Council In rocking at least 015000 Irom the tendon morn ber oi lta aIilIlated unions Comparable aliens are under way In such cilch II Kitchener lorrdnn Windsor and In llairsli ion And sent rnesasngsrs unis them min In doing great were as that cone cams sens wbr Insult the west cease create leave it ald came to vent Nehemiah til The divine word will mail the magenta Illa vlrhord have nrny ea attrnl not alongslnst Ibas rt the most part irom head ilces In the United States or In be more precise Ior lorcigo tlrnts controlled in addition good Irl oil Ihsexpnrts olthesss Milk tea to Its United states is composcdnimerchnrulisedcs lined tor the parent company or In other subsidiaries lo cated In the US should this type oi export benctlt without clove esnmlna tlon train the subsidies enri sIoncd In the Pcpln billl To my so would be to ask the CI nadinn people to beer tha coils oi Increases in expensca dccrrcvi by the American gov cmmrnt Ior iirms or buyers located In that country Ala rsndy the Insane element In such situation sprints In our and Saskatchewan Labor con tits lt payilald St irnvu Shani MW oidsuvsbylbarlall edtotb Ad QUEBEC OPINIONS When one remembers lhermore that no control is exercised overnnrrnl on the aleom dot the honorarla Ind services teruat transactions multinational companies musl urge titIt the lien chnrgcd with cIrrying the Pepin law receive dale to examine with ulIrty vigilant eye quests Ior assistance will get irons Canadian IdIIrIes olAauerIcan nics By an outward coincaldiire oi dreusnslhw the minister ni CsnrdI paring to meet ltr Mr lieath when iorctd to give in sienna and cut short to lion In lugoslavln Parliamentary to national deienco silairswili not remember In alien to SererIl members inmlsslcncr and hm iaea which Canada insiy caught with made publc by mentnlav monthsago momdeca IT HAPPENED ill CliNilDil wow 11 BIBLE THOUGHT lionvrnweooimwrme CANADA vs WWII Iorwwwnonvem vuervsolutvirnrtvrwl usuuolnuittrivawu rise mnvsrvcomrnle litiitlEAlAbOiTWili divine simulqu kronttotautvsnori WIMIIIUAWMI notorncnsernsurussc is tarbotmrdthmr also Wdtioltlililltiiillltt ltlilitiitiitIAttiidtiI lldtitblltiltthiitlttttlll litters mmml moneysmiss armrestomens nwmrmmwu virtualmounts an no