Overcast Rainy Weather Continue Into TueSdcty will meteors My endth weather nuns Ind lireCampaigning Keeps Davis Busy TORONTO CPI preoempamm In tho Got it pro election ermine organ willingoils lo on dlmJledoesm While Mr Darts drove through to end rein to errlre It Shelton hours lIter his wtio Indolent ptntdeit iorhirrt tn pretends eerdI to winners It the btreiiosd llorse Show rst the premier wu In time tor dimer to honor American movie odueer Stealey Kroner Deviseo ev gbyettondlnglhetJenn titers oi Krurers ntmtiouto and nannies no toomot Ipeerhse during the weekend which bogdn betdrdey with visits to three romrmtnltite near To 71 some At Othewe whore ho Ittended pohliepienie sirengod by live arse tidings It ieloiront pork to wu met by three placard rooming Ramon Cathode hlgh school shutouts complaining that the governments do ion not to extend outs ier leper rate schools poo trade to list the studentsTommy looser John Cloth end On Steiner lII ltwere Irlendly Indetth with the premier tor shout is minutes on the con otitntionol aspects oi Ore sepo rote school issue lllo otsiio to nearby Bump Ion btreeiovtiln end Oshawa Sstnrdsy end Mooport and Streliord dunde were similar to his roeeb epeoplo tours vfnieh he began shortly Iitrr be touring pmnler last March Today he has only one my foremanon sterling nomlnsb ng convention at Port Perry north at Oshawa At his hometown oi liremp lonrnrthwnst ot here Mr Doris munchnd hot dogs and homemade to Is he toured the upset tail elr loosing lust titd alteration crowd buildup 1an ll TOUTII Joe Dingo ltyesrnld tiremp too stardust stopped him on me mldwey poor the eottoncsndy ftey youre the renter Opsiohesellii 1v your star ttoe really Very to tolls th WNW bloat ot the Mir he met on gm weekend tour called him Id the til now hams the pre min had long chat wittt tioh erI Cotton SUPER GIFTS 4e Coupon Wltlrjbl ties Puyeltese JERRYS SERVICE lit lurton mltll It bmm tho premier outsmart some durum Ibenid ynsid smitten tondon James Boy ite deiendod use in nor ee tow ItrCation Iwuwhstyon would all In apprentice lawyer It tho time 1on my use today midtohl lion lid Ming windy oi rein tueed cloudy with tho thence ot shower lilgh lode hi to Ad low ionishi to to is titds doyldlodb Northerg White Rim west era hell western Jemss Boys loud sleds Itighwtodoy mid Ill do Theodoy st to to mattwezgsowers BL Ibis oilernoon Shears pain tonight and todey Illa today 70 to tow tonlgbl near do run tttosdoytotnst Windsor detail In yugee In 0mm Io Wests Wisdom Owes Sumd Iiuolrolo Illsltlltnn Si Cothortnes Toronto Trenton KIngIton Petorborouph llitieioe North liey Sudhury Dillon Ilmmtno Remaining Node ml lllbl Oeroldton Iloosonoe so he moved out at roach Doter lists the so miles to Osbsz in helicopter the pre rnter opined In etderlyettlrens protect It Streetsrlils south oi llrnmpion tile helicopter landed In test where about 2000 persons Id Isssmbled lot picnic The Oshawa ridin is held by curt Pilkoy New Dsmucret Ito renh trnm cldcr barrel Molded prises to the winners at tinytot bikini contest shook bonds with hotels Irwin oldest Tory II the picnle and went tor ride oround the pork in glistening 1le Pect River Ills TOII him on id 383888 azzsssssssa The Buxomkastle Dine and Donna Iron to cum Enlpy Our Luncheon BUILD YOUR OWN SALAD IO Vertetleo OR HOT DUFF WITH ROAST BEEF $115 IIROOIIDAIE PARK INN ISO Dunlap Borrle FOR MUSIC VARIETY GRAEME IIARRIS I705 72llill1 animator Horn Dollop It It TIHIU low run illh Tedoy Teslni rst dorslnpsr if eyes sh Gloria 09 II E2 25 us dlon Reset In on the reserve peer Bruce lesion is er Runners Ierident tire Kitchener Anthony Rolando oi north oi nNile TIM Iirliieenorttteeststauolph plane er sngevlilowbea eiruc deelh Ind the It Isteiliy nitsua coumanmtd lire irllilc deaths Nuts Smile Iotti Alberta and lulotehcwsn two ch Ind New Brunswick one DIJITIIS ly rnI CANADIAN onus Detroitloo stirstrick 77 pioneer in tho redid Indus AlumAlexander rate ilrv It Soviet poet whosg po trtotic and other works won him thhd Mont ii lrenorntutoa lino nesr anthem Icrlelrn reroIIolteyno Kelly top Conedlen recs driver and builder otrsee certin In Iceldont It tho Ilth JUOOI tbe tint Judge in the meta lend colony oi ti Ib Columbia was Itsithew lie liegble oloo wee eppolnted In last lncludosrotum service 14 lot Crest Village Give us Approvals ind did Mongoose Arrengsd In tho matron oi Your Name LOW wit VW we roll II II an angular toioM Ln son tilt rwoote two Wvldu Em Illll THIS WEEKIN BARRIE AND DISTRICT WWW turiwultt INN Fully licensed Illaeied pioessII lhmlnnte drive death at lisrrlo Ills lseluring dining and dancing In relaxed reentry eiuh ed Itmoopttere Our excellent coniineniel urine romp by Top Entertainment nightly in the totmge mole tor Ia exceptionol evening or relaxing weeltoad tlllt banquet convention ieciliiies Ire Iveltshlo Weddings our Specialty Ceanoing Solmo llIth THIS WEEK IN OUR LOUNGEr sun room Ilellirlg llesltd toot Centerem ttaemo IrIlloble It as them Ainsley Friday lilo pm tile pm Call Its ressrrstlnnsr Telrpheoe leJiJll or tllJttldn lslnddbenmsohm ltltsw Id In It murderous Dsrld Ronni is rqu oi carbon monoxide eer round tiling to gssvol pit to miles northwest oi Oornwetl Georgo ttsrner t1 oi Detroit hitch when his eer swerved out at control end isolitd over oi Itnlls Ieoron triad teeter cresh ot nub SWIM Ind Itineotn ndluuotat Dr al Kiri lsnrt tolls oi eioetroevoe odienheielt some hydroeloc trig tower note ll 2weeks359 kt flight tutti ht meal and bar to menu tton at Sunset th Beach Club membership Dapsrls eve Seturdey irons Dec lb todoy of LAKING RHOAOES TRAVEL SERVIC 39 Owen St IIOSI 116722l VISIT THE QUEENS HOTEL nus worst in run TERRACE ROOM HELD OVER THE LANDLORDS Air conditioned NIKE tinterletssnesl llsil Otsrrr IITDE AWAY LOUNGE Dunlap St 71bit and The LATIIIIJOIIIICIT antral tlrtlr licensed naslnelrmenl Lulrh lervrd tilts lltl PUD Desetng Nightly till In THE FERGUSON TRIO Mon thru Sol WINDS HOUSE It to tit It Alllslol tlldltl berri wee won by Wes liosn oi lltnotootllo tor showlnl un der the rtleneoae mm Seeood end third ploeeewent to Noreen liowesoit end lien Pro irovelilag tor people to Into In both now Some so stayed Ior purities dust and or other at ribbons Ind lrwbits acogzlttcn sixprod so this munberehtpo were werdedetlhoborwileiioli Pnpteiohoorsnslsedtrocio hlhdendloCedISboax secretoryoitherhsborbohds thooartobterecosdotnover doyhirli airwwx asesold Ibowweetbeboeielior herornrentslotoi lbelerrtemombess NOMINAT ON postprandial oi association rophei was the boot MEETING Slmcoe Centre Liberal Annotation um rubltclscinl Toronto Sb Barrio nun snr 24 ll pm 5mm INVITATION Ir IXIENDED ro an vouno tlssaats ASSOCIATION MEMBIRSHIP MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE album For dntot missed oven Ill lets II II Charlie ro In our boost lirel Pub toschm tor lll 3W CORNER 01 II It led liltV dbl TICll lN our Louth nus wrsrr Httli on the lovely lINDA uut and Company eavsnonr MOTOR HOTIL DUNLOP ST