in ll Arnooautr tiarv iLtttaers Bomb ll ioiiowmti inartatilurnooovoranoo law latterlaaaattemptto IIy mmrnmt rnesa detox put the no lt In an oiiencw II warlord odlon in eatrrn Football iAniIr Incottrrnod the taro ior playoli into tw teem liIhtIi mmoimdhnt 1in MM SarkItrhewan motrotted in The elder took advanilno oi anoint Dora Joan and in driver Jackie Stewart iili lepda into lFlving RT 0d OP Jackie Marl oi Scotland did the expected Sundanzwimin Prix of Canada midrib hillVll atrinl oi For nip truth toriu to oil The toolhaired Stewart the liylnl Scot tor hi1 and the lied Scot ior tarot drool won the no drivere championahip Au with hta victory in the German Grand rrtL so hit win Sunday in lord Foimdlymi lull imi oti the eatHiuI ill in under and the Plum awardy Rain torced anan the tree It ditlape oi tho unaut truck with Situerrtelnlny and on Ipeodo Stewart covered the ill littoral In averare oi it ntiioa an hour Snood in the actual race llko thnra in Fri Mil LEAD IRAN Slaw lteid hla lead Sllndli tor the that ii lane then ion to itonnln Peterson oi Sw drlvlaf Brittah itarril Tor rnoltterlt lape the Swede held in lead but Stewart healed him on low Pellrlonl head In recon behind the Scot ltIrk Donahue oi Idedll Pa drill idelraren in till bid wu third about Knock kimothreewinaandatieiaalne la drlvey cubed id Inca called out on the trick ior to test their the edhealon it which will odor Gronl Prlx ol the United Stltaa all pm hi wlnntn the eventr lirti in more Dlibt no Iy Danday at Ottawa moo daiolted Ottawa m1 Wi Oit ESkies And no Lions Tie Bombera movo to Vancouver next Saturday to renew their dIhi with Mom ior third plate In the out while Eahimol hIrI rematch Iratnat itounhridern in lioIinI Jonaa had itpolni allrmoon tackle OttawI limit RBI moron tilt Clout lili illohcr Jim Thorpe to battle Donahue to ltdl animal The muita lett Rottphridera in carotid plea in the Witiwlth record all poinia behind tintpine Calrary Siampoderl and one point IheId ol the iiomhera However Dombera who are obi ayed two more Iamoa than both Sukeh ehowanand iJenI are aeren polnia on tourhdovrn three convert and ainIn Thorpe looted three liunntnI bark Larry iliIthth leored two touchdown tor the Linda and 4mm NilbeeklinvaaolouIndiaeh or av tremor their ninth in ti 1157 Immm am no eked three rnnvr or mum on at and two union and Ted tierela tienl colored aiaIteI lama mwn or turn with Mario Androtli to Grand Prix Stewart won Ii toilowinlin More Canadian ter Iota only tape oi thv Scot Does roild held on runnerup opot ior aeaaona oi the world champtonlhln No ogeralionv ed tho atart oi Grand Prix too mlntrtoa beyond the mailer whet happen It WI Scheduled 130 pm EDT boxin kina Glen no one now can catch him Only Canadian in Sundayl rlco wII Georll Deter ol Tn ronto rhoorordtt hia aunt borne in lith place live lana ho hind tho irIdor var urvn anon Wayne Kelly oi Ottawa to downed II hullderant dercio per oi rarinr caro II well into In Imhui In earlier aerident in in mm The race wu IlIo eortaidered ashram victor ior proponenia ol the am Warn PM their over the tactiinder llim SS tithioaai thoromil Invutlrm ther itnhltdlllgauiuihd MW other Iowan included two italian hemmed the Formula liemrla with hat ttr tour lirli Mtdhlluwmw ill Dillla and one French in Matra stric with vun All rate in the ilrat uvon piocaa had Vdt The delayed ItIrt oi the race alto prevented iorrltei dodica tiort oi earner oi the track to live and ilon White Tho To lento vliia team II and lournaitlta Iro cited in pianoW wot ViSlIlLIIY P00 Oilklala decided to atop the chain who luparda th nln ot rate reported they eou not are tron one corner to mitt ioi ith honor in print altheiothlaa worldIndian aertea at it racer and let withlhei my ItWIiklrra one or MUFFLIR Potato totM the world driv arI eharn lethip are awarded on lt hula tor the tint Mil Med IATIOIITOI Iili Marlboro eltoe ieyeeootethlaeeaaiml loam lioek iIIante air and oennaoroodxk accord in the South lean ona alt potnleioroeo lundayIevvhina Expected Canadian GrandPrix Ida at E5 5E IyI tor the bail Mina Illd eotadaa iron Cahiil alwlyl nimble Dt couroe there In tirnea when you dod owner it the gum irn alter the bail ottIvI eoedt Jack Gottaa re marh hitter bet he reitlIed to blame Cunta tor the nineteen that allowed Thorn ton to lather in three at hit new The thin that battered rm moot war the turnoverswe been retrial them We Int rtult II Iood II anyone cite but we unheated II III em when he ran it yard ior Wm thb was wiped out about two minutes later by Thoralona Gyard ioradbdolninleorrplit IieQUitY SCORES in thI second quarter Der iid ld it iti or In one newt down Llltllttl SIC renter Gerry time klchad nyard iiold poll to not Ottawa on the bolrd hot heioro the hall ended Dalton hit Tony hioru with lhort pus in the end rune nary Wood replaced Cuntl tor the record hall and threw atollyard touchdown our to ilulh tildham liter ivan hiachliilan who converted all no it re 23 got 22 EEF Eiii taken to hoapitai ior lie all expected to reroute oven night ior dalmatian Barton broke am converted by Thmnrydoe Coiiey with tidal eeoodl to play prov ided the tlcatl wvh vial and Itoppod the rulh to the in by manyoitbmmttonr Itilarn Am mm WM on my mm mm ttnua on In attempted lirid dr run crrtrorau rnaea ertera mirror WLT APt Mi Tiid hioibdliil term lSlllilei olilml Bloult Saturday SukatrhewIn to Edmonton Result Suaday Winnipeg Ii 80 It Game Tirdnrrrley dairary It lionlreal Salton toolrreare it LT Pl 205 0mm 0mm MIT To limit Sitarday Hamilton 10 Montreal iteaalt Soaday Toronto To Ottawa i1 Gama Wednesday Cainry It iiontreal tiaroe Satayer Toronto Into Snatin Ottawa It ilarniitoa wally ac Toroaio lbntroli liarniilon Ottawa to became at tel which turned the race to bI railed SOME NUGEET The oiilelai Soviet hm Incncy Tue reported irom AnI round at corner No the 91 on on the Barton Sea that oneera oi moterapori in Can minera total gold adult weiyhinI nearly to pounda minimumrnontbly heianre It you arent naititt thin on your Irvin deposits you dontlrevo our Bonita Elvin Account The unlci Seance do Loan Corporation 88 Dtmio treei Earl BIrrio Ontario Tel 705l12d1200 Pieaoe oIli collect Our home of business are Monday to Thursday 900 Inn to 600 pm Friday Income in Salurday800 lamina pan savingslzllnldtlgugtgrlr AvohatiiarrrtWIIhmcomttntlmlumod DWTT lliSUltAtiCl DOMINION reopdmtoae Site and he Oakland drlrItad llllwatrhee Tor beoeitta irom thv Drluioa beat billion altar at the Ion whirh trapped the Tinn ravenname aainI rirIIk wool to lithe Milan in who goS 3o ES it err35 Er rag ii mutuwaa or pitahedaiorINin Iianaralltnilhotl withaiour hitter Thatomthatdeddedlho pine came in the Baltimore nmhIdIdinalnaioahy Flt 35 on 0Ikianda victory over illi qukoe war the 55th on the Dodgers Wm Twin Bill Draw Closer To Giants ly Till MCItn Jail Al DmitrIa threehitter in no rornp byline AnIetea DodI ara over At an Dram III lotlyh act in ioiiow tail Don bai ton did it with ease Sutton came up with Itxhlt ter that beat the Erma do in the record name di the doohio header and kept the pruaure on San Francisco Glantl in the Na tional inure Went The avIeepthe Dodgero lint lwlnhiii hianiiny in nearly three runall hut wiped out Atlantaa hopes oi cairhln the CIlilornia clubs The two triumphs coupitd with San hIoeLacoI tl victory over San Ditto Padres mapped hall game oil the nlantr ieod pvttinI them hut We amen ahead at the Dodnen The Brain who trailed by masairo lila larnea luat two ilk oi the top wound up man up we all the pace alter the lot drubiaiIIL dork owned Iamco iltahuryh PirIlra St louia Cardinal Ilammrd linntrrai Elpoa iib Ullcnln Oahu beat Philadelphia Philliu lid llouslon Artme delealtd Cincin nail Redo Sin ll inninn in Saturdaya rum Pitta other an out the Meta Montreal heat Si loula Cin cinnati edrodliottrtnn Phil adelphia heat the 0le San DirIo nipped the Giants il arai liiianta dumptd the Dedlera MADE DIFFERENCE ii had anythinn leer than aw Sutton laid it would haro really put the pres rure on ua Dy beinI oneandIA hail hath we can rairh the Giants in day or two Anya thin more would thI really been tulip Doaolny hII been the Dodo rrI biclest lurprila oi the loa non The victory was hit ilth oi the reasonco naturally everyone rated how he tell about loininl thI ibwin ciuh am wreka aye beiore elation within other win lor the club to in that nwwenonneoeo to that really thrilled tho an Dodrul teal with too out in tho lla ning he atoie home don bile and moving in dim Letehvrea ponder Then alter with two my in the ithrro eluded lo Craviotd manned the Drum by IteaminI homo all the way hm hm loo Angelo will tlnLrh ita oer Ian at home while the Giants play their romainla nine nmeo on the roadbu Francisco nunaIrr marlin raid that doemt mean thin Iheyro Ill tough raid do thin any It nowrrtnn In rituuua No tent The Gtania won it on ital lan irra hilhbopninl hortndco that owed over rhIrIlnI hmman Don ilaota lot nm nitrate in the mood at Willie Darla denied two nortCIrrit raven hit in the lint lile in port the lictui the third in it will Giants The Pirates blow their more to wrap up the Earl Dldtaion race at homo an ion JIrLta ItrrnIndrI opened the sure he replied hut winnlnI the pennant menu lot more But it do yet to it mean an rragectlxuesaitdoea meana mapped loo Angelo out ol tourname tailspin We hId otrr bloke urinal the wall to we had to come through ho lt0nlhlltitl Were not lying down It all The Dodyero came ihreth overwhelm nIiy unleashing Hill altI their biyuut out put oi the rolled DAVIS HOT 0N Mills They coileded to in the are and sauteth homrrlti Dole Sima but was Willie TRY l1 Growlorda darinI haao Illti tilt It lllxhit lltilll $trtttttr lill lltitilrt BLENDED Winning to mean GEORGIAN COLLEGE EVENING ADULT rrctttttctttu DIPLOMA tttoottutts WHAT IS TICHNICIANT technician is the man It the protessionaia his brains his hands and no ideas Hes using ri ht hind hoi axeett iris instrumorlgland tool to keep commerce and industry operating smoothi iiea in the loretront oi direction acting as part and growing now protect ot the prolesoionai tea The team an engineer who will ionnrtiaie lrainsaiighli ion or technician wile smooth and otlleien that technician who utilob be implementing the ideal oi both unit the core oi modern and the catalyst behind succoosiui economy GET STARTED NOWI COURSES START WEIK SITTIMIER 21 rm Coorm Mathematics 1h Mathematics ll Drilling iA Drafting iii Phyrloo Electronic Nndlmtntalo and ihura iiemreateut For Inierrrretlen Irvehuro and loplotraiien Day Horne lion Silt hion nun iuot hilt Tues ltlri liod hilt eatsi IItvve Nat raotooo pot or Vlaii Tire College at dill Doetrvgorth Street