Ted Dyie Palnrwlrk lirher iten Canaan airo reerred trophy II the leayuaa top pit rhcr Other team In the tea we included iliror itoiiy tlln AleonI Strood ilembell oi the Paint Painrwiek Inmtgnmlja or tea mantel with in win one teal record in ieayue and played union The helm tlhth lea recruit yua trophy by leave prerideol wick term iront itii are WONT Solo harry Webb Douy Brovtter Rickey Boyd Booby Turaooli MIDDLE how iatrtleltoheriaon Glee Warn Ken Cartoon lithe ItoXenllr Jerry Van iientert John Wilm MCI RON lltkI Quinton hobby Beau diltrtp Steven wire Murray Warnicl Coach DouI Tau btno Kevin it Photo by Pareto Elmvale Downs Borden Flyers To Take Int League Playoffs Toe Eirnvaie lierrhanta out armader the openertotbe neared the Bordon iiyrro To iiyerotheocarne backand won Sunday aim at have to the next three The Fiyrra took win the Barrie and Diatrkl the filth grave in Meol intermediate linal oer niIht torc the Sunday are too tour arm to two ninI coolert Eivalo look corniortabia 13 mrt nal lead in the early tqu iart aehedule wee area pod hIt nilht and were and to alter lie by the Iurprtalay mam iillliid hail lnnin team But then the more turned it no Tlywrl barely nipped late on nlckinI up two rune in the may gm pm My allthand Inothertnthvoeventh and lhentaport Yaorh iteoiion The Merrhlnta added to their amm to advance to lead in the el it when iark Kaowtden nor on tttito Stonaa ii tilTitltAN mans winner ciuhr prolemn workout Sun John itiriliiirn tlipa hard dur day at tho iiando arena til it damn workout at tho aminer ihotoi LETTER TO Tilt EDITOR incidentally would have been the lone ciuh tth deieated lotrr router out oi all in molar vea anrt play ily iuii it meant team uainy piayen who played the iiill you with our turn but who could not play labor lily weekend boraule oi previoua oommltmcuta Thla wII to no ropllyed Ianre our riditto teleet Irritable lireuowIa In rilrnulahle it lepton to be that Cnurch lioblie lldllllllleiii ed to remove the lporiltil eo ment by eiimirtItinl the north hItllica at tear ThII oi chum did not meet with our removal We aim tell that the Cnurtlt exv rculivo Ihouid not how we in ruler orrtlpuiationa tllraatiy coneernlnI their own hhil team We mind to preacth to IthI em ti on titan lull ollort to ticid learn due to ii tidaldliriiniilrdrr ill crat orhitrary militia come ridiculmu rulinll luirn iloCInn allied that in WHouiotlrItoae ptrivlwnuidhedl allliedtrorn whatnturtrrern alotlt theiorrnlrnen Iovoottirot rlltnlnahln Pierre under or llili watcotaid not allow mgr eanrel rd narrte Labor vaotthlli Tournament Ilml betwern Church ltolriie ilmuer Indimrlorlei llulman then were rotorri rulinca mode by John than the Tournament autumn Ind Churchr team mm Ill uniavnurabla to tho int and htter inouirinI Item oi let oi me we were all with the inr molten any were never drawn up Tltoiotnttlmerueomwtodby hm Dyy Ind huroh bio hlte llontel wll lulnwdll oran Innroved li cluhI with no Itnllatlon enteredl better Ittll who made the Mill 111 Iyelr irnrn one an on na or and or duhtltter aoveral hellod dil rorriuhr Ind much dollhorlu thr imperial cluh decided not tiriiod iiill loamy whlc 74 lead in the ninth with barroempty borne run However the Fiyerl Ilve it the bottom ol the ninth acoriny two ntnl Pitcher Pete Cdciiew led all with ainrte and went in mood when Jim thrown walked Centretieider itkit Duchanln drove them with triple iiut Carl Edwardo hold down IritlnI the next two bottom to otriko otti and pound oul FAwardI lave up it hire in yrttiny the will lie ltnick out revert Circilew who tilled in edmlr hly en the mound ior Fiyera liar lulu pitcher ernor In in Kaul waa lnlurrd in the oneninI name oi the limb wII touch ed ior nine hitI tneltadinI home now to Jordan and Stone iio Iiruck out two lordan Stone and centreoel der Jim ltcynoida were the lord lnr hatarnen tor the ltrrchlota in they eadt collected two itila Buchanan Cheliew Keith lia lel Don Walker and ion Archi haid each collected ivro hitr ior tho iiyera Noreeer it it Eimvaia dlolildlli border 00 002 in it Winnie PitcherEdwardl tall PitcherCireiiow gt Five litre Let Go At Pipers Camp Coach itIy tilriepy trimmed lire player oil hil trIinlnI camn roller Sunday II the tiar riv Filer condoned workouta ior the iWi OilA Senior moon lot In were riot winter At only leltwlnrer Grey Cair ten in Erie Further delccaemm Poul Dovtlter and ten Dray The rota tell the rim with it piayera on their roeter wt in the ti they are atlowrdto aim The Filer have until the timoithryeartotrimtolo platen ilowevor there to atlii hat tie min on tor the rim hiue llnva irtare are to deter rm all to ramp war tnrprealed with there kldl Oarlrnlyollrl oi the play era hacot eyIavoitIyood OW Ualorttrnetaiy ler them Iotne better hockey playerI added lie oaid andher experic in Intended lm orator note could ll of Irma them into Senior caiihro ptIyera tiaricpy had need look at tho piayrra beiore mailing the aura lie eyed prolpeeta tor Ila prartice meiona includiny live aerimmanrl heiore rnaklttI up hil mind Goaherdlnr anote Ire alili up ior robe will three player in the runniny includinn itrn Payne lll Hold Vautn and Ken btillof Newcomoro atili In carnn ht ciude Barriea Dob itontcith ieil winter on irom Junior ranka rentre Wayne liernd Iid and winner Nick lioirnea 0n deterred Goriepy tr atlll trytnI to decide between vet cran rearnuardl Ind newcom crI Iuch aI Jim Vlhittaitcr who will arrive in camp tonlntt and Walt Winnlek Toe Hyera will continue prac tinea tonitt and Wedmdey ovo ninI bclore meean tarm club or the Calliornla Golden Seaia in In exhibition lame Fridly Junior Colts Sign Three More Nearly Set For Coming Season and the local en The Barrie Mid trintanolun try in the our lor loop more player he re and dolenreman ith the Colta tor the co mm are netrnindero lilil litrp er ot Dario and John Gully Eimvaie iiarper returned re cenliy lrom tryout with Junior Peterhoroudt Peter titer nrlclieea iaat weekend the Delta lice Ilanod dolenunrln iicilh iltnry oi itontinI lliill ilenry played with the Junior Illiion Ipuad iatl year leach iin Cyr hII trimmed hia radar to plate the In proximate number he will rar ry tor the moon Were roundinl into good team min the Coila rookie coarh alter tiundrya workout It the Dunion St Irena it we dont have too many inluriea Cyr alldtha ian will he er poellliy ltrnnl Ittdeionro and rentre thia aeaaon lie la carry ion 11 deienletnen at thla point He walello imnruood with tito oily oi illrpor and tiuily lit the nrll The Coito will continue work dlrtaiorial ruling to leopardiro the outcome at whtt rhould be well piliod canto Yourl linearly PETE LEhiA iianlnrr lmoe iEIIlmatt Soil Team outa took hold Wednuday Imt helnro travetiloI loll gr ciuh Trio begin at rnlnl mo Next Sunday it will bIlieet the folio day It the Barrie arena nor are invited to come th out and meet the Celia irtnn that voted Sen iranclreo tlere to iltida loitdnmon Iy DAVE GRANT Jim Viktii oi iiIrrie took the lead into Bill Tum aioo Barrie on the 11h ion oi the who Fail Championahip Ind never looked back II he arorod hit ceeoad iralura win ol the yelr coolroverayv ItIrled when both Fulton and Viktii entered the third corner on tha itth iIn htiton went hill and ViltiiI in ion birth or well open and into the wall ior oertarL AI Fulton pulled out the atartera alartd he waa black timed II tlhelLatIrter thoucht be war at an however alter rneetla be tween track oiiiciola the two drivera it will reaolvod both driverr were partially to hilme Irai Fulton rvu allowed to re enter the race in tact peeition lie iinlohod ninth The tieid lor the toin Iliad trer roiuced by live on the are ond lap Kerry Goblin oi heeled bounced oil the trout atraiEdt and the rut oi the tiatd pi into hint Prohlblt the neutral had the lane on their leetihe moath the erudIo matehbew to Terry tiarr oi Orb and Al rria oi Barrie Both drivere had it race wint apieca tor the or con and the each Iward item Wynno war rplit between them llowerer it wII decided to clue airin dalh between to decide who took home the troth tlhaiulou lwith 3o month AIM r1 rota tea an pulled aheadtortay Otherawardrandtr to aentItiona were alao telr Pout to winnlnr driven belore tho iiookierSlarill NihSeaxon Opens li Till ASSOCIATED iiookie quarterback Jim Plunitctt and Archie illnninI made Iprctaeular pro debate to anico an incredible oproino Sun day in the National Yootheli beanie Piunkctt and hilonlttn the NolandNoaptcttIlniaot Januaryl pro drItt led New InIiInd Patriota attd New Otto Ina Salute to the two molt lllrle iinl replete on In openiuy day replete with Iurrrlua Plonkett the ielaman Trophy winner trom Staniord ihraw two totehdown palm II the Petr otunned Oakland Raiderr TN Another rookie cornerth Torn iiayea tron San DiIIo Sat played maloreoie II An tartia Falcona humbled theta IRADFDRD IT DARRII TAKINO ORDERS NOWI arrnerrn us loll wmrrmmrr wow an Ill14 1266414 335 32E ieature Dm mirror prcrldeni oi Grandviow Ford presented the Late Model ITop Ten with thek coah ewatdo while Dill John at iooee Automotive did iikowite tor the hollyI driven Barr and neutron pointe champ Dob Steveom ot Oriill both melted Sporiamaa oi the Year awardr lrorn lim trouid ileatinI Ind ioe iilu ton oi 0r iilia and lie lion yo oi liar rio received IvIrdv tor having tho rrmt hlaet llau Toe hutlootinr car awatdo to point on the ironic traded room from Viheeiapin Nevu went The ahorthanded DIrrte hug hy Toothlii Gubile evened their record It tool wine and tour loeloo Saturday with Iron win over the Toronto Plrater The Barrie RIC la west the vletlme oi their own mistake II they loot theiraeconri lelldl name oi the moon 11 honor oi the Toronto Nomoda Dory lamb acorcd all it pointl ior the iiarrie ill al they nipped the Piraiea It Sunnka Park in Toronto The Barrio eioh alerted the roe men down Ilene Whalide and tho Nomada arrylkandiendtroud looted trier iorthe Barrio dwliiliilfhiwi ununuiii ll nnmmnt comma umthoulenao Darrin time to 130 pm Barrie la meet the Toronto lion Latnb Ieored two tryaaodboot ed penalty Ioaland eon vert tor Barrio The Nomade capitIllrod on Ieveral ilarrlo ia miacuu In the only play to weather trleI and take no im From that barione lie in Toronto Gent iI iris pm It mull APPOINTMENT The lint ehlei luatiu at Van couver iallnd lltDllld Cana eron who had no trial traian Vikiii on the hole lilodeia Ind Bill iirimmer oi Shantyny in the iioliiIanr The rookie oi the year waa Iten liace oi Dorrie who received two irom Firmana Texaco Jark hleAnrh lrom iiraro hridyv received iierhrand Tool Box irorn and Tool Dll lrlhnilnl tor linlrhinx iith in the potato atandlnu and It elth award imm Wheeiap We draw were held track aido tor the two hiuett awarde Sterenaon won eitertertio irom ilill iowe Furniture while title Shauohneary oi Barrie won trip to Florida lrorn iiutoaia Travel Itccocy in Midland ltllhilt Diamond Divlalali lat lieai llrt Peacock to II McDonn lord llllil WI he tloIrldIe rt DIrr pro ilarrla Al Pirrio Barrie liar lie Jim Vittii illrrie hart Chliml Bill Tuiido Barrie lion McDonald Tor rntlo Bill ilckiord willow Grampionlhlp Viktli Don WIrdio Mid Shauohneuy Soho lliiiil iiooiiIan Dirieion ili Neat van India Barrie lion loony llarrie my tindin Sterner had iieal ltoh Statement Orlilta lioh iohnaton Barrio itiii Plrirnntor Shanty nay Coot Almu tier lord Paul Igniroorn iinko alone Jack Mrhnoh Such brldII Semi title Shaurhnruy Barrie Peter Sehotanua liar Monday To Titurrdey ouitttrtttitorsrntlnttuf wllhdmrlng ttollturrir no end dumplinga 75 Children under ta ems Complete meel includea Delovrt and leverage iohnIion room Pirimmet Anrua ooroenllw Presenling