Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1971, p. 7

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to tn to WENDYS COLUMN outiirg Ar Gables manner it our roe uu PRIMER yeIroidSopitin Stir Idler Junior Crescent Inxiourty Iwrits toe Irio Premier WIIIIIm ly ESIRILU at It to tents to eItJtn unexpected pill your wryperhth by yr 11 II MAY ll tTIuv fat An excellent day In which cl pilot tor tuture trIvel TI to TUNE It Gemini tivs ideIs wont seem to now but keep plut litre JULY tCrIeeri IltIlrI me Interim with nII plenr Dont let the throw you LY II II AUG II thee coed dIy In which to decisions oi importnee until ltnndny re to em tVirIIi ends Introduce you to one In Intrnsttnr torntntle will be In In Idverr cmlrco mood tonith the tun to DEC Tl thrillin portunlties In new you ccntiderrbly 22 lo JAN til tCIprt look tor tIvorIbIe out rentidentlrl dinette II to FED II lAdrurr Trionds hunt you up in mryou brvrtnmiod to IIARCII TO ROOPELTS Alpoctn In erhiIIrIttnr dry spoeleliy conducive to to IotIvItIeI Ind trIvel it leisure hotnI hItI to be ced to work In thinu the my It erriy II por then devote the button ot Iy to pursuits you enjoy nrt Theres prectiertly misdnl tron the list ot Ietlvttiesoutdoor or omrire the most ot reimrmstrnccr Just two lions Dont let rptrit nturo cIr ou 100 III out by tlItlery Is dubleueiy metlvrtcd this chrnco ol tmrt It me during September 0n Drprrtrnrnt et Ayrlrulture ood horticulturlstslrrcnm brinrlnt houseplrnts In very Ioou Potted pilots out up dlrceOy hut pinnted directly In the III my need to be drvlded utiinrr tIlrn thnt Ill pints no In need Inn hetero brinyinc them house Remove my tor and tently hose down the For pIInlr thrt Ire too tIle lhreeortoinineh eut oi the yountent Ind stront Iloot them to tend or loss ot utter Ohtrln there now tor ruceersIuI over nt ot your IIrden plants til LIVE LOBSTERS AvItlIblI Now It DAthlE SEAFOOD nmnunm Air Cnndiltened Open It to New to We rr tours CID IIION narrate rt mm utter It DIrtr rrrruoo riter the re rentrd the premier with lit durlny hII visit to the new rpIrtment complex In Toronto DIviI vrII wrrrttin up tor hII election Impeitn which otheIIIiy Irtr under wry next wort rCP Photo THE DART EXAMINER SATURDAY SEPT II It Simcoe County Arts And Craits Hear Report lBih Annual Fair Simeon Mrnty Art Ind hits Assoelrllon held lie that met In Iiter the turrtmtr mere the County Building Derrie on II In the ltth FIIr medium mriety SAW vtrlterr Itlusded Ind the roost book recorded nrmes trom Ill over Onterto hllltiiODl Orehcc U5A Sculltnd Aurtrrlio Ind the West indies lt tr worth noting this Mr reveried ml the county bIs top crtllemen II III tteldr CRAFT DAY Grotto Carlson Simeon Coun iy Recrprtion Services report ed on the crtlt dry held in June on IieIusoleiI lslrnd by the North CentrIl Roerettlon Directors As vocIItIorr Ito thInIed the Isroch PROBATION LTITED DARNSIAIILE IiIIte tAPl Robert Kennedy Jr Ind It SIryenl Shriver III were re tensed Thursdty from it month prantIonIry period by Jtdre IIInhIeI Donahue rit tiny In Iuvrniin session oI Bunstlbie Dirtch Court Kennedy eon oi the lore htw Yortr renrtor Ind Shriver bun oi the louder Pence Corp director were rhrrged August mo with beinr delinquent by rustn ot porsetrlon oI meri qur The boys cousins were to It the lime in low Itlon tor the crptbid lostrurtlon oi htrr It ttllne bin tarr hirl BIivd Itrs ll ttniltdre Airs ltonttnmery ltrI bleltrbb Ind ltrr It hittherr itr neutron Ilrted lender cm the noup In excellent evolution Ind next yeIrthey would Llh Lmtructlon In mile to cover period or two dIyI rI ther thrn one SENIOR CTTIlIINS btr unison extended to Invi tation lo the usocIItion tn rend two or three represenlnlltes to centereth nI County Senior Cilirens Clubs to be held It Ceorylnn College on either Oct so or Nov ldtte rtIil to be settled President oI the OriIIII Senior citireru Club Ilrr ClIrk spots at the areal need tor crIils hire linrlorv Irrncd to III II ricepresident Ind lrs Bolliiii It publicity Tamil pIIItr were mndo tor Christmas workshops to be held In November at Barrie aniline WIod Cootslovru OriiiiI Ind Port IicNIcuII The next meetlny will he held rd In the county buiI dial Irrie CONSULT DOCTOR Never rive bIby In drum wrtbout your doctors err GEORGIAN COLLEGE EVENING ADULT DIPLOMACERTIFICATE PROGRAM LEVEL AND SPECIAL INTEREST COURSES STARTING were or SEPTEMBER 17 mt llon Ttltl Iien Thurr Psychoieyy Sociolon history ot Art PIirttIny CerIroics Ilrurr Printiru ll hlen interior Drnwhrt Ind Devin nrer Archaeology Jitter Antiques Wed Crmerr Techniques liorictnd Advrnced ttrurr The Story oi CInnde Wtd Eltretlto Speech Tburr Drordcut chbnlnnee For Radio Ind TV Thurr Conversational French Int ll Alon Conversnllnnnl French Ill 1uer Tlnorl ltd MOI er IiiW IMI TM TMpmtldOO I80 100 rmpmtoroo so 10dtlopm srsoo YOR TNPORNATION IROCIIURI AND REGISTRATION TELEPHONE lhdilll OR VISIT TTIE COLLEGE AT til DUCKITORTII Bl DARRIE IIIENDTBNII Mwbenltitomllhenm or E5 annulmentmu Iitbrehrndwrtcbpewdehdu thernteiwvn Himmler lbetrees Ire Ilium tberemronrrwtldliovenrull lnthelrIrl Ummbtrdn Inlihil lIithavyh not Ieuiy Ir nuny In that werehttnoteutterntmrnnd yeti trrolenlcr IerrrIlnroItlrrmcbederrthr downhill AMI tunrdr Christ The smell ot the meet room In Ilmort rrnbeIrIblI Ind it urledtortuyoodrsitrmeu wtvrx ebIttId with other wives tbry IlrrIdy knew no mIdI Irlrnds with than they brdnt There he been quite ehxnre II who to Dane In In there were Ihout to doctors not too my ot wen rtr New In over 50 doetnrr Ind ltIrrII tr very veil rervrd with runny quIiiTlcd minim In runny ditterent tieldr And Is toot It the noun new din ever met Irr Intony the mid die It wires where wu once in the younyer poop lnoirerrer vae ImIIl third Ind the wives pm It the Study Determines Etiecl 0n Fetus trtrnwri rcr TederIl Iti lhoruivs hxve Ilurtdthd study to determine upouure ot In men to dioxins point them militarily toxic to the unborn Ono ol the Tbodd minted chemith Is loom rontItrtl nrnt oi LIST herbicide whose militia thI been do tected In the pest In some North Americrn lands The most potent member ot the lImlly Lr nthlemme rodibenropdioxin IrrtI by Dr II ltherI Ind Dr Rud druy diretlorIte thawed thl tnur mterorrrrnx per lIIocrIm ot body weight wrs lethII to the unborn or promo rItv Outs Irn hclnr run re It minute qumtitler Dltl crept into the CIhrdIIn Iood IuDILY They ruvit trons toinl Ittrdiet by the directorete the loud Ind Iuthority oi the United Steins Ind Dow CbemIcII CoI mitt At rnInutIcturer Authorities here consider list the IethIl eltoetr In tItr ot even Iuch minute Irnounu prebxbly would be uprodrtcrd lt burorn embron were exposed NonI wt Iound In checl at It rImplex oi mrrynrlnes Ind six ni exelthie oiir nor to the tissues ol two Iecident victims Dr lluddick estlmIted In In Interview tint women would hrre to me in too xrrnts ot the meet potent chernIcIl dry tor rurtIlnod pcrlol to Illeet In MEETING El The view It DIrrie Irvttr the other ride ot the Dry tr mt Intertidal ltI run to til then Ird pick out the minus IInd rrrxrtt in on to wrlcb the run set in riortnur iIst minute Silica Gel Dries Flowers September LI the int ehrnee to utter Ind dry more new In inr winter hoiruuett Some Ilorrern In he Iir dried hut oth en rrelr Ix rinntrs roses mIri yoldr Ind rnIny tollue plrnts In dried utter IitIeI rel Itortleuiturirtr with the min Io Drunrtnrent oi Atriculture Ind Food vurrut plrclnt try er ol ItiicI rel on the bottom pt eontIIner in unit It Ilrtlrtrt On this try the bloom or toll In Ind eorrr rentiy with more oi the eel lleplIee the lid re eureiy on the nontriner it the lid Is not lilriilhl tape tho Ith In Ihorl omit the plants will be dry with color Ind dupe intIcL Stored In IIrtiyht eontIirv erv tth Ire reIdy to be used It my time To reuse the Illle tel hate it the i0 minutes II no to dry It out and PW Club Business Meet terrerII httninesv meeltnr ol the Durinesr Ind Proteeriorrrl Womens Club ol lirrrle er held It the heme ot tirs ttyI clntbe Scott ln Thornton PtInI we mrde tor tIlt tuit lens to preside wtth styles by Zelierr Ind Wilt by Golden to be held It the Sunnidrle Cert trc Get It It yum There will be prizes rehubrnentr red rookie Ind cIniy rule The vexulre dinner metlinr thI he held Sept ll It ero pm It the Americrn llotel with the them bty itlerndtrinrs Grend Opening CONTACT LENSES $88 KALT CONTACT LENS CENTRES RARIILE It Dunlnp TORONTO Your IId Erlinton mess IIMIII mIIIndyetJrIdyethnttoe hrlet tenement II an more Ind other Iome IIIt crumbs oi toilette plum to run tor the he winter thud linmnn nutr retr with our treIrure trotes oi decline orrtdoor uremia trot even reriisinr thIt we In riorlny rnenwrer unirl they route but to us during the hieIh time It IeIIiut Dwain rrrmr NOSTAWIC MOMENT Perlpr one or the boom ot writiny column it IhItooI it more titely to repreetrte In evenlnt like this hereure not their Ibout It In detIil Ir one writes but on the other btnd ereninr like thin beeturv one In rood time Ind they didnt vaI to rush home Ind write romethInr beerurr Ix nruII theyd left It riyht up to derd line limo IyIIrrl Ill never turn YOU SLICE IT You can eIrn extra money by selling those noiongcrneeded Items Iroutrd the house with low cost ACTION AD EPHONE 1282414 TODAY rerun BARRIE EXAMINER Id BIyIIIId 5t THE FOLLOWING AIIE OPEN SUNDAY FOR YOUII CONVENIENCE DELICIOUS Deep Fried Jumbo Shrimpr Alon wrote It our tIIuIt service BARRIE SEAFOODS RESTAURANT Air Continued Opel It to Condor tel It to It Closed htoIdIy rte Brodinntl It reenter SHOPPERS DRUG MART PRESCRIPTIONS DAILY In to It In EVERY SUNDAY ll AM toS PM rte weuruten mots Dont let People AIrumo You Are Open Sundry TELL THEM cIIt 1mm tor turther Intormetlort llIrrleI Newent Computerised Antomttp CAR WASH it even every Sundry BAYFIELD SUNOCO CAR WASH XII Infield SI lvrtdr Ind Pl DriveII ROBERTOS PIZZERIA Robertol PIIIII the but in ten TilM Iron Delivery Tum III It it In Tour to non Ill It III Ilk It III ll CM green TEFLON center vrevvnns ere esuouo BRAND DLANNETS 72 to genes LARGE GLASS vrrctttres FREE JUMBO ore SMALL ruuatens green DELUXE SHELL emery over CUSTOM surmount Irene COLORFUL cornea muss over LARGE even srerus vner see or WHISKEY crosses FREE ALL THESE AND MOREI OBTAIN FREE COUPONS WITH YOUR OAS PURCHAS I88 Burton Ave Dorrie

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