Teprc IAJCrciwng orporat ironemotirrtlxethoe eeti unin3 exp nets g5 EE 35 ii =E repent soonest Depends On Public IAINDON OnL CPI IE IE is ii is month minors renown ruledlheithelnrytnespol Ihelrdeelhnlhleieemoniy rooster liroineotprrneditet one eherre oi pctmedlleied ednrnrdutetoedeethe rnnsderhcienthe thet olewonunld Ileee anedetehootinrouteidellr leLiAPPhotet an end rehebililellnr oi the NW telly celled IrIdIy tor Imeli eeileuitideot teciit ilee thel In more pert ol the eonnnunl iJving condition tend to he dull monolomx end tlnper Ionel the lewyer Ieid oi the prodoeee terrer Institution hit Lwaence Ieid the report In moot critteei ol the how It It Oriilie Ind hrrlthe lIllI eh them the reportIi recom mdellooe Ire lotloeid INT Will till no south oi ChIlAIm Coder Springs wee not the eenueneumieettheonee iiii Tdiilmii iii it corri peter In else to lnetllutiont el Income ngnms Oiilie Ind Smithe hilt tech OTTAWA tCPi Al ieIIt have ruident lotel exceeding wnllnh Wedgie co Ier ilopperceriioltheulnextit tried din lnllnltltutlobecenhereturned mm tor provinclei gnuhind in tolheh communitieelhe heelth eonie ex rinien the id rrilnieter Ieid we might be eeitere Ideepertiridnt Ieidl IhiI to tree Coder hello to dey eiy men lrom euch experimenlr the government hopce to turn the IIrisSundayaiIIieForum OniarioPlaeer Singalongus Es QB Edi iii crown MINISTERS rnorrsr lhmmeohonoltbellm itnlteddlItee Intloesode Itobe cehloct Attorney Geri nodeer de ce el erel ll lleclllng right Municipal AllelrI rnlnlrter lb Irieyor Stephenl hlr Pew iey end Nee relic BIA Govt To Order Dairies To Replace Milk Jugs redloeetlre eontenrlnetlon ol the see epckunien lot llr Kellie erid the MP to here every number theku sign the petition To Make inquiry OTTAWA tcii Erlernei Alleln Illnlete lilirhell Eberp Ieid Pride he will intrtillI into reporte thei miner lilll lio hewk indlen born It Deleronto Ont wee twice tdd he could not btetn purport until he Mi cldmdduutldiill Coy Mm thdmm liCltP it our menu new eteehtnent It too stare hed uked the mloieter icy whia wII Impierneotzd Senlt which errenred Inui whether he wu rule thI lir Aug it Ieid thel Iiter the tint log with Ellie who begin lililhedbeen reliuodepexrpdti mild RChil will hevo lo eupplylng iniorrneilon no mere In there grounde rel reion ol perente or end lretiieltere Apill it riot mm um Alterliir Shirp said be world rue belore eceopilnr inn eeeyr thei willie lhepubite lnoiun into the nutter itr titer intorrnetion rm itowetd unto lndlerr Aiill ile told the Oommooe rrtoiy gm mg yum Idlnleierleen Cirretienlorneh thei elx invenllu were being mu mum decleretlon thei Iridiene born peld no cuuel hole II he hm hm hm pulp 41 in Cenede erI Cenedlen cltl lormere when the policy wee lee regiilerlr to rnehe euro thei uni hroutht into etloct the ill coniein In ererIge oi till elllemont Included do mil ouncee lelied reioctlon It Iiterellone RegrlterDealere TORONTO CPI Arthur iwlhl Walked Oil IOII mull mm Mam it uh id RCMPbed given him choice till lit mlI mm mom WiNiIlOll CPI In conrrner In In or ron Roniyreied wrkgILel Donrin trounced Frldey thet whoioeele blr lyer enld the Eedle elie ionlorgICoweiied orrrhegal dietrthutore oi peperhreire Ind geli were rnrlrtio Ind nutt el mldoldrt many night only periodiceiI will be required to clone ile eleo Ieid thel itedle nine hem Itter lettditch nego register with Mr 0ntIrto ddpert tletlone to Ivert their eixlke coi mm bit 06b on WI WANG willlllo ellerrteiting thIprvvtoeerl here Mr Boyde directive over mm mil In the cm ruledhy Marti hir Boyd iuued lturede directive to the city weer cult to remove ell it end it yeeroidI Ind nreell llyerrolde tron wellete About 150 perrone ero Illortod We intend to ellelid the city coirncii next Thiudey end do rruni tht thiI order mulling weilIrI lay your poo be toned on set specimen TORONTO lCPI The Globe Gnd llell erI the tederei gor anoint will order oelrteI end dug milk Iioru to repim Merl ptutte you that hereehrunieeermltotre Iieriliutlon end no will hold three orient lhI newepeper ouolel Hmteeoren lor the wridlle Ind rreelrrree breech oi the dlllir meat It eonenntcr Ind com rete Illelre II ying doc to alone exlItIng reguletlone on oonlelner IlrIng wee teleI reeently end it to be rorrrmonl cried shortly to the detrice The epolumn Ie meted ee eerie the ehrielege which in me Ineleneee Ipproeehed It ounce lnr rue dimmed ehoot three your ego when the delriee were Ieizd to tebe elieel gunrenieed eonuel in tome echernes on Inch lectore Is work incentive prodrlrllvit minimum wege levels ienti tincture Ind eoelel euvices Weltere llinirter lohn Munro Ieid in eleternent thet the pro rem represents new dimen Ilon In Iodereiprovirtelei Iilorte to explore how eoclel estietenee poiiciu cen be mede ours Iiicctlvo Continue To Use Drug Interment OTTAWA CPI The RCMP will continue to eceepi intorrne lion lrorn luv to hilt no iongIr will pey Im II lnlom In or on then to buy drug durinug iomtigetioou do or Tell it till liter term in Guelph ltr Ooyer Ieid the loci Ire thei Ildld lei oned unwell polled IndeeM Ihed lntorrnetlon on drug Till Oornlell poiine lntormed lhe Irerd Fewiey irenlrol end ll neneernlnlrter Saul Gauntlet Coolch Iddmred tht It toiled ehout tie in therinr belote Ineth to Mum Millill CF lltiiitl 11 lll Path Domes mg APPTQVGI OOIiNiiIALi CPI we once peid tormer tor hpcmmy rum mm mm Idiom 14 mm Eedlo Er lhcroe no wry we wm hm mmVd we told him toetey out II lllir Eedie vi II commen ng till tJlllltginl hygllcltolign In em one yer In nhOADmtT who wee loin on it It the god llr Wirhnrt nid the licensing ltd members at liocri its ttrrroweerite vcnllowhlleen lolormer luveolle Is delinod under oi the United Auto Workerr be it their etrite elter union oi dell reiected whet they told we the tint wege otter mode by the compeny in more then three months It negotlrtlone Ihe comprny prvpmd lh er conirect with lreeu eppiying ior the tint yeer ol the contract Tile compIny which menu lecture euto cements wee lorced to log all ltd worker lIel wool beernee oi IoIr oi bprinen Frldoydl oliice work ers belonging to hotel lit UAW were Ieid ell Papers In Poking OTTAWA CPI Externel Alleirr lilnleter Mitchell Iherp Ieid Friday the eovemment would like to In more CInI dierr neweplpcre rcpreerntod in Peking liowever this wet melier tor the Chinese government he edded iiI wu replyinr in the Com rnone lti Jerk hictnlorh PC hwiti lhtrrenlllepie Creek who tried when The CInIdlIn Prue Itd other medie would be this to tend xepmentetivee to Fe klir tir Slurp Ieid Crude leikrd to chine Ihout lhle metter both helore Ind etler the whore oi dlpiontelie mlreione liumene Trapping IIAIJTAX CPI Cenedien rueerchue concerned with city to enltneit Ire oonduetlnp eurv oi inhumrne treppng pr oer Ii IAttili director oi the Ctnedlen Attodellon ytor iiu rrrene Treppiog told eioeing III Ilene oi the Intel contereneI oi the Cenedien Tedocetlon oi iinrnene Societies here hidey that the multe will he tends Iyeltehle to other eouniriee dociel workers VANOOUVEII CF Vent eottyer roclei workere here de mended thel council throw out In order by ell weiiere direc tor Weller boy eultlng oil so IieiIeeletence peynunte to teenererr under it Al meeting It the United Cdmrrnrnily Borvtcu oi the Ven couver erceerr orgerrlution tor volunteer Ioetei work graan gtlevro member Ireneier tilted to back UCd more to Beat Oil NDP OTTAWA tCP Iiihetel Ind Comrmtlve hlle on the Com mono iinrnce committee heel oil In NDP etlernpl Frldey to tlditen tho gorenrmcnle pro poled tot million grenle to CI nedlen lnduItry dtrnxpted by United btelre Preldent iiichnrd Nixone Import rurchorrer Pdwerd Broedhent INDP Oxhewevlhhllhyt proppeed thei tho grente be mode to pieni only it It melntelntd employ ment It 03 per cent or more at ile employment belore the Nixon eurchnrree were Impored Aug Id end lhIt every inure eelvlog grent heve ill neme nrede public Blast Protest OTTAWA iCP petition proterting the propoocd United Stein nucleer hint on Arr chilhe in the Airutlen telendI II help circuieted by We on IIrl Intent Iilll The petition to be mil to United Stetee Preildenl liieherd Nixon wee written by Berry Hither thPeurreytii seedy ImperitM Iii ere rItem hm oi the itouu oi Commone oi Coriede belolltlpi to til the Irliee represented in thir icueo urge yo to heed the werningr oi Idem end the ep peIiI oi humanity end to meet the impending Insults nucleer Rubi nueioer cht hint on tied within two woete ilee en titletelly ptpldllbd by the Cenedlen government which teen with lldel weveI end procedure Ie Iirned el protect ing CInIdien ownership end control It thin lmportent eeg wt oi the puhiirhlng Iiidltl iie IIld dieirihuiore will be required to renew rlllllrlllml ennueiiyeothed rtlnerileen he kept ewere chenree trt perlonnciendownerehlp The regixtretlon ie one oi the Emirioru ol the new Pepert Iek Ind iIrtodIcIl Oirtrthu lore Art which cImI Into eliecl tellowing In interim report leIl June by royei commleelon on RWNDDOIIAIIIH To Receive Aid MONTREAL CPI French lengngo weekly newepepore in Sudbury end St iionlleco hi Ire lirtt on the list to recclv helping heryl Irom committee motored by the Quebec cui lurri ettrire dtpllllillilt The threemen committee we set up iert month with In III ItiIII budget It Input to extend iechnlcel Ind proloeelprill Ild lo Frenchten Ire weekilre Willdp the prov nte Jerri lorreln oi lonireei committee member Ieid In In interview Frldey thet the tint weekiiee to he helped will he in Voyegeur oi Siidhury end Le ilherte et ie ietriole til it lion Ilece The eeriltenee would be in two Iorrnr Technieieru end epo eleiiels would he lent irorn Quebec to help orieide weekllie lmoroyo thclrproilt picture end empioyeer oi outrtde week ltee would be brought to Quebec to tour pirnte end Icrluire expo time here ATTENTION PROVINCIAL ELECTION OFFICE IS OPEN at89 Collier St lClill Ooodh elurrilrrg Ollie Phone 1166504 the Juveieiie Delinquente Act it under it in Oniexlo MATTER INVEdTlOATlD Ill Ooyer Ieid hie Iletement resulted irorn err Inlerltrelion RCMP Commierinrier ll leilowirir eiiegelloru me byEedlI in the ioldvielprt Interview Bedte llld on television night get picked up by the iCornwelil city police re gerdlng toioxicetlen end they ceiiod the RCMP bcceurs ilin were were know people on the dnrr Ilene end they lorced the hy lhreelening thet they would send me beck to prieon ll did not give them intormrtion merding druge Eedte hed completed prroie Dont House It lAmmonr eeriier lrl dey thei Mr Eedioe Ion Rob ot hrd eupplied lnlnnrretioo to tho RCIIP with his perente consent The Inilcitorrenerel Ieid the punter Eedie now It hrd eeueid tilt during ttiyeer perl Ior Intorrnetion thIl enr bird liChiP In thlr em to noise number at drug reeee DENIII ITATEIIIENT hit layer hrd eneeered the younger Eediee cont ieirile Ihoul heeilnge recoil he eeuxe ho wee err tniormtr by which he retired modicei etleltllon Ind tor which Mr leniiiy rctusod to prcsr ehergeI depend Oll windfalls The only euro way to Irnrvcrt money is to grow your own One olthc crisiest and quickestInd safestways to grow money is to put it where it will bring you eight per cent in Vittorio and Grey Guaranteed investment Certilicelcr So bring your eurplus cosh inond bring it in today not watch it grow and grow and grow It Victoria and Grey VG nlllltidl Trial Company drrotrdentlnty Io mriu the writ Ifdeterie Incl rnuor COMPANY amen loop on NowuniilOrioherii Ii yairivo been longing for good oldielhloned Ilngnlong to get involved in title is our chence So come on down pick up our mngrheot nnd oln Joln enlertninchincc Monntlord feeding nlong Time Sunday It 830pm in The Forum Singnlong with choral grou Joln in with the Cineitson Coin In Cleanse end The Oditerlo Place Slngcre pa Youll hear rent old favorites like You ArcMy Sunshine Roll or it Out the Barre Alwnyr Chulng Rolnbowe Bye Bye Blues IndIi otherl Alltntlte IccompnnlrnentotDorothy BrontheySnIytlr It the HImrnond OrgIn Theree lots to do It Onlnri excltln cnlertnlrrmcnt in the Forum Exhibitr HMCS ls tour hoot rides Arid Onterlor best collection of good oddle unreelnurnnteloun II Plnccnew iilnts nt Clueshcre nldrt Onlnrlo Piece on Iekcrhore iioulovnrd opposite Exhibition lnrir is open dnyr wcclr until October Gilles on 10 mm ouirds tree ImAdmisslonr AdultISIAIO Students Clrlldrcn 1225ti Senior Citizens and children under7 free Innuendoelem lienWliliIin DeviePrierIIhilnltler liortAlienGroInnutMlnllttraniedcendDeveiopoml COMING SOONmAT ONTARIO PLACE Sept TO For erlditlonnllnlornrerioneell3loh771i TORUhl Sept 19 llrbO Int Polish White legit Deerern lrorn Kin ton lthOncoounlorsczyrAOirlr run AuItrlIo Alps ivotrt Iiinplon liw pm the TeutoIiI Choir leonr Sieelioed Ooterin lirld pun lSIIgriongllrvio rio OntorioPiooIEallEestivalt bitdroflelenl Night with hoet Bill wrenso tirttl pen timber Rock Concert this part Netlonel Bellrt ol Cenede bill tun Slullit Steel Bend irons lrintded wm COVE Sept in lieu pun TollInch Concert lVlIillSLAND Septictidy rmR IiiInedlenlIgloo Reel Meer lng