CaIehlaro the Labour Day holiday with bargains tar Iii lire Imiiy during this great rtcrowtde rae Be rule to shop early It rm quanties are limited One day only Monday Sept IO am to 0pm Deelo1llhtta gagteat Dontbuakm lab IsIrdl dutch JItueee to clue Irlend day In outer term or Wri Feb Flam emu Inoicqte mum hm oooIldeane freedom It more rnent nowmore In lIrt Loon you my llIvn Ind tor the week the period leaped rumiorturtherla penuul and native oh In and tben Ihocld be on the IodIl the romIntIe Just one admonition Some per Ionnrnnytryto eIltIIIII no the preyIlilnIIpIIIt on It IIlInI Idmtgoldho Mums er pronoun dildo Iehomea or tryin to toIlect on Iyntpo mm and Ildeete NJ nu MEETINGS not womr Institute met IlhahmolhdnJoy laurbeed In Auluatlhln taint lonypened the new Iod rot ull wu Inewered It It were to alert Iurnlor thI IOIIHEIIIIII An lantItton wII Iecepted Iron Pk to beer Dr WIrnloI rout of his work on lhnlndaniunIIeId An vitation lo be extended to CrlehurIt to Iliend meet ItnlonSepI lw allderoII trip toIlurtrIllI will be Ibown III wen completed tor the en ed In henla iIIr hIrI tour heed converter oI Int hId tome Intereston commie on the tdl work In IRINIIWI ludjll touched Ihowod Ioma rbore MW comawesoohootm unholptoeoaetho vooofnat hunt IlemphuLs terllul no uwuruser $100 Altoutstanding vaIuI Polyester cotton longsieeVId lancy stylor sltirta in an assortment ol colours Sireh ma uorIs oeetnrueur trnerirotintrnnr It or 67 Now contains prote InI ornf bonus Your chorcn ot lion atom or toll reportan IIIurvIlos DIIMIIIM loan womans loaIII Owns Easycaro grained manrnado un peu Slightlysqunred too Ind penny me vap Sires to 10 in brown Ind Inoc oemruerlr lions easyom Ilipon 00f no smooth manmade uppersaiusl wipa clean Handsome oloc vamp stylrng wrlh hrdden gore Sizes 12 in blackand blown SNOE DEPAIltlllNT oelunte jewellery Your choice 2$I choosotroln wide selection at costume jewellery tor IIlI Ropes chains pendants brocelels pins and oarnnge Irwetteirv oeeInruetir ioe pullon petite Grand 499 too polyester crimp Inirputlon eryla with stitched crease In new Fall fashion Inaoea unteoomnruellr hertr In 67 An elleclivn anticavity tootnnrste conlarntnd MFP Regularor mn teroreen HEALTH AND IIAUW AID DEPMNENI large 44 qt hampers YOUR CHOICE 199 Sturdy poI conlnxlm with neododrer to or arrival top In assorted brront musehold column HOUSEWARIS DEFARTMENI Idluthltle Ironing board current 550 499 Seven Idiurlabla positions iron it to 36 Mesh metal ion has smgprool edges 14 size wousewanea oerInrueilr lnIInlI blanket Ile One roll $2 Soon nipped little with no knit collar and culls Dome instertere on tronl crotch and legs Flnk moire or Ioua Siteeis to clluoilenn DEPIANENT ti lonc Iloeta cordigan Our $6 Doublebreasted cardigan has raglan sleeves lion pockets and brass buttons Wrote navy red oerge Sues UDIEI DEARWENV llltl l1L llit 333 Isl nunlrly 1001 polyester Crimp lrnrt ta machno washable Many pattern to choose Irons in more than 20 taentonrsnaoes IAIRIC DIPMWEMI Wood folding chair Our no 199 299 Sturdy hardwood chair laid up Ior easy storage Buy several at this low low price HOME FURNISHINGS DEFARNENT Poll and color sol II vur silicone treated pad Ind cover sat Ftls any regulators board Now priced tor super savings HOUSEWARIS DEFARNEHT o4 Permanent pm hair or lerry Iene or polyesterund lotion blendn side buckle no or belt loop waist HEN oeeanmenr 24 lauronlian poncils comm 47 iirrllrrnt colour counts or pluslrc sleeve pouch Farrtous Laurerttren quality by Venus SUMNER DEPARIBENY IIIIIIII denial oream 60Polyerler llrimplrnii 12 Fyhriler ma 99 Frna point lrber trrp mat tn r2 tarnbow colours Nonlortc and long wrtltrlg SIAEIONERV DEPARDAENI Electric oon opener Speeiel 99 tnn Wyclt electrtc can opener vrlrl Cteanramalrc cutter and bottle opener Complete untt ts essriy cleaned ADPLIANCES DEFARIMENT Kodak Super 519 colour moure lrlrn ca moo inc Kodak HUS20 329 colour slido irlrn ea proc inc Kodak KXI 3540 129 Colourolide lrlrrt ea oroc inc Nodal 12620 329 colour slide lttm Ea pron inc Polaroid 108 colour pack Itlm 93 Polaroid Ed 15 colour pack Irlrrr CAMERA oeeinmewr Boys sport rts st era Long sleeved cotton ttannei shirts hava double needle construction throughout lrt assorted colourlul prlnlcd coocts nors oeemmcnr Our rep III 217 ltded relrll paper ls hole pun lled nun mnrq lIiIsrro his all mnocrs Iasl SYAEIONERV DEPARIMEHY 0uv log 29 FIFE polrll nttl slay sharper longer Lonpiaslrrtq tnn Suppl tn led blue or buck STAIIONERV DEPARTMENT Acrylic swag Inmp Our no it 699 smartly styled harrgrng lamp oi acryttc plastic 01 Doll rd 15th cold and chain I000 shoalralill to quanlrtrc Stringer marker pan HOME FURNISHINGS DEPARWENT LE best buy bulbs bulb pilot Stock up now at tnrs low price IO 60 and too watt bulbs Getstt quality bulbs now ioriustS HARDWARE DEPARWENY Stretch nylon double knit pants have extension waisttiandihdsltt ehed ironl crease in assorted so mad