Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1971, p. 7

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entUMhl nod relented orrrwr rcrr no United to handle otthYeIr Dies 0i Burns WAWA iCPt Currie til Stoho It riled in borptlrt day It settinlitctld borne tour ounce my corned to death in the urethra bedroom Ind her your son so rtously inbred tits om sound in tttt with utitll nurrvhr iollpwlng the monomers oi her hos hlod Il Sotlo nesr Breckvllle no so trees rental on tut year Tuesdly ndshbors ioond Sulphita Ind Piper Itili Work err lion than but dean met prior to todafs inrmll opening It the international brother hoods nth weeklong conven hamt solved their plvhle About son workers It Eldo rrdr Nucinsr ltd mining and rellning division trdrsri Dows ltiorr in this north rwmtern tltehrwrn town went on strike It llzhtlsn today to hlck mm de gmssobolbodylnherbsth mlndg mm critically brunt pocue llshter it over hersdi Ind MW PPMem tier dlu er tormdlderd in bed bleeding uverellg born hlnrn mar blow on held tie is now ttrtId in IItistIctory condi tion in hoIpitIl tilYearOld Donor BOSN AP An may old woman described by her doctor to thI worlds okiert kid ney donor is reported in satis trrtory conditions liter In tlon in which one other on wrs removed and trrnrpirntei dulled run run ti noun tiles was nlmplsnted to Edwin Ilnlly it also oi Boi ton lvr hrd my tits litre Pin la raid and it Mythic hsp thus all rtdsL daugh rlnilw Marion Edwin gnome n1 Form In Dr Allan Barnett the surgeon Vb loperrisod the rtlon Prldsy It Peter Bent rlghrm Hospital slid the kidney hem hrnctioninx hunodilt in tn llss bod he slid was no rlgno raleetton freighter looted SARNIA CP The tens rtion wrs lust toe in term SIrniIr more en ti to resist lbere was the Gordon ireighter hlrllhllchigln Irormded on shoal near the Canadian shore It the mouth It the St tirir River its cargo ot Scotch whisky clearly visiblo girough hole in the port One Sarnir man took his boll close to the ship wrdod into the wrter with large net Ind lei with then cases oi liguor through other iooters hrve plundered the ships crrgo oi Scotch to prompt the posting at security men to gursd the rImIlhlnl Tropical Storm hilAhii AP troplcri de pression with winds gusting to liliihriihiii on or to Miami Sun night Incl bladed iowrrd the oil oi Mexico the Nations tirtrrlcrne Centre re pasta No injuries or property drrn age were reported Drought slrlckrn Irons ot south and con mi Iloridl received up to two inch or rain the centre said The depression trrveiiing westnorthwest shoot miles In hour might strengthen rttor it rerchu the Gull south oi lImpI toreerster said The tout weather tront which developed dry liter lrcpirri theborwutoendm Gert litrehts spokesman ior inerttit tinitod Steelworkn oi Amerlcl Ilid today the strike Iclim hld beenapprode Iweekegobyaiupereent The son miners mill operr ton and maintenance personnel reiected eoncllllilon board re port recommending sixpoo cent ioererse tor the period Feb so rm to July Ir rm and lurther sirpercent in mm iromJuly it rm rmtil July it rm Mr Kuchil slid The eondlirtlm report wIs up ceothlo to the comprny Whrslry Co Sale CHICAGO AP Stock holders ot whisky mmplny with rnnnrl sales It not mit iirrr have decided to go out ol business to make the min or its Outlinan Ont division more protable taster Abelson president or Brrton nrtods inc slid llqtddalion is in the but In teresl oi Iii shrrtbolders the min trrtor in going out ct ullness wsr laser Abolron slid internal ttIve nol Service ruin thlt it thl iIIlI price pt miners in morethrntherssetstohetiu oldlted the unions don not bloc to ply tune on the prl tat grin Swirnnrer Stopped SECIELT EC it De termined swimmer mu Cald well wrs pulled irom the waters oi Georgia Stroll late Sunday night overuse by tunes irom In Iccoruplorlns tugboat mile short 111 nriieswim The North Vancouver public nurse htd been in the water nerrly it hours Iiter leaving NInIitne hIrbor on Vrntcuver lslIud it wrs her tourth try It rIIching Mission Point ronth oi here on the British lolumbir nratnirnd Typhoon Strikes TOKYO ilieuierl At less it personswa deed Ind Ils missing todly Is typhoon Trix hit JIpInr souuri island oi Kyushu Police raid it persons were tutored the worst incident crured in ltlysrrkt provmce where ltodsildr hit small hospital Ind buried nine per mits Only three were pulled out to Nerrly Aooo people were mounted irom their homes Ind lourd shelter in schools and public halls in Oita two cars were washed sway with bridge The typhoon with winds oi up to to mph wu moving north that over Kusbu It ti miles In hour today Weathermen slid li Vlfr tikeLy to hit the isirnd oi Shikoku Ind the western part oi llnruhu Japsnx main island Typhoon this is the second tinteaming methln 1M mimottirirts ihehroadeningoithelutoov Whithemadirnsecilonlr In ng with thI Sikkim Idop IIIt yerr by Cana dian labor Congress resolution supported by the Canada cluens proposed that the three Canadiln hoternrtionri vieepresldmts be elected esciu elver by the Crnldlln drlo gstes It the hnternltimll coo vurtlon Search Tightens WELLAND iCPl The search wrs concenirlted hr two Irers today tor light piraa which titrappesred week Igo on tiidtt irom ktrnsileld Ohio to Toronto detailed Iertch ot heavy hush tour rrtilu west nl here beglo Ilter Iklrt wsI iound Sunday which might being to era It thI tour penonr who were rm the terror in lhl Carol III dislppesred during reverI thunderstorm its pilot Gerry Lumen hr his last rldin mart when till plat was just west oi here said he er tort Ind hr dittlculty In Oliville provincial police In touching take Ontrrlo Il Bronte lllrhur where barter xId his anchor hit Iorxrethlng solid rn no test ot water Stops Translers TEL AVIV AP Israel has stopped trsnsterring Pliestinirn retugees tram camps in thI Gus Strip to housing outside the strip totermed sources still today Suspension oi the conirov stat pmgrsm ls indenite prod lng lrntlser decision by the government they said The rources suggested severIi iactors led to the movI inter oetlonsi oblection espeelllly by UN Secretarytknsral it Thank plus complaints by relugees thlt they had been moved too its irom their places ot employ rnent The newspaper itsrretr slid one reuou wIs the reluctrnee et thr retugees to move to the occupied West Beak ot the ior drn despite lsrleit enticemurls to nova there Polite Rescue EURNHAM ON CROWN Englrnd AP Sending Prime htlnirtlr Edward Heath retested tearaged boy and girl May with his yrcht Morning Cloud but the operltlon wls con ducted with typicll British reserve Ilerth steered his yrmt alongside In upturned rtc ing dinghy in bery sols oli Englands tat coast Ind eliled to the couple clingiu tothetoselnsbor Do you wish to be rescued They did Ind Heaths crew hauled them Iholtd loe teenrpers were not identied Printing Method rmw Your art sub issber has discovered sheet by accident cornplrt method oi prlntiny designed to reducI the number Ind cost but not the content oi important books thll Ire threatening to swrmp mIn it torrn oi reduced print lns hair wa between micro lllm muons oultv oNltdors Ind Sluilele printing thlt is using up more Ind more space You might all the new corn pIet method would Irxt oi environmenttl control alys Albert honl who hrs been in the New York publishing busi ness tor more than 50 years TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE IIItilt MIN FAILED to dsmpen hamlets wbo demonstrs led on PIrinsrrent hill in oh the enthusiasm oi close to laws Saturday tlI mnnding is tea eourt rights ior homosexuals ICP Photo Executives Visit China To Discuss Air Service HONG KONG illeuier 1vo executives oi Canadlln Parltlc Airlines which wrote to open In Ilr link between Vancouver Ind Peking mind here today liter today visit to Chins they told news contesencl thlt nttirllls ol the Glitters rlte Iixlines the Civil Aliltion Admrrietrstion ot Utinl had expressed hope that In rir Igreement would be concluded soon betwern armor and aim This world allow Canadian EELPSPOOII CAPE TOWN South Airlrl MP Deirdre thI llyenrold daughter at heart trrnsplrnt pioneer Christian tirmrrd was named debutante ol the year It Stellenhosrh Unl verslty She won the honor by collectlnt mil to rid mulstto poor people City Welcome After Desert SUEZ Egypt AP city It 150000 people is welcome sight Iltrr driving more than 75 miles through bleak blinding lunbrkcd desert But Is one enters Suex tor the tlrst time it becomes Ippnr ent sonsething is wrong the buildings are there but one sees no women no children no street vendors no goats csmels or donkey certs There Ire no window plrres in the countless window irames Ind most ot the buildings have been torn by shell holes thlt seem to have hit every room rurther tnto town marry or the buildings trek wIllor part at root This Lv Sues todsr two rnll mm the Egyptianbruit tront WAS HOWARD Once bustling seIport town It the southern entrlnee oi tho Sues ernll it was suhiected to intensive Iir Ind Irtiliery It trcks tor mlny month in its cram little brrely noticed wsr oi rsoono Where race colour persons lived worked and played only some spot civilirn men Ind is which live today The unlisted number It soldiers present hits to revise the image ot ghost city government oiliciri ex plain thlt two oi the women are wives one of newsstand denier Ind the other to Ire nurses It the inert hnspliri Wives and children oi the civil llil Ire Iilowed to visit he adds The newsctsnd crunch the Cigar Smokers Accept Women NEMPDRT ltl AP The previously Illrnrie Cigar Smokers ot Amerch hrs voted to recent women and give them toll voting rights perovlding they are single pui rs lawyer hirtihew Ierber oi Newport told the group he tere the vote It its weekend Ilrline to to China mo bill hrd Inked about at The demonstratan warned by eg Ictillst ioho llm oi New Yort thIt In the us the press has turned GIy Lib into cirerm Sir William charged thlt the rest perverts and dc eoersles Ind sleklcs Ire not nrnnsess ullstnthertreeubutthepo cII leaders responsible tor war Ind poverty lhe demonstrators were un Iucresstul in reach tor gov ernment oilicill to Iccept is pace list oi demInds lhe hriei Isted that the terms gross tndecmsy Ind indecent let be removed irom the Crlmlnll Code and be replsred by list rt specitic oi tences it also demanded thatlll rei ercnces to slity be de leted irom government lots and urged that homosexuals be It lowed to openly to the armed toms Ilembers ottb osy libert tion hoot In association at nerd ii IDNOON lAPl Til View er laughed as the bliding struggledth eru lso lorrnriihlciutchoiv rIphy CIrtoerrists moored hlnrlshewrlkedosloilCrr Enhlgen sex show The tab ldr duhbld him lord Porn But lard Imgtord Illd Sub dry his elseman crmplin spinst pornography is rte Ilughing rrrltter Sharing the irentplge with lhe Sundry iiirrnrs weekly ration oi ehreseelkll hnsom girl the tirelrold errl shook oil the jibes under the heldline lard Porn lilia Out lfow we have All had good irugh he said let us get down to the very serious htuiness lord lorgtords rerlnnI buslom Is he sees it is to reduce the tide oi ogre pby wlshing It hr IIinI shores lie retronod llst week with small group oi Issodl surh nonst lights when he met Canadirn tilde mission in Peking lrst noonih liowever lnngrenga versions mu til Wilt DWI Thl Ict nukes homosequ ir DCttt would be Ivsilxbll in lovemaking illegal unlbs both yrnr Ind would be capable oi parties Ire over it making the night Comerm said ttlybe 31 per cent oi people But they slid they did not dis cuss details It the air spree ment hecsusn it wss matter or negotiation between the two governments The execuiiv re ltush Don lid Clmeron vrcopresident oi the llrllnrrl intrrnltiurrll Ind corpnrlte services Ind krdwtn Writer Uldltl rrglonll osssen yer Illa mInIgcr tor Western CInIdI IIOPE ION LINK ilmlron slid his Ilrline hoped to link the blur route to In existing servicl irom Vrrr corvrr to Tokyo ln thins they met oitrclsir oi the CAAC Idd the China travel service Ind dismissed theworl log oi In interline agreement signed in rest Cameron srtd his Ilrline It present did not have planes whlclt could ily nonstop irom Vrncouver to Peking Premier irom Copenhagen Iio wanted to see Denmnrss uninhibited displsyx nt sonual inventive nest Ind nitgrtn their rill eliects IMMEDIATE SIIOCI lvae no hesitation in tap mediotely being shocked and condemning some oi the de prlttlies that some ot us rIw there he sold Whlt pumihie meritmob ally Iesthellcrlly philosophh csllyern there be wltchlng two people copulg in loveless and mechrnicrl turn her in seedy club to the hr ing oi cnsde unwitty re mnrksi he asked them soc homoeeruds Srlue dry drrrrormrlted in trrndnn agllnst Britains Sexual 0t Canarlian Champion Loses Lead In Open Chess Championship VANCOUVER lCPl Clnl disn champion Duncan Sutties oi Vancouver lost the lead in the Crnsdirn Open chess cham plonsltip Sundry night Is he was detected by lurid champion Boris Spasst oi the Soviet Union Suttics ztyrrrrold inicrna tionoi master took sole putty stop or ilrst place Saturday by detenting US grandmaster Prl Broke in the ittb round Spossky had to settle tor draw in the come round in game against Lnbcnrlr Navrleir another US grandmaster leav ing seven players tied tor so cond place the young Canadian churns pion piryed Sundays game under protest Is he was iorced tn plIy with the disadvantages at block tor the iourtir limb in the ligamr tournament Both Snossky Ind Suitier hrd played three games with block and two with white going Into the sixth round Suitles number in his Srinrdry game rgsinst llenko Suttirs had no isnlty in overcoming hircts trges but he cnuidnt duplicate the teat Igllrut Spnssky in another motor upset Satur day Edward FornlIrrek oi 0t tawa detested Australian grand moricr rod US Open cirrmplon Walter Browne Saturdays round leit seven plsyers in lie tor second place They were Formanek Navnlek Soassky Zvoniro Vrr nreic oi iornnio lions lire el llollnrrd Ed llrcskrsy oi Vane cuuver and ac champion Peter lilylnsar On Stmdny night Biyilsos had to iorieit close game against Knvllek as the clock ran out heiore hc mid com plete the required it ititliu Jolt KEMPVIEW DANCE SCHOOL OPEN The American Dance Centre school devoted to the develop roent ni contemporary drnco Iiidkdaixln has opened in New Yor tension at Sues it in heavily sandbngged to protect owner and customers irom lethal rag ments in event oi nonr miss Ali Mohamed ilusslen hrs been aching truiLs Ind vcgein bier here since 193 lie remem bers once after President Nae ser nationalised the crust and Incrersed protlts when iiCtStl vessels csrrying more then zit rrriiiion tour or cargo pissed through one position paired him against the high nest div which happened to be Sprssky with Its points ted player in the sour lsv Now OpIni People never reud smell edsl or do they Interested In Becoming Professional hlsny revrsrdio careers in ttmndai nrlnl ngprognmIprozromw spondence courses with the GOA Association you have the opporluntty your present positron Mn Through yening lectures and cone of becoming protessional rod rdvnneiug trons emehtlre open to grrduttes ot the Certied General Ac enables you to learn while you are employed lt Its srtrittlce oi time for ten years but its the benet you gain in the long run that rerin counts You CAN do something to ehenge your tuturel All youhled to start to high school production EspierI how to become proleulcnll mrnrger Certified tienerri Aceduntrnt Come to our Open House PLACE Geo lrn ColleI oi hogtied Arte Ind Technology ror uelrvrortlr srmr DATE Mortdq August 30 TIME 700 pm to 900 pm rrtI lntorrnrtion about admission courses testboolrsrost ureer opportunities etc will be rvrlirhle convention women should he let in because rs torwrrd looking liberal group we should lend the way tor others since we hrd mothers BECOME PROFESSIONAL Get Your CrIdIntioir the CGA Way The unied Gonernl Accountants Association oi Ontario ssroeuroe sneer easr TORONTO All ONTARIO urlcooerissssssor

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