in is per hell got this who lceI you And It you to go very piiaso Suggest County Ara rrrsrrrrcr NEWS stay to uphrs Sclnia kiacla mg the tissues insists eartiat Dovpun corn nruntiy in todays Ontario Cloris Hassles tieIil oi lid land lost strident abno lataa 11th century rraitt rnan and belts the head oi Dutch aledga hammer The settlement which was barbed Made New Region hrnirronrsuui Use oi aairtiag county iratlnn asthsvehldeiormolwregiooat gut in areas oI rural artsthere drastic chaowgep currirvd was pro at guidelines report new studied by members oislmeea turmoil Ierribcrl ha been reviewing wthethlrd been moral up to Thursday Sop leather Ihscwarden Reeve iirutw Stewart oi landlord has the arrhority to change the meeting dat ell clrcuimtances warrant and this has been done Notices have been sent to the members by Ft Walton clan borderline riire The county eoiioril held one unsure meeting when sale ol Iha county block in Barrie was dismissed At that thou the smothers gave its property committee headed by Reeve Earl Elliott cl Floe authority to continue negotiations with the Ontario government it the pro perty it sold new adrru lrattve buildings will he need edandthla as considered an portuna time to consider re cnal changer Mentioned as possibility tor the 1m war nsblp Reeve Ralph limiter oi AllIston was member at the special study committee at the Annotation ol Carolin and Region at Ontario which submitted the study sIe pert to stances Conny cotamL We xuggest that thaayptena coald be continued tor many years with thocounty Ienrnur through the provision tronsi provieciai transler payments to It role and ellectivenus In meeting the deals at its taxpayers said the duties Observer is augguted that ailsation movies such as north even and In could well be considered is the areas they serve muslizing st planning all aonirr era with local or area Iv ieg nilln authority also has been discussed by some municipal re presentatlres JOINT ACTION Ettorts to encouragemch paiities with similar interests in arualgamate was pro earlier Apart Irortt discussion meetings there has been no concrete action Iarnosg Simcoe County municipalities along this line moat cotancillora having adopted wall and see attitude llunkipalitlea around klldiend have had meetings Ior discush ions oI problems oi mutual Inter est where they could cooperate recommendation that unall er municipalities be rostrum to loin Iargcr neighbors baa stirred problems The village at Cookstown as separate mun lcipelity inr example qualities Inc its and elected council which IIocal ratepayers appear to pro or On the nihrr band Ansus police village has local board olthrre trustees to look alter street lighting garbage celiec than and services not provid through Essa township or which special tax levies are roadsAn ratepayers also pa tnwa Em tax boning oi rsshientx at Angus indicates strong leeling that the village would llnd it an advantage to have its ownetch led counrll there yrgs con akierablo movements in ink ectien three years ago but act too was delayed pending region al government changes At that time It was suggested mum Cattlemen Want Policy Clciried TDRONtD There is eoniu rich in cattle market circles as to the interpretation and ellect oi President Nixons order ros pccilng to per cent surcharge on Imports 1he Canadian Cattiemens As rocIatlon tlrst was advised surcharge would not apply to cattle under pilots and within it and some otiiciats prominent in US cattle marketing accepted the same interpretation More recently there has been sug gestion that nuota means an absolute quantity that may be Imported and that this quantity may not be exceeded Canadas cattle quota is not absolute in that additional cattle ma exported but at high rate oI import duty In the mean time the embargo has been applied to some classes oi cattle at some us border points anyIIcabsIe AIiiracIer gal pron yn greaersi canes to Canadas beet in dustry will be the relationship oI=the Canadian to the Amen lcan dollar It the US dollar is devalued rcia the Cana dian dollar the client would be detrimental to the extent that it lowers the import Iceiiing and the export oor this means it could be more protable or Americans to export cattle in Canada and less protitabla ler Canadians to export to the it is true Gracey coselud ed that the ioroes likely to come into plny In the U5 mar ket could depress American prices snmevrhat below their present level so there is no reason to assume that Canadian prices will advance Reel co drivers will be well advis to keep cattle marketing current and at minimum weight and linlsh tor the desired grade mimics illtllils WABAGA PLANNING IVASAGA BEACH Stall Announcement has been made thatinembers ol the Wasaga beach planning board will be at bail on ltIcsday Thursday evenings Sept and to explain their ilrst pro press report on the preparation ol an oliiclal plan tor the vlt IrIpallly should have mini mum ol soon pie Angiar and viatnItyhas WinsMoSt Points In Midhurst Show Coulis around and Connie ten third For boys George neat won the most points at Raymond Baldwinsand Pau burnett tied lor sccon MOVE BTAITED Need tor sound tax base and moss writable representa tion was truest in the guide tin report on regional govern ment Simona County council moved to reduce its present sh rrrembersblpb about 11 throurh changing callott Inr dr pury reeves Possibility vi change in Sim coe boundaries also has been posed mentioned York region has shown an interest in acquiring bradlerd and West Geiliimbury where there appears to he nlx ed rcaclion with some strongly opposed At the northeast section oi the county taking over at Rama and liars townships Irom Onl ario county has been disc at various ttrnes llormcr war den George liarKay said re ed rently be considered this prac tical move since these town ships were neighbors oi the nth oi 0rIilia the Ontario County seat is at Whitby In its guideline action report the Association at Counties and Regions discussed municipal re lorm The need tor local gov enirrient relorm is recognized and the province be requested to tailor such reiorm to the in ed divtdual rcuulrelnepb oI each speciiic area the report ask ed contending this should be done only alter consultation with elected representatives and ap pointed oilicias ol the arch Deputy Reeve William Golan look at Orillla township tell this recommendation should go Iarther arid ratepayers bsigtven an chance to give their decisions In democrch manner through pleblacltcs Reeve James Wales at Town ontln heads the Simon county cnimula special regional gov eminent and planning study committed myrara ago by Jesuit mls Ienartrs to avoid desecra tion by invading lroquutr is an Ontario government is near klldlarrd With the rniaaIsr TIE MIMI AIMEE MONDAY AUGUST ti IDIIURST Stall With 15 entries and total el it points Nora ltnlloway was the winner oi thLEIton silverichcuo and cracker tray in the senior not also oi the annual summer show at Vespra Horticultural Society It the local community centre Runners up lira Allure llcrrygers who won 15 points with it entries received and the Simpsona Sears blankets Cor dle Easton received the price tor the greatest number oi sn trles In the show and also tor the greatest number oi pchiis in It and times ilost points Isr roses went to liarion Orscr lira Coombes won itrst Ior collection ol vege tables The lilac cup and saucer went to Gordon liesvrctheriik with the highest number oi memb enhips sold hluch interest also was shown In the junior exhibits where ldrs Drill ckson was in charge Blink Vandcr wilien won the most pnlnLv ior girls with Janica NEW GLUE called lIgnln hind wood iibcra lgelller and is im pervious to water and extreme heat or cold Gsorgs IIEMPVIEW BOWI Is New Opanl on year ltelssnlovi Investment Certicates You eernhl er interested all oIlhs Municipsls benture Investment Certicates interest payable serialannually or late to accumulate lavav One as live pears MIT SI 00 II 510000 WNWlune not in 0501 ra sunow Bentham rneirzomo mien annihilation savings loan corporation was einipabrresrrmsnnaucs souvenirion SitlltIEMIIRIE AMONG IIIIRONS tcr an lira hlcllcougb cl Oiatham her brother David Walker lunlor oI Toronto nephew David Walter the caution on the original site third and Stuart is iii in vi aabaral gas coal and ovarian industries Ontario bydrv eon sunaerJnlueala task tom hy dro and the lcderat department oi mergy mines and ea AIIA OUTLINE lhe committee will he asked to consider the allowing apert tlc areas at Interest in the Government and people oi Ont arlo Economic and social henelitx Irvm comprehensive and co ordinaled energy lIcy Assurance oi courts low goat energy supplies to Illppdit rurts enornlc growth at the province Relationship nl ansrgy val qulrcrnents and uses to prnvine rial resource envrrrrnmental and social policies integration oi as energy pol tcy with land use management and development policies Relationship with the Implica tln cl energy petiole ol gor ernmcnts at other provinces Canada and the United States with regard to the sources and supply sprites and means nl ml ergery Sourm and terms at handles 30th capital Investments having re MEET TE CANDIDATE planned by Coilingwnorl in provincial election now PLAYING 715 on PM mg gmmatrixIMiaWWIIlailerKIktNMElmlldw um ctr no language In thlaiilna may he stlsnstve to some people hwm mg ago MMbEmswmwnmyMwgltmw is brilliant least at tilmt mnm Grist MY Magazine and throwltdgtf is one at the best movies overt ilx Smith Cosmopolitan liiiicNkI mniorgmnnirrsreion Stevens Manager gth mmwuuwdnamwirmlewiuiwsrm STARTS somehow cursor wesrenn METRO BOlOlWN NAVLR Panama OURT KINNIW IKII rumour AM MMAINIIJII AVIRUSOF DOOM ENVELOPS THE EARTH 0f Grass Allll rurwd ar Wand ms Ianrtaieltll ltysns Daughter Cr Stronger In Town COLLINGWOOD Stalll meet the candkiata dinner ta Liber als at the Gateway banquet hall in Friday iIVIILilIl September to when Walter Elliot at Orange ur ville will he the special guest tb Mr Elliot is the party candidate In Mcrlndirncoa tor the corn rww TONIGHT EEOMPLETE SHOWS PM PM as outside srweArinre ouni STARTS WEDNESDAY meow mammals assurancva CANINEWP rNCLWHEIII im EIGHT TONIGHT icon MIIAIIIIII sranrs muonnow acriou nouete our Uiitiluus GUNS 0F NAVARONE Ill LICititnurrI Allsrriin MncLEAItlS BELLS TOLL LIIC II Little Big Men iv How Sweet ItIIa STARTS TOMRROW DOUBLE JAMES BOND Iltlllt IMMUNE GET unrest Watch Out For Your it Graduates Coming Soon