WWlanagsr It McPherson Managing peqndpvyiorlaweiilorcemsnt ition andthsysreeratttiedtohlisaservlce which must be provided every hour at everydayaodevcryindtvldraatwhoioinr tbaIpoiieelorcetaswmoithrupon aibi iy in eniommant is an essential service and tint makes it incompatible wltbArlkaacttod the strike In Sry was Canadas rstlegalvtrike po iyinNova Scotta and limit do the have the rl to strike sutures that can take action illegally as they did in Morlreal in October II where the result was six bank robberies 50 stores robbedandviolenceaodl ngwbtdi aliectedbandredaoillontreaiers IPOIJMKO all over Canada have the right to collective outpouring and when immutwlth their employers cannot mum this wrytliereshouldbeottr or means available by which to seek peuolul settlement Bindtn arbitration would be one such method are con vlnced however that strike action shtIJIuvlil never be used gym III DI III happened in Sydney could ha es wou ngesed the absence oi traltic control or illegally DOWN MEMORY LANE to YEARS AGO IN TOWN James Alexander lilaclaaren retired as MIWHI MEI poI mm publisheredltor OI llaurte milliliter lie ms AI mmm my mum was succeededb Wilham Kenneth Walls measure tor Barflth Fair and loud at rectors inclndlns Am mm broee Rivett John It Boys KC trestle man It Wimp $33 Chittick iii Walla sumeded his late llldorla public school build Miter William Clarence Weill as gener yoanda on Gather St became at manager in May 1939 hsvtng prev II Ipy pm mgmm Mm loualy been sports editor and advertising b9 comm manager since 1031 hira Gates pm WI Emmi mm iven keys to new car she won in draw Gilli meeting vr en We Presldm linslbleotieneon oi hsrrle on pgde mm In Oil Chill DWI Indium 19 will RE Home pm loin Special Events NI oi radio station property in ii ltwae arroounced by ovrnerarien wwmnwlowntlooncdua QIlIBIlotiSneigrove mum on Tdlhrhfblidndllllls in WUPartridge governor to Barile Rotary Club Wu rpo on has chlect otIWorid Peace puree ior Town oi Barrietouts than two million dollars in val zepermttweutoltn ring lor extension to Barrie contrainowbobiluntefs at ltrnels Point ieatured vocals alarm myrondllayomlm it er av Barrie mainline Hand as to winners Camp Bor nmnihtht er ow annou seatsalesvdtiopennextweek illyers Juidor llockey hiaiortleneral thisrnrasranirum oi Deienoe tor Thailand visit to Carnp Borden are Ila as guided by hilonei Joseph iaPoint may by Chamber ol Cornmerce tn that lack oi swimming facilities congestion dowrrtown hind Irtst business in Barrie Major Worttdngton coordinator Ii defence tor Camda returned to Borden lor visit at Armoured tenps School which he opened in 1931 lom llare ol Barrie scored hoiein are at Sandy Cove Coll Club lrul cger led hitters on liarrie baseball club season with him Brewer second lol by Johnny Foitls and Dann Pol Barrie Examiner won iason why as best allround weelily news Ing in Canada Alter so years INFORMATION CANADA Edmonton Journal The governmentta nailingon outside Ipublic relations consultants to handle tricky usignmenta One cant help but suspect that it has very low regard tor its inhouse public relations capabit tttce Or does the government loci in iormstion Canada is still too new at the Pit game to be given anything more pimping tIlIiIrn the Sitting of mod owe it Guin est Book oI Recordslike quesilonsl Either the lederal government should allow lntonnatlon Canada to do what it was set up to do over much protest irom mvny or better still it should be dis banded EUROPEAN COMMON MARKET The Dailyliialll Mr Wibon and the other ditherera may say that they are keeping their op tions open tlial there are three months to go beiore they have to say yes or no that these are lair tactics to keep their party together How will euoh tactics attract the young idealists the men and women who in twenty years time will lead me Labor Party inside Europe Do the dithererv want to be remembered as the men who led the labor Party Into the backwoods and leit it stuck In the mudl memm ll entrys PARK Protect Environment1 Under nr nus OllEAitN have been low more ubirtm nrrbicnu herons vernment the lost In than control vi pits sad ena hand sand and vital to on booming nt Bill on the other era is no question that operations have at rrnw nonicv aerloil Impact on employ must Yet at the same time there had to be onntrril lor the lotus Common sense called tor stern but gradual approach and this essentially is whet the gov ernment bu adopted The new Pits and Quarries amd Act makes It clear that the tinvr policy to the tutors will bethal protection oi the environment Ix soci eIxeniiai in pit and marry do today rail nitrides problem has been how do go in and slootheu aven land bow Iar do you go immediate action bro erorneni mid have been so lyIdetrImentaI to the econ sharp increase in the end also could have leopv building and has velopment There will be insistence that this development Is planned and that there must be rehabilita lion so that it doesnt rcar the Ilndsrape Sinc there have been two important developments One is that the miner minister has announced that by this time ngatAyerr he will have death iureetnv cellular awry do act went through the political Quari1es vatopment an essential ol course at any good control pol tee second is that an Iruen tery ll to be taken at the sand and gravel resources at the province one development out oi this count he that In the case ol mare highly builtup arese age gregates would have to be broiiriit irom greater distances to protect the Inality cl tile in there communl BER ZR PROHLEM Inc enially lllnes lliniater Leo Bernice was handed quite bitch his letter when he win gtcrrrtbis aid to administer it is complicated llcid or any minister in bf and grasp ft and then to deIIend the lace oi complexity which has surrounded ll To hlr llcrnlera credit It seems that he Ia getting as top oi problem pen anywhere In Canada either logalry WW LiteChance Points TooHiIgh Debtor Quits Hwy Driving By TOMWILIMMB VANme CPI Dr ihemaa Holmes quit driving on the treewa becatraa hla scan oi tilechangw poleta was too high its gave up skiing the same rsaam IJIechange pointal its method Dr llolmea preleuor at tha ty oi Ivlsahlngton at heattlataaa worked out to measure how mush we have to change to handle the events In our lives And he says it years oi as weartisbowmtbatrwad all better start nurturing it wa know whats good tor us tt statistical tact he said in an Interview here lliamore change you have in your ille In given period tba more likel you tire to 1st slckorinlur Inthenear in tune Dr Holmes Is native at North Carolina where he took his medical degree spe daleIng In Internal medicine He moved to Seattle is tell and became qualitied as psychiatrist lIea serious when he talks about his social readiusi ment rating scale IMTACI VALUE its an Index that lists on kinda oi events covering vir tually every kind oi change that happens to people it as start each In impact value ranging irom loo points or the death at spouse to it or minor vcrepes with the law aurli aa trailic tickets In between are ranked di vorce in point tell ren teivce bl marriage Ito being tired t1 big motto gage loan tti lnlaw trouble in an outstanding personal achievement tit change In realdaroa so and vacation Ill Studies have applied the scale to thousands oi people in several countries and In widely varied social eco WM Illyc Emit honour to Bayileld Strect Barrie Ontario Telephone merit Windchill hiell Registration NumbevotM ltetinn posugeguarrhleed Dally hudayr and stdsitory Holidays excepted Subscription roles daily by carrier doc weekly trim years Iy single copies tile hI mall Barrie wisp yearly rncoo Cornilv idiot yearly balance ot Canada moo yearly All other countries canon yeerl hintsr throw oil $1400 yearly National Advertising Oiitoea can University Avenue Toronto tit Cathcart llontreal comic and cultural situations Iiory showed that eight oi is who had enough change in ihelr lives to fear to run up see pointa tell slim to iilneu or acclden within the next two years And the eilect snowballs as the change involved In coping with tho ncwtlineas Adds to the tolL Soil man have more than are points and get sick the probablllzu that youll et lerltlll cadre Ilene or cart attack rather than an atrial llh llrrnrltla Thats why Dr Holmes took steps while ago when he saw his own pointa total creephrg up around too RISK RICE Skiing and driving on the irecwsy were things could easily avoid where the risk at tnlurv was blah This preventive aspect is his main concern As scienttr he isnt ready yet to say that change uuaea Illness iiui the studies have shown powerlul relationship between the two And lust knowing that change has strong bearing on the aisle ol your health can be help in avoiding ill host he contends He sees it working like this Say person has accumu lated no points and recol rrixes that hea getting Into the hlghrisk area suggest be sit down and think about the events that added up tn the roe pulltld this tends to provoke In sight You tend to take an ire veninry el What the events were about and why they were Important to you And once your brain goes through this hind oi proccrs it gets reprogrammed and it makes your behavior change On the other hand you can try to keep your Ints total down by avoiding anger you know will have big Impact on yourllle II lle emphasises Its the Ian portance oi the eventnol the social desirabilitythat deter mines the impact It has on hcrxon its the amount oi change the event brim In your the Which prompts bbn to otter word oi caution about apply trig hi You llembec oi the Canadian Press and Audit ilureau oi arculn lions te Canadian Press is exelus tvrl entitled to the use lot so pub cation oi all news dispatch es in this paper credited to It or The Assoc ated Press or Router and also the local news publish ed therein the Barrie Enamlncr claims yrl hi in all art nal rdvcr ml and editorial material cro ated by its employees and in produced in this newspaper Copyright Registration Num her Wit register dl rwrpov stars in THE eov TRIEND says that this in rtetlrtt cailydertved liadex it some rents the mean or average oi values given the dillerent kinds oI events by the thora aandr IoI peoplesorveyed an tinnhassoare andlslasisp protochlrsg the bullies rnar The citys residents have become biase about earth driller which are leit with varying depeu oi laundry airport every weeh based on the cyclical nature at tremors and mmerttr oi Iearth nwvemeoia around theme scientists believe there will be no mater danger until the cod oi the present decade The muncll plnpoinledtbe ruler disaster area as live run run comm VIT Boy Frie Be DEAN NOEL Did you know that The Boy Friend Ia being made Into musical movie starring iwlgm The noted English lilrn director Kenneth Russell has switched types and the producticm will be released in time lor OirtstmuArIade ltir huucil was unable to get John Evan as choreograph er because he was busy with the the show oI Gryphon Theatre 1Wiggyl Well take Wendy any day TIIE BOY FRIEND has broken all records at Collier St United Fellowship llall First topattendanceloropenlng night secondly that sellout In two years Kiwanis Club oI Barrie and tholr Quccns attended Tuesday night iiruce Owen had as guests two or ten edae iamous names ol the theatre Blanche and Allan LiiInd who stated they could not have done better lob then John in the dance numbers lN TORONTO last week at the Royal Alexandre was the production This Was Bur lesque starring Ann Curio Also lorry leslcrl Jerry whet This show was modem repeat ol the perlormanco which was on Dreadway iur several years it Is irmilyrlype entertainment and about very little lemnio esh inn Corie can remem her as appearing years ago down at the old Casino on Queen St Vanity studenLa used to attend The area will soon have new hotel the Four Screens Sheraton across Irprn Ctyllall And iooirison Nevin papcra new building Ia right nsxt door But how In the willd can you overicompars lviggyI KEN WALLS with Ann er Wendyi No way shapely that Ia illlS COLUth tiianks Ray Atkinson and Eoyd Robertson ior that nice riots concerning our article so the lturunll Tour ist Association its so seldom anyone thanks person these days All you get is criticism Now Icileua well do something about Collinpwood Tnttenhsin and Pinkerton next week liars you visited the conservation pond at Utopia yet Boyd BEFORE THE SUMMER lenves Blrrle completely can recommend that boat trip on Kempcnieil Ital which takes oil several times daily irom the Menu who at the loot oI hayiteid St IIUXTABLE HOUSE has now been demolished at the corner at Albert St and thinlop But this was iarnovs harr land mark and there la in be some kind at dwelling erecch on the site an apartment or condom inium Anyway Its close to Alderman Jack llscharcn an he can keep It under surveillance irtomes liuxtsble was an esteemed barrio diiaen alder man ior Ward 1on like lilac Loren now is operated gar age and motor agency on tha main drag close to the Welling ton Hotel ills son Eddie was the best bsnlo player in the lluronia district NEW LEGION IIALb In last rising on st Vincent St at the corner oi Cundles Road on the way to barrio Country club ltigbt rerun the street the new 100 Temple has been up tor nearly year Barrie branch oi the Royal Canadian legion opened many long years ago on WHICH WAS cwoneooiwneo II survivors menses BIBLE THOUGHT neiil to earn it be nonlo at resan nu dwelt yllavtrereishaluul sat when they sat aaII yeasts el there Istanbul llaalg them seven days Iaekiel ttla Ora ol the greatInaet oi our daylatonialortatheart ol NI In other peoples shoes siting leader the bnden lael glor otbsrsaod tsrpetung ourselves Jaua said have cornpaaalon on the moltlt llla ioilowcra ought to an ills iceilngs Movie Musicol iy the one floor oi the llerb nus tron George Caldwell build Inl hut over Alexander Sandy Ooutta real cstata attire Then the Legion contact with James cent Byron and look or his Gray OoaciGreyhoundtnrearbu is miaai on Dollar near rthv liquor store Anvy now down on the old lhunt estate at the loot ol hiIsie Avenue which used to be John St In honor oi John DIeI enbaker who will be visiting barrio on Sept It And have been Invited along with all the atarmcb old Tories ol Simcoe County ii is likely that hill Caldwell and ilaipb Sncigrovs will also attend lat air ticket to honor Dr llynardoi Drillia who succeeded lleber Smith no as he tor Slmcoe Nortir DELL EWART was named alter man named James art more than one hundred years ago llr Deart was lumber baron much like Ross and John Rodgers at today Somehow the communit called Belle Ewart so error has been attributed to man named lslrbrother started the Lake Slmcoe Co and wanted to keep it cool man DEAR LESTER Did know that Steele St In barrio was named alter Captain Elmes Steele iirst member oi pprils merit in hlmcee Countyr you still insist on calling STEEL almt Alter all councillors didnt like leilalvI street and changed the name litdaiand Avenue And am In to be living there shortly man