is JEE Eee is in re RE EEsr eggei is El sts ere is Roadsters Return iii snvs rm ltllENDhNCt TOPS non PERSONS Jenner president ed the Barrie turni society terms this years Barrie ubi bltlon unite norms Although tinI figures here It complied Itteodlnce tor the torn dry erhibillon on thin wtnlid undoubtedly be expended next you Ilr Jamey eonuatnlnted the committee chrlrrne inr Ieil run events Everything wnI Itrccarhri he sold The Junior BIIr Dry rtrrtcd iRb5nR3 Clerk it on muh 53 ii IF 5E er egg 5E est not Jr prutdent Sik err CITY NEWS ran Mull WEI MONDAY ALGUII Ml Collegiate Band Does Well At CNE SHARE YOUR For the list time rince it he Ae ior this hand he slid nled lost orer mono mm mm aw mu Elimim wuohi no its priu winning we considering that their everera wesercellent even the rnld In use the Demo Collegiate Ice It only In years the did sfiwi WWW 11 Bend iroIn Control chllcnla munon hell no shunt WEfglmm evrntr indudlnl on liIann grumwmmlfv won iirrtherd the trophy ly the bond at no not 1911 exhibitor dounol relrnuchre slug may rm betting on un hIrneer Inn Tmm mg Four hundred dollnrn prise turn on his lmutrmt hm mum wee upoverlnsevur bitlonyneterdny MW reinfection of ihree rte race nerds were In event llr lerrney raid Sundryr held during the lair um mu if lthihyhigdwihtehiealmnccue nihilismmhi til in hintan Idr nndWilll lI In no es maa particularly the exhibit at term pert west to esresr the late mm by Yum Sm V9 hie IT am mum thetbrgedsterr are strictly Dill inf im leredhrudillrrent amide denite on Euchre hchvetluddl him divisions torn were keen lire people were tanned htrdkhilesdlinu my the United mm up 31 Eien lied Cross Cliniciiere Tuesday munems Tursonvnucosr em ntthetreehnaeuromal LOUNLMLMnSDOInlifM eIel Irthth hnd mnmlunhlp Wigwam now he lhe unicornm only In doing ltr share to keep roedrtcre We ettrIctlnn Kt hint daughter Jenet ll won the be Indy shiver ewrrd onSpturdIy she does not or the Itelnlne ior her lather end herreli Mom owned driven by title Myers oi Little we won over mono onOnt erio rece trade prior to roaster Saturdnv Modern prtured two llrrtr ior the term race in harm end the single road rter under 15 hands shown et slaw end lent trot Eeeh win was worth Hi It Was Strictly To take the overell ewnrd Amber Colutll won iour events lie cnptured the open line lerr shown at slow end last trot single roadster shown at glow and int trots end ringle roedrter to hire at log trot and epeed the lest event limited to heron Simcoe 11me residents and drivers won stable colors rap Ind locket In mrlch Leslie taurents oi Brampton ruptured the two remaining events Ute gentlemrnn turn out utornpenlcd by lady and race moor mile heat It Familyrliiioir lnPony ShowEinaIs Saturday Sunday tlnele tn the Pony Showwesrtrktlyeiemltyel ielr as tour temiline recanted lot it at poeslhle ll Ilratt the Simpeou Ilstere Shari Ruthie end Kelly oi Shanty Dry led the way with nix tints each picth lip two Kathie wee relented but ern nleur rider ior boys and girls between the revs oi to end it Shari won the tomeponding competition ior boys and girls to and when Cethlr produced tlrst in the three salted reddle pony Sheri won the three grll reddle pony open to Slrncoe County only in the ninelo ll yenr old division while Kelly won the same event tor riders eight and under Nelly also won the muslcni rtnlts close tor the rune age WV uRel end Chealoy Curl oi New mrrlel dominated the dull pony events The letter took ten of the time events whlle Reg pieced lint in the other three members oi the New inwelt Steinlon lanIily pieced meleethree in the pony race it end under Robert plrced itrst iollrreed by Heather rnd Vincent iottrth Stalnton Linda won the pony rrca tor probe over Ready llooney oi Pbrlpslon won saddle event and Ir sir ler lernnry won the musical etells ior riders nine to 11 years pd oi rre Apex irom these lemily dome looted events Lisa De Vol oi llnlly pllced ilrrt in the music It still ior 13th in yeare aids and Dennis intiord won the novelty pony in hrrnesr class TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mom with no hourly weekend count up land blood in ehort n31 til Berrie branch at the crnedtnn Re mas Society has moved ood dinner ethnic three week rhced to tomorrow clinic will be bet at Trinity Perish Hell Collier Sh horn 130 to Ind in lilo Dims Bill Campbell In oiliciel oi the Barrie ranch oi the Red cross reidhohoptdtoget oso pints nt blood tomorrow Chiller usuIUy collect about soo pints hlr Campbell said he would into to encourage collagen and vncutloms who normally give Everett Youth blood It borne Iris Into the clinic Dunner item wottown willbewhhthieiinlc Ireiudlediththodonb tion Bhys ll Indll er nilan to giro blood provided they have the written more at parent Both men end women between the eyes oi in end es may he donors provided they meet Red Cross rtendrrda Retest mrenuy ice but It every clinic luv show up Mr Crrnpbll reid Reesonr ior relurrl include IneIrIiI colds Ind hIstory oi inundlce diseases ruch Ia mnleriI Is IIrrested Iiiler Chased By Alliston OPP hid speed these by Onte erin Provinciel Police at Ailb ton turdny night ternlted in tbeerrutolenlhyenrold Everett youth on than oi lin pelred driving end drivin with Element blond eleoho eon Steert Noble Geuley Help St Everett wee IrreIted elter the convertible he was driving went both dillh hit tree stump rpun scorned end hit tree user the ninth contusion oi ml Township snooo Stolen Irom Credit Union thieves rtoia obovt noon Set urdny evening iron the Corn munity Credit Union in Coiling wood Folllnguood town police laid the money was taken ironI email sale that had been broken into with tire Ire and crow bar which were iound In the oillcc No one wrs in the building It the time Polite rnld they were iolIow in neverei leads end hoped to mate annrreat rbnrltv the there begun Iiter en el iiceutopped to investigate cIr parked at the ride at the lord on the 15th ntdarond set ol Bare Borden no car moved oil when the nillcer approached Gruley III not injured In the accident Police uttmlied the tilmllllm InniinI Mishapp Her Condition Fair An Icrkient It the interrretinn oi the nth niderord and 10th Concession oi lnnLniil lbwashlp hnturdsy night real me woman to hospital lira Brute on Bavtleld St Barrie was in lair roadie lion in Royal Victoria Hospital shin morning lunirill when said vehicle driven by Mr 3qu end one driven by Richard hi Good year Stroud collided near the Elegant Dilemma dance hnU ebout pm satur dny night Omega we estimated rt Cir 000 ff Farm Exhibit Delights Youngsters By JOHN Mcle herniler Shell Writer Finally on Sundry the wrath er broke the run shone and everything was peelect ior visit to the country lie result or city iolhr took the omttIInI to Old hiecDoorlde Farm Ilium exhibit oi IIrnI enhnhll pert ol Family Dry It the Barrie hhlbitlon The tiny ebeih neo leotured henend Weelern horse show horseshoe pitching eon Isr end dirplry ol solid one In rddltlon to the midway was added this car ior tint time to titertr iour day event Apart irorn the not the bent In the district Obi lino Donnldr Fern didnt reremhle to the Iyplcll perceivl inrm homo stead Crpanlty crowds in eluding runny delighted youngsters Jenninod the exhibit nren lhrouprout the utterance lierrle dentist Crowe who originnted the lden or this special attraction said Well dettnltely here similar erhl bit next year The response was greet par tkuiarly Iur clty reeldenu who probably would never have the opportunity oi peeing such clean well bred enlmnis to gether in one piece he arid the NEWIORN CALIF Although III the nebula were eppenllng Or Crown mention ed ln pertlcular thr days old llolsteln call oxht II by eident oi UIh lair 10 rabbits nwrlde by Ityeareld Ilnde Wire oi amt and tourmoot Strolrti end tourmonth oId lair director Bill hiricomron the heel end dniry cattle shown cow and cell were owned by prominent local Innu ere Bill Arnold at New Lowell who tstlhllshcd hlmsell Is one oi the better our rrhlbllorr at this years contrlhuled two Herciorck mu Cook ol Barrie owned the Churnlnir cow and cell In the exhibit Uthireegxhllblu btwnctudeldidpnuls hr his sex eon tee and mute Among the younger ediihitorr was Ross Jermey oi barrio who on luolor let dry run the mini champion rhowmonshlp Gonton Attinson inst vlcopro ward and the greed champion lamb award Overell with the animals and hold the people it war hectic dry on tho inrm The scene It the antique car dlsplry wn little more rule dued Car build etudied rush classics or the er use Whippet owned by Doug Skeldi tor end not adlllnc own ed by Don Haney both at Enr lnenty ears were displayed by members oi the Georgian Bey Antique and Gisele Car club which Is proomtlne what is billed as Cenedee lrrgcrl rul omotive ller rnIrlet Sept to to in It the totmoor brewery crondt it we epproprirte that antique care were shown because Sun day turned out to he fclrsslc dry It the mt Barrie Fell heir llnher bend director ere he to meUy posted by the unemployment claims ol ruliued minor cuts Cindy vouor wellI lhis eununcr dlkui to obtain number oi our players to chuir Am lion Marron them have reported erred with bankruptcy until it to me that lots were rannbla began making holphntn Prolits the monomer ior those heirleoned and workers wrges during who wanted them band he raid lrrrely due to the cm oymenl at our greduetlng mem rs who Inlcnd goth on to higher educa RIe lIlinm Mn Toronto ldre the Inliered bruised right elbow Pneungere in the hi viii welth Ihid RaguiivYnwnths mum PARISH IIALI recoInanILL tm 17284I34 ITO MAY DONATE Anyone in good heIlth age II to Oh your not mhteted ior Inedlrrl render ll yeerold boy with painted oi pIreII or gurdieh Henry to sutlered bruises iound it must Undn Poilrrd to posses ruiilrIcnt in the Pollard ter bnrlrod her rlpnt knee RED0T HMS CACAK Yugoslavia IAPt clothing tnctory was threat Girls between it and II yeerr et ere MAY WI denote badly were loubied The MuniCIpal Savings Loan Corporation has come to Simcoe County Wed like to tell you why First Service Simcoe County savers want batter range of nancial services Its in their interest to be served by nancial corporation with its Head Oce right in the heart of Simone Andmannged by directorate of executive businessmen and oicers maiority of whom live in Simeon County nnd who clearly know its particular needs Second Security The Municipsls parent company is Municipal Bnnkers Corporation 1931 Limited of Toronto It has proven record of success in the mortgage and property management eld for the past 40 years With this background it brings to The Municipal Savings Loan Corporation its own money management skill security and expertise especially in long range investment planning Finally growth The Municipal opens its Head Ofce in Barrie at time of unprecedented growth in Simcoo County To match this challenge and Simeoes outstanding future prospects The Municipal stands solidly behin its stated policy of providing abetter availability of mortgage funds for Simcoe County As you can see The Municipal is not new in the world of business and nance But it has lot of new ideas So see us today Before you lose interest the municipal savrngs loan corporation Need OIIIrer IE Diniop Street Inst IO lo Innh WMnm Incorpordled under the Leon and Trunttnrporetiur Artth Pmeuoi Opinio whridinry oi Myrridpnl Innhm Ill Mild Member Canade Deposit insurance Oorporation