Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Aug 1971, p. 7

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CHURCH end It otrusr CHURCH Home roen rum WITCH II NOISE am mnm III ID mt the III HerIII unite 100 lireIn bent I230 ur lulu HerInn BACI TO ODD HOUR Tomi CKEY Ererynea eleven SUNDAY MASSES Cauldletlllltullh Putarltr Vern lied In Now 00 ten Itt III our and Ill SaturtIIy Meir 700 pong II Immva nominee run In starhr In rm rush rounrrrn Ir Sernut1runtlx rm ne rtovnut DEIOIIOHS IN mum DONOR or our unv up rmnunt um FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES Wheieh ireblitz 700 am 100 prrt GRACE UNITED CHURCH held In Tint leptlnl Rev Kenneth Here In rum YOU All WELCOME AT Jrlleh BC Irel AD thebookulcultenteonlll between rnodernten who waited to rnlnpir Ind mete rrith other rultrnes end tour Innetlen Ihe Inellel often acted under the Inuence ot the rtetron Chm Opposite Berton Arenu OrrInt older llononlheherinolairncltul hln Ilury Enrrthnnl hitter tineIII In Unlined mythol ory hey Ineldent II which en the more ot the Inn murmurthe couree oi the what Lnorn rivllitation hllhe Near Bret eumtorre nrntn the hihLchl idcnllrnllon oi thedesert IIritdeanu we blood Ind nourhbed eneutry Intn eerunlre re Helen the boot contendn The nIrnIol their God YIhvdJehovehelthoutb in porlnyed II we Int1 rennet deity Ieluntty III tom oi the Greek rod zen bo uyr Both DIM meenl Ill ille Allegro him the Judaism hnrytrn lodIy ll born In agony and loneUnent be tween the deporletinn oi JerrI to Behylpet In 507 BC Ind the mnIhroorn dnrl red one theuuelvee II the ehoeen onuAUrnouyI the berrlen that bed been erected to Iniegunrd the po rity of Metro hare nemd ever Iince to pruroh the envy utrtrurl Ind hetrcd ot the rentlla Iv CREATION by Kenneth Taylor ArIIIIhlI It CROSSROADS urorrunsr reu new true Intel lee run opem Alt ehurelt eop ehIrtgee in the muII be In to he Error Iner attire by Thurcdey FAITH HOMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH tome mm DALDIIlN tm ConIIqurIer SII 415 In 515 prrr IIM Len Glrnt M11111 HEY JOIN RICIIAHIJV TORONTO his to 015 pun Heiy Mercer SvnetIy 010 um 10 um UNION SERVICE BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH GROVE ST AT COOK SUMMER SERVICE EVERY SUNDAY IMO AM HI nrleenre rIeIlioIrrn Benin to tell In lenhtp Illnlstrr tier Art rise up Allure Ind the whole concept oi tho derert God owned more to the eltoru oi Inter theologlenr to hlniori Deeper Faith Often Desired the It could hI embrIced hereuse they detlne ltith body oi to chcl they conclude thIL lIIlh II beynml their mop Thin to tropic mulortunn al Thinkatbmlouynlhird Ind thing reith to not hllnd Icce tnnce ul dIriug ItIIm ll 10 Im MISSIONARY CHURCH In envied Street 9110 Irn SundIy School rroo em Morning Service 1M prn Evening Service Rector Alert Hopper mere destruction nl Jeruuiern by the Normal in 70 AD the durnemberrrtenl ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WIthlniu With Elm BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Henley Ire ChumI met In WORSHIP SERVICE rrrrn rerun uroutrrort IllIIIAtrl III Hotel mm PJ Wn elem llm TIM NDRTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL Gnu Peel ELI Tho Anglican Church oI Conudo ST GEORGES ST GILES CHURCH TRINITY CHURCH 2t Critter Street Anglican Church 0m Berton Grenville streetn Rretor Rev DIrid IL llnn No Ilnly Commuter at no tum Irn hiernlnr Irnyrr hymen In Chnrp Summer Him In Sleuth Id NorI Itrlrenrrd It Cool etmt Ilrr hull rum EIMI INII one not Itnly llrrtntimml me on Merrily mic vrun PEN unto ruin Help me to rind deeper telth Suchlotlest IUNDAV SERVICES mu Iloly CUMIDIII 010 urn Rememhmre With ALL WELCOME jnIhhmnll HIPICLMIIM Daniel Gunny Cm VII Henrrt an Inerhlp will ttce In Merrith mm lIr Rune one JAPAN menJuno In Ire wrirem to utter rested An emptinren 00 Inn Ilnly term on trnehnoledrrd IndIyeun ingun nu thIt crrrptlneee in In renedAinyp ll remit their leaninth that thing pres ntIy poeseued it eornet horn urneet deelre hour Somrllmq the peed in urlebl It pm My my no int thing thI mull be piorttion and experiment IIIdI thIt no high ettIlnmcnt It It the action whleh cIrrlu comeseullynor lntrnedietely blmlrorrrthotnowninto theun nith repremitr mene hlrhcrt known thereby enlnrrinr the known It II the hypotheur ol prIcIty end it would be mine to elItrn thIt iii to be picked the rrlentlrt it to the mIrrim up tnr thinking row it the bueineu venture mm mm mm It is the military ctretegy In on numbyu Ihnrl it Is Irlion based on rent Jigsaw mm mm rmtment to thnt which to not It by chnnce men when ltwo Em mm tilled runner und de Indin dirrl Wilh lit In mind religious rm er in 1100 Mk Emily Bible Herr mutter 100 pan Irnlu 5mm Hrdnrrdny 100 pm Inyu Ind Bible Study Rrerynrte ln wekotrtn Inn within rnIn Itl nooree mam lrotn the pruenthe the or YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND UNION SERVICES AT CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Ross and Toronto Streett Minitter Rev Donald IIy BA DD lull AUGUST Ire not bunny hebeel 1100 In Rennie oerrlce 100 MI Evening lupinth Ilenr WED LEFT It MIL Itileh Service lihle sorry Ind Preyer 0min Curtil Ind your Country 11 MI Teen Community CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE It st Vincent St IIARRIE ONT uuron snnvrcu no we ROAD PHESBYTERLAN CHURCH huh tern the tee ol be 1ch rod trust belore all the evi dence is in It yIlIdity not auhhnheiby retding hoot cm reedn boot on burrtn lerrt it they help The prool tile Iry concern is to underrtn lhil are in he III pri tttie woud Item to be lev ALL Iutt wntroirr hornett Minirler Rev Eventt Athlntt BA RD lttl Eundn hrhool room o1l lite Ilia whole matter oI religious Illlh II no exception It you rent it you an the It not you th not bite It tor nolhlrrL The record thin to be cold IJ that IIllh is not Iimply Ill ter ot INEPIIDK ccrtIln doe trlne Iluy betters thcy Ire or not peroons at him depending upon the neccplnnee ol relec llnn nl prescribed credl title in Ipeltinl We learn to torn by With the plunge Ind It nine strength by ttendy Itroher in the ureter We do term by do in we turn to cull by rrIih in We turn to Ipelk by loving We learn to IIilh hy Intthinl The problem with runny oi II is thIl we onnUnue lo Ilnhd on the Iidelineo wonder lnr II we con bnve Itith In thin or thnl Here In our error Irle boliel in tIilh move They coniront dorml hopetuh Lv Indlhen in III honuty turn my wishing poicnrnliy thel Elder Serves Tiliosionary For LetterDay Satntsthurch ll irom contemplation to Irtlon Ite prool comes in the thx WESTMINSTE Nurury FI cloth with tho dulnt ll Unuilalthn Jo army Mylerlnn Churn III Steele IeIr Puget Rev Pull Itth 1000 ern MORNING WORSHIP SLAIN BY THE WORD ellltiet Provided It 1000 In You are WIIGOIIII Divine Itonhlp MarlitIIIon THE CHOICE IS YOURSI LIFE OR DEATH Solo soMEBODYl HIrry Sleeper phi Evening Ernngrl wernr rerdIII leieomo nrrnlts you It Community Minister Kenneth Weller BARRIE TENT CRUSADE EINAL SERVICES SATURDAY 800 IMGREAT Nursery Ftcilitiu Avnllehie Collier United Church Congregation Worthippinp with Ur WELCOME TO JOYFUL CHRISTCENTRED FELLOWSHIPI DSPEL SINGIN WITH WIII Huntley CANADAS GOSPEL POET rouroscr SINGER currsrrru surutr iheTRUTH sum ISO Collier Etml Chmh SInIrI Sundry School urintlan Belem RIdiI Eertel CHIY ll AM SUNDAY MORNING Ill Eider Ron Grant one at two rpeekintlhmughlirlng prophet hundred Ind thirty your men upon the enrth todIy cervlnl IJ missionaries with the Church ol Jews Christol Letter DIy Saints Mormon In 0nl erio and Quebec They Ire leborlnrv under the dlrcrtionni their newly appoint ed Preridcnt Roy Splrh IUIUrITrIpIEUSDorUINHdmnm Iunks no the toplr It meet Elder GrInt his lnborcd in he Guam mm om in mm tgiorw ughnm Hm HUNTETYUMUURR boencnlled tn retro ln htrrie Executive Committee on puhil 128 St Vincent St Borrie Young men in the Mormon WEE NIW It city to renporteible tor meson Ind 2511an the ohthunity the wort Ind the volunteers lie vlunlcerlnr two Iron 01 tnczr expect the wort thrIt hem liver It their own Horn it In June will get Into lulirwing com mirrlon by the hit Elder GrInt believes there Thorpeoterexptrlned thetnp to no piece could be or our proxtrnntciy to peer were thin could be doint It thir churn irom those who attended time in my lite thtl would give eIrller lecturer on the rneny me greeter opportunity tor rote problem which rriel todty end int tpirlluIily Ind brine roe it these people my be celled tor much toy Irei hrpptnese II zen help Mr mtrteid thrt it It rinrr on mirror impatient IhIt therlht per There are rurrettily H000 lull rort be ItItIIhio to help the Dennie Pareoe One at the great IeeordionIIII oI our time Iolecaro ls Topic DI Barrie Speaker Itlecnre described torm oi ministry by Rev hurl Trottinrnny ttleetlll Ind Wed eIrh hernth rot JOIN THE CROWD UNDER THE BIG TOP AND SING THE SONGS OF JESUS YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR SCOTTISH EVANGELIST REV KEN NDRCROSS SUNDAY 950 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL IN THE TENT 1100 AM RIFAMILY FRIENDS FELLOWSHIP JUST RETURNED FROM SCOTLAND REV KEN NORCROSS SUBJECT fSOUNDS FROM NAME rrrtrrcosru ngptr ANNE ST 400 HWY REV TUNKS CRUSADE CHAIRMANLII 010 IMPACT CKBE dill 950 945 FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 1100 FAMILY WORSHIP HOUR SPECIAL MUSIC THE MIDDLETONS OPEN AIR SERVICE ST VINCENT PARK Suhled THECROSS Murie The Middletan OD TENT rrrcrtrn PM NEXT TO HIWAYCHURCH ALL WELCOME PHONE norm lhrnu the world the orpoen II to beer lcstt rnony the rertoretlon oi the tullnru ot the Gospel ol Jesus Ible In It Iolutlon Ctrlrltn the latter dIye Ind Someone Ir on roll Irounrl thnt Ihn hehvrue Ire opened the their ITKI my be reached by cIIhng 3101922 ml God bu rpoten Indin now inbotln renn In dirtreu on the other mm mm land ol thel IIIK ban 0101th ngt or one to II en er butcn roon mutt Ilso be My

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