amphetamine openianunkilledlnI berdenootlietholutnidrtoo ltlnrwaylliiJIlrurtholthe metva It intactare Braden Robert GertieltI It oi Riva Drtre Ontario IndMillard limit or LIkeIhon Boulevard Toronto beIVr Provincial potter It Barrie Inveellnted TWOerndreKilled InHighvvay 400 Crash Gerlnl It Plrhe oi ll Grove SL Barrie we the driver oi ear whloh Itrrtrh Pill min tronl It the Protein lItI lul nirht DIrnIp Iothe we no tirnatd II In no utlmetr on dIanu to the cm NINA CIAM Atbreenearcolllelonatthe intersection oi Beyeld and Sophia Street Nday eveniny re eultedlneieoe to teem damage Immune cideenarnld poemsbela One hirer John Geldrrd II OtIIIIy Alt IttatIined tore irritated and bump to the herd Damage to bit was estimated It blunt erlnhlrvehleiewualrorllmt It blind DrlerI oi the other vehicle where John David CM Ierrt lane and Denny Webb Serrboroom The Iceldeot marred It 110 pm Horses Still Being Kept ForrHobby Show Purposes AltnoinhtbeareotboruIIIr IctIcIlpumluontbelerm redually died Wt lIrmerI etlll maintain teem oI Belnilnr or ydudalee eith erIIIhobbyorlorIbowpor WWII otten work tor innuenhourtoretIteIm Id it exhibit It Irmle braidinr the horeee turn no men and decline them out In ribbon roadrunner GlbbeotAnrur ulter item are Terryoduontetmltrp kimunihid anvunorv Dover to 1m City To Prohectrte Browncamp Inc uty Council yerterdry unan tumuly approved recommen dation oi the general In menl committee to employ lawyer to pineecute Brownramp MW ltd DI debwl in urporatod urine the oily aon Inn bylaw Claude Thompeon Toronto Itll be retained Ipeelal eoun eel to lake p1 to chitin Bmocrmp hem contravention ot the bylaw thIJeb re ridencee in area toned tor elude lentil drelllw TOUR EDWIN vhmocemp hId utebllahed lwr raidencea tor emotlooelly dumbed obitdred by April on bundle bleed llore home are planned and III In the procu ot brine optioned Yulerdaya doctrine bend on eeotrer to centerm to the new Ict noverntnx their operation lhit art can lnln eliecl on April l7 Aid Stephen Liked whether It would be Idrteable to wait until the linear expir ed at the end at September be two the city hark Irtloo NEGOTIATION ltIyor Cooke and Aid Macmillan both lied that It we the teeth ot committee that liedMI negotiation had taken lane Aid Stephen Iiae Ibed Il other eltieI hId been oceeeehrl In hrrndn lent retina Iyainrl Bram lie wII told by Aid hiIcntit lan that Scarboer had Iue rrlalorertdou re the ierria wheel Der hmior onnr mun lett direc tor ot the Park lttd norm eunlvliy proecutedrrndepm lion Oomndrrlon Ind hill llIr dreumelrnea roam NAM ll lire hirrion or III hi hand parkr look over tractor Al budget time they hope to talk council intn purchrnnn new 15 Wmm mee It drivinn one It the tractor uhtbtled one to repLaee lrtvodl tractor obtained revrn neer Grovu Iupertntendeot et MUSICAL SPEAKING mhuvy neotte her by may zwhdgtbm many reunion about tell bend aeld Iellritor lottoer recent rneet mm My pretreatmentelm rItIInI utem am delimit IM Vliim trueu rn wowcm trimm venomrm mm omen Importt Pr ill eerrold midmhWmM ulnbllrbltreerviceerndlrdm mmmn Innotlplayenthrleatlval mlrmh mum not the mm on lorryt your veer orn urnnrer ncInrp ac to commerrIIl intererte herald think oi Shetland For dlit swim mm by my position that they are not con erent halide eonslder the adverliainn pronto Zora way try to outsell the 1D letter he said it yort retr econvnucal bow you can en tome they met lllrl loud olid Ieet and lllllxizi less In lienordy told be selected cattle that would live high NANCY BELL Examiner stall Wrier William Volpone lthe Fort when it contentr Iudill trauenlnz Inv bylaw he rIid rold one tart year to the Budweiser beer rompany In the Staten he Iid They used It to beer conimereiri and new it pull wagon around the city yiviny rtdu lor children Other omen diaphy the horse under the ownership 91 rompny rurh Shur Grin ieedellr Ind tin Rue lino lee till Barrie ten to shoe It least ed lIIrI reason In eludine the Canadian NIlionIl Exhibition The Uncle the In elrht horrI hitrb In the about clrettll Unleu youve not morelbrn two there no money in it hirr Uncle raid Mr Brown dimrees lie her two term ul only one war at the iI out do make lew dollIrI he Ilid dont thlnh ever lull money over rhowtnr bar Mr Brown raid he thouihl the termboner hrd really come back In the last true or III yearn Cidring city oi ternatlenal IIme which completely your ed to pleasing vlltorr there the rtlmoiailon at live theatre Ind top music Irtiatr In reti lnllol beeulltvl reenery Ind tn In atmosphere oi unburrled re IIIItlon Last week while we there tor three dayr beside much on the rrenlo Arno lttrer thm min and Iteo Itroliinn thronrh the beautttut pub In IN to get ticket tor three pIIyI Ind Ilo two throw on the new Third staye by the Montreal Marionette Shakespearee ldacbeth VII directed lean contemporary point oi view but tercetulty protected hichethI insatiehle huorer tor power Director Peter Gill need the Feetivnt line to hill IdvIn tape Ind dedeoer Deirdre Clincy conveyed the Itmoe phere ot Scotlend in many rub lie Iyr Trend Expected Sunday Today unrettled weather to cludiny Ihower and thunder Itormr Ihould alre way to clear Ikie tomorrow general elerrtnr trend is Ptcted more the province lot loving the rennet dhturhrnoe trolled by tropical storm Dom In the US Impala AI tropical storm Dorie wheel Ilon the east rout oi the Unit State to ward the Gull oi St tawreoco Sundry thI penlaleni diturb Into over eouthern OotIrIo Ibould trail outward behind it hrtn or In end in the unsettled went er low theme or thun derrierme are expected In much olIoutbern Ontariotoday with meet ot the rain to the extreme eastern corner oi the province Northern Ontario rhorrld be chiefly Iurmy throughout the weekend thII the northern re rloo Ibould become runny Slur Iy tbronto hioetiy cloudy Ml with one or two choral and the slime at thundgntorm Eu Iy runny Itinb Iy near tow toolult near it High Sort dry on Hamilton London Sudhury North Bay Lake Erie Mrnue Lake Huron Georgian nay manaml western are or tano hloutly cloudy today with one or two howerI or thunder rtormr Sundry runny lilylr today 10 to 75 low tonilht 50 to 55 itldr Sunday tltle ill Sutern lake Ontario IIIIl btnion Cloud todIy with lew periodrotr IndIlewthun derrlorme Sunday mninly runny wind northerrt ts today lllrh today 70 to law ionllht low to one so one Sunday low to nud 1dr Illnh IA nigh Tour Toninhl Son SIrnlI 75 St lhonu rs tender bloont Ioreoi Winnhrnt hiltokota Hamilton St CIthItlneI 75 Monte nenlraa Klnyrton Peterhorouyh ltlllIloe North Bay sasgsauusrszaza Iaearasssazareass erilten by he Johnson mirror ed rnaor med ior raid elm lny William lluil In the title role Mr IiultI Interpretation trrlrxt be called hrilIlInt Ind particularly in bi opening rpeech protected hi rnamettc pawnrllty to deitne the warm ter ot Votpme lheree one in every Marv tare war trenrlated and adapted non Georne reydeaoe witty irree to hinder lht wI thorouxbly enonIble comedy In delightlui Hench tmorphere lIrron Marthe ti Peter Dmrt Tony van to Cretey hiery SIvldze Richard CW Dinah Christie and blariiyn Gardner The eel and eoatume were charming and theamruiny Itluetioo moved quickly cnluiny lIuphler upon laughter THIRD STAGE the new mini 8t all uated the intro irrye buildlnr at he River Drive not ler item the Fertiin Thentre The National theatre oi Poppet Ari pertormed tor two week durlnl Jul Ind wII tollowed byte Sin and Feattval produc tion riled 0onvertiblelrom Aumt id to II the ltlootreel Marionette were the attraction The marionette were tram tle and ehermlnr role children and Idqu alike Dur ing the two weel llInael and Gretel The Sorrerer Appren iire Ind Peter Ind the Well were IDOVD lhe merieoeltes were all conrtrurted by hitch eiine launder bereeli with entire Irelrtance by Guy Bernre yud tor Peter end the Well tirr teneodre be curved more Ian Add mIrIonetlee hermit Althourh ehehar perlormed with the Montreal Quebec and Tommie Symphony Orcherlrrr IndlnthIU withtbeNew York PhiIhIr It Stratiord recording were urd Porter manee were It it Inn and 330 pm yivinp mother dimenrlon ot intereat to parent who bring their drildren to Slrtttord blurle pron are held Iintorl Iiw on Saturday and Sunday perlorrnaoce tor all leetlvat concert and ham ber muetc concert Include the ilantIrlirta the CInIdiIn North II wondertut tor norm or reeeilon but includinn the enonIbte attenuation oi theme and mute make hoildey memorebie LITE FROM MINISTER The committee also morn mended that letter be rent to the mlnlrter oi health outlining rouncilr plan It Icllon in view otlhe not that route Iolrre lion have been permitted by the department contrary to III on rezuIIlionr Apparently the home erth lirbed to heme had received temporary permit imm the health deperlrnent Thue per mit expire on Sept thin letter lrom Health hlinietrr It lawman dated Aux to we reId to council Tbia teller explained lhIt prdtlhlull Ii llemce were belny yranttd by the province to allow rest denttIl home Ind human The tint oi erleI oi hymn rinyr will be held thi eveninr It the loyal lrue Blue liIil Iilxh Street hlrI Enid Graham who orir inated the Idea raid the even In It ringinl open to every one once estabtubed snerlrt per iormer tncludiny quartet lrorn Toronto will be added to the prounrn lne rinan berin It trim on FEW HillFill 1H 15 er one the United glnombavo ireee ere rompered with J0 per rent in the United Slater Trmes Are Fast In Fair Races Internet radon It the her no Erhiblltoo Inst ntyht Bes wnrth owned and driven by McQueen urne tint tn the rec ond Ind lltth racer CIpehtll Stnnlcy owned Ind drivrn by Barter pieced lint In the third and ninth In the that me the winner came in the wire in two min uler ll second Iltverdrle SIdie owned by Noble and driven by hi Noble led the tieid lollowed by Northco Alymer horre owned and driven by Baxter and Jeanne Caper own ed and driven by Wilson in the mend the winnin tlnre we mLutee id erond Sorworth we lettered by Speedy Du owned by driven by Brown and hreeeeahhe own ed by dint Wood in the third race the winner wrr cepehtlt Stanley to Inn mine nine and it recondr Second and third were Johnny owned and driven by It tackle Ind lend Vet owned and driven by Paul Shake to the lourth It war Nortbeo Alymer in two minute and it record lieyu lollowed by Jeanne timer and Meme hire owned by Nellinnia In the Iiith lionorth we loltowed borne by Trim and due lee In time ol two mlnuter record In thI airtb CIpehlll StInley took the money Second war Johnny Ind Len dy Veto tool the choir money lhurrdry niehtr race were marred by In accident at the berlhoinl oi th lourth nee Jim Woode owner end driver at lerbeite Lady ruttered lrnetured rib when the entry he we tiriv In overturned throwing Mr Wood to the track Judy ruled the race war rrtld Ilnee the up rel occurred lust put the tarl in line EhIdIy nlrhte mull were Denny Ii Spencer in the tint lollowed by Wit tor Clndy and Geltrnt hlrhty liroe we 119 In the second It was Wee Boole tlrst with time with Itiddell Euac Ind Widow tee heru toilowinr Roarin Rickey tlnivhed iirrt in the third with titre It 223 Dori Adler and Royal Walton GrIItIn lied tlnlshed In the money in the lourth II we Denny it Spencer ruin lollowed by Get lent hiiety Ind RitII Worth Time tor the lourth me we two minute Ind remade Wee boots lollowed by Ride deli Due Ind Euler Bennett tooh the llith rm while in the leth it we Bouan boy loi lowed borne by Roartn Richly Ind Doria Allen Stromer winner ot the ilrrl and third recent Ind liltb and third and rlxlb race were pre tle Philip Schleihaui oi Rodney probably know Ibont much about licrelord there to how director ol the Ontario llereiord Association tor iotlr year Mr Schlerbnul he been in the cattle hruines yenre Ind ho abown top not mIl in many oi the larner live tork them We end Protessur lien nedy oi the University or Guelph were onbInd yeeterdny It the battle Fair to Iudae the grand champion In the renter and to male diririoo ot the Chantal Ind Heretord zroupe PICKING WINNER to picking winner the indie look lor rtrrlrht bacb good lap and need bone You look tor little bit oi tire to Itnrt with hll Schlei bout rIid Then you took lor Durish but you dont look tor the let an that it bun tie raid In InlmIi with road boot and rlreiyht toe well Itralnht buck indicated good Mini rattle beast hlr Kennedy raid he uauIlly plot type in bi mind and then trier to lind In animal rloreItto lhl type have type to you mind oi what youre anion to it he said You look to the musdinn tIrnount oi lean meet on the InimIlt and look tor whet theyd produce Becauae they Soiibalt Finals On The Weekend No IreI oitbail learn will open none nal in Ontario Am rteur Soitball Association play thl weekend Sundry Barrie Juvenile representatiuu Yanch Heatlni travel to lhorrrpennr Park In Toronto to meet SeIr boroueh In are lone that returnynrnelnthebeetot three eerie net for Queenr Park Tuesday nlnhl It em The mvele Merchant bout WIIrton Sundry It pm in Elinka tn the openinr ir ol lthelr but el three inter rnedltle that ADICOOL Birds bavlnn no error rlInde eool their hodire by melnroi virtue Indh open Ioe their herb and vbrItinx In two minntu Ind ll rentadwithhlarhetebolhotnblr the vetlIeltheir lhldItL rate oi cutnbilily lie old he at loottd tor or need rate oI nowth and pain in weight tor the animal are GAIN ATTENTION Both iudner weed morning war not extremely important but well groomed animal we more Ipt to rein their attention For In exhibitor the prepar Itinn oi prize winninn beast tnrtr even beiore it born with breeding hill Arnold New towel eid the proeeu run with ouIIIty breeding to net In InImII oi high quality tie laid it we important to have the animal riled in retain degree oi Ashton Ind still maintain the type be worth About three or turn week he tore the lair the exhibitors nut to groom and hriter troin their erhibitr he said While he agreed morninl probably was not part ol the Mill he raid it nor the cattle row Ip eat Althoth Air Arnold narrow ed the utteria tor good Int rnIl down to leedinx premium and witty he eaid it on not that simple SOUND EASY it round my be Iid but the teedinn the catch You can pu lot ot expense into ceding Iie arid In exhrhrtor would try didermt teed to not better result hlr Arnold staried showing cattle or merrher oi it club Now be how almost every weekend lrorn mid Aun urt to the rod or September oiten howiny at two lair in many day For hint ahewinn type ol with quarter prot be but it you take lull and have to couple oi helper ihcre no way you can make Arnold aid ii the cost nl tntren into conridera unlikely be male The animal uuaii money they stand to urn he raid Air Arnold won that prize in the butt section or Herolddl yesterday hl Blair nl Cedar hiIln terms had both the iunlor champion and the reserve tronI to champion in the lemele titre lord section well the read or rhompioo and the yrandl champion hull The reserved read rhnmpron was shown by Roy Dunno omen crmnrons In the choroid rlasr laid Gaudette showed both the out ior nhnmpion and the rotor thumpion Loincoco Lalo showed the reserve junior pion bull In the dairy classes the champion ltolieln bihl war Ihown by Eldon whittoRR Slnyner Duncan Murdocbr RR Barrie rhoed the not rrrve champion bltllhdrrM ttl Ilse rhowad the rend ehltnthl ton lemale white Joe hich on Barrie had the grand champion temale in the Jersey rection rhnrnpion but we owned William Gihblrtr NR Strand Inme tlorlson Queenillg showed the reserve champion bull to the inmate reutlonmm llortoo and Son RR Ore Stet lion showed the grand champ ion lemnle Ind blurtwrr hovred the reserve sand champion Many Events lire Planned For Sunday ill The Fair barrle Inhibition rim ot bad luck with the weather expect ed to be over sundry inmin dry at the lIir Sundayr event will mart the tint time the tilt ha been open tor dayr Willi Milt rimI in the moon will he play It tIrrn Inhnal billed uOId liIrDooIldI Farm The event drawn horn top tIrrn animal In the area deviated to city resident can the what lild an the term litre Sundays event Iran continue to pm The midway will be to Another Ipeclri icIttrnt jolt be admin at Inan Ind if trill eor Chute Car Club The one mmxgt hlled II Iutom or market Sept IO la 11 Formou Brewery norm