wlthnewoollaellprlttxln rst day rely to tire atelier pll perturrrsoeu oi John and Could the Beeher hasa surprise team at the more piayetin Alter with an Sheet is Jim champions with three hit rtttllndditpiay to the Irrrslo Iwaae Creerrrxl al opener to gain orator atteo eliminated by tin itd limit it taxing up it mm hrs to rueoted Centre Simroe mm tor neny it ears the tint rnayer oi lira lord alter it at tained town status in role he anecnstlso re was elceled to the legislature in re tor Garlre Sinrcoo September at that year too In the summer and Mssanl aaoe time rtar nrad the winter pleaeaot tordtsoilbali pitcher suhse his udsroos unduly became mayor and has ottletet headed the liradiord rouodi atlhr since ln to euro crater The record ehnus he WW lhrouprnut tho county ssrd also in Metro Toronto and elsewhere Mmmmnnhltsy lt is very relaxing and ion oer IIId aid Sir Irena are loobe commented with en eilhaDsrrte Gait lhrtltlttn tile homo base tor drdt where they claring is the hradtord and Die hid curling club ems BAttltlE GOLF rose rooav In the oille today are course reeord at Sirocoesido Jittery Meter son at tormer with an emotion ll NHI liar Paid New and Deb Clarke Barrie Central John tlrrper winner oi til teacher who the Vespra Valley ml invitational chamolm coursetitte tor Wit llm Nutrit Irbp are meeting st Barrio Ioeors held the honor in 1le and tllntaie commonerstea chwe loy Atniln Barrie htteioeto Jerry Phippr tor thd juvenile man has been receiving can title It Latest Geoer course Iratuteliona irom cellist trleoda In the northeast section oi the to havlaI won the Stnwoeside countyby one point marsio club championship tor the third over the to notes year to at Oso near the Baimy Drarh tournament liawkulrntc lie deleated Ed has attracted leading goiters Storey oi Edit hide Point in lrosn several eiuhs including the final tiring so tor one Dorrie at Lake st George to nine Roy holds the nine hole day Will tremor to GOLDEN SEALS ltldiaod sports writer lien lleelone Wayne Carleton whn rm mode that Weyne starred lor Boston Bruins last Kins Port ttchceil hocksylsl winter step may appear with the mbelbeiaiuilolotoblnene Gotten Sesia tailowinl last Gnarly piayere in the National epsinss tradirrp between the Hockey halite clubs ltick ley native oi Eady Titanyear old centre who was trained by tiap phylaFm mmldllor mar 2mm at wingers Falls is es to er ts to neu with berabeenaskedtoreportlolhem Tm calibrate Golden Seals camp at Othewa on September it The but rst leeo keep rtl ey ape layln baseball and iacrosae in lb Atldland area this part hummer SPORT BRIEFS WIN SHOOT VANDALIA Ohio iAPt Jino Thompson 21 Dell ielr phone aupervianr won the Cana had as It hie teats again while Colimgwaods Darryl Sly also hopes to bc bark In NliL action again Darrto also is certain to have an Imposiny list oi NiiL per tormera attain this coming sea ton dian Grand Amcrlran Trap ahoolrntt championship Pnduy lie broke at too trom the in yard linc iir rrrrttryl the Jimmy iiohtnton trophy tor his eltorta 11ml TIIIEI ballets combined or eeten oi the elnt uhriew llite in their win ever Earl liaatt Prosn irii are Joke liitlcr Jeti Nina and Gary Nines ldlller collected two single and scored run Jeit knocked in run and scored run Gary ltiors hit home run and single in two plate appearaneea hamlets Pho lot E5 contest with dude and went to reread on hob tielllooe peotect bunt Italilm and iitnu that attempted doable steal 1M throw to third irom lm Egi er and more led in ratrhcr nob Sutherland not by third bauroaa rrn TheropaoI od went into leit ileld ltioee eama in to settle and tialllon taiiowrd him across when the throw irorn lett went awry tn the ninth Gsry litres sorted home run over the lett tieid teacr tor the oat Dairy ntd man in the senior league semi liinee collected lhm siesta MINOR soccer REPORT Mapreorove coconut Tie In Mosquito Division Playoff crowd at about too people welchtd the replayed ltasquito division seminal between llnpie Grove and Dre Tuesday plant Oro were com on tltordclcn rive under heavy pressure lmm the home iorwsrds who opened It much taster pace than the rtsitors in amp goalmouth cttrerl inside the post wimp tlai looted and it seemed as though tiapio Crone were going to assume complete comarsd The coal rsnre irom ths boot ball into the as tho Ore deteneo Ilood oi Stuart Coorelt at the tour rninolc mark Orr were not deterred how clor and made aonta strong It lacks as they came more into the some Iettln series oi corner kicks ch were not made lull use ot in the second hail both teams began to produce good quality soccer and the some progress ed at last pace cam removee Oro captain Eric Cuminl na began to ind working room and caused panic on occasions when his run carried him paal num orous deirndera Cool man on the home defence was Jomlo liciaydcn who commanded the your line with calm authority whenever Oro llrreatened So even were these came once again that it appeared the to score would see Maple Grove through but Om kept comlns with only two seconds at regular time to go hard law rhot irom Oros Peter Morgan ripp ed inside the port to put the gsme into overtime tor the mood week Overtime war pi It the saute vigorous pm but as lur ther goats ltsuted and again irtrthrr replay has to he tourhl Title will take place on lion day It Steele School kicks oil out pm where decision will be made to tied the oppon ents tor the Iteraters at lluronll and St bionlcas There will he no more replay ed genres tor ore and Nope Grove Penalty shots will decide the winers Another bumper crowd abould he on trend lot this game So note isletseit time Weedhtapin Grove andOrdrnrton coded in tie liapie Groyeopeord the crate at minutes Codrins on drawing level at it minutes llho home team liaple Grove stored hint beiore hail time to lead it at the Inter val Codrtngtoo again drew level Experience 0n Clay Courts Credited For lrTennis llins VANCOUVER tCPt Jtte Cambra ot itarcolooa Spain credited yehrs oi pllyirtg an hardharkw clay courir tor two close wins Friday In the boys underll division ot the Cane rlran optn lrnnir champidnshlp The currentundcrlt cham pion in Spain and No It loretgn srccl hrrr Camhra had tough matrh against Robert ilellauer ot Vonraurcr edging him 75 In the opening act and clinching ll End In iht acrond No came back soon ollrr to violent lllytr Pony oi Scatllc the No send who was lrrsh truth sucrrsttul tour In the eastern United States in the uniontil scmiiinal turn no lie slammed Perrya at his teat when the hard trig Washington player came to or dottiy plural him with well diesuircd iorrhand WAS UNNElitEtl Camhra broke service only twice In tho iirel set with the hull reverting to Perry lust once it seemed to unncrro Parry yho got only one rervlre break in the arrow set to Com brat three The result was 75 play many hours on clay in Snow and Europe but he plays on concrete it makes lot oi rirtlcrencc it we play on his rouris he wins Camhra raid at the three minute nsark irom penalty allot titers insomnia 11 lead only tour tea later ltsple Grove are level It tltt minutes and could have won with penaltyrebot lust be iero time but nd it wide lltcoe two teams meet in tho consolation ilnal st Steele St school on Sept and kick all hit pan ilurorrla made sure at plate lit the play oil linel with win over St ltonlcae time two meet in the plsyoii ilnai on Sept lith It the Palmorusda as they both had two wins in the competition ATOM One goal by Norman Mitchell was morph to give lturonla the oornoiatloo ltnsi victory over Prince oi Waite it was Nor mans ststcenth goal at the sea son word oi theatre goes out to the men who have acted as re term in all the games this year Otticialins is never popu tarhub prsismoustbe duct to tho helpers who have voluntar ily given at their time to be questioned by players yelled at by coocbea Ird booed by the nowkoowledgeehte is who watch soccer around city Without their help the games would not be hsodird so ctiic lcotiy and smoothly and it is hoped they will be back next senor Well done the rstereest nasurrrt SQUltiT tSenrlitIIiel tlapla Grove Cedrinrlon liuronia Steel ATOM tConsolatl all lturonlt Prince oi Water MOSQUITO tSetnlllnIll Maple Grove Oro tin extra litttdl PEEWEE Seminal thriogton Grab tantra neat week ltosaulte ttlondayllepln Grove Ora at Steele St 610 Senti tinal and replay dqulrtt Thursday liapie Grave Codrlngton Steele mo Corr solatien Final All divisions bl liarrle lllnor Soccer Association in action over the holiday weekend in New zgrket atonement SepL eith Iotutuoruurc PROGth SUNDAY Ang II Poet llnre Pllt FIRST ACE pace pom it First hail Daily nah Ahburaie llcrhcrt it Abel Parker Crown Andy Ni oils Star Day hi hi rrlaon itiamies Dream llolding Traders Choice Lawson bliss Double Dale Shaplcy bliss lemrs liar Wain SECOND RACE trot purse lilo One Mile Gilligan lianover Cochreoe Lady itcrrriap Lawton it ltl lludrcs Cindys llargarct liclrenslo Cam in Dsypl lt Preltll ltiss Grrcn tall llawson little Coin ii Given County Land ll Corbett Tlllltt MCE lace lrtrae One title hliss Sue Pa bloorelanris Don tours ltiuddy Clay it Adios itippio ii Karo llerhert Weddell tr Terrill Atom lMihl Nil Lor Dixie llcEnchtrn Tracy Ann Direct White POUltlll ltItCil Pace Plirn troo tyne llilie llulorlla Scolls hlrs ltae Wm Porto liisa Battle itase Cumm rips lieyera Creed Wm Troy Desmond Dares Doctharl Spsrky Espressli Daviee Msnstes Cornet Toihurei lthreIor Stud Golden Smokey it Lipultr HPlll MC Paee Parse bl 10m hillh Pat MO Expecthrs tilt ll Jorsroton laahionGeme too ll Saran Sunbeam Gretlen throw Sled Ehlrioy Early use Avery Adioe Kurt toot Wm Posse nonouut senior DIVISIONtllitMPIONS tnrhor la sqotrts no Utter own one tin reeora in or team hrs5 to games They are coaetrod their division by DuncIm Green and Jim Huroaiaeieven Dyan Dmriinrs lba llittonle ort its one sponsored by liatphs Barber Shop tiuronla will meet St ttoolrasto decide the divi elon playoil winner IExemht er Pholot Lady Dillard tooo his ltenaie Golden illmett Wm ltanrlah Northco Jerry into Lew ran nlxttl ltAcl Pars Parse use THE Murtten SHOP Darriea Own biotllcr Speetellste rso lNNlFlla PHONE Mm M150 IOt lton Pordy who won the AlLCtuntorlonaper lenye It the Barrie telr aeeend ti little Worthy 1500 ll Lerabee Onlooler two it Davies Vagemaiitr rsoo Wm Troy Claymore 15th ill Stead Doc terbert tsoo Walker Zeba nay lbw Lawson The Little tttcl 1300 Avery Johnny One Step 1160 White Stillan liACE Pace Porno all One ltila Martin ticadow ll Peg Shea Dertrnar Lad itawdeo it Norwin Express Strauat lioin Dale Gordon Darncy ilcrbcrt Findil Dons Daub Drew ti liesdowvlew Naah es Dominion it Waplca Eilll RACE TM Ptl $1000 One little ilcka Collette Davch roster llebert Kellys llal White Sun Bo Coke Cotton it Curran it Smeltewa Lad it Warrior ltourt it throw llopo Sons Coniln NINTil ltth Pare Pane One hitle iron Yankee Darles Smoke For it Lipsetl Sir biarvln Fox Sempeenctto Galbraith Adler Julie Wm Trol tldowa Joe Sutton Cash Dominion Toiitrtrtt TENTH RACE Im Purse One Millime lltawartha uteri root law aoet ltlndy hit on Young Teaharry too it rm Lynda itoward no Wood 00 land mils lteitinaey roe Dashed kill Brown 11m eoo Ad Nicholle Jeila brother Summon MovHolpPloyer women or as nadian Football team quart erbarka didnt have enough problerna contending with op potrcttse beoettttor mm Ins encee unpredlcia more than snlnrieatlo oelm la windlandoltenulxta bellied tbemlooi blaylnl lleltd person on Our besieoblecttvcs wer tutti vowel in lint to shield lbaatartluni troro esf veraliy ol ltanllobs proteseor mm my know works Minuet expensive solution to the wind may bl Milli it PM problem titan that at multiL tieldswilhoutdomes Prottiulllerteisoltheuni gm vcrritya mechanical on lb 111 deectors slanted lo neerrng de artrnoot nya et wards st Shdegrsea wnridbe WitMIlt till it it erected erased the north eIIk indicate it is poaaibia to ore and west stdea oi the staiiiu ale airport windiest conditlooa 11 mu up who on the uterine told and to the led hectare south winds stands oi Wirurlpeg Stadium lla IIys wind dellectore constntcted according to aero dynamic principle can re done bondloanbour wind to three miles an hour or to mileart hour wind to live Three eludentt John iioh rran Gary Fairy and Bob Quirk placed scale model oi the stadium in wind tunnel to observe tho wind patterns vin the unprotected eledtum Deliectpra were then added Irrd the eiiccl observed llr Derlels paidthe atudcnts hare demonstrat idea is workable tort ow are wprk ins to tell TIMING ANGELS They Iretrylog to deter mine the best angle and the smalleet alae blithiylhd length at deectors tor roast mum protection The gr till it gtr nIrmye um Mm START AT ii 24th pins risiteah lIli the Eaperteecel tteaerveltt 1166474 stroller licisaler $100 tldtnltyrndashtalrh mdrrusordonrd napoleontsp mtwrrtooewunyot teem miter eta holder to AOMISitOli to the woods on tho do ol in peritoneal tr motor er nettle cANAoutN NATIONAL rxuranron lintll Sept Toronto BUILDlNGS OPEN 0N UNDAVS AT 130 RM Tlcltelt aitb available at lh CNE Ticket Agencies Gray CaehTlckIl Agency Doe Terminal Mdpie ls Stmcoe Sin Dorrie Mintstil pas MMHNFIIHIM Douglas tiara mo Wilt Posse holly landscaped no interaction eooo ea it Underground Services from btebw lIrrle and orllll Irena Orliiia tottaw old had to Insbr turn Iona tor lth snlles it than nerth Ia lltb the idwa between Walk in and start living in quality home by MARLETTE All ueetatn liomca Access to Ian Labs See Them Al thin ttrbur urology Country Edllie Living With the Communitynlmosphere raoor rest tire narrie