or Chernber Meeting Planned At ANGUS tied Probebe tetheth them due Iedether enumerate Ireneieehebreetnretredh diheeeerelpreltcietwmuttyhte Mu beitumdtirmlmleltbe DISTRICT NEWS it 15 to row ui rrrrcrt srx IIIIPS our to IItItlItI ANDIOWEIIS PLAZAS rrrr rus srrvrcr In orelrlnr Mr Mead llr bicOlIi mentioned the Uberel IerdcrwIeIIIrmerIerreIt II entitled eelence tceeber lIiI tethq the IIlI Ilerry Nixon wee premierrot the province dur f9 the do to Itll rorineirl tenet premntente wIl Matti NW iii toe pro It Itr September mother It wee teImed Irene county Oiiitilile htch To thepruerelied Illon heeded htmrt who item Gilbert ttobliIIrd It in em one Deputy Re It It Boyd oi IIIdIInd eere Norm Ooehe or coehetown heeve Carton lterle etvtltm orenvmwow lI Irbor end to uretezoonrrAnIre tlIrte complelot voiced It In convention Iboot neither on ernment wee thI It produreI In either dupltcetlon Ind rep Iy increIIlnr elvle eoete mum mm In county correcll II here it wee Ileo ended the centrelltetion mIde it lere con venlert tor retrpeyere Admin etrelton at Intel IlIIlrI er mere rerponetve te wither when deee It the lee eye DH Irtd prlrer will be It tore level It wII Ileo eonte Id nter mlnieter eI edueetion epobI Ibout reelonei overn rnent ltltil bI recerelred tome oi hie envrrnrhrnle potte III on thIe Irpoct Ind Ileo on property romelement hItI DISTRICT Burrs lurerole oxroohnrner tried um mm An ltr Churchill United Church tbie hetery club he erreneed InnuIi ohtoberiert tor beturdly dept 1L HON more DANCE DEEION tdtIlit etrcet In Demo Frldry Auruet dence will be held meln eteeet on It Itertln Itl en The Itree will be to Second Ivenue tor the event MUdIUhi monomer NIDNUHST tStetl lilritett Iltendenee It the dtmcoe County MuIetIrn to hire yeere oi oper etIon It It prerent rlIe appetite Illehwry it here exceeded It not IIet yerr In increree oI Ii moel eooo over tree uwrrrn Arreri mtuuewoon rum un ted rice It torColIinr Aw dittiilciudtn the teen oI dtIyrler end the III at Wurre Beech will be bed wood Ind dill in October WIN TlNNiI TITLE MIDLAND tdtltlt Joeltelie IiImIltn won the menu divi lion end Deve Ollivle the men renter dietrlon Iar ltldIInd tern nle club rm tndlvlduet ehenr uwho IUMMIR ENWMM OOONSTOWN thIltIi met me at Ippreclrtien hu been rent to membere oI doetrtown Womene lnetttute ioe their cerv trthutlan to rummer moethI rem It timcee Mrnor horde iii the elderty It Beeloo lire Wilbert Trotter it met dent at the Iocei brrncb which red by arurcbtll bunch tor the mterulnment more me tel no CHURCHILL IIIVICE DIIUIICNILL tltelit Tor Ionle clerlyrnen Iter nIvId it moment to belt or Imp neeatetion or re gion edrnlnietretien needle review oi the tour earth slmcoe county council lteeli moletlon tel nd wee ren eentien by never member IIIrden reere oi Bredlord other were lteeve Alien lichen oi Ore De ty ihI enterio hiuntelpei Arlee tItlen rerolutlea oI oppoelttott to reltonel government me It the IrmI contention It whleh Premier Williern DIvlrI lor treat Centre Ite whet one rctentlrt deecrlbed ebInlI wunt mode In election puny ro mlnirtrell peruire to ed end where we cm wide better Ind more eitI eervlce II It reletee to re mention he wee rue Toronto neee reporie error no nion Simeon County council diet lonrebout rc onet rovernrnent duhetentlel tem wIIIdopted with Iron baude ebeiiehedeit wee mm llt Rogue Course tAneIeoIIcwnetoboidepIr September It to decide ebtp tor men end women Drbteen holer oi roll thI be pleyed by eech pertlelpent hr eddltion to mm lbe bit time It be the em to hip pm Preecntetinn oi tro II rrente lo mu dimmed plierrrII MIcDonIld eperItor Ietd bendterpr will be entered by oiilclelr There wllI be prone Ind net prIrer In the event oI rein Itrture dete will be Irrrnred he rrld BeverIIpIIyereheve ande the nine holer It Green Acree In the it per tncludlny Denote Teylor Ind aerate MeronIId Green Acrer pelt centre II to ceted on lltehwey to put eat It Anne Word oI uttle Trinity Anrllcen urch will be the Ipeeher It eomln Suede Aur re tor Ipeei UCW ndey oberrvence mcrIIre It tott IIm FlDlIltdON OiiOlll Nemborehtxr tn the Onterio FederItlen oi ukuiturw eontln uI to new Iluron county Iedr IrItton eepoete thet it bee eoid ItI Loqu memberrblp In the Orient Mention oi Apricot 1hr met II Johnwltutheh younr Inner ncer Winrhern rumour erecutr AuetreliIo IcIenIielI hrve de veloped blecitit from milk by prodncle 1ny IpllIIe out he proteinr the mltlta ere II ulte Iccepteble homo mode etve rbortbreed bIecuIt Aurtretien lilih hlmlt II deelrned II mtilr Iubetltute tor children in Ichooil where trerh mill to not IvrIIIbIe MILK ENODUDIION cenedten drlryrnen produced one per cent lIrI mlit In me then not but world production IcIuIIly climbed Ilirhtly Mei world production wee ttl billet pouodr to two ltuIIIII the werIdr blueet mlth deer Increered production roe per rent JIpIn end the Upited blete werIunrllrhtty too MOONAIINITINDIOAID The tinterlo her producere mlrrhetin bloenllabolen teiettte to err on illr itiluto beveirectfginre then they here put etII rnlliltn lhrou the eyriem It In lbttltlihrd midi ldin oeropor pro ducerr mertetlne bored shows M1 the eerly the III hIe the erIre ol the people at OnlIrIo It hurt he raid Ireln etreeo lee bir derire to etrenethen tretle durtnr thel rempeirn their demorretlc rirbte country To Get Report OhlReglon Opposition Wet ot the anterto Hillbitibl dietrublnl to men pointed out Ademendterrrnri etpei Aeeoctellen In Ilbier the mute no Ipolory tor the Ir Idonlnlrtrrtlee ereIr bee lhIt reletee to the nerrenlr been mentioned on the rented Iilon oI our munlcthlltiee lion thItSltreoe County weetoe where the need to demonrtrele Ieree Inr ettelctleedle lonII ed erm It retepeyere lit the Toronto convention the In erpertrneee oi 5t Cethertnee Ind other piece where tuee 1min ieoiiin unlit nee vote ml mum duetlen oi rertonrt rovernment mm mlmm end the idee wee endomd by WW ell older or town to townebtpr it countier Ind ld vilierre Ell Ir Inrreue In government In dictum rentel regionel Idmtntrtrn conte ume Iller the rellonel mm ye may WW Mi denier II indleetion oi dIrllIu rhoment over Ialtclpeted econ lbe Ontqu Muntclpei Aeroo iIUan Irreed thel property In te IIrt Ipproechinl the return lion point Ind never on reilen ted true Iblilty to pry It weur unrlhy elected ANOUJ sum Aurore vimmtmthm roeotebrveheen nude ItOreee thou one we ereI II no mm mm ricee which benrtlt Ill reeid Le struinrotIoconheterornedj pronrm mu uneo on niclpelltlu wee Nelreotlrment In eorrrnment render ol leepchrr money It love we Ioolber litlntl live which Iorne Ielt Ihoubi be reprererr COMPLETE 7PMJ9PM See It Inrmer Nille Iter rrect Jim Turner winner at the eounty thrItItIonIl enlt chemolauhip tor the me roll tIIie oi the dentin Goun iiesuriace Road From Crownliiil 0RD STATION tStetIt Ite Illltutiil oi the tour iIne Itirhwey No It irorn Crown Hill northwerd tor ncerly Ierrn writer line Om need he been by tiumn Conetruo tlon eompeny oi ChethIm Wort II cootlnulne no no and tent trbe have been eonrtnrcled It eervlce IlItionr Ind other entrencce The protect announced tew Ireete err by Gordon t2 SmIth our Doneervetlte member Ior Eur Slmcoe Involved miter oi reed TRY WHEN WANT AN PHONE iIdie erIssv HALL reenter Ir erotan our printer rmrrr DANCETLDOR fDencee Meetinpe Dtepieye Weddlnpe ItentIIe Benquete lennnet premier eeIIIIhIe lure Ir dmell Dmpe For tntermeilen ltdMT In tumK iiitliltllbli INIWMLEIMMIIOIIMIWJIIReMIW the ReeIII neetee leeII WMII MAW enrollment mum Ironwooon i311 reuour Allin iltlrtllil OUNLOP ST IdlttlE ONT coMtNo srrrrMorrt WHEROF EMOEMYAWARDSI wormmrnwreu Ilium MIMI lllltllltli lit lilililiiii GOLF FINAL Perl llerer GIrp Meeer will ritilhhthirwduiiilthrxol33ny pummel IL themlner Pho Leaving from Volley Toni oration or l0l5 iii5 ili5 iri5 5i5 end 6i5 For more information coil Volley Twentportetion 7261222 THE iMPERiAL IS PROUD TO HAVE BEEN SELECTED FOR ONE OF THE PREMIER ENGAGEMENTS OF THIS FINE FILM Ineeeree NOIWNH totemer tarteeoekrheImlee teem Camal have experienced only three or tour movies that was genuinely sorry to one and turns sorry to see Carnol Knowledge endl thrent crnby MY iitIIOI Irma ititthtiitti to one ot the best mov es overt Itr SmithICormonoIIIrn steers tomorrow iMiERIAL IthtlIlt now PLAYING PM PM IEIIW W4 31 Elllt De Mi ltler IIMWI WE EM illitehtdtobJodtNrdtolson onditehergtttrtrthurcorttmlel Annrorgrcmdruesreitrr ecreoit levee rweurfuur rrnuwe kade meowemu OMEN ummMDMm The Immune tn title tlltn my be attentive to route people Slovene Memper NOW PLAYING SHOW STARTS AT DUSK enormrnrtrrmtommtnrrntr rrrturtrmurntrttnnt NOW PLAYiNO PHONE 50127 Wormhole wrmenorarcooenvrwonon WWWMM WW weertrurrrneecer All norm ll Utilidilltll DUSTIN H0fIMAN lmu nrn MAN WW mu lttrlIAteulltO imminrtmunemmnw wow elrvmo TILL FRIDAY Brimmrmvomums wwuowmuewwx mwnmmmwwwwtm uremioounuunmrw oumTOIly Astrologer in town Immunere Lovinp Is bitter medicine An Important Iilttl II eMl III in mi IIIme GEORGE SEW EVA more your urrroarunionrtorrosrortnrrwitrirtuAhnuteutrtotetr MIIIOIIOtititttilitsvdnetdidretildtditd bl Meteorolor enemqu Intranetmeme mu wet err lent merrerelermemetteertdeeeIIIIIIIII