it temps JvertWinnipeg It iiiton the tint quarter ended nnemmd pniete In the second end out ustralicrn Upset yfrench Champ RONIO tul motel uploltlnp her bechhend towedod Evonne tloole ttnodey nipbt In the elnrlee tinel It the nedientlpcn trunk Dun put her My toretber to win the title to red trope In prire ltlee Gooieypny will In ertre more In her when ehe rrrcbet ArrI blindly Gooleepnr no the reed blotch bee heir editor to home wee preeticelly there to the teld eiter her Eren eiter Wimbledon ted to ruih borne rod ree not mprieed It my pIIy vAtter Wimbledon hit bell over the net wrote wer expect hioet oi III wee Iurt be polity home now 10 CitlIAth Durr the iorerroid memplnn eheliended Oooiepenpr eoneentre on ettrthypieylnltnber the beyoerold llllm erieenr beetroot Oooleponl eterted by tehlnlrthe eet two teidyWrirmrbgi MlerDurr ehedlorttpher three timer this yenr heren to tote their toll She broke illri loeirronfr iervlce in the Iiiih end ninth rrmer to tile the openinr ret Ind held her own week rerrice In the mood rel to teke the melch Erionne reemed to be plry the in the motion ltiiI their eJd eucee the II hair tomd to oirrl home tee ber heckherid wtr not mine too well end thet tr her time out thet She not really Ice curete litre Dine bed decided belere the meleh thet the on role to try new thnr end ow down the pm She liter irrt bell ehr reld She rnede let inure mlIIIkeI tbie time llAltll AWL litre Gooleyonl didnt etert bIttIrrl the bell herd until the Ieet two liner ot the incl at which titre thrrr ended with winner on bee hrcthend Vie Bdwertie litre Coole ponrr eoeeh rummed up the metch tble wer she didnt et trck eootirh erd Prrnkie pleyed very well Idwerdr Idd liter Durr elmoet didnt come to Toronto to compete until ehe herrd thet thronto wee cooler then lndleoepollr ind where Inother tournerrttnl wee rcbedr riled lIrt week end dont lite thglhert llow lucky ten you httlli pin ere hideout uo rurty ttiereenret Irenrten Ill de Ieeird Artlnlr Ahhe niloe Ante lee end Bennie RIlrton oi Elle ereileid CIIli It wrr Okkerr mood prydey In roe eiter he lc edrup AIM ior Inelnr ene eln Iler Ilnei Sundry to John New eembe oi Auitrrl Okker Ind Itlerren epitt thm while the term pocketed tron eeeh Canadians iuy Laiieur Canuclis Get lliiree Iuniore uoninnei icri six young pleyere Includiny two choice In IertJune er teur dreit heve come to terms with the steniey nip ebrmpien liontreel cInedIenr enerel men one Hockey uneed blender thet Iorerde tiuy IIIleur Chuck Arnrren end billrrIy liliren deitncemen bob tlur rey end Lerry Reblneon Ind yortle lilcbol nuulre hed elpnod withthecluh Both Letirur impel room with Quebec itemperte oi the Quebec Junior Hockey leerue end Arnrron Merl men with FlIn non homherI oi the Wettern Cenede lloekey teem eteeed to twnyeer pectr Letteur end Gerry Pelterron who helped neyetlrte the It Irprerred eeilreciien with con it tree Iwoyeer deel end It wee very rrlleirctory rIid Pettereon who Ir eieo en ed iieer to JIII heiiveru who re tired ee Cenedltnt cepteln err iierihlr Irnnmer Arnteon nerotleted ble two per plot with the help et hob woolt the porter terrier who helped chuck letter Ind Rll litrtyniuk corner to terror with the remedial Ieit yer llrrr lynluk Ind Miler wcr bioni reIir two top pickt In the me Imrieur dretl Iii mild iih the derl re IridnAmeeontt ttrrtthoutht when dreted by iron dienegert locum wir that wu epe out in the minore Rut ill ii Wileon ekey men In the neon llnleb oi otterir on In the nterlo iioetey ArrocIeIIon then went down to iilehiren Tech Univerelty where he wer In AlIAnrerIcen Iut um CANADIAN PM irinred neuterheek Den Jenn oi Ilnrrlpe blue limb mumelhebeoehiotich ileld enel Ind convert It In bin leeme Ml In to my modem Ind reteloed top rpot emonp Wertern Poet bell denim Indirldueircw en The Iorrepoint periernreece yet the bomber heck ll Detail tour ehted di Cel leeye Lorry Robinson who converted tour ol Celtlrye re touchdown to more brie od iece ebeed oi Serketcbewen ourhrider tuliheck Greene Reed Reed her it points Split end Bah Lerner who scored ttornherr lone touch down Ind tulith lhiph lie IOnnie who went one once Ior critery mired Into tltth pierette with it pointr tech they bus the ume number oi pointe eI pleceticker lien Phillip oi no Lione one be hind Jeck Abendrehrn ot Bu krlchewrn The Ierdere Jenrt iiViliMIL Reed Abeodrdren Lerote bitKihhll Pblllipr RC Lliiler Fire pleyerr tied pohrtr eertt ueo=s uoua Shanano0 n==a====r Played Lacrosse lor Oriliin Team NEW WESTMINSTER 30 CPI wild Dene el ew Werlniinrter rorm oi the Olnldllti ucrerre llellol heme wIe killed blondey in en indurtrint Iccident No we it No loined the llemiilon term in lttJ where he pleyed beiore Ioinlnl term In Drlllie VANCOUVER tCPl Three tomeold pleyerr horn blont roel Junior Cenedlenr oi the On Irrle Iioekey Arrocieilon here tinned with Veecouver CenrlchI oi the Nettian lloekey leirue cenuek renerei mrnryer bud Polio enneunced ldondry The three Ire Jocelyn Guerre ment ltohert Lelonde end iiith erd iemieun They were the Crnuete ilrri three clinic in the emrteur drett end will try out It the Cenucice am In Celtery be innlny bept it Merteii Leads Seniors Tourney dASItANON CPI itenry hirrIrII oi Edmonton teed oil In therecorid round oi the Cere dien eenlore knit eherriplonehlp todey hoplnr to melntein or wider the enHteoke lord he built up llondry liertell to lormcr Cenr dlen Preterilonel Goli Areoctr tlon chempionI errded ttrrt round lohoiI Iotel it he the tront nine end it on the heck Pirrt true In the 000 tour nement prelude to the till CPOA chrmplenrhlp tourne ment ie lite pie ed quite well MIrIeII erld in thet wind wee tricky iecor or the new yerri roller Two over per be wee one Itrote eheed oi Emle Neriich oi Thornhlll Ont end tour up on Gerry Proulr or St Euttece Glee Ind Bill Thomeon oi Win note Junior rerirr no It reted er herd yorker hr liontrerl ehlel trout cleride liner hebinrel whe etrrrdr elx Ieet twe tetherer drrited In Kitchener lienren oi the Deruiee wee the top mile in the Quebec Junior ileekey Lverue Ind wee Queberewinever marten 0i lilnrr In Int ltitlll liemo rtri Dip tine liurrcy pleyed In the OIIA with rterboreurh Peter rod in Aldo crmprynoie Lllel PROFIT ilhihllNh Ont CPI Ihleree Iooklnr tor hi quI eete Irpm thr eentiy Ire In Ier bi dlrrp polntrnent Chrrnbe mgr em II eey the It wit thr iiiorivveiur rt oi the lit cerieinlt we eubaten tie more thenih thtri crib lnrl it it IIO IIIIIII IIJST iliIOiliRii Oiliiiii little they Who Emum It the din It the op entry Cenedtrn little lee create on the pug BeeebIll chempionrblpe Fergie Jenkins Wins 19th Nears 5th 20Game Season ity in mm rrnrr Wtiiil Stencil itit the Iihre tloneend ilourton Aetror pot the chock Perrqun Jeonr tell like Inninqu Minnie Bum rot hyped Sterleil the meter leexue leader in home rune with ti end in nine brtied In with lot erected three riorler end don bie Ind drove in tore runr iter dey nirht pretax Pittrhureh Plreiee to In victory over the AIIree Jrnktnr the wlnnineeel pitcher In the Nrtlorrrl tame moved closer to his tiilb source itobcruon ro eronhurltn an lee INN LOSING HAIL twohliter tor hie ltth victory Oiierro th hlrnted AtirntI hrever MWilil the help at twoiun double by the bin rtthl hendrr other Nrtlenel Lerrue Clnclnnetl itedr de it tattle CetdlnIiI and New York title MM toe bod wvr billhtibpo Ah Iiel Sierreliobtd beeh In recen Iiump ruin it due without homer beore ererhiny lwn errlnrl St linuir Sundry then tell he hed Iheken DATOUN 1000 FROM terror Drieun 2402 wee nemed Sport Cer oi the Veer by Reed Tort mepulne But It you eent ill your Iemlty or your budget into 2402 pet the next beet thingDetrun 1800 It doernt give you everything you net on eroz but you pet the ihlnpe thet in Like rIilypieven overheed oeirr enplne We more eitloient then In ordtnery Iodine Arid liont diet but Theyre th no one will tell you oihetw ire Irritation end The loule IIrt trim Their teem lost to to llntrrto little Ireruern who Ieoeed en uncured run In the bottom oi the ninth Lenin After the Aetroe retired two nine in the top Iii the tint the Pinter tied the eerie In the bot tom iii the Innlnp on Iinrie by here Cub triple by Vic Dev Ilillo end einrle by Stencil Toe Pinter broke open the yeme with tour nine in the Iiith when Cerh worked Drrrlltle Imeihed hlr second triple AI Oliver weikrd Sternll doubled in two run end Iloh Roberiron hit eecrltice And they completed their reerlnp in the reientb on don hie by Devellllo Iinxle by Oliver Ilt ltlll Ilner by ster yell rnother eecrillee tiy by Ictrry ended tour nme Pirele Ioeinr rireIk Ind Incrrnred their Netiorrrl Lernue Eert lend to live Iamrr over St Jenkins the hiyhhleklnn dl ttbpound tuhe eee Irom Chethem Ont limitel Atlenle to only two hIIIRelph Olrre riri Ie in the truth end Dori th lamr rinrie In the nut llc eIo stopped the 221nm hlttlnp etrenl oi the tirnvrr iienk lie Arron retlrlnl him three hiI Ilililiti timer And he walked the tourteem mend robin pie Ll eieo pit hritirb Onl um IllilAlt Alberto PlIy oils end lenlpht It antut him only It here on belie end rtrikroutr in it lnninu this reuon III rure ioviunrte to yet the double in the ninth inlet end here the two ertre nine It the over the piete like mi ring to win It it Jenkins on the threrholdot beinr the liret pitcher to etrrny imiher the consecutive torio iery IeIronr Iince the Brever lherren Sprhn did it trorn tree he pitcher mm the lliilli ell club errepl PbilIdeIphietlie teem thet tended him to the Other in loot til the thiitlerl reld tiere eny IIII hell he eIld Well now dont lire them Inylhlny but hele chlcrrn ecored ttr Ilrrt run In the third lnniny when Glenn tleckert doubled Ind come hoitro nn hilly thllnmr Iinrlc They nddei two run in the ninth when Johnny Celiiron weihcd Brock mile Itnrled CIIIIIort wII out It the plnte on rounder by blertin Ind Jellliitl dropped hie double into PIttiburch her hit Ileid The triumph moved the tub Chicano within urichell come oi St New eek Loulr In the Netional tcerue Philodelphle one end much out reren hint hint And Independent reereuepenrton You not beiierrordtioldlnp better tintAlonI end eiter more comiortehie ride Deieune provide you with It Crnedien Irtety and pollution control requireme Ar hlph periormence epoii eeriler all there ieeiurer re erendrrd equipment he done Deieun 1600 ioryourmoneycer the me ll gThereereriioiethroliooDetimderlerererwdeeiidtlreii or Drieun ZIOZ Sox Clip wey Perke triredly ietl Ieli men which hedrrl been to friendly it the lied Sol hed dorprd tern Itrrlnbtell oi them It heroe Derwhere in the Americen teerue ltoodIr plat Briti rrrore Oriole ehIded htuwenhee linen end liinnerotI hlnl hinted Oereilnd indilu it in the only flit Irbed sled The her bed rIllIrd Ier three tune to the eercntb idlihl err bemen hr Gentre Scott end Joe labored to wipe out to Celt Iornlr teed but the Anrelr bounced rith beck Ice tour in the elxbth eiter no error by title Apertclo opened the doors BIT mm ihIt made it Ceiliernie poiny Into the ninth but Rico ictroreill end Scott opened with Iinpiee Ind Coolrlieru ripped Jet prim Ior bin lorriewinniny homer 11m lull Initht be the bud eat but ever hit decided the Angels oer btethdIy em It II lint but rue elm Ind xmwhntnmxhrce April hurl Rb not hitter mind eerhndr Him bII ueeonr Irerere Iit hiiiwhn to hlbiotk helped helllnrore hut hm resume wen leednry re the tomb inntnr when It drehled Ioe Britrrmeee tint Ind erroe united to More Bronte ltotlnriene tingle in the tinh rte Oriole breed the ham on their by hiuh Beirnrrr Ind wronlnk Ilium Jinn Printer end wrlk to BIe itrttenmnnd hook Power Iorred Beienm et home Hi Punk llribinion delivered iworun rinxie preiltnl the pier tn treat to my ltnneentr roileeied Ieeeoo birh ll hrtr to ehrll touched or Jun Kule ltth victory oi the union Rod Cerew bId tour bItI Ind Tony Oilrr Ind Curr Tone Iddrd three etch er the Irirre revered In every lnninr they bet ted except the eerenth Tour tiered ruoI tn eecb bIr tint lorr timer It bet In llermon Killehoew interned bit Amorlcen leerue Rhi totri ref BRSEBIILL RECORD Iy AilE ANADHN Pitts America berm hit Ill rLtlltl 71 it lil hi hi 56 NI 6001 thh Iir 10 ill tii it 71 Ni thr lirel ii 630 bl hi hlt It l1 or iil ii id 61 65 AN liinnrroie hi hi tlt 71th liilwrukre it so At kill inner ItedIeIdey tIerclerrd It hilnneroie Baltimore II hltlwrukre Ilcrvit It Chime luhlnpton It New York Baltimore Detroit Boston New ork leuiinliun Cirrriend Orhiend Kenrrr City thlerro CIIiIornle Netlpeel teem Brit MGM 11 SO IN hi ll 65 5t bid ht 5960 00 Wk at All it it it tOl kih 5t Louie tionirenl lint SIn PunchIre 71 hi to Anxcler 51 III AtlInte ht It hit lioniton to II tht ll melnnrll II It rn It Sen Diego it 71 Jit lterelte Mudey Chlceen Minnie New ork the heroic Cincinnetl St Ieilllr Pliieburpb llcruton Centre Wednndu itrriten et Pituburnh thieere It AtiInIe sr iMlLI II Cincinnetl New York It tor Anecler blontreel It Sen Diego Phliedeipbll It Sen Punched THE MUFFLER SHOP herriee Our little Tt Steamed rItIt Drier VenoouierJerento liertell lteiilev Leeet hornet Ieenee womrel no tremolo Cites BIRRELL DA sure DHONl 1283111