mu IUNIA 6th To Soilon Content Iiulos OTTAWA l0 Id unionInd rower Itdlwtrnl million Ior mu wlelI uan Mum mm will II III Iubiort nI will 83 If hurlnu unopennln Tomato SILII mInIlIo dIlian oi OnlIrlu an II III Teachmbchmga WM 09mm mm rIIIlon nI OntIrio IIII It hII MI nonrum an um ooliinId hundred tIInhrrI Iron hum II by commission rhIinnIn IIIliId II III III um out IInuIry will may Inrh mm II but MILMP nonmin Ind riding Ilr min III than IiIiIMIlIl b0 31 worm II II Inorllnl Idlrllla lrm ii III rindInI oi GlinyI In Inmr an l3remqu III III in linnlreIl II II Ii Pom JunIIu lnundd In Irlth InrhIn pro Im dn mm In II III III III now port on privIlI POICIO MIIIIeImg IIudlnIJ IWIIIIIUIIUCBI brondtulcrr II Cmdinmn ng lg BIIIITIIIIS BII KEN mm maroon an limo gfgudggmw It tau rue lo mm Inlo rum gar IN In owl II mm IhIhIII oi Id mound nl um ol the anm n5 IhI IIIIIIyIIolry French trIrherI In IhI reillionl mm nonno on nnu mm no In won IIN dIIIIIIuIb II purenoprom nlmun minim IorlIorIIchooiboIrdImd um rumor on who noon un on They Have let rlo lawyerch not 1m To Themselves rm via Inch in ILIIILIIInm Frown Ihmendnwnu In to chIl ollh CInIdiIn III III rIruIl omrmm ricoIdNIlmILWdIl Publlia mlilomllhoiic ml Pmlrl Ivhhmulmmrnurinllu O13 wthIII my mmrnltlu III my In III rholrI oi Isl III boIrd lot on aim conllnt Inlo IhIlr Muir montntoIhnIII Ilinh who who mum lnIiiKLpIrmlI any b0 IiIIclivt SCOIII Lead Dies noon III II III Immlox OYCO In uill no IIIlvloloo 00 now no nun unnonnuoo no one Wm mm In mg mm 0mm PrincI Eduard IIlInd Now II In TlIdIII lormIr 0n nyuymuhmw mm mum hm oIIIIIINIIIIIMIIIHIIInllior Wmn elioru to lorrn All In AIIIod decision mm III WWI WI NIH all yurly huin rIlhIr thIn Ivrry mm mm Wm IIIInanI ronrumn coll uku Iro mIdI hy lhI nmidont oI ls gulf mm IroublI rieimd LhI IirIrIll WIIIIIIII NIIIJIIIIJIIII nnrnmon II in In WW Dunn Conuniulonu IreI Paper IIWIIIIS WC Wm In saIa Agreemenl drni no Communion nI tho mnto IIII Ilr Ind urn onlIrlo Provinclll Council Ird vmmuvm mo deciddlo NItlonII Boy sun III II IIIII IIIIIII on IhI omwn rm Ammonth mm lcrtlnrnI On In lall roiled wrongful bElolrrlnl Vifmgem mm Igamgnm must mm mum 0th vormwnulmmmr 3mm mmm and mm Nu Vlllliun Ilium IIIqu IIII 51 WIm InnnIi mutiny oi thI ancme union mu gum Ior Ml IIIIVI Inlmrl In lhI um Inlmlrn hIIIIdlKIIIld WINmm ch may IhI my 1mm movarnt um MINI WIIILIWIIIIDIIIIIIIIIII Mill IIiIryInmIIrIIIIrnIuiy Tho Nnhup llC Arrow Thu rounII III lured by lo IhI InIiIn IlIIlrI hrInIh oI EmilII In NH IomI In n3 for any mm July um um wu mend Ind IhI IIIerdr Ind Iln mono IoIlthmtIlrItmIII Mmi mural uh oi tho pIrIoImIrI not Ilcl on 51m in mu horn Sylun we Nil Nm III whowmon lIII but our ulillr mm mm mull thIlooI cooMinvIIIlIblI oli IulyLIVIIuwIliuimnInyr renown ICPI lonnIr Ihlrd III IlIlqu anInIhIr III III nnrnul IIn IIII wiIh thI comb lW IhuI IIIbum 51qu on comm bolldI ruInII ll IvuumI mmnII OIIIIII IrnlIr John llo IOIIONN lCPi 1hI noun Huludwilnhlvnlhbhuidi IIrI alum ugh and anIIIle lour by my wu airml poor orIIoI lion vnulion 1qu III VIP hull Hoodlum IIIIIII In In III horoun oi Elohim lorlI pm with Ital non mood wam nuIInIhIIImw no lum IIIIIIIIII III IIIWill III hygrIrIIhIIgIvIrIIhlolIr CInIII had In mu winlllibil Iy nlrlpnlillu In lmnoln InIinlo Iinlvlur third irom iloulitin Ilm mod intiudod 110mm hiodIWmulm mm nlrIIbItItoldIIIxIrml III IIHIIIIHII W1 IIIHIIINIIIIWIIEIII omwn It 1in 5m mu zmb UIIAWA hm No nIthI InruiItlonlrlhowzinolr pthIlunlciolIlllilrliimiu lth quIuIIIonln In gildgull rollIrImrrInIIth with Ih in werItorII to II III on Ivcw omrn mm Ammw II mm hm if mu mm 1309 nid In Iumnolilion Ior newInInIrI mm It IhI hIonlmI IIIIII mm you much In IothoConIdiIn mulch minim my mm IIIrnothrnheInlnlIrview union oiI linolrtliukllnl nfolnlIndlrnunrl Iilllu in lhI MCoglrolinlrllliIlviltglkILmm hum or mm Gmml mm WM UEIIDIAIIY now In tronnm or II II In on In oIII or WWW romoiIlnlI IhII IioIoIng Iroono lollowlnIpInpzirlymnrninl II The IIIIIIIIIIII disrtrudr IblI In to do buI Wth nonunion Sound iInm oi IilInIIlon Irmnllon proiIIt III not II III boon lm Ih turned mo 2le hiicd IIubIldInry oi III Amerir mm myan modIlIonI wrrohnd hinmcl on lhI IKItIII oiernrnrntl IIrIouI mooth that would lhIthu nolbIInenouyh pm SoqulIIh II urhoIrn In In Innounrod IIwa by tho II rorpornllonIIII Doll in mm in IIIIIiol IhItrmpliorlhIIIrry InIrIuInI Ilrh link touihlr IhI IIIII Imposed Inn to IIIIIIfIIIMll but Iilround nowroIpIr Im wrllm nIpIrImInL Aim II tho IIldlnhlIIIItImonllIIuId Ill mmwm whim Incident in mm we III Ind iruurvy ill Ind IIIIIIoVIII hyIIyIlrmoiIIx lIny IhI piIIII In 0nlIro ylws III Rodney Fmiut II In IIVIIII youttI commoJIuom wen twch John EderdI II wm lound main to Illow rod lhuIIon oi ml mm Ind crrnle woolen litrturi Ind lhI Drop Iller rom IbIIln rup dropplr Mr Don II IdIId II III In rood II In India resldcnIlIi by recurlly dol Iwo loIIIlIx bunl Ior peoplI when houn In North IlrnlrIw ILner lion Ior out oI Irhoo Ind warm ll hit Oracle IIld IornI oi III IIhooII hIro ruIrdn Ihoul III rIIIId Ior fully lnlI noIrby II IN binned tho CInIdiIn nuns no IIrlew ondI IhII Ill III third oIhIr InIIIoIiII Iollll III bu III II III on no notId IhIl IIIIWI him III million worth oi rrlln Irom OntIrlo urnant yIIr lo prodocI Hullin IIld III min is lhIGUh Illlldlngzlouy town on ownII IuhIldiIry II Unllzd Thll wII IIIIIEIIII llOUBNN IRIII Tho mm min hnrl In In moon II no Euro IhIt Idonlllll My In mm III III nioou lo IIlInninIl III III ryI Ihowhlle all In lholiil wn prlcd on ioer IinII oI lount IIIIIII DoilI bx Apollo ll IIIIIIIIIIII DIvi Scoll Ind JImeI Irwin GIoIoIiIlI hopo it will rum to bo nIrI nI IhI moonI orl min In Ill Ion yIIrI Dr Paul GIII Ion Ipnco IIIncy Iclenllri VIII Inld to ho InxlouI lo dillrlb uiI pom oi lhI rock lo lhI Irodnllny warlr won II pouibio In My could lion waI II mainI ll hy noo Ilnndnr III Announce Now Ilenl Subslnnooo Shrinks Piles luluhlmml mumown mound mun InIIlIIII hII lound In on hull wilh III II ly Ionh honor IhoiII Inllmnll Illl nlor III WWP hill rrilovInI now IhrInIIlII too IloII imporunl oi IIIIll II in In lnolmuihllw oI nun Ironth cranium IuhI our wouldme IWIIG runIII in IhI hell CNE Ivor See for youmlfihlo In The GrIndIIInd Show wilh bigMme InlertIinIrI like Johnny Cuh and The Gueu Who Do IhI colourful exhibit buildian with their mIny new IndIxcitlnyIurprlmJinrrIencIlhohlitiwoywlth III IIInIIIIIIIlI dizzying dollghlr ItI nil grut Iuu Youll llnrl OnlIrio lioco II lot of liln loo itI Icroanlhom Iho ONE Ind hrlmnnlny with Illlnrl loIIIInd doThrlilInIhoglInlIllinvoivingmoviu ol Clnolrhoro on lho worldI luau IcrIIn SII Iho Ipeo Ii OnIIrlo Pinon nIhlblII ihnI Into Iho nowutroch groupwillnrohllonlwlththemucth hInrlI Ell In on bi IIIIIW It th Forum 5le IboIrd Mich II PIIldIIIronnd in tho pddiobomwuchlhooornlmndndu noon in The MIIIIII StIy Ior dillth one tho Iour liconnerl Fine dining room will my of tho Incitinl rIIlIuIIntI Ind lounm IIIllIrId Ierou Onlnrio PIIII And donl forget Ontqu Pluto in ollo 3m Ipot for viewing tho lNil Althow Ind Aquhrnmn Speclol low Idmluion run for OnIIrlo PIIII III In Illoct durinIhn CNEI AdulII 75StudInII 509 children lII 25 Senior Clllxonr IIIII children undrr In Illmilled free In OnIIrlo Pius Ile nmnbon thorn it no IIIII than for GlnIIphIrI OnIlIIOPIIchIIIlIoflIlDWllITIIOFONmYWI Idnoiuion lo OnlIrio PIIII ovIrI II III So leiI ulwhrnyonvhltIhIGNh OnlIrIoPIIoIII96IIrIbIIIIInndIoIhIIll