Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1971, p. 4

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reaayeae Direct Barrie Ontario WKWEdltorEsMrltsu steam torso Mariamreset Massages rowers Allow on QKWMW Edtor races Tau Must Share The Road EBiCycle Riders Remmdd vomnsnsiuwtocuqssnusj oeseasndouiotandoeiuspsohysk illness But keep to mind while you maniac will nature or pedal the pounds ot1iust how soiasenbla you are liicycles bm to able the road with care and unfortunately man driven may consider you nuisance were on one dliesmatlcetnoitsontheroodandtis not tor the motorist to see you Even enhsdoesscc outttsscone rhoncrortomiatndge edtstanceola srnaller ob act its in risen to ride your cledele vet Although not considered motor so hides bicycles are considered vehicles under the Highway Tsattic Actand as such the operator ot bicycle most ob serve the rules oi the road just as when driving car The Drivers Handbook provides tnlormsiion about the rules and the traillc signs old which you should be familiar For Instance ou should obey all trad tic regulation girls stop signs and one wsy streets Keep to the right side or the road and it In group ride in single tile Ontario does not require bicyclist to have an operators licence However bicycle must be culpped with boral belt or gong and on are adept anytime when the hway tic cl requires lights on re as it must have white or amber light on the treat red reector or heist on the rear and red rellectise material pt teaet lpt long and wide on the back tender shite retire the innate st treat to long and wide on the trout Iorks its good idea to keep your bicycle in ascetich repair Tire handlebars and seat should be adhisted to the operators stae bait ot the loot should touch the ground comfortably irom seated posi tion and lira shorrid be kept ly tnttated Greek your bike regulWio see it the brakes are tn good order to clean the wheel bearings and to make sure your wheels are property aligned Controlled access highways are old limits to bicyclists unless they tire on land attaining the controlledaccess high way to which there Is no other means oi mess Highways designated as controlledec cus hi we are all the 100 series 400 101 24 3105 and us the Queen tillaabcth Ottawa Queeneway and that part oi No 27 between the intersection with the Queen Elisabeth and the later section with No highway Bicycles may also be prohibited by mu aI blaws on highway within matches ly where the speed limit is ill mph or more Where prohibited signs are posted Although Ontario does not require bl cycie owners to licence their bikes some municipalities do reoulraauch licences oi residents So you should get In touch with local authorities to llnd out It you need licence DOWN MEMORY LANE so vases scours rowrs barrio itassnlner Aug to 1911 En tlgisisstie meeting decided to revive Bar ri CitiuarBabdywldch will have at 25 good rpusldaas available tic NP prodded at horse or it es summeraeddent irom New Or on Kernpentait Dr ltayor John said it would he osribte tor town Icthaadhaveoid hallo Itutcah stinowta marketHorrUtearsata it p1 are present were John VI its bass born Joe Clark trom me Dick Iiomowood oupleontum Vlv 1mentorrisersslshcoanslt lasagna Credit and essca ay one name Delegates to Grand Lodge lies ole Order at Ottawa were James bier tiezdiesander Cowan it disaster Dorie Agricultural Society ttetd crop cipetltioo winners included oyilikk lenest Drury Burton Weenies ts tatck Robert Suthcrtsisd ldaetlag in courthouse termed Darcie malty Nurse Association Daniel was chairman lira Emest Therm ha moved that nurse be engaged it was sounded lira Currie First committee indium rs Crcswioke lire McKni rise Merrick lites Catcher also rs Turnbrrii and tire Gunto This was start silctortan Order oi Nurses to town ipsanber Barrie United Appeal since In eeptioai Trlniiy llcsnasbest WMetisodislstn church asphalt tlrlcorason end Koppel Letty starred Trsaiiy Jack ltonkman end Tommy Mica or losers Barrie Country Clair ladies lost goli match to Ortllts by close score Daringehteves carried pit Midis booze supply tn raid on Collier 5t residence next to Grand Op in House William Dryson stalled Noble Grand Darrte lOOl Lodge lke Boone Ilshlng oil Oro Sia tion saved Bert Opoch oi itig Bay Point You And Your Gee Arent We Lucky To Be Detail ed To Th CANADAS STORY Prince William Henry First Royal liy DOD IOWAIAN Canada has entoyed maap Mil Ill end Ilatitar in rest Queen Vlc his daughter Then there was hiatus unlit mm dmmtgj my amenV royal visits In recent years that when Edward Prince at Utah 11 Kendall ard itcppleston rep resentlap Barrie Veterans wsll pleased with des gn tor Cenota submitted by Toronto firm it will be faintly sponsored gy Barrie Vssprs tnnirtti at Port Oiltce uuars closed branch at Mineeing High Order ot Foresters convened tniliarrle Sesslons held at Town llatl Parks Commission decided to eroot bathing houses at St Vincent beaoir Dr Harold Hunter oi ttarrto opened dental oiilceln lilmvate Edmund Hardy Mus Ban mu appointed organist cholrrnseter St Andrews Ires lerlan Church ltr Hardy has been teac tng at Toronto Conserve ory part to years end lsorgsniat ParitdaleChuroh Barrio Lawn Bowling Club delended trophy with wins over Oriliie Hunter Kennedy and PeloClark weretocalaklps James It Cotter ot Dorrie county crown ettorrieyhcreated KlngsCouruettor Frank ornpson of Toronto set new gott record at Barrie Country Club on Sunni date Road 3230 ltichsrd Car roti is building two line residences on Toronto or Ceor it listen is erecting bungalow on site SL cast at it it We residence Police Chlet ttolr King egot phone call to ettect that three arm men were in Allandale res dy to shoot upohe place The Chtet hasill got Constables Wally Rayner end Jim ate and responded to cell The men irom litdtand were located at the roll wsp station unarmed harmless just pa tip to take midnight train to western erv OTHER EDITORS VIEWS lenses were serious raoacerns Brandon Susi The cpperlenccd traveller may well cation wisdom at International air he executives wtto hasill opt tor the sweat biggest end tsstnltlylng mach es on the market when there are other More serious problems to be solved like getting the paying aisiomere to the airports usrsraciry or INMATES Chstham Daily News itost jail inmates can at local be called nconventtonsl llany oi them can be ruled unbalanced end according to ex erts ot the Canadian Association tor the entatty Retarded lb per cent or them pre sutierlng irom certain degree oi etardatton In view oi some ot the crimes reported the press this is not surprising litany ttheao criminals also show total dis gegsrd or the consequences oi their ly These crimes would certstnl not ecommitted by well balanced an cdu aied types One only has to consider the detonces ttorwsrd by the individuals tried to courts telunderslsnd that their men yly is doilnitety outoi kiiier XPLOITINO maroon Milwaukee Journal Illisadvattia ea sutlsred by Americas incense has city residents add up is apowerlesenssa that metres them dou evicttsriot societyacruelly aaptottlng oi the poor Is pointed new study oi Federal Trade as hearts on troubleeexpor miss core residents but country because th It is assiory that applies across the coun try The report anal ate testimony oi lap anisti speaking lack whiteAppala lan end twlittosthnld reddente Ilolsil iondstorcs drew 21 oi tho complaints Another Muesli with ere dtt problems such he undue dtilirutly in obtaining credit garnishmenis repossre also an other troubles especially at Iurnliure and department stores The most common complaints involved deceptive sslcs practices and toad pric ing with the land store complaints par tlcuiarty plaintive These dealtrwlth tn tcrtor quality meats end produce In in ner city stores price increases on the days that wetlsre checks arrived price variations between inner city stores end there in suburbs and the unavailability ott advertised specials thinner city sores Multiply this type at exploitation the number at points to soc cty al whlc the poor are vulnerable and there should be little mystery about why their citizens exhibit growing anger and all enaiion IVIN ORIATER HATitiip lander Dally tinrost Willi can be the reaction ot the Croch oslovalts to hearing Dr llusak publicly declaring that the hunters invaded their speopio asked them toespectatly since the Creche know that at the time oi the invasion llusak was among those denouncing it end the lies about its cause How can their reaction be other than oncol even greater hatred tor their Win puppet governmentand the puppetmas era as wetlt thoudi the neat may not be until 1m when Prince Edward lslsrd celebrates lie centenary ot Caniederatloa The islanders will probably claim that Canada tatnsd Prince Edward island Prince William Ilonry third son Court Ior mini Ommwlndependmsspmwldzyppmm itaiss Quebec burst and bloatrsat In 1111 as captain ot the trigate Pegasus and we llrstclaes searnan ac cording to Itoratlo Nelson his brother Edward Duke oi ltent was past commanding the garrison at Quebec In iltt NEWS ANALYSIS Wales later ltln Edward Vii visited Nowiou and the stan tlmer ard Canada rcpresenttnp een Victoria is was one most glamorous rats shits aialttinie dulaawhi hetatd the cornerstone ol the Parties ntoa Bank at Canada The Ant royal visitor was cm rnent building which but saw rnpawalbesuhtm over legsra lalis There is an amusing story about John Itscdonatd and other llLIcaI lead is meeting Miser onbosrd battleship tterasndthocnsls pthe river to Quebec where theyarrived callus it sitor Oeorge Brown who was blac danalda mast bitter political ops ponent was also publishes ol the Toronto Olobe which car ered the proceedings The Cans dlan cabinet rnlssislers wore unl Isrssts oi dark biua cloth with gold braid cocked list1 and sword The Globe reporter wrote that 1th looked es un earalortpble as so my plan to month the are great deal at tlm as been wasted by John learning to walk tor the sword suspended irom his waist has an awkward knack at getting between his legs especially alter dinner US Competitive Position Helped By Nixon Action By IiTlItLINO OREEN WASHINGTON lAPi Isesl drnt Nixons irIpIsriwlal in see nomlc policy wins applause tor boldness but raises some doubts as to workability It should protect the Us dol lar and It could help rilrb ina tionbut can it simultaneously crests yobs tor the usemptovedi Industry executives and econ omlsts agree In general that the country will henetit through lower erpart steel and these toss ins rov competitiveness in wort tradetrom the prest dents decision to stop aying out gold tor all the dot might be presented to the trees arr by Iorcign governments we Olga Ilarrie Examiner ll Dayllsld Street Dante Ontario Telephone Tldddlt Second class ltalt Registration Number btht lletum postage guaranteed Dellyr ducdeys and Statutory liolidays excepted Iiubarrlptton rates daily he carries soc weekly pimp year ly Single copies 10c Ily mail usrsia e111b yesrlyy slmeoe County but yearly llalancs ot Cans euro yearly All other rou sssoo yearly stator throw oil recon yearly Natlortal Advertising Otttcesr sss University Avsnus Toronto tit Csthcsrs EL ltcntseal llembsr ot the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau at circular lions The Canadian Press is cactus tvslp entitled to the use icr re pnh Icatlon oi all news dispatch ea In this paper credited to It or The Assoc sued Press or lieuiot and also the local news publish ed therein The Barrie Examiner ctslrns Copyright In all original sdvsrv lie and editorial material cre ated by its employees and re produced In this newspaper Copyright Registration Numv ber Wit register at WWII suspension ol lull convertibil ity breakstemporarily says the presidenbths dollars timelin nored link with gold the US aranlco to convert dollars sits sold at til an ounce Tho dolls ihereors will have or listed In the worlds money ma it will host presumabty downward to trans actions with strong ioreign cur rcnctss like the Japanese yen and German markto new and more realistic rates at ss change it would to ellecl be devalued Treasury Secretary John is Connelly avoids the word but most bankers and Industriallsla are ready to welcome it ulaiors who lncrcasln ly in re cent years have trl to score big cheap protlis by altering US dollars ior German marks or Japan yen in hope at dollar dsvaustlnnor an upward rpvaiuatlsu ot the other curren cea Nikon added potent per suader to induce Japan and other slrongcurrcncy countries to more toward more realistic exchange Isles its ordered temporary lupuscent tart sur charge on Imports On the home troni Ntaons today ircrre oi pi we or and some may pros more re mstlc ilrnn etiectlvc but the ar lion says something his admin lratlon has ever said clearly Minion This thus we mean inrelgners buying goods priced In US dollars would llnd them cheaper because the dollar would be worth less in lists money to American goods would be more competitively rtred and US exports In as coursl would expand At the same time Imports would go up In cost their volume ml the reduced That would he narrrow the its payments erlclt Clvlrii the do tar more deicnslbte and realistic value would reduce its rulncrabllity to attack by spee LETTERS TO IIlllItAh POLICIES sir ltill ltcallla continents as carried in your August lills ed ttlm demand response lie is trusted as saying people were led up with over ssatlon tnelilcioncy and over government Did you ever see mors astute observation at the pcrtormsnce oi the current inla mspsgcmsnt team now In Oiiaa ws Ttoberl leou IIPI tor Drant who said that he would streamline the administration at iminate unnecessary department branches and cut down on the rahl Does he know some thing about govemlng that his tepprsl colleagues obviously do no lie Is eoncemsd with the ac snomts trend and will do some brain Voluntary controls Isl have worked to the East and Nixon admits there wt be little compulsion So his troose me be as lnoltectusl as that chA preceded mandatory ceilings durinp the Korean war Dar rig the next three months Nlaoiss new cablneblsvel cost oilivlng council will work with leaders at industry and labor to set up the proper mecha nlam tor achlev wage stability alter the today been is over Nixon said THE EDITOR this about relieving the heavy on at taxation it seems to me that the rate at taxation has skplptillld arid the ln creass it the cost at living has run amuck since the tlbersts assumed silica In0ttaws The country was virtually brought to the cattle oi ruin by outdated and too shly ted tlscaI measures We isellngthasilocla otiose oyv merit brought about by liberal policies Perhaps its ideal would have us believe that Isderal Liberal and ravincl at are not tsrre with the same brush Foddteduddts to you too tstllt sincerely WADtlit Csawioid St hurls rig price and Best Justice UK about WellYouCanGetAnArgumeni IDNDON CPI Do the leased hellish courts really hand out the worlds tlasst iustieet Well you can get an argument Strange decisions up In iaIsiy recent ya the tirer been Obviously been sent totalitnacoup lcasesal present in the headlines mur der convictions are ouce tloaed Obs oi the accused wantto the Twaotb ad 11 mil and MI untulorcd masts irates who IllI liia beaches at Drltstns lower course There are also some oues llous about the way the ash Isii policeI generally supposed in lean over backward to make sure prisoner gets talr shake may have cut cor ners in presenting cases to the courts The arlttsh section at the international Commission oi Jurists named Justice picks some disturblg laws in the legal system It finds there are too many convictions on the basis at laully Identities lion apparently abetted by police anxious to close tile Jtiilltl also criticises the hanged In on innocent men bspbsrard way that arrested persons either are not sent to tail without bail trial The his current case in police murd is which two men are doing IIIeaslls air now has no hangingin DII operative in an power wrcrita among the tra lcrnity Angus sibbelt with tirrn supplying orreiarmed bandits to clubs to Iirltllrsa northeast was tsuan dent in his Jaguar in the Durham vttlsgo oi South lteltari In January m1 Elbbctl had been taken tor ride and shut up Who did It la whet concerns many people In high places now Two ms were convicted oi murdering him in rsirospsct PMo Household Security Siaill some think they were wroeg convicted 1nd sentenced tile on shaky evidence There are suggestions oi seat tidy liIlllHI by mindsets sareiy work here lawyer David Naple log to the Johns at tbs Society says be is eonuscad that at least Michael larvae llo one at the two who tile is Innocent Naplsy acted tor lastsptlo in an msueeaes hiiaa Ceo tray Ilbodes 111 NewcastleuponTyps Bast mile and the other com cted man not do it My tilis urged me to tr to get case reopened cause suspect that mlscsrrisga Iustlce Iill taken place lord ltusseli at Liverpool dirtla bed barrister has tuaity devoted hlaro tlrsment to reopening the at issues lisnrsiir another man with whom British the may or may not catch ltaaratty was unrelated nine years ago In what become tamous Is the murder truth the name highway aiosrgalde which man was shot to death and mistress wounded Another man contessod to the murder alibi than retracted the canteen son lentty rened to open case though new evidence keeps gettlnf scraped upap parentlr pontlng it notta lanrat ya outright innocence at least to his being tested guilty on this evidence BIBLE THOUGHT liar the lea at sass In to seek sad to save that was lost LakelltlI Jesus senses on toilndu uttotresus an whom Son sets tree has indeed Give lllm burnt In your led heart and let IIIm set thus in order ITHABPENED IN CANADA Twlaasaa awe mortar asynchronous torso no revenue 15st slow Aaron lag PillW soil WIDE my dostr immunoassay Olt natoa BEN WHITOOMB tiiuitisiioswrsunsrswua Oirwtuingcuioswssuuam NIIIOIBICIII MANMIIIIOONIIN humanity Otilt IAI MONO swore vacuolede Mirna aw nrrrwmhrmi MW it Millch WIN MllWlmslllgl Iliad MIMWUMWM himla AW MAWI lireyour MW mos MINDdill 69ml manor Mallard The gnvammaat bu pesslsc

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