Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1971, p. 1

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pglgales Plan Slronger IJC CKINAC ISLAND llIIIh manm II III IIIIII vnnn poIIIIlldll II no Gun II lhomulvu Onllrlo Pn mm In an Dsulo III loIIlIIr hln ImrInI II III II III unlqu IhII cm In hwndIrIII In III DI lrIIlW Ind Slrnlrlll um ll Iho Irlomolullon II he Innlldond IodIy II III II IN doun IlrnId II IIIIIIIIM provlnIIIl Ind IIIII oIlnIonx II Ollm Ind Won hIIIrI III III LIIII IIII clan III armlbnmwn hlIII Io IIIIII elm rould Ihow IVIIonI lhIl III III II Id IIIIh lho pollmlon ml Luu ruler lhIl II III hllnd lo IIM ohllullnn II III III Prqu limo Inlnod III IV ernorI II IIdIIllI WIImIln Ulla Ind IllnncIlI Ind mn IIIIIIIVII II QthIc lllloolI Nov VIII PInnIyIIInII Ind IIdIInI III III IIMlIy IIlh lhI WIIIIIIII dolulllon IId ComIa Ika Dny do lIlI llIndIy IIIII II III IIII II Indus III In IIrIIrnen IIIIItn lhI UnIIId Slllu Ind CInIdI lllIhlnn GomIKI nunm II IIIIIIIIn IIld My II could III II renon Ihy III II lhoulh om ulcllm hu Inn IIIIIdod lllll AmrrIcIn rIlhIr IhIn Iolnl mponulhlllly he Iqu II II loulId InllrIIy II III Four IIIIIuIIIII IN or In Id hoe Iomndnoo IhIINd hr loom Ilzrr DIIIIIII mlnlIln ol the Annual und IdlllLlInnIlnl IlraIIIII III IIII II III Inn Slarls For Tobacco Iy CANADIAN rim GEMINI Mm hIrvul II II lull IIIII lhII monlh IIII Il Ihoth IIIII IohI III IVIIIIhII duo to unload man In pnIlImI II In II underm nlomn Icon II hm hm Iolud IhIIyIII cm Hwahy mug It In Inomr WI In tho hurl IIulhmIIrn Onlulor lIhIIoI Irnooo Imnm III Io mmmnorou om men III II III IIIII II IIodIy IIIIIIII II III mull Well our on IIII II III lIIor lahlll dlII ACTING PAIMI hIInlIItr IIIIIhIlI Slurp IIIII In ma Inth OIlIn umyl Ill Show uld IhII IllIr rnIIllnI Hood II DITAWA IIPI lInInIl IllnlIlII I1 Banal III rul than holldny In no Im lnndI Ind IIII Ronn In OuIII mm In dell III In ArncrI III In ralrldlu III II III MI Ile Ill Iummomd homI hy III ublnel Mondny lo holn ll nml III In Inclollnlzd hy Pruldcnl leonI Innonnce mm II In Imwrl lulu Ind oIhIr mum lo roam III III IanII III IMI II InurIIlIoIII IIImInII III mm In would In In In WuhInIlon lIlIr In ml IIlh CInIdIIn rnlulon IIII lnx IxImoIIIn IroIn IhI Imp IInl IddlllonII III on Amul rIn Import II mInquIurId Ind other Iodo hIIlIhIll mu leernII II In mlnlrler Ind Icllnx orlmo nlnIIIIII InnounIId IhI IIIIII nIIlI lnlInlIon II lhe nlsIlIn Iller lhmvhour uhl Irl IIIIIIII llooiuy III Shlro hlnnell hIrd IIerIIII Iur CIIIIII In lnlIr ulIInII am or nurly lull mly had the dIIIIIlInn lo vunn II In on Iuo olden lo rIcIll Ilnlncn IIIIII III Demon Irom III II IIllon In IhI NIIhcrIIndI In mm In dIII wIlh In new US lIrIII lurchqu It mded II pm In hIrIIlnlnI 1th InmoIlonI III mm In um wont II my IIIv my InnounzId ILI mm III lenn IdmlIlIIrIlIIn IInl llktly ln nIII Iny IIIIleIn IIlIoul III AIouI IMIuIrlII II CInIdII mm II II III hlIIIoI II III Unll III lould II II IIIIId hy IhI IddIlIImII duly Ihlch III Imml II II murh II IIIoIIrrInlnnlhIoIlIIIl CIIIdlIn Ioodr IolnI wool lIIIIrdIr III CdeII InIIuII In Wuhlnxlm II Inwlrlnl IIIIIII Hum lndlnl pulnmlol lhI DnIdIIn IIIIIIII III II II Ind AmulzIn Imhnrllln Emmi III mum III cIIIId IIIIIII Imnfulu HI mLIIIon III II dclmnlnrd Ind Quad Irrumonl Ivr Imp uon hushed oul In dIIIII III mlod lIIIl III In port IanhIr IrI hdny Iv plInI by Ion lo Inconn In Ilhor rolmlrlu In later dII cIInIlnIlory IrIdI IIrrlcrI Ind Mu lhrlr Iumnrln lnlo III III IxnIInII IIIIIIlInI IIIh III III dollu III IIld CInIdI lI IlIIrII Iol Iullly In Illhtr MIL MUST BELI 10 Ill IIoIIorIr II uld fund an IIqu IhII III IImIlIIIunI In CInIdIIn puIIhIIII III hm In Idvem IIIIII In III IIIIIL AI II III wrldI Mllmhltnllheulnu order In huy manAnulI shun who Inland lhI IIdI ml llnInII drwlmal II III IIIrm In Inlunllnul III llnlol Ior CInIdI In II II III Irma lhal IIle III lIrnII II NenlwndlnmlI my Inlo Conltdenllm III 1qu III In IIIIIIIII drool mlnlalor Ind lIIn deputy IllhlIlEIJI IrIdI dullu dull lo InIInI IIIIW er hluIIl um hIruInInI III III Unllod 5qu In IIII when II II Mm mIIlIIIr II to IMIUi Io uImII CInIdI In tho Ir loml IqulIIIIIIn III TILI III III Impoud Wuhlnmn In dIlII ArnIrlIII lnmlloenl In Ianln Indel III Ionvlnnd lhI Us tourn mInI II III II Idvlnlm In mm Cde Economic OverkiII Kierans MONTREAL CPI DI Alum IIInrr luluI zom rnunIrIIlonI IIInIIlIr hloodI dunlhtd 15 Presldtnl NII InI Inornlc pollq II Iconomlc IIIIIIII In In lnleryln hlr RIIIIII IIId lhI IIIIIII II no pnIIIy would II unduly hIth on rounlry IIrI mperIIInI Illh lhI US IlIImpLI II IIIII common Icononulo yroI IIIL llr KIIrInI uld II III dIIn IovrrnnIInI mus mIII door In IhIUnIlId SlIlrI IhIl llllchell SIIrpI mlnlon In II US IIIII IIII IId Ilul Ihouldnl Io dm hIllnhInd IiII Itllln Haj III IIuInII non III lldl hllnl IIIII II Ih Innouned InIInlIII II III deIIIIlIan II uhlnel Inlnb Ian In lry Io wnrlnn III III Invenunml lhII OInIdlIn IIerI II III on IIMIIII II Inmle from III 10m lunchqu Innoumd Iy dml NIIII Sunday IlIhI AInIII IlhIr rhlon III danl Innouncod IhI mam wlsuuoron In AM lame conluIlon UollId sum IIlt IIIIIII hm IlIrllIId III III lnper III IurchIrII on In guru InnounIId hy Pmldonl lxon SundIy wlll work IIon ImInI III III II III II IIIIIIIIIIPIIIIIIII IIIIIII hm IIIII rum OIIIclIlI IIld III III all Irma um um hm PrImlIr lllchI llIeld 0I ondny III III IrwlIIlIl III New limoch IIld Ian III III all the WI nIIqII II III III Ipllnllslle Ind Indy II decldov In IIIIIIIII hIllIIId ml IdvnnlIIII could Inlon he IIloId Iran oolllchI Armwmmmlo II Iolnl In unlIn hul II IIId mollullIIN dIrlIhInn lnIIlldlnI IIvIrII In mnllon would II needed IIIIII III IrII II InduIlrlIl dull In dIIIIlIomld IIIIIdIId lo IdIlI In QuIIII lhI llIrlIInIII IId NorlhIrn OI pI III II mms room hoIrd III IlInb Mono Iorllny BEL CPI Tho oull Imd II IleuIlchn Amlf hIIMum lhochrIIInn III II Iovyrnmon In NIIIhIImd IIIA IIIdlII lold rInIrlIrI llondoy IIIl III IIthI mlnlI Inn Strikes Newicundland VI Nova ScotiaReairI Damage IIALIFAX CPI much wukroed hurrIIInI Bllh III hrlnILnI rIIn II IImII hu Ind wlndn of III In ll knoll lo IoulhIrn NIIIouodlInd IIer lIdIy thlI Ier Ian mlln uId Inllloodorn IIIIlonI Il NIVI Scolll IIIII IuInrnII Ilorm wIlh II huvy IIlnI In NIVI Icolll In InIlII ol dImIIod hllhm Ind pro rly dImIII IILII could olnl IIIu II rIpIII or II pm In nnrhy DIrlmouthooe II III word III III II III prov IIcIIIndIIuln IIIIIIIIII comth IAIvul lhI Ian In IIIIIII II III III II MAYOR ROLAND Iholnhlll II DIIIrIoulh Ns IIlImIlII llood dunII II hlI III III valor ponrlnI Irorn Ierlu ol Inn CInIdlIn IIrm IIInI lnnuporlId IomI H000 und Ila Iroln IhI CInIdIIn IIIIII IIII Il GIIIlown ND IIrly lodIy I0l In In DIrIqulh Iylny holI In DIrlmoulh Ilm wu hlocltd hy Irucl loIdI II IIIvrI IIdrIcI IlIL IuIIhII dawn on lhI IIIII flow MW lllOUlllI mY Iloodoy IlIhl lh Id ol IIlII IrIIlId lullth lhrou III Into IIIll II IIIhoI lkI IpolIImIn IIId Inn II III hIIdInI III own now II morI Run II mllllon lo I00 humor um Ilood III III dun lhm III III IVIIInblI mnIol IorIId lhroth III III Indmolorhl won III III Iron Im II IIIIIIII II III AnnooollI VIIley mm my modem Idll lnrn India huIIIId IId column In Id lrorn IIIIII IIIIII Ind IlonI III IulIrI Nu Bruno wlcl IIIII hIIvy IIII churned up by lhlllolml IIIIII Imuhod IhouIIndI ol lower Ihreohour pom lIIIurI IIIIIId MoodIy II IIIan II III IIIIII IIIII IIIII loll on war llnI WIII IIIIII II III BMW mm IRIIWHI IIIIIIII II III Illy would II III by VII lIIllroxnIIIIIII IIIII um ham II III III lorooul III IIdIy cIIlId Ior Iunny Ihlu IIIIIhI provlnm nllnIIIIIolidImIII III III III IIIIIIIII IovoI wound II III pmVIndII Iovnmmonl VIII IIde In II lIIulIIIII IhIrI poulhlo MIL WellII IIIIIIlIllvSNII Ille Nun IdInI II promlor whllI GIrIId RIIII III In ChIrIolII lm III mrIIInI IIIIIIIIIIIM IIIInlIII Inld lhy pmlncI would InuIdcr rtqurslo III III InIIII uIIIlInII IIIIr Enor Ion IIqum OrrInlxIIIon olIl III III IFWIIM dam Ion lIrI hrd been uleded to form In Ixmlm and III Ilrsl III glen would II held In No hob 1th IlIdlhtrll III III IIIIIIII II In manor Ind lho gmhwrnmcnlurould IIII III return In Irou lho world Mon viould Io provldod hyIIIIhIIIkMIIIIlAIIIL IIII dIIIInl mum IIIInIl lhI uhllohed Iovgrnmznlxln lhI Irouhlod counlry Cllllhvll III mummy Innouncod um nIIrI llun o0 IIIA olllczII In IIIIIlId Ilm Inmqu nnllnI IIII ullhoul IIIII III InlroduIId week III The IRA IIII Innouomd In InlennIIch IImpIIII ol IloIIocI nu IIIII IIIIIrod IIIInsl lhI llrlllsh Army IoIIrI Ind gov ernment hulldlnu mlu II homo hluls Ind hIlII III II IIIIIIIII durlny III II IhIllIrId IhI uneny pom that has held Iwa Ilooo III quInd uni Ihol wu IlrId who unIIIn per II In III II In BIIIIIL In mond Indran Iroops armed IlrI on run Ihey IllldVId nu IIrryInI IIIIIhul lhIlI IIrIeI dIIIp pound Spellidl Strategy dopted IIONG KONG lRIulIr ChlnI nu Ippmnlly Idoplcd IIIIIuI IlIIlon Ilmod nl tlll hlInI IllI Unllod Sun In dIIIn me llIIII Imm III NIIIIIIIIII InvamInl on TIIwIn Ily quIlly rollIII more In on Ron mum mmler Chou EllIII hII IIId II TIIIIIII rImn nd Illho anlIIlm PI III ro IIrd Irma IIII IrIIIed IIIIIIIIIIII II or IIIIIIIII IlearIIung Marl Dies In IIIrica CAPE NWN lllIulrII Adrlln llerhorl Soulh AIrkn IIIII hurl1m uumnn on lIInl dIId today Ill Sohqu IIIIIIIII moored III dIId Jul III IIlII hII ooIrIllon ulyu InoIpIIII th II lmmodlIlI IonInnllon II III II dIIlh lIorIIrl Iolond mlxcd rm Soulh AIIIIII lho wrldI ImulIurylvlny muIll III lrInrpIIIloIlIInL III rmlvod IhI hIIIl Ind IuIII II IIIII Arrchn JIII Ion llu In In opIrIIIon turned yDI ChrIIlIIIn ll nordl mm of IrIIIplIII III II droolI Ichuur IIoIpI IL 1th anl word III III II yIIrold CIII MI denlIl mo wIlrr ruIlIII lnroulh DIrl mouthjlnloruclloo Pho chlnln VIII IIIllnI cIml Man In when lhI hoopllll reooIIId moldIII condlllon hod dIlIrIo II By Chma IImo chino KIlIhel nun who Inn IlInl up Io Amerlcln oruauro III who III um nI nIlIonIl IIIIIII And Ancrlun wrllu EIIInr Smwmhnurllerlhlo III III llIhcd In IIIIIIIIIIII wlh Iom munIIl PIIIy ChIIrInIn IlIo helun lnIIIhIdouIlnI III IIIlI Il Pruldenl NIIII lo Pollux molly quulod ml conlIIu InIy hm um quI IIIIIIII IhI Chlnm CommunlIII NIII II chInI hu Ioen couoIInI IIIII IIIIIlIry IlIlurII III rman In Wuhlnulon III IuoooII Iron IhI NIIIInIIIILI lo IIII lrulIId IIIIIII rIIIllooIhlp wllh For III re and lwoChlnI polky II III nIlIII Mom In Flower hy v5 slIII Sum IIIIIIm IIIIIII III II Chlnn would noI Ioln IhI world My Il InlIIn III IIIII Hm IIyI CIIII muIl III III lhI IIIwII Law II In our nII InIIIIr lhl menu III 115 Inuxl wllhdrIw III lIIopI lrom IIl won AMI and In token pllrol II III TIIvIIn SIIIII us IIIIIIIImen lI IIII Koo whom lhoChIn IIIVI SIrch hero or VIIII III lold lhI wlII III III lhIrn thII III norm on mImI lluIIon lo IIIuIn Dlp III ohIIIVIrI hIrI Io llm chouI IIIIII IIIIIIIy II Ilm Il pronoun looworld IIII II III Chlnen poIllIIn lhIl TIIwIn II In InleInII lqu Ind III II moluIdh lho Chlnm Eml IhImII VII Illhou IoodIhrd or hIIdohlI lInI could on Word In IIII Avor and kIrp up In 10 par IIII wlII II to IhI duly now pIId In IoodI nun II In Run II worln III Ind Inn enl duly LI III lhI IddIIIonI would II IIIA InlllnI duly III III InIlIII II IIrlIeI hlnndII IIId lhIl outhIuI III In IIIIII In In III IhIl II II III duly In In llem wII I20 lhI Iurchuyl would he Inolhlr II mo lIIrougII ungo lm may no IuthIIII IIII only IIIU I0 III III Mm mmnWmmn CAPSULE NEws Record TrodingOnNYSlock ExchanE may IonsI CPIRE InvrIlIorI Im Pruldenl Inni III prome mu n1 rm Ilond IooIlId NII York Sloth Exrhnnxo IrIdInIlIIqurd ml 33 mm lllIl IomI III IllIIoI IId Iron Iddtd lo paw ulueo VIII Cong Sink American Ireighler SAIGON lAPIVIII Con IroImII IInI In Ilr0ll0lo HI III Irouhlrr In WI NhIn hIrIIr lodny Ind hltmIhlnlde IlIIckI worn would IIhll lhI domllllorlIId Iono III Wham IomoulIVI dIy Mound prlIIIVI plInlId IIIIIII III In II III Inlool us IIIII Ihlp Green lily IIIIId uplnl III IIIII IIdI Ind IIIurId our prrwlIl IIIIudII run In TIphoon Capsires Deal 70 Drowns nona KONG RoulrrlA ltrryhoII 1in II lIIhId wml nIIr hero IodIy Ind holumn II III Io IIImAIniIrI IIIrId drowned Only Iour Iurvler erI Iound IllIr IWIIIIINM hour IlndI Ilom Typhoon Rm ovIrIuInId Iho llonI KInIIorlul were IlIIIo IIrry Ill EhIn oII HonI IloIII Innlno IIIIu Canada Planloinlxercie NORTH BAY lCllUnllrd SIIIII Ind cInIdIIn bomber InlIroIoloII uIII lIlrI purl In Inlnl lrnInIn IIIIIIII mud Auz ll NorlI AmIIIII Dollm Column Innouneod Iod EImIIrI wllI IlmuIIlI In Ind lnlIrIrpIIn mm Iolh roun lIIII nlll Inth dIIInIhI IcIJII Medina Rad Knowleng Mann ATLANTAIIlnIuInI Ilmmnueoldnw lIlII OVIMII IIIIInIlhlIlIy lor III mumro hId rIIIuIl mnnn on lrooII munII In unlrmd Inna on IR IIIhInI In III II III IIIIIIuIIon IIIIIId hlIIdIy II No courl morlIII Lnnchancenoneswnlnnenvenl WIIIIIIIORSE YI CPI111m II IllllI IIIIIII lhI hodIII II our mtmhorr II II AlllllItlmlMllIIIIMIIllIN who II III llounl II IIlu med In II IIIIIIIIIIII AIIIII IonIIr prIvInlId RCIIP lodIy who VIIII mm In IIIIllr bed III IIIoolooI moonlIln who my

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