Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Aug 1971, p. 6

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hit Wt it riili tnlold rig in 2a to In nl it in none iii ginh rnosoiioin Eggeggeia in hair 33 335 ii at s3 icouzcr urn IternI Tbmllme to ltrrn Ind then thern torelher Into one co Iy ltI thIt time min Did you Mr the mo Ioted to borrow Iome rnon ey in thI lernionih tour iiI went in the but here he hId deett tor veIrI fMpIId them tor Inn The Conrmiuloner lor Metro Toronto Ielused no the Inn went irto nother link on ohiIJncd the in without lily dillicully it anyone booth impound on Mil Ipped Ind put him til er oy Tolt town tor III nionthr Nolleed tht the drcuIIr lrom the Poll utlleo hId delightliil Wburennmtic omen In Willing Ibout the letter mil Illup centre it IIyI thIt mItt 111 countries IutomItIeIlIy yeII by Ilr To othIn thin Sindee Io Ilr mat Itleter or he Itllxed to the north Lwhy It everyihlnn IIIiO itoIIIy trIvelI hy Ilri mo LOVth my ninth the CInIdlIn NIlloriIi Ex ignition thII weeli Tommy Mom who the Putt he thtnI ImIiI moment Hevlih Dllton Weller who hu one the mtIurIntI Itth the Iotllui rote Irden in the MIMI ll ilr Thompsonr prtdn ind id but hlr Wlller wInlrd beer Irden thrrI llIvInI given Iii the why It We not good Thompson llnlthed by ylnx DIilon never prom loedyw rote Irden ScotImIn newly mind In CInIdI wII tIIirn huntlnx hitter litIrIorle norm oi im iiirhimi in mu own er ihydthent recently Ilier t7 getntoi teIehtnI illu hu tqurt It so lt equiomwnotigrsn lnnlI hIodPer Avenoe School dbronto IEIIoiInIriPhoi Itd hlr ho IVE lIEAltD it people who Ire nervous but thin out ill told me that Ihe tired Ilone tn tmcnt Ind wnI lust trr She IIId tht Ihe had It up the twodoorl ol the mill box with epoxy liuc tetI hope that Ihe never more heceuco Iny tuture tenInt will never be Ihie to not open Do you know where the ex preicion Alod It hIiter who lromi VIIrI Isa mercury not need In tho menuiIclurc It felt hItI Ind the people who worked In the lectorler broemo Iilcrled by the luhlllnrd They Ioit their mrmorlre become IrrItir lost their room at th In Ind prnerally boluiod In pocullIr waIhrnce llod In llllitt Did you know that lour out WHAT THE telt Teaching menu It yellow Sweetheart nu For boneyimnn to Prince uid bind the hide vote lnltlcnnl dmr ol him Ind te om rrepe Iith white We Ind my ad pink rue The nellyIIAI loll wide in Ottm where the bridegroom will be loinihyeu medial Itodenl It the Uniymity oi otrIrII Ind the bride will mine Out ol torn route Ittend od from blontIeIl OttIlI Ind Toronto Major Attains mom in ihrv VIllInu Ill ll the olthe llerntwsiloxIllerIttend luollmtnlnlnuohoolh londmlutodtntonnrnllu men CIIIdiIn mlnmrntn Ind In airmen portion be mo room 521 hue lhIoIio In limo to Aumt the IttIhiI the hinted rInh ever reIched CIoIdlIn wound to Ice me thIi nl lieutennnteo lInd mom in ottIII sin will IhIre lltlt Mutton with two other worm not Ietlve Her new job Ill be to hivlle the loreee pernonne ohlei on policieI tor the 1100 women in the CIIIIdIIn Form Ill VIllIneI umlnlsced Ihouiberil uthIImIlorniiri her Dom olliee deco rated with mementos at her tnuete Ind curtIlnI ihluch Irv de tely not centre itesiden Clinton Ind london the hu worked in min Win um Otlm no line Bor llvI CedIdlInI trI eolorblindi loItI why In prlnird lhlI weeks column on more pIper DID YOU DEALITE ihll ydll button Ind unhullon tlooo liniu you New will you consldrr turtleneetsr Ilhy Ire you worlilny behind thIl dent when you really whiti cd to he ltremoni SIve wIler Shower with lrlendl who the bikini II better then noihlnni Mr Park at Edmonton died on thin dIy In lltl hit lcr rt wn hip wheel in the car nleI business On thlI dny In ten Eddio But rnon nl Orll Joined the Foreign Leilon only to rcelrn one heck lntri Eddio Inld thnl he liked the intuit but that he rouldnt Ilnnd III thine lorrlnnrrr lliore Ihotv rlrarrd the tile tor another month or no gt Now lit Ilurl collection oil over onnln STARS SAY Dy RTHHLLITA Irch it to April Ill tArtrIt discussion rhonm your mind Ihout certain buIInoiI IltuItInn April to All It tTIIInIIl Dont lInIIIIn pIIns lor troiel now They rouid prove diIIp polnllnr hIIy 22 to June ll tGrrrilnII rleurr Irtiitte lrlnnd you you lerrilic monnytmniilny drI June to July it tCIneeri good day lnr IduInctrin rnu line Inlerrxti lrnnrovlny prop ertlor July to Alll OiA vnld unrelionlnn proludlcc hIth liidynrenle Yoil could ioopnrdire relnlionihlp Aur It to Sept Ll tiIrIolll you need iinInclnl button In new venture you can not it today bent it to Dot tllhrIi An Introduction lnnlnhl route mun the 1m at In excitinx romenro It to Nov 21 Scorpio Through Ihrrr pmonnlity you Ihlne nowIn both work uni IoctIi Irene Nov to Dre ll builder tIIIVour InioIInItlon Ind In yonulty help you In Iolre llnr InclI prnhcm Dre to ho to ttIprleorn tto durreet Dont niiulIr too much Ihuut luture hopes eiiil plInI II it to rob II uIrluIt dome trends chInIlnnnow It whit he better to lollow thn no eh hlIr lo tilrerIt Dool net Involved in the IIIIln otherr lthuItI could ho illo roocerllnl MTITOIIPICtBA dIy nl mixed lntluencee Everyday In lellen will probably occupy in morntnt home to the excluiion oi IIi other intoroItI out ehony in honor Ind unexpected eltuI limit your Iurroundlou coo hrlnf Ioine Inelilnlion Ind In Irinblity in route round decl Ilonr lllli ii to Alllxlh tArirIi hold energetic ntlIeii on doincrtln nrohlcm will work iinnilers Allt It In lilAt II tTIIruIl tonrentrate on luturo pro tools Whitll onn boon viIliII MAY to JUNI lGrmlnIi liemIln ruhti It In lr ritellnn Itmnrphoro build up in your Iron JUN to JULY llIiIrHl You not rlionoe to learn whntI behind the Irener in your nrcupottonnl llrid JULY it to AUG it Ill Avoid hnIln In the rviIItIiicn no tion that youll not Ihend morI quickly AUii It In 1PT tYlllDl Some plnnt may itl dltrupt but dont trot Change will prove hrnrllclll ElIIT It in OCT 21 tllhrIi Alt ldenl doy lui hrtnllny out thoheit ln lImtly lrlcndr III IooiIleI OCT Al to NOV ll limit lieIIIIn Ill window You may to Inclined iowmt nuer optimum NOV te lllit ll Curl torni You now hlith Inn in pin the tlood EninIrItnn to lrteod in need IAN ll lhFllll ll Antill lnIt no guided by your heId Ind not your hunt in romIn til IIIuIt on FED id in hlAlt III llll Watch your worth could Ihork worm in portIni porltlon Monomer EIrly mornlnI Ind the III Iiternoon will be the choice riodr todIy It you era In poition to nilliv prolilIblI errenxenieot den Ont She or three lover run in weibructen Germeny helm Ioendlnn two year in Quebec in tho any oor She returned to GermIny tolmlorllmonthn hId mid to yo lit durinI the er to join my two brother who were In the Ilr torre but wII too youny to Join the em One her hrolherI Gmyr WI titled in Iellon In Europe 5hr honme bored with her postwar lob in inndon lirII II IIcrelIry IIlrr II bust anIIrhool trorher Ind huded lor VInrouvcr where rho Ilynrd on ANY LANDERS Kissing lrom the teenIII bo who no Iirnid in tin nlrt on he didnt know when Mr none would no IVI me the oouruo in write this letter Im teen lill boy Ilco Ind wlIh name one would tell my hi thi to do with her hIndI when LlII her Inolnlnhl she luIl lrIm them honItnI It hrv Ildu like couple ol corn ItIIiiI Dont itll iian thI him like in be held the me In they dot To lilIII lrI noodnlnhi Ind hIrI her Ill there II to thin Iloro dummy iI dr IIIIII print thtI teller My III never miner your rolum nd tm Iure Ihell know tm tIltlnl Ibout her niIntI tomlin hunuI Deer DIhr limit to not only tor your Itri hut tor III on rhlclin who IlInd there like rio thln Itore dunLnloI whon that mm or IhowlnI little Inter cit lor thvrnI II Ilrtr put our IrmI Around Ihoudrrr lilrI Ihouid in Joint venture llo IrtlolpI not IprctItor lllloltll BET line In London here hern Inioirlnr Ilnro the Inn nl id Vor low yrIrI It er Lilli In otriillonni client Ind en dlvroterrd vaI buylnn Irv and pool Ilmott ovcry dIy In tho pnit year hello to ooth lot It him try huIbInd tI nonmotor hot till Otto could not ult Imotlny cold turkey lost the inn Ieltod the op gortunlly to quit berIuIe Id In wIntlnn to Ind thII who thirtrihliid more even thouth not it win him hrlhr Ntnoly dIyI iIler my mum me me check lor too which termed the tollewlnr Iy For tour mnnlhi never touched elIIret then hit week my out door noIIhbovI TOM DRAPIRIES item at Commerelnl trtde ltIIyI ot lIhiteI lor rm eIIIIttItteI roll OWENNA lle 11W i5 tu lan Ws mom homo mutdhcotto To See World NEW tili IIighest Bank lhen the Irrlved It Clinton pilot ollleer the lovnni hIIIhIdnothreIlo IonnedIhequwomIn with the nail Ihe III lllhthmnleotm um her racer IhI bII never been tmted II II or rinrtwomInerItohenlmI lnIInIIIIorId In Commenllnnon new warnrnI liberItlnn movement hill VIliInce IIyI Ilthbur thI movement hII Incomptlshed Amie thingy theyve mo door Trot ban by oilendlon PotiBestlFoot roman Wilhh Iittlefcire Iy Linu lidtl mghmugtvgh nil outeth tinnndlr Ind toe IItlI tine loot dont rnlI two dilluen height edon to other number nIturIl IhIdr toes well with Iny node at llntemil it we trouhlnd by briml lilill III in unitnot ANIMATION well hnrerullI It FOR YOU NI l6 new or no II II ontIlwaIoocoltnruspoorlund mile yoinlloet In II hInhfileroI hon loot In low onetime DIN mm mm itva Iii pollshnlith In oily mired Ind tile or Iron the ItrIllht Icrou ll they are too lone III the utuorn in than Inemuy bond to lanolin out nu me Be unto Iere cornerI Itrllnht ilnce roondtoxlhein melanoma tween to mnnnn normal Next Munro your teet into ol worm IoIpy wIter tor Ihout lle vulnqu union wet timoch too your welded on Iniooth out the allure en the lolllv Ind Iny thickened chin Ireu oerthe tote For Iny mlly unllyhtly or pIInlui ohm or cIlluus lee podIItrllt hIcIn removnthern pItnIeceiy Irni ellecilvely Dont try doth yourIeIl Iurreryt DE MARI Alter your InIt dry teet wet Ind menu with Ihy oil working not into thI It Tl ereIr you lite Then my ened eottonerpped orInIe wood Itlrh Ind work gently II Iround the eutlrll to bound Ind to remove IoI mm or other it to ID euniuIII the cuticle Iclmn to remove my honnIiII thIt rnIy remIln hiAlti that PIIeI your trot but in the IoIpy wIier Ind Ierub thomthly with hlli bnich then dry well It Iott towel push out Woritey Street harm the wedding will tIhe plm Set urdIy September it It Nil In ltInlty AIIIchn Church ilIrrle thllii Geld IrdI photo by hum llr Ind itro Vernon GeldIrd ol UIthIy Avenue linrrln IrI pIeItrd to mom re the ennInement oi Iheir deunhtor llIrhIrI Lynn to Gordon Alton Bell Ion ol hlr Ind ilrI illIn net ol Balance your btchto school budget with low cost ALTION ADS ennone 12324 rooiiv oint Venture Girl Should Participate DrII AIn LInderIi The letter tImI Im AIIIuIted Ind IIhImed ol myrell My hthInd do not low thI did he owe him moi Plum Idviro me It normCondom Iteiele Winnie tieIr AM Yet you on our huIbIod too out II he tenderhurled not he will Iive you brIII IitIIIIt lhIl you three the the line Ildo ol emery boIrd to in mm Ipete month to one rouen PROTOCOLi Pro one your toonIIII tor ootirh by upIrItinl the toe with Iide or time or will oi eolton to they dont ovIrIIp end our IN THE IARAIE EXAMINER Id Beylllld St rrI hlrnthowdhuthe Iiopou it In the hInti with the mtIndlnI thI you Ill iIiiIItoultn tho pro IdId oi rourI thIt on yo mm at the wood ivl my Illp COHMINI T00 MUlll Dm AII mom In with very nice III Ire both divorred not In our toIt Ind we let Ilonl very well The child wn lniurtd In It Mimi dent in lront oi our homv thId My IM flwlmiltl ll it beehmiim IIIlvaItoo lie tint Ihoo Ill Annoy to Innoiinee sIndrI Sims hl rm too well done it thitlli or linen Ill on pvrrnenent ItIti Seodre new Wh 1me mI Willi Itll 1h lieftne hill Ahoy II ioninlrtoly experienced tn Ill ItleI Ienr room Inolhrr womIn oioii thlill hnil Ii it on lltiltlil3mlf minimum loom Mitren hlir no lured niloreit till rIIIrIt lliothtlouty loot lt luIt 223 hmi Illu itll Will linown Int In some rerttiirIntI iiii nearly lull netii oi rl roll hire on the miitIIIno in II mmm ohiloileiy lorlolien byloml thiIt II ono it won lliluil II IIItIn an out mm WU llll chvenlr ooniplllnvvr ywho hIiI will It It Will neurotic iomoutoion to be evil the plot Int tinther It within my mm mm tho out dlil bII condemn the lood tI not YertcrdI time in truth rlIht Ind Ihoud ntheI with rnyvol will not ImotI But when the lood II NIVIlt Inothrr elnIrot IonI II rlIht lhItrouhiIIIInthohIId live Itn veItty throth thin end not In the hltrhtn CURL SHOP Tl DUNLOP ST onI iin MINTdIIiiInr iuu rennv WWW OPINING SPECIALS theme let 4250 Ind o8 he lilo rm 365 mm I000 rm 50 CloudMondeyI tor Auooit Chili OF ALL SUMMIA HATS 200

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