at and the the the not late do dlc end his stair etc open WRITER mononrn ononnt timid Alvin poised ill July ibl trapper ratio and leaves and one mouse lta reeeresrtnkorpitalrttarbe loetttpomddlnretthbreld sboLiCPPhotn Intioetittrlnol mus neutrons Thailand Not Oppos BANGKOK Devil Ihab lrodtmthetirst itmewliinot vote against the edsntrrim oi Parlng to tire United Nations rintornsed sauces said May rBIliliIlLlW naavlto virulent Relates they new venom To China be Used mostly on berries melodies visits to Atrlce and Etuope en the advice of lair doetere United Nations tpoktsmsn raid Friday Toast sullered dirty in his cf iiee lttueibend doetorsesld be was ntiicrlnl Irom sainma exhaustion none noun iRettteri lurrnesa leader Central Its Wiu was siren bi heme Chinese leaders be ar erred In Pekinr hiday toe on um visit to can rimIN Radio Pekln reported The In lormal visit the first meeting between Win and anus lead ere aim Sinn rela tlone were attained brim by antiminers riota in Rangoon and other Seamus cities Guerrilla Slain me or trustee var hlitnhd iii term was national leader oi the random subtler Ven luud The Motion was Jere Reimrmdo tie Deals who bed Ilsa on wanted ltate rlote Talus Approve China Tia LIMA Pent AP Presl deot Juan Velesco said Friday his cabinet has approved celeb iishment ot diplomatic relations with Columnist thine He told reporters reestablishuieot cl dipinnalie rolltlou winner is still beiny eludied Peru II ready has commercial relations with both Communist countries will Buy Gas PAN lReueri France will buy sasrr billion cubic feel at natural In annually from the Soviet Union over tbyear UIBANI renown EASI EDILIN Renter East Germany will tune two epeciei legs elampr cont rnsmore next weeks tbth anniversary at the building it the Butte Well the Communist party newspaper Neues Deulschiand reported Friday The Illtnpa depict border troops an the iernous Itraudenbury ae Mine Kills 20 SAIGCN Routert Twenty passengers were killed and it tutored when civilian bus set oil road mine near Da Nang Thursday the South Vietnamso military command runotiuded Friday Peace Wanted MOSCOW lReuterl Anetoll Minister Anvkel Gromyko says In an ertleh published Friday one oi his strongest impression oi recent United States Nail was that mt Americans he met condemned the Vietnam let Gannon Honored HONG KONG iReuierI The Alithine Sportr Federation and the tbitaue Table Tennis Arse elation gave bsunuet In Po king Thursday In honor ol tid werd Cannon executive direo tor oi the CanadiIn Table iien nir Association Cannon and his wile errtved in Peking Wednes GIN Toss Record Sat NORTH BAY CPI city employees claim they have set record tor the egg orebio feet DINNERNOTES ctulv Expenditure Exceede $138000 poolie end residuals at other do as menu are inking over the on oilandwheb was let aside ior Sbore AC4 residents as rboro rirbls my request rd permission to erect rigor pro hibiting other than local resid ea China Sill lheyer and Assets Pinctvcro Mg de pertme workers say they set the record Wednudey at lunch hour and that to fel low employee witnessed it The said Friday the record bod bear out teet nine Inches rel rertler this week in Australia The Gulneee Bork oi Records this the record as no feet to inches set by New Ireland toadenit In blotch mu Red Rocket copied JERUSAIEN iReuieri to reel is manufacturing Senec typo Katyueba rockets and eqrtlpping Its army with them an israrii magazine said day The decision to make the rocks as taken alter secrnlty torcer captured considerable nunrher oi Kenmore from Arab guerrillas Too Ninth IniomahonYCoIlected ByGovemmenhDireciorSays GENEVA PAMWI CPI Covemment collects tar more iniormetlsnon Canadians than it needs Richard Gwyn at Ottawa director at the lcdertl Gratmnlcaiions Depertmsntr socioeconomic planning branch raid ldty He told the annual conicrenre ol the Canadian Institute at Public Affairs that govern ments collection at too much data from docile cltlxens and mmplnlca is tbovrtealest prob 1cm area In the Ildd tho rirbt to privacy lie did not single out any app cine level of governmenttn speech There Is vest wash at In iormetion about Individuals lloatiny around Ottawa litr Gwyn said period ptertiny by me one Gromyko son of Soviet Forelun tie told delegates inlorrnatlon contract sinned bers Friday the nance ministry runorrnceed rtigm Delayed PARIS Renter Titania out ot0r Naomi here were de layed or to an hour Friday by com nation at er poslow by air tratitc controllers and computer breakdown The core trollers went talks with the civil aviation authority to dismiss their demands Ior stelt rein forcements and more air corri dots in thence for commercial eirllnerl 1th5 Arrested NEW DELHI Renter Eight hundred and forty mane bers of the Ian Such Hibi wtng Hindu nationalist opposi tion pertyr were arrested Pris day when they held demon etretlon to favor oi ncopnltloo at Sands Drab tbengall nation In prohibited central area of the Indian capital Travels Conceited UNITED NATIONS immi StcretaryGrneral Theol has cancelled all hit travel plans RELIABLE TAIII lirIIGUR SERVICE DAYS WEEK Anywhere Anti Radio Controlled Cars DORDENANGUI AND lidklliil 4241101 As Dependable As The NameImplies collected by researchers alien is kept in sloppy luhlon it tier uotrnd prolcssora ol tlcer anyone can see It Often the material is retained long after the protect has been torn pleled Nr Gwyn member at pov ernnaent task Iorca now examin Ing the potenUtl conflict be twccn data bank computers and the individusla privacy said evidence the force has gathered indicates private campenics are at the bottom at the list of po tential Invaders ol privacy EXTENSIVE AID Iiriiaint Christian Aid charity organisation has vro til roil llon In iorelcu al since it was established to tilt officials are burned Where your nightmares end tillARIN courtrrt snows rumour can PM sunoav stone on begins my this is thoone movie you should not see alone OLD GATE IGUII cuelboiidiugbonxsbrvebm cs agaimi allowing homes to be occupied baton conditions at the subdivision ccnhast have been Mlcd Mist mandible was made of top Wilda oi roads and to Irritation p1 rcrvlces handil ce Cornish remarked it In dtlltcolttoeontrolpreauel mwu WIN EAILT lbegatebouseet thtbiuthdIIh 11 teen anhrmendwlllbaimtrll IlchleertPerkltsbw neebsnubousclbs gatebotasetsrlmnrtreedy eeermellmeetirgediotun ed beloce all bottom was dealt with to allow members to al teod meeting with Barrie merit later in the events The combined meeting closed to the press eoocvoed co operation and understandior ol planning and development muemenie Elm REFERENCE Donald Gillln Ibo reallncd been his Ioh as peak night we taught reietrnce termite mioreek other em ploynaent lie was assured by Monti that lie was entitled to rush relerenea or re employ spent WILL REPAIR ROAD Correspondence betwaen the township and the highways do to roads leading to 00 highway due to hauling ol gravel hes re rallied to the department spree log to repair roads alter the work is completed REFER bEVEIIANtE Wainwright applied tor reverence oI three parts oi block at land each with trout ege ol too feet and an area at noon sousre trot This was re lerred for turtber study the Committee at Adlueitnent tell they had no jurisdiction to make such dechion end the property should be divided on subdivision plan CEMETERY IMPROVEMENT The old cemetery in Bell Ewart has been burylna ground tlnco lbid hands have been allocated and work has been started to fully Improve this plot lived stones which and taller ever have been picked up and top soil will be graded and made ready for seeding Alter renovations are comple ied plaque will be errectcd making use ol all the revs plaque will place MPERIIII arr Ins III In sum tamer Am ill $l3 Million Wanted By Indian Group OTTAWA run hl Nb theta deal with the owner at tbemnndingbaatkilnn DEAD ELI Tl Sane Thompson of big Say Notdeedcirntrleev on his street and asked council abuse responsibility it was to rruanva the trees The habiic lurks committee In rent Cavalcade IM lands lattesa Admission dean Grutdalmd noan 23 tttr Wavelet not When ottba showyme order Mull Order wwwmmhdrde MduhmhuadWclMshlovlhe aeaMdnchqseosmorwy puyddeCuuimNotmuI labshtim avdbesssetoixlodeywvehmoddass gt Canadian Nohonnl Erdubrhon Exhibition Pork Toronto 2B0ntnrio Aug 19th to Sept 6th Open Sundays Tickets also available at these CNE Ticket Agencies Grey Coach Ticket Agency Bus Terminal Maple ir Simeon Stu Barrie HELD OVERI 2ND WEEK Thehertselier races to the screen MN HUIM In FRANKRPIERBON WWI Mir noemrawnrwsrs etouevtuwsr TWO SHOWINGS 115 PM it PM NOW PLAYING AMT Itlll Deadliest cm Alive Tctkes onnWhoIe Army snmirmo sternumum Muutnsronsrsmnsnnn WNW IlGlUREeTTWICGLORI PANAVISION rtnmtit cl Maids shim NOW PLAYING TILL MONDAY An unth WWWMEAN anlYMAOSNLNAWQMWMDOdM SENAN unintuvndanpelivnnady 10 AT BOTH DRIVEINS indistinct uuvuunuuum AUMVIMMRMIM out IOVESIOIIT1