Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Aug 1971, p. 4

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g1 isosynswnmomwomrw qunturhIoMteterowrernasanegw commutesources rartrtoaauotwrrrsnrsorsw enormo dliiderm can soon From Uncontrolled No or use the Saskatchewan poem deogerr or warning In ParmSatciy eotwlt tit phaats is usually on the In setety practices mound 101 raidersad little and ton on ooh podrdion Ihe family on the land often views its way of life as peaceful despitebiaa pressure In harvesting seasons Actual ly the term location canbe more nday to the Individual then It fade The farm family and the tamer and his unployees are tub iect to noise politnion mode more than the may reekae Grinders teed mills sharpenera and dmilar en produce bixhplldrnd sounds can Iniure hmnsn hearing more easily than pure ottencrlticited Iraotor MWhrt curses most hearing toast Pletu gncornrolled noise can be the biggest over Noise vibrations travel through the outer ear until they strike the Thbse vibrations are transmitted to bones otIbe middle ear where 400000 hairlike protntsiotrslgnal the ruditory nerves to the brain when titers hairs have been stressed for too tony they become weak and Tail to respond to reread Rest In quiet place can undo some initial darn bt the hairs retiree to etraildrten up Perl manent hearing loss is the mutt Tam41 VEARS A00 IN TOWN sJarrle mariner Any 10th Copaco general manaser Kenneth Morrison re ported further tainsin sales of pork pro ducts Alter two weeks on strike 80 empl eea of Underhtiis ehoe leclory re turns to work with sortable tettlement Kenneth Cameron liarrte lawyer appointedd iymr rate for Ontario torelievstu irncvn ounlytnd hiuskoka lice courts Wartime Prices and lions to area around Camp Borden they dc Simeon Foresters runrin on coartat duty at Hulprrve Nova Scotis awaltlnil overseas cali Meier lvor Wag ner Owen Sound in charye while Major Victor Fell Burks Falls takes course at Kingston All four sons of Mrs It Mean Blake St now onaective duty Georpe with Armoured Corps std Vic and Stan with RCA Harry and Wil ton Dick iiuin slon younx Barrie hoo start now RCAPStan Part rizie received commission in RCAP with ran of flying officer llopave up chance to play hockey with DEIIIM Red Wings tnlpo in service first as mechanic It rrvp Borden tth aeryeant pilot Mien Kell commissioned as first lieuten In Royal Canadian Corps of Slpnalr Despite war there is no apparent In summer tourist iraiiic thron arrlc Renetit softball yarns for iurod Earl Marshall at Shear Park when OTHER EDITORS VIEWS MUST GIVE IN RETURN iChristian Science bionitori The Ohltteso murt expect to give some thing In return Wtshlnyton could hap pity use Chinese undertakina to re train Irom puehlnp Into the laces vacat ed by withdraw np Amerrcan troops Neutralization of Southeast Asia would suit ilr Nixon admirably tolerable to Washington settlement of the Viet nam war would be manna from heaven Art abatement North Korean misbe but tint after many hard dayssome of Health ran ea or deower 01 ll mitt nitshhowod that It ioIIotra lossotheartn autos eoerriwbtlc dimmingr on rstorotpowereonlpmentmsymoreot teofettio berets ot matter or to lb altontdl earovena lm The okimste Iothis iturtiopquiis wxn am websites near power on or and the operator does not hm sounds that could signal extreme danger The Canada Safety Council has pinL pointed dangtrons battle that drovtld be eliminated It points to tractors which have shields mission to poor habits such ea oomttnr tractor with toodhort muifler exhaust Thh latter brings to tense aoondfar too close to the erasot the madslne operator old tractors are often mission the shields or refinemersa that could cut continuous noise pollution Close atten ilon should be given to good mainien rsnce artthese machines and to invest ment wherever possible in welldesipned plow equipment that can cut noise pollu on Above all any move that can cut noise levels is cood one on the farm Noise pollution poseer danyer far too often minimized by the farmer who is undertho pressure of compressing heavy load of work Into the time when weather permits oouumuonv LANE liarrte Coilepirns beat lutoRory Aces so Pitcher Harry Canto allowed oirampions of six years eye only four hits at Fred Norris Charlie Miles Har old baking and learns billet su lied bat power Aces had Ken Guitfoye pil otrtny Jimmy Johnston calcining plus Tony Saso lb liiorry Straoeman Bill litre rs Steve Hines to its date rt Bud Kashner It Bill brand of Sandor us annyslatf officers paid inspection visit to Camp Bordon tnd Battalion um Nissan Camp settled down for intensive training et Barrie Armoury Sgt Cottyl Tribee tromNewmeritet camp olned Instnrctlonaiotoii Amon pro motions announced by liaior onrld liaciraren of HO Company to NCOr were Sandy Coulis Bill Sarieanl Vern Ied ltrwood ter Stubbinpls Cashier at Granada Theatre hed up bandit who was ca lured by police hi inst behind White Ircle Restaurant Barrie Tannin Co eiaii held picnic at lnniatil Park Prise winners in sports in cludeditck Plant liiil Kaley Jack Gar vin Ray Plant Writer Eastman tic Keyer Cook Neabiit Ken Simmons and Grant Knapp graduated as pilots ln civilian course at Veston plan to loin RCAI when ape permits Stud this at barrie Colleaate they earned money for flying lessons by caddyiny et cottclub havior would pr bonus There is lot Peklny coud do for Washlntton But it needs to be remembered that Russias pentleness toward Eastern Eu rope and Chinese willingness to receive hir Nixon at the Impede throne In Pe lclny both sprln from the same cause Moscow and Po my are concerned about each other llis heir mutual mistrun vhioh makesthem less unfriendly to ward the cutter frinye peoples lt Isnt that they love us It Is merely that they distrust each other PARLIAMENTARY NOTEBOOK Action Canada May Swing Into PolitiCol Mainstream AiilA CPI Action Cen Paui Ilellyere vnovemeol bring ordinary people Into melnstroam of govern toehl Is likely to vote ltaell into mainstream of politics berthth were all across til it will Iut at ten Armour leh here possiblytn lela Septem mm her and anions other thin the membership will acids bsther Actiotl1 Clansde shalt room at era stewelmortpuneynimotlt =1 nprodlllpr limit will Wm eysr orrnsr fir cabinet minutes and iuderehlpundidateint rn MWM tits Intonation the out so on mm usillipourN In an no up try as mail ronmanlel the highest to Ill demerrtcly an Itraemli movements saycullvodlrecior rt me sstdthamerobsrsblp limes ayvems people in all walks at tile While details of the conven tion are still to be worked out member one vo sight main oblsctlvea outlined by Mr llellyar when he are nourrlosd iormetion ol the move men They include Immediate wage and price suidas an In crease in boueloa to aiva ovary Canadian warm and clean abs erallant which allows greater at all levels no tenable prorrama will be announcd later item to allow Canadians to own their coming in lrom country lrom own resources lint the moat Important decir rion any members is whether Action Canada becomrll liti crl party endtlelds rand ales in the neat enerrl election The ray that soce Action Can an Jule can only be hiev lhrouth the political system the movement It cer tain to move iatlo that arena tir now the move mentr ounrtlnl chairmen lwntdrld rnlioat certainly btcnmo ee ero anew riy er ray he would likeL roonth Toronto Trinity riding which be two days Ih declrtonr the tie oI one The members will discuss the cuts mandriory now represents as so lodrpa sot Liberal Action Canada is collecting tit membership fare Irom new membersit Irom students and tan Armour raid that all basic preparations for the tall convenion have been lineneed The movements headquarters operates with stall at to of visit envl arts which are the world led oi the bureauc rn transportation Hookf Strut Beko eorye Harold Drury sir 58 is see IGOIIERNMEN POLCIES cnvrvcntnrr CLIMATE or onowr entrys PARK NoFqult insurance Caused ContIOVersyj By DON OEIARN One oi the most contenth bills put tbrwyb In the session was meter secondment to lh luatnenu Act which bee popularly known as the avail isistlon Under noleult Immense the Instrrtn onus DITA Du ties tote cimrrctpsctiya otr and delay at court rocesdlogs Tbs system It aim In opera Iion in ntrurtasr ol Iurleidlccionr in North America The system was recommended tor Ontario by select committee in the early sixties lt3 Ontarios new legislation re quires that by next January every motor vehicle insurance Ilcy must carry special no eull Uebliliy coverage The premium for title In the lirrl year will be it This special coverrle will in no way provide complete no leult imurence What It will do is cover mo torists and others Involved in stunner accidents to litre beblliletion expenses and tar death and total disability areas not ooveirsn not there are datinlls ltrultu tiool extensive areas of so tidetslugot In clal ooversae Toll lack oi complete never ih Itlvn used mphpawns Iha Irilure to cover prop arty damage limit at H000 on death or medical benellL The ceiling ol week on disability benefits vial that housewivse for to per cent benefit retards air The yovernment reply was en rentiell that this was tirrtrrtep Nun rt rope smart was still undervetudy and Indicated that It would beteventually in cluded Put the premium ol out luthcapei rvtutbdtedby coirrs mun substantially lied extent tor medical and re Prsmlurneoetrltowrs lye ion In the benefit sebedttl it submitted lildrtr benetitr mun substantially urns but the lov errrvnen also that or anctabowa tbabenslltaTt rt wouldtshcereoi mumdwivvcubm retsletlel II Illl WW With thl no ectiinl It poinild out that the Manitoba pcoyrsm the New Perno crale Party provided only can week maximum And on the hoarsean lecior it rubrnltled Ibeta bad to be so lowew for the principal earner in the household its overall rationale how ever was that It shouldnt chew oil too mode or make premiums too blah to the first instance New Democratic Party leader Stephen lrewlr felt stronin court that be declared we make lnunanee key Isms In every riding in the Euvlneo One of the key planks lit Inwiat protrern oi course is governmentrun In surance program THE QUEBEC PRESS SAYS nix Ir selection oi edi insists on topics of rental lntercrt translated treat the Everettlamest preaa oi coasts Montreal Le Preset In tlpht oi the crisis at last Oclo bet and with the memory at the Iiontreel police atrlko nI toss the Quebec government has decided to undertake study neat ecrrlon vi white pull made public Ital week admire Mlnlsler lerv ome opuelio WAKE ills Torrie Eruption 1s Seylieitl Street Barrie Ontario Telephone noun Second Class Mail Rapistrrtion Number Wit Return postage guaranteed Daily htrtdsyr and Statutory lloiidayr excepted Subscription rates daily by carrierhooc weekly lotto yelp ly Singio copies too by mail Settle cams yearly Slrncot County luoo yearly balance at Canada that yearly All other counirlte taint yearly Motor throw all new yearly National Advertlslnr Gillies University Avenue Toronto etb Cathrert St ilontreel liember oltbr Canadian Fran and Audit Bureau oi Circule tioris The Canadian Press Ie arclue Ivrly entitled to the use lor to publication oi all news dispatch lh ea In this paper credited to it or The Assoc ated Press or Reulsr and also the local news publlels nd ed therein The liarrio Examiner claim night in all oriyloel adver tls and editorial materiel ers otcd by its employees and rs produced In this newspaper Copyrirhl listlelratlon Nero bet with rrptatcr It The white paper envir rres the creation of deport ment at police an idea bor rowed Irom the Itritlth hono silica and the French depart mtnt oi the Interior It pro rsprouplngsthe prov cee no police form ec cordlnp to replon in order to cenlraire operations The governments obicctiva is to roorpenlre tbe tiructurer in such way It to have bet ter prepared better organised and better paid police who would he more capable of lerdlnp en elloctivs battle ne organised crime at an terrorism economic crimes ilraud bankruptcy errant and finally the drug trellis Ihe authors oi the white paper realize police otllcsr placed urtder rt d1 cl pline even in his or vein courts considerable in doing his iota be la de nlnd certrln and must cons enlly rhow er emplery tellcontra When it is retired that the new structures are aimed at bettering the lot of the limo men charged with welcirlnt ety oi Guebecerl and at Imp In rnrvlcer coatlol lltm ml Ion year one can only rejoice at the govern ments Initiative in the past certain collec live corucicnce naturally led penople to be atreid at police le tear contributed to rub mission to laws and re la lions Today an amp are at malt and insubotdinatlon has led port at our spelliy not only to eve no tear at police but also to Italy and insult ll co be time to note that till people less timid In the es oi the illdlciary and more demanding oi the government TbIII propose Protest ls normal and doain able to democracy not It must equally he noted that this same to cranes has made thieves recklsu rod anarch Islt impudsnl We live In time when brats throw stones llcltel rlrbls democracy and tolerance at the police rplt In their laces insult them and lb nally invoke the rirht to pro test Tbey even invoke human rivals as soon as the police dare to Intervene We live to time when the criminal receives pathy than his victim ale to to bell and the devil as sumes hole This stupid re vetral of values is the ransom ol treason by Quebecs scholars Certainly our province has made enormous progress In the last in years but it has also recn the birth of great number at cretlns In all pro rest there It rome road some badden Pellvr Aul Quebec to bolell Compared wllit the rest at the country Newioundlrnd Nova Scotia nbec blanltobe and Seekeb swan have seen their pophtu lallone decrease during test decade and the repressn tattoo ol titers provinces to Ottawa will be modified in the neat drawing oi the ledetel electoral map It Is more than likely this work will not be finished he tore the end oi luluThus the number oi members will not chants before the next Iadersl election It It rumored that the Cone mnns will have no reels all more than it now has when the map is modified Ontario will have it rests tan in crease ul alt Quebec one test tirliish Columbia 11 tour more Alberta one moreNaonundlend rlx one less Nove Scent 10 one lets Manitoba it one least Sukrlchswen It lone test with New lirunewirk Kayla at to Prince Edward tea at tour and tits Yukon and Northwatt Territories at one seat saeh The tires not be neat prov i0otaro usbso Ind lir llod themselves in the tiles olelectiog more then all the Commons ill per cent carry pared to it percent in the present bolus Eg rlrllnu by bigirisvsl min ma mum mm Ihe hie oiliclrl statements Iii Columbia will 33 Essie EE raten eucrrxv Instructors tort an TUoiiad States lovesamen bar bolath scrupulous patient The Mahatma the Man the Soviet Union whetavrr prtv action the caramel my give oiueirla ln Vlashinae There have been none at the calculated leaks ol US gov ernment opinion about tb Erie none of the be tretlon er rts nor even any which to otlen accompany dry mstie events to other corners ol the globe silence has been the rule and the Iiience Ir revsaliny In Itself llowever contented American oliiclels may be to see the So vlet Union petting some knockt there It ill obvious protlt for the In publicly loetin at time when pcoer rate one with the Sovietsnot to mention apeciilc oeyotleliaos on disarm eroeot and Berlinare in dell cats irenrltion lttc thence bespeake deter mined unwillian on the to mlntslretlona part to aggravate relations with the Soviet Union to soon alter their ralatlone were lostled announcement oi President txone proposed trip to Gains And not least the silence re Ilectr the uncertain state at the United States on millions with the Sudan and In fact with most at the Mens Middle Eastern nelybbore Even with the Announced are pulsion oi the Soviet rmhtsae nor from Khartoum the USSR is ruperticlell in no war rtrrlte there an the US American relations with the Sudan and most other Arab natlons have been oilielall ss vered since the i067 let in vrsion of Egypt although rub atenllel Amerceo rlrllr rameln in many Arab capitals worktop IT HAPPENED IN rE are 55 lt as EE es Stlent Ii Sudcin Dispute ondertbd diplomlllc letter USinterest aectioae of other natione embassies Prom Resolution the Soviet rm new or caused by the coasts client Senvllzt policy in the nitride 0n the our hand the USSR itllrrltdttdiitrttodhtii govarnrnanls it also lauds faith ful Arab Communist pertiel leaders at the venyuerd of but those rarne Arab Casan tourists are eitlclelly under ban In virtually every Middle Eastern country Some have been tailed others are fond Into political inactivity er exile and law are incorporatedan the ruling re lrou ureter nation alist sndSoc tcolore The execution of two leading Communist party leaders in Sudan and the govermnenbin spired manhunt tor other mem bers oi the party there are novel for the bllddlo Earl Gemel Abdel Nasser the E2 lien president was to bed as black Pridrt tetor by tobaneas Commurdsts riterapnrt IElyytIen Cone mithiela in early lions Still too has Communist crust es Communistpart leader Khalid Bekdub has salad into out of layer many time In toyear career BIBLE moon Jesus Christ the lame WI not totr lot ever Ileme till What thanks nnutdcorne over us all It we could but that Re It the chengeleas wrist am the lord thy God change not God five or minds and dartoy faith cannon Plots orbitith to or constriction utnosnv unmountedts MUMNW modem states vwwas mph wow WA or gringo W1 ll WANMM MIND WWW WWW WMIWMINNI

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