Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Aug 1971, p. 1

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BOW AP esrtb seemed but law will 53 553 siensthemhloeartbeatmschbad rherotlniileesbevstbefsettlc hols Ocean at It miles Inhoor ot iiawsil hi Caster melted the today with the nnrslc oi Itawsiian war chant Ilirs Ind shirts esp Its rptsshdcwn day that insole not everybody tit replied Scott reporting tht Blcrcksz Acquitte Return To Jail NEW ORLEANS iAPi tteeirs Birch Panthers have been Irquitled cI charges at It templed murder at police dun log Ihootoul It cllyowned housing protect All were re turned to tell to swell trial on other charges iron or to sum and two whites elitestd the one hour Irldny betore re turning unsnlotous decision It not guilty Nine votu would halos been auitlcieol tor Icoult The delendantsthsee women Ind nine menstill tece chsrgu oi aggravated buttery Iir connection with the alleged itirn beatingoi two police iasder cover Agents the night beiore the shootout Fadsrsl authorities earlier Nday issued hold order on lbs tor possible violations oi trderei tlrearnu statutes court otiieistr said More than done IlreIrms In several hundred rotde at ammunition were conscated at In detendants barricaded Ipartrnent Ioiiowtng the shoot but last Sept IS When the verdict we read shoot went up tmm the corset room IImrocd mostly with itchumirdmdlng lhulls Israel Kill on Ne on the Criminal District Court bench was besieged by well wlehen who kissed and hugged Il Iver thtro wasstsir trial in this corrnuuolty this trial wIIiIAngirstlneuid north terrorism Mission Doo trio test ldmtleswtribtlity issuer winds icurdoot urea and temperltnreolndsnses Glrll were mommyme reeorlroundthaworid Thaaltroosnthopedte matcbthe pctntlendlog that Scott sod rwio ubiarod so aowbesthesrtncredthetrhinsr rrIIt laloon into Henley Bose Itthe Maine Nowell front AMI OUIJTIONB As the mmitliorrrnlle you ney seared an end the artro nauts held neon eminence telecast to Mission Control Brie Anninc question prepared by reporters at the Space Centre nroouwslkers Scott and Irwin discussed IaIt they be lievs Is primeval rock they Iotmd oesr nIoin Base peaiaed ihs moors buggy that esrted them about and erased their darlings Mars Studied By Scientists lsounriiln tIhiti Gail iAPiIlarlisthaeiosertit has been to urlh since Itlldd mtlitoo mllIIIltintieta VICNIIIA CPI Canadas prernlerl completed their izth annual coolereoeo Bride Ind decided to help the IdesII government to the Irons oi tu alloo relorm Ind Igrteulturs Id histrnent In discussions thet Premier Bennett at British Col umbia the cunlerence their man said were truitltll Ind lull oi ood Ieelings the pre miers agreed to utabltsh voluntary mlotas on poultry products and brtrrg on end to the mniitd chidenIndegg war Other Items on tho Igeodl wero tho environmrnt and potlua tron control medical care and hospital gervices Investment and municipal molten TIIing IdyInIIle stills closcddoor gathering Premier Itobert Bourasra bod Iome pri vate talks regarding the const tution and particularly the Vic torts charter and Premier Alex Campbell ot Prince Edward is land got together with his Morl tirnl partnersRichard Itsltield at New Brunswick Ind Cereld ltecan ot Nnve Seotir Tho premiers decided to hold their rm malercnce In Nova Sarita In Allsz WIIIJIIADVISE eliers to Prime htinisler Trudeau Itlr Bennett said the premiers will advise OttawI at their tecilngs about Ins re tnrrn and term consolidation The will ask Ottawa to min loin present system or II totsandciittexuhtiitboendol 1m to give tch provinces time Intrepiantotlretromthree theoatlnnrtarnssinroriabie yearssndaeekIIbIreoIIaw mmicnolte INWIUMW rsvrnuu to he derircd trons or on would duplleIIa urn proposed priiri gains ten in mums ylmummyuufm Inresrdtotheenwirmmt ilnha told new coolerenca it MINI Ill that bI wes psnicularty mi imrrm es In term il mm should he rupvrsslbis ior Idiottr in letter to Mr menu WKWW the premiers wlii hsrgs in the Inth tilde mm mu gm mourned abostottrwssplsna MM to change the tormuts tor cost iedersl Inieullursl Iihistrnent ltutu runno in honor orvmm until alternatives in he Mic mm Imam The isttorei government uty Inlcuiturs ministers In which now contributes so pee enmity mm cent oi the costs basedcss QUESTION BASIS national avenge nuts to switch to set grant whim htr Schreyer add some but would Increase In relation to Istusnpttons ot the Ideal provinces population Ilsi the mm which would sense in prose nattooalpruduct Forest Fires Cost Nearly $1000000 run CANADIAN roses tire which her burned through Almost it million was spent during the last week to ildltiag Ibout I00 torest tires In British Columh the Forest Serw ice Isld rrid euros in some set summers more then 300000 uesot mostly inrrrterrzhantshln limbs In remote northern BC We named stlre Teodor Creel 155 miles northwest nl Fort Nelson wherI lightning ig nited dry wood July as The tire Is so big oiiidais tear it may create Ita own weIther trout The largest tire burning in and surgo north min In hoot touressth llIiOt hm mu m$ Western OIoIdn we the Tao ot igrnersted winds lIxileidltthoendutl in ey to sboternmt system In the per ct British oehnhthla hurt eodiyrhid up the novelist annual tonal income tax held to es ceotseerlcethairmnocheerloi premlc cpolerence here tend the tederIt revenue guar iTwirinmgldristss Woodrow lies or Itll In Blueprint 0i Trading Group TORONTO tCP duh 111 rooms in Ohisrtc schools will be sruouraged to lots with Quebec closets thu tell under pro gram approved by tile Interio Ouebec permnrot commission The croich who proposed by Ontario ot the comlnlsrlona second meeting In Quebec City last October Ontario Ilreedy hrs twionlnr program with schools In the West Indies it Anderson eochIlr mun It the commission raid to an interview he docs not torerea mus exchanges ol studew in IteId intererted teachers will buip students exchange letterI taper ltirns or whatever else they dresrn up The eIchsngI will in so nouoced iormslly It the corn mIsItpnr next meeting Sept It Ste htIrto Among the Ho rons hiidinnd Ont Bert Itinp an Ontarioeduco lion deportment ottlclal who sits on the commission said thI provinces are working on iolnt publication to be lent to schools October The twinning is considch motor protect by the commis Ilorl which has almost diasp pesrcd from public view aihco it was rumoured with ttourhh by Iorruer promlers Jean Jacques Bertrand of Quebec and John Roborts oi Ontario In June 09 At least on ItmilIr ight from iitctanl Itrid at linooiuiu and possibly two are scheduled the early next week Stan Miller public rrlstinns ottieer Ammuld Fridays Lest Thursday right arm heeutliul oodlit Miller who but rationed trom Itawsii There was on cloud Intrterenm l0 ment Ihcsrd the cult Galileo is designed to gain new inlorrnstioo on hiarra atmos phere Iurlace water content and temper CAIRO Reutert The Slice csaaI ceasere Ls one yssr old this weekend but from Cairo prospects ct reopening me wa terwa in traitic still look ginorny Newspapers here have Il resdy written oil the latest mis PMSWiteBotirered By Crowds on Tour Maritime Provinces STEPIIENVILLB Nild CPI iilargsret hudesu braved the crowds Irldar tor the tint lime in week at touring Atlan tlc Canada The going wIs rough at times At one point In Corner Brook Nild her husband the prirno minister BtIlilBtliIlled In It icctionste drunk out at her way On three occasionsIo Corner raisin airmen Trudeau watches Ir his wits ldargsrot uuwnpa parka pen them Brock PcrtiilxBosoura Ind at the airport hereabs opted out early Irom tbo Illecttcn and cu riosity ot ogllng autograph reeling crowds hire Trudeau 22 is that case in crowds hlrthermore sbo ts expecting baby to shout tour months She Is eager to see new people heir and places but not In the pres wx by the residents at st Anthony lttld Thurrday tor their baby Trillium tears in St Anthony tan prov ence ot wbIt Ibo calls cast oi tbousen But whenever rbI has tailed to scour during the unrest Iblpandbelleoptoe tour that spectatorsespecially women thI expressed their dismay sod dissnoolnlrnent to Prime Minister Trudeau his Iides and reporterr scccmpnnytng the How rho Is pregnant expected later this year The said woman at Fortune nod last Tuesday But you would think that she could have come out on the deck and waved to us That Is why so all came down to tho whorl The test Is that Mrs Trudeau bls Vbilcd more places on the current Itinerary than she has missed but Friday was the lirst time she encountered the pres sure of crowds oI hundreds sion to lsrncl by Jolcpb Sisco US assistant recrciary at state as tailors Its Sisco rettlrntd to Washing tori Itier inning in terms ot hopes rather thsnl progress Egypttsn commentators Ir prcssed sheptichm Al Ahhbsr said good Intentions by the US about reopening the count In prelude to complete Isrscli withdrawal must be doubted on long as it Is sending more arms to Israel President Aner Sadat who has had to light citen It tempttd coup since coming to power is tor the moment en Irish Canalstliicnsed Year After Ceasefire gogod in rcbuiidius the Arab So cinlist Union Ecypts only polit icat party and othcr internal reforms On the assumption that the canal is likely to bc clorcd good deal ionptr the Egyptians hare ilrinily gircn the gonhead to construction at umminloo twin pipeline to carry all from the gull cl Sure to the ltlodrter ranean The newspupcr Al Ihrcrn said the Itiure ol lhc Sisco mission prom that nature the v5 tries ttrm stand towards Is rael no puceetut iiiddle Esrt solution can bc Iound Most Calories But Canada llas Most Tourists UNTTED NATIONS AP hIorr ior mun Swedes buy the most newspapers Egyptians and Russians go tn the movies most Irisbmcn consume more calories than any dher people These are some oI thc things one learns from the United lia lions Statistical Yearbook In Swedcn evch 1000 per sons reed ltd newspnporr against too in Britain sec in the Soviet Union and In In the ll tar their tour otth As er Pbotol WtwmuhdidWJRA United States There are ill tele evlsion lets tor ovch 1000 Swedes against 93 per thousand in tho United States and 121 In the Sovlct Union Tho UN compilation shows the average Egypt on or Soviet citi zcn going to the movies 19 tlrncs year The average American noes seven times Briton tour The trialsman woman and childeat still calories Idny twice Is many so the average Itolllsn Other to enters New Zecland hm nltcd Stairs to Britain Denmrrir and thence hm All three tlgurea are tor 1969 That yeIr Canada bad the roost torelgn tourists comm Ii thougb Ill except 461000 came train the United States The Mauls Arrested lnliarcoticsCaso rononro tcri unhIei Ittlrebi ll ot Toronto was an rested Friday night and charged with trslttc to parse cs in oonnectioaiwi the recent dis covery at too pounds or huhlsh tnatt northotthscitye United States Frnncc and Ital wetcomrd around 12 million tourists each the Soviet Union not quite two million World population in midI959 uatnst ms billion in midistld Trudeauiicath Talks lire Set OTTAWA CPI Prime hlin isler Trudeau will meet British Prime Minister Edward iteeth Sent In Britain it us In nuuoctd Friday statement from the prim ministers oiiico raid that the tails on when of common Interest wili tIte piece It time suggested by Air IIIeth ioilowing short private visit which Mr and hire Trudeau will be paying to Britain on their return from moan hullday Met Orchestra leader Dies AHIENS AP IIueto Cievn director oi the New York lltetrupoillsn Opera orchestra wns ininlw slrlrhen Frhiay night as he conducted In over lure It In oncoair Athens terti vsi He died within In hour It dim or ii min tea on to spec otter no retard hla toe the overture The cause ot death on attth utsdtosburtettscr MOSCOW titetller Come cullI the East Drivpeair trading group published Soturdsy blueprint tor iederItton during tho nest years Including the introduction ol tree convertibil ity of momheratstes mlrren cics bnsed on the convertible rublc The project tor intccrotlon ot the economies oi the Soviet Union and its sovcil Cameron portncrs wu publlsbcd in the Soviet Communist party news paper Pravda Intended tor tho next It In 20 years It outliiieI cooperation In sorting pro duction standn ration tech nology trade and monetary ex chnngcs It said During ms the CIIEA Council iur hilltilll Eco tromtc AssislhnCeCvmetnhi maxim states will Jointly draw is the provisions Ind rules tor tropis mention messurer to introduce convertibility ot the collective currency ttho convertible rublel Into the national rurrrnciee oi the CallIA member states and tho reciprocal convertibilitv oi notionsl cinrencies Observers consider that his convortiblliLv acberric will rep resent an important breaks through Ind should bring greater exibility to triadic meets trade relations Lark ct tree convertibility has been msior obstacle to further trado development mm the member statestile Soviet Union East Germany Poland thcchoIIoVIkla IIungrryi Bul gariI Romania and htnngolls CAPSULE new Butter Sale Lost Because 0i Shortage YIIAWA CPI Liberal IIIP says Canada bas had to turn down St million butter Isle to Doom becsuso it could not meet the request toe 500th tons Babb Steert behrsne said In letter to Prime Minister trudesu Friday that the redirect tor the butter item the Bttropean Common hiartrrt was sent to him irorn one oi my many contacts In Drropa CitilTo Study Articial Tull For 1972 TORONTO CPI Tbs Canadian Nstlonal Exhibitions hoard ot directors has appointed corrurltttee to loot Into the touihtlilr ct Inslsiilng articial turt It the ONE Itadium in time tor the 1m Canadian Football league scram ONE spokesman said Friday night the bored named in sports committee chairman William Alton to head the speciel turt tosnrriiltee The group will hold Its tlrst meeting next week Ciergyman Appeals CBTC ituiing CAMARY Rev Bob Simeon Sorlli Credit clisdidata tor Calgaryth Hill In the Aug Alberta election rsld Friday he has append Canadian RadioTelevision Oosmnlssion ruling that he must give up his Sundry religiotu bmedcssts to Calm during the election complye Itlr Simpson says the broIchata are only religion in content and are his msirl mesns otlltppott Telephone Operators Break Oil Talks MONTREAL tori Negotistioro between telephoto opera torrandBeiiCansdnbookectItodeyIndmeuntonuldttwouid appeal to labor Minister IslIce hteckuey tor help they L911 nor president ot the lhoomember Trliiic Employees Association said there use no point eoottnldng hargsioing while hell we unprepared and arrogant LearyheioasedOaniiInSwiizeriaild BERN titeuieri AmerInn drug Idrocets Moths teary who was Irrested by Swiss police stars In pending utrsdttiu to the United States was released on bail May the Boise tederal pistlce and police mintshy snootinced Ibe ontoletry sold the United States had not yet mottled Iorml denim tor extrldltton to the Swirl Iulhorittu Vatican Ban 0n Chided AittltrAGatAPITha so ass to riiti= In trout enteritis St Peters Battles in Boots Quit tended hannsaldtha helpline lisslnanyothsebstibat it ht

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