to as Is oi be In we it God to eat tilt beer yivt that Got ta cheese plants is down consid eorsrltuarnonoerwuitrursipeit smear aovaneia mummemum ottomanTerrain La nyueuimunmanuee Outlienneailoopputialhe Masada htnreay cata necllnxilaktnlhepowhpeet tlilicrGill qusjNixonPolicp To Help Farmer Taxpayer lIAWKIrSIONE Staill Ub eral candidate tor Elsi Stream Dill licGiil Oritiia sportsman has been attracting attendee with rernpsipa appcata tor chance to support Robert Nixons policies to brtal Iboui better no aocndc conditions ior larntere em well aware hie Nixon has been rivtnt toad deal at thouthi lo the term economy and would be tied at the poo tantty toeupport him ea the to year old hidirstrlai execu the who Is tralilc maneter tar nartaea In Oritiia and aLso well known hockey pilot The llbcrni lender who represents llrant ridtne has been term or hlrrrscll tar years allhourh he Is also iarsnrr school teach hlr Nisan knows the prob toms and Le anxious to deal with them said Mr licGlii elation he himseii endorsed the policlee oi the liberal materials not only an eprlcsdture but also to etlmuiate the memory to create needed lobe to end unemploy meat and strenrthen the demo cratle process TO EASE TAXES The pledge at his Nixon to rtreamlinlar provincial govern ment to also burdens tor hard pressed taxpayers also was not ed lie Nixon has supported he will reduce the manner at cabin ct rrdnlstere Item the present It In about hell and also eilmla eitn undeceaanry branch oilicea at varietal tkphitmcnis am eeiIJs iltpt nI attdrtdloca government said Federation ASlcs Easing Oi Quotas tlie Orinala Federation at riculture proposed plan in re liete cheese plants at some at the pressure due to apparent rhertapcs oi industrial or At Toronto hcarinn conducted by the rrdtk commission ol Onl ario chcratlan erectetive direc tor and dairyrrinn Dctrncr nena ctl recommended that milk tor cheddar checsc sold over tb cauntcr to consumers or exempt trout quotas The attains tor chrcse pirate permit lair distribution at mitt ell alter the prime markets tiuid milk Ice cream and epce Iattly cheeses have been antic tied ticnnclt told lttik Commission chairman Dr Kenneth lickiwcn that many small cheese plants may have to clove because oi the rhvrlaee oi milk Overall milk production Ihll year is down as per cent item that year while the milk supply crahty mare by ll per cent Small cheese plants ruch ea llium Nation and Faster and Un ion Star are leaving touch been telyaemedMn ml cc eana rite an lituth itne view at the lame Oritiia alderman as be epake ai apprehension ovcr erosion oi ere trim the local level etw hasmmcai was are at the meter chance The why the school administration chance tram area and local boards to merely basrda made also was criticised as the sharp Increase to lure which tamed Iaa cited in its the lo Ichancmiadcci stallmay just went ahead end lmptcmnt od it without makiny tl an elec lion issue he said in relercee in the lotion taken by the Conservative overruneni in ai toctlan the tar reechtny educa Cam Stalks High In Holly District HOLLY Still Praspcell ior an exec tianaity caod earn cent are brpht In most sections at can county It was shown by tarrn tater Corn stalls In this part at In nisItI It htidhurei East Ora and the earth acctqu oi Ora no ar Darrin were anion those ecen which were excep anally high hlaay at them were btpher than lento enclosures Veyctable crops in the county were pcaeroliy pond due to the recent rains Same green tomatoes have been appeartnn on plants nil alumni be ripening soon Peirce plants Ibo took exceptionally good tri ly over the counter and Its ca erripltan tram ouoin would make considerable ditlcrcnco In many cases Donnell cuties on milk praccs tors in increase prices to produ rere It processors iind present supplies Inede uute be re rt iho surest an quickest way in increase supplies Is by lmmcdv lately paying producers more tor their product Several proceuors at the hour Iatweroapparcntly willing to pay rnoro ior milk Tito Ontario lillk llarketlnp Duariia supply manhpcmrnt pro pram ls obviously ivarklnd llcn ncti said This Is the Iiryt time In years or dairy isrna tap that lie hcard processors as other acheollare and Vocational wool which Photo tlouat administrative chaan ait or table alike iolloiainl the UcInbcr I551 votinp The larcmmaaitl action In scruywrlnx Ltm school boards and replaclae them with coime sis etl boards without election deb etn reected disrrtard ior ratepayers it was charred Said to have been drained to elimin ate duplications and sorta the plan resulted in tire mediate increase in educational leis with local areas hoilnx tau control over expenditures Another trulor policy which rankievi some voters concerned the earernrnent takeover at as eessnecntwhlrh until tea yeers era was baudlcd by local more Icipaiills at considerany less cost lir Niven had ledxcd to turn this adrrilalsira an beck to catantieIs ti his party wins power at the next ciaciinn lI eta rid lipid behind his Nixon on this endother policies eald htr lthtiI etatiny dth watdd ct iecl eaermom envinps to tax Wll lir Nixon tr thinkiny about the position at taxpayers who have to meet the costs he said cmphaalrinz these Include the tumor wortinpman business men tnduairinlsia car drivers and Just about everybody native or ancraoti llr hie Till has lived in East Simeon roost at his lite In his youth he played lacrosse ior Oritlee yin ar champions at Canada and who seem ear urem armor eras intermediate icnrns as well as Oshawa General hloiore llll brother iluch now an enpinccr else was noted hockey player Itis lather the late David Ii Ito tilll ivns principal at Oritiia Cob lactate lnstliulo ior more than quarter at century day Baa ratepayers raid the heed oi lliulxbtln pt IMHO mooted ltoadny July as IiUlIIJIG RECORD STIIOUD tSIaIIl build in permits issued storing the iirrt six months at lull act new lnnlsill record with too residen era retard at issuance Prev iaus record was ill hoiercsibutlt in year ttai Loxurloue House boat CRUISES woolly etiernoene and eerninpe Olh Ell III lull day MIMI Itaselal occasions no reservation noct IWI at It Islets willing to pay higher prices WIRETIIIIIISELFIIIIIIIIIEII kesslnvroeandowlchiehlax muuommm at Ibecomunlly and Park la brine and District Mortals Street Cotkpllte Implicit Itetcpaycrs who pay tax ea here every rtebl to know how their tax money is bctnr spent by their elected rr resentadccs Fm tutor cit that is duly dcnwcraey and nclple Ar tar as am concerned believe there shutd he tell open discussion For one third he added this va participation by ratepayers eomethtnp ho icelt should be encouraged to the Interest oi responsive admhustra iianWo Ire lrylnl to act on their bebnil end do what Is in their belt interest be com The terse noted that two resol utloas were introduced in council which he considered restrictive premiums lit Pericin Angus ANGUS tSteiti Angus and district community recreation commission in rcpistcrinp camp er tor the replay two weeks day camp pcorrane ei Angus ptaypraund park which opens on trs k2 Watkcrot Ih turtls street It the contact rcptearttlua tlve tor the Incas praup Stirr roe 0onme recreational service Is to nperatinp in the eitort The camp will continue daily on week dee until Friday Aup Advance Tax Data In RoIIavIaeego For Tun News on Pen Descartes news TIIE HARRIS EXAMINER iUkADAY JULY II till Essa Reeve Bricks Open DiscuSsion DAXTER tSIaltI Ileevo Georg Otrcrpir made it clear to wa dissociailny hirer sell with any move to keep mun icipal council inlvrmatiaa tram ticwe oi their rprrsrotaiiees have irresiorri at expression he commented lie also noird that quires ordinary meeting to be open to ratepayers and at Itcd that he tntradtd to abide by Its provisions We dont believe IMN should be any secrecy in conductiny municipal btulness anyway he added the ratepayers are so titled to know the tarts Councillors doth Illtckay Gcrvais and Ross whltcside vot ed with the men Initial mo ttou that council Itnllly newrpo era that In iuture all news rhou be taken tram the minutes or demo at their representative htuch similar resolution Introd was rejected byeouactt Rceic Guercir raid he believv publicity on township lssucs etith means at kecpiae ratepay crs lulormcd to reread to proritttnx news on cauncti adrrdnislrailan Every member oi council has right to the his views on public Issues he said alstiny he believed eate payers had right to know the This is IM country and we the Ontario liuedcipal Art to Irom the council meettnp alien used at an entire motto should he encouraged as the Ope El Salli Oil 55E and mutant tor Ne Unreal Vendors in Titania lap tire years Slut and be btnbamt mar are now residents at Aerie ATTENDANCE UI Drones at the Tottonbam protect has been iationd with IIIIERII tor weeks and larye attendance ts anticipsted tor the oitrrtal opening In his work re poIll Dob Patton authority rup erintrndcnl point that attendan er al Ibttenitam has bccn ab most double that at last year This also applies to New tnuelt and Utopia parks DISTRICT BRIEFS OFFICERS RETLRNED EVERETT tStnlil Dalton Ilctkacken has been reelected accretary oi the Masonite Coa eervetive Association PLAN NEW ADDITION MIDLAND tStaIlt construe tlun at new etareye addition to the lttdlaad arena ta due in riart soon YSIRA UNTIL hllDltURST IStliil Tertia tlvn dsio tor the nest recular mectio oi ircspra council is Tuesday August It was an haunted by Reeve Carl Daron FEASIBILITY STUDY ALLISION Staill Feasibil ity oi Installinx water main to Nine Strut Ind across the Bayes River to the water tower is be in studied by Alnicy and As wrciales rocbicers NIIIINE ADJUSTMENT ELhiVALk Farmers havlnx dittlculilcs with combines are invited to combine adjustment mtciiny to be held on Monday cicniay July do at Charles lUchnrds and Sons An examin auee sewe unease sear ae made and explanation given are the principles or operation as well as demonstration The North Simeoo Sell and Drop Irn provlnit Association Is co mch altar with the protrarn NOW PLAYING ONE SHOWING AT 730 PM STANDS ALONEI IitI SiillitOIidllltl MWSNiilllWIMI William littltdt ooantaammantolone turn may we we sentient annals manta marmo Iltmil eonrm id NOW PLAYING SHOW STARTS AT DUSK 13352721 Iiiihll Elizabeth laplon urertmsumruotttce we Gelatin department at enpery and resound enhancement ior eat Established in ktey three on tier the Orderta Oontersatioa Act the Notinlsaxa Valley Conservation authority Is one at ninthepmtncrmtiaroeon record with the conservation oi IIIIIIII mourns iricleainsy III eod lasesLs Deb and will LARGE AREA The Nailswasaxa board lurr isdictlon rulers it it miter lnrtudinthe austara River and tnbutarics Putty River Stiles creek anti Dattraus crkk The executlio committee is made up at the chairman at rive adewsory martin and the chair man nnd chairman at the authority Ilvc Roactlooat Idlis cry boards and recent aortpcr msncat subromrnii to es recom mend prograeris protests and their means at achievement to the authority Besides the city at Barrie the municipalities rcptcacnted in clinic the towns nl hithernod Allistun and Stayncr and villag es oi Recten Coo town thre more Shcburne haaspa Bench and Tallenham Dawnshipa incl Adlai SHOWING TONIGIIT AND PM murmur Skill ab trust can Montreal at Staph aide pit and reentry clubpl be held early In SeptembeLit was mused by Illa Jodi semiary at the handicap compo tiiion will mire the bends Jerk miner tram Entriesera now heirs accepted tor the event which will be held on Salter trr Itcanirmc IIvy Auetio Dsrr businessman and Ross Climb oi Onitia have neared up tothe send treats in the club champ ionspr competition Also aiilih the ntnninx are Ed Storey iat Item Clare iaentinson Opp cc and Tim Ierrriry natures Tititl SHIOLR SERVICE DAYS WEEK lOIlDENMGL my pinata 11 424lIOI1 As Droradabta Al The Name inspire Milli qu sleep IAII III NOW PLAYING BOX OFFICE OPEN 330 PM Hes lllltlil IllIIt IIiltIiiit ti tvtirittrrttrtr iorre going to love 7114 more ewe Hig Haley PIUI JOIIIIII lNIIiOIiY IIIWMIII WGODWARD PERKINS IIISI murmursu suitorrem HURIRCEIIARVIIDW ntiuulwm AW NM or limo or ii ritbi now Iteuuett raid Sonto at them lust arent cellinc crouch milk to continue prutltablo opdrttilnn The milk commission should cvctript ovcr tho counter eat us at these plertts tram on rusirlcllarat Sillo plants ecll re much as hell their chcero direct it OFINIIIIEDIBLEAPESI WilliliiOli linens ctwnnniiimmui nedrtan The to tortillaW iinitownn maintainerseasoning hwbriidmlullhipd arrmuoauwemnu antiwar cavitation STARTS TOMORROW MEASURES ILANNHD irerlttN IAII Transport illinlsler John Peyton told Par llutncnt new measures planned to rudth road casualties in clude rnixinic the minimum ado ior motorcyclists to it lrom id and routine them were crash hvltiicts IWII IIIIIIIIIIIII Donttruat ANVONE In rare manure llTIiI arvtt Ianxiatitatll ti stainless do or an WMIWAWWMmINWWWNWI litdidd nem ooIorbvoetuxro ems WW IIIM MIMI mnwmwmmwwm mm The Travelllnp IExeeoiIoInofI