Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jul 1971, p. 6

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QUOTA CLUB HOLDS IlEA MARKET Them Orb ot Barrie idImeeeIIhIlPluItIrhet htdlyltihohklimene otetlonlsomooeytoe the dnhIIervtoe werktnthe community tinny Irt lelee trnrn boots pItntingI eelne Ind stImpe to chine Ind gtIts nre were tor ate Club pout Not All College Kids dent tire Dorothy indoor left IIetslI two todics to set retlng gimme iEIIrnIner Photo timetabetrr Prom uttle Hostile Toward Parents Dre All laden Inked vmy tollegoyedoute daughter why so inon college kids Ire hurdle to their pIrenlI than dIyI lier Inner In very In tasting 1htI II tht the aid mo rnIny perento say to their chlldm titre II the money Go to college Ind dont bother rn tor tour rentI Dont expert us to virlt lre toe IIr Dont plume til too er mine Write to In every week don expect us to write to re too busy And dont yw dIref show your tree Irotmd here outermost greduete rum llude We WhII perentI dont miles In thIt college he breene when they went ItI Ir Dont expect to notice In ohenge In coor tor It leIIl Dont get my closer the IA teet lrorn the lImp LDonot yunderthelemp tor more then three minutes It emotionvenom ure somebody print it Int night ed run temp trom The lnItrtrtionI uld two tor first trainer believe ii In he the on my tree or tour uter looked In the intr nt tee Iny color no km on lot mother tenmlnuteeJtootedlnihemlr get nd In no sign oI lo decided it sell cheep lIrn Ind went to sleep About ve oclock In the MI woke up with tiilr ter rlbie len lily Ice tell II It It were en tire lot out oi bed looked In the minor Irtd my Interns timing rod Ity rye Itdewrro so swollen cwld he yopen tirrm PleIIe print the loilowlng In Ior lion lor pie who notgecuetomedulo uring dn linllleod ih nelmetlone lullyreod whet theyll Glide Wedding For Lucie Arnaz BEVEIILY IIILIS CIllt AP Intellle BIII Ind IIcII Arne ml in her hIctryIrd get den It dqu EelurdIy Ind wet ed their dIumter uncle merry Iltm documenIIry pra duee Philip Vendoevort Merto llttl Id Ituu Littles 20th htrthdey Indher pIrentI III or televi etong ploneoring love Lucy weptireely They were divorced in root end both hove since so merried Ivere wItnt going to termini couldnt help myreil heileeid Iitervurd wee overwhelmedt couldnt Ilop crying Idmltted Anti now vhllehelred but Itlllhendeoltw Ateoupte of hundred IInr gr od outside the heme oi XC MI E2 85 E3 ii gr And Inuit Member there will be register meetin WHAT ngTIIRS srv MARCH 11 to APRII Aries An IuoeIIte Iiii rnrke In unusuIi ruggeettm Be responIIVoInd IppreelItlve APRIL II to MAY II for rutSomeone youre const dered Iloot nl otter helping Deer too 0onIlder yourrell grid lurky to here come out eirh ten thnn third degree burns In this me better red Iheh deId Dell All bolero 0n tXtle elon you here printed letterI trom young glriI who went to know ltI IdVIIIhle tn merry mlddleIged or older men When you respond wonder It you are Iere the there Ire Id sin gtrII yeIrI lend er tor every mete In the nrne Ige group Sureli you know Aull thIt some men Ire worn out It to Ind othcrI Ire extremely vlrtle It so ItI hormone to give Id vice on thin rub erpeeielly Ith the de helter Ier permrr knows no ge er lie or she ertemou like crery 5o piecesTell II like II II Deer Tell Itlght you Ire But tItlit my deed hntlety cert he rechnrged And ItI enter to re man It It It hunt been lying Iround too long itlowsr In Newlbundland Lerge bIrtetI ol mired now In tented the III oI George street United Church In st Johns Newtoundllno tor the evening wedding or Judith Attn ltuuey dnoghto oi tit Ind turn Iluuey ol Coven Avenue El lohne Ind Bruce Edwin Htelewell Ion og IIr end hire Mme Ii shelrweii ot ittt Cooketown Rev It Snow oliictnled It the ceremony Soloist CIroiyn ItIthIll oi 5t JohnI Ieng Ill Well BeIide You Ind The Wedding Prey er mompenled hy MIrg Pei Iey at St lohne Given In merriIge by her lIther the bride war oor longtit gown ol hl Iutln ion turlng In emplr WI iint high neckline and bodice Illntmed with peerle Tlte trnln Ind weinh hand were trimmed with peerlI IIer henddrm ol white ruseI held floor length veil She corrltd bouquet uI perch coi ored other For something old the bride wore bur dgreet grnndmolherr gold guIr Ind or Iorrirthlng borrowed peIrt eerrlnge ATTENDANT hield ol honor Wes litter CIrnl liurrey ol Iii Johne Itulh Til ley llurhnrn Crummy Ll liuteey and Nuncy llussty hll hnI Ind Ill Ilslere oi were hrldcsrnnldo Students Ava DA FEW DAYS ALL SUMMER on new Hours on new weerts They were gowned In high neek mauve crepe dreIrcI trlntmed with white IIcI Iround the ele ever end the amt Wllltlllltl IheyeIrrled bouquets oi white Ind yellow dIIIIeI Their Ilend dreeru were lIrge IIIIIVG bowt ol crepe Bert men was ltoloertlilrieen oi Oookrtown Urhm were Bruce niley VII Gibbons Erin MICK Ind lien littssey III St Jo nI For reception It the Old Colony Club the bum mother rcrelvtd weering street length dreu oi green Ind beige with mItohlng locket gold ICCIWJT lu end coreege ol yellow eer nItionI The bridegroom mother we in honey beige street length time with match In NII end eorrage oi pink Ind white rnrnIlionI IIEIIMUDA HONEYMOON For honeymoon to Bermude the bride were purple pent rttil with meuve eeeworles Ind cortoge ol beby yellow roses Tho newlyweds will rerlde ut IA Tohln Cree Apt 302 St lohnr Newloundlond Out oi town guerts Includ ed htr end litre Inrne Shelrwoll oi Cookrlnwn Bob hlcleen at Toronto Mr end lire Eric Ntk cr oi Clnrenville Newloundiend and hire Phoebe lluntey at For to De Grove Newtoundlend eligile It liable MAY to JUNE II mull Ceree Itetue lI hooeted imex pcctedly throw In inituenltti person JUN 22 lo JULY Mr tuttneu IliIlthrtmen You an be optlmlsllcebout prom trod ueIItInte JULY It lviAUJI ee Act with conlldenre not Luck II with you In deellng with eupe orI AUO to AIM VlrgI troubled lrtcnd will be ngtetul tor your underetendlng Ind Idrtce IEPI It to OCT but leIt lrom In Irtletle Iriend bright Ipnt In In otherwiee routine dIy OCT it In NOV motel Indian Government Guards Tourists Erorn Beggars soils the lotion Iovcmmer leverel voltm tIq or meltiqu Ire tIklng llepftd prdltertentnrtourtm Irons hereeemenl by heggIrI toutI Ind uneulhorired guides This tollovo In outcry tn the press eulth Iueh hIrInment or En 35 hemhe Bolivia An udtlnl rtlrrruletlnl dos All goce Iecordlng to pin NOV II to DEC II tellA dlltleult yoh well done who the Ippreciotlon oI supe riore DEC 21 to JAN tCIprI centA good dey tor eetlel lng ldeII regIrdlug iloIndIi en penrlon JAN II to FBI Amino lootYou now me wondertui opportunity to Iowa weer wise El to MARCH tPtotcelA Ilroke ot luck In the Ilternoon compemtee tor morning expense Arrnosrncre dry tor ACTIUNI PltnelIry Inllencel new Ire extremely genome to llneoclIlhurlneII molten end to Ill employment teeuee Io IvIli yourIeII oi every poIIlote opportunity In IdvInee your ItItuI on Ill lronte hietertully there in nothing to hold you beck during this period It on Irubltlonr Ind Incentive rhould be It perk Evening II In glowed with Itrong poulblllticr oi new romInee tor the rtngle Ilvety Iodel Ictivitleo liencelorth lorelgn tourtrlI will he Ihte to viIIt monumenlI like the TI third and AIInlI Ind benches like ltov in Ind tiedru without being tresch by beggIre Ind urchin IIId government olllctkl hove Instructed the po to keep these men cieIr oI Iii undesir Ible elements In Bomhe one at the rnIior tourist centres to Inn at the city heve been eIrmIrked tor speelel policing on behnll ot tourilte The Bomon Evening New recently re rted thIt some AmerIeIn en AuItrIlIIn totirlrie had to Ihendun Ihop plug plInr In the city beeeuee they were lollowed by urchins TRIM Trtrnr pounds Ind lecIeI Orlpn hIekerhI Irth rllII Ind rheumItlIrn OIhe tun nod relIIiIg my to erereIIe For Free Home Demunntretlon Phone TLMIZ tdis OPP nor1vy Odd Jolie Solee Clorieol ttluihell end her present hur trend tiery itorton Ir celohri tier Irrlved tor the wedding Among the guotln were CIrol Burnett Buddy tIIoIett Lloyd Bridges Vincent Price Jerk cuter Ind tlIle Gordon Admhor It the weddin wII thehrldes brother Dee IV who and with little on her rnoth etelevlrion Icriee Item LtttI IIIPIOIIIC IIIIT eepllol touted in Illth itoek er completed in tits on grounds where the ItItI penlltotirry lormerty III In Willing to do ANY kind of merit Form or Construction Work Aline7141 OPERATION PLACEMENT Barrio Armoury Park St Ind Ivy hlIId ol honor er IIIII Cello le Amie ol Little Luke Mine Wendy Brook oi SItInt Bey the brides outer end It Bob moreo oi Idkthurd the bride groo IlIter were twlden in ower girl III ItlIr Stem Monroe oi Slihnty Bey TODAYS RECIPE MOLDED IIAM IALAD envelope unnnvored gelIttn to cup eold wIter cupe chicken bouillon gent Illt WW lemon Juice Itlced herd cooked egg cups dltod cooked hem thout lpoundl ti eup Illeed green onion cup chopped celery Vi cup Ihredded cIrrot II cup chopped truh pIrIiey SoIk gelatin in cold wIter minutes Add gelItln to hot bow Elie 3332 Ere onion ii lllon eod Itlr until melted Add reit pep Ind lemon juice Pour in lIyer ot lolly into run mold not until Itntort set Amuse err Likes to le tem on telly Chill until set Chili remnlnlng geiItln mint ure until pIrtIy Iet Iotd In ro mining to edlente Pour Into mold Ind luntil lirm tebout home Serve on lettuce they be served with ltuslerd 0mm Dressing Iervingn iduIlIId Crerm DrertlogCorn hlne VI cup meonnIiIe or eIled drelrln Ind til preptred mus tIrd hlp it my whipping mun Ind told Into meyoonelu nurture ktIkoI Ibovt ttt cups WIMINT iron min MR and rinsinitvuonp noses YOU BET AND SHES GRANDMOTHER DOREEN CURRAN SAYS STARTED LAST JANUARY AND HAVE MOPED TRY MOMENT ANDIAEE 1007 BETTER unit Hill iiyin rtlelmrll on grilvlrluld yttlllm lmtvit tivl to tr Ignited or the to to tyleglm or we tr its toll Iivt Interior Ittul teem JOAN PRAZIEII VAOWMT Illwnmhoe um murmur urnmonr ween Irrr more or dMonrheiItIE ilWe Folll Nothing to lose come In todIy Ind regitter Ettore Alter have been no etlmuleied to the point oi wonder to drnco therolsnosngglng or any kind vtththe weight loss It teinndti iotlowing your pore sonnlire progrem oi oner clso and co connullellon All Selene Ire Completely Ilr eondltloned tuition Excluelvely tor women New do liltilllhhi dll MI AURORA 7174 Yenpe 5TNo Exclusively For Women

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