enweeksrcaisllbeiose in Iireisaaualtlaroslalesilrsl at abnmcntooeoaerter axisqu to is Minolta hdgxwhewaeslooelslhe mall 31 yewmddeedatlhe assdia an no straeoe Carats it when his ear aeme the sectoral occurred at immune am snaps Man can gllller Car hands In Ditch angles man was cheep weal oil at WI sad leaded soloists driving iser lathe dutch attbehgaeectiogol is ear uddeotesd Adeles Road and Viual Drive norIsglsIsalsli at Dame ease Nsoel escaped tee ldealilled Damien llao The lawn seamed ll so Mitt which Ian lluronla Festival 0i The lists Rochend lust Two Weeks Away on sea and srsovlomcot sedansnmvooddasehowsr slelillda IIM Irrl Keo We newness soliheeraaitbe state so lento rsirposods club olllsrrle sad the in II Assortment tad ArtOuh MM all did It bolnl smeadoil Jaiyat Aug on the pvusdeeli Ilrinslro II no title Toc II hell oi the Consular ll iiroes since toes had puloet noosd ll lterioeie Imiih at late trying to leach OIL woo llrs slrslshi rnetewtet senses to herons the tint win dheset see In provincial ladleI hum tr bllc In shoe pitching Ellsworth Crawiasd oi llln laeiudeew aiuursui sexing near Barrie woo tho olaatlaacltmleem resist line Kingston nit Disclosed Winner tIIIlerdliveat Ill Bisley Dadaiid Cit are members at that leils lean Nintendo Itiilslleeeels whllhlweot lnloaerh onIIItI last week and helm porn loMassolellnrols overview MM by the Cattl dlsa resets teens III will yssrsen er pc ngupr share trey lets all lerntey plaster warrant oi lioes at the Canadian Forces base In Ilhsvton sbei here rive times between late and test mlallilrd three other times but visa assists to make the trip EXAMINER WANT ADI PIIUNI Mull Wenever The Municipal Savings Loan Corporation has come to Slmcoe County corporation with its heart of Slmcoe beplmilar sretheyereearrl CANADIAN All lsieadli mu sooodlu to Ian lie or rises as Interns tloseliys blot director irom the heroine Ys lien club at International Is Impressed With Canada the penis in Itros tilde ahlab has been brother chin to llr McDowells leadth club In Vio thsi wag torts tor the put it peers The relationship materialized Ihroilgh the eilorts oi In Auslrs Ilsa teacher who taught in liar Two things Impressed Ian the Mail In lntunstloasl director at Ya lions clubs who spool all days In asrrle bolero attend tag so IntonationI le Iiens pee convention to Calllornla Iirst Mr lienoweil en Auw lrallsnwssirri ressod by the country lteell niueh so that he wants to return in the win ier in get complete perspective Comng from the driest csrdin eni be particularly tiled the pirnlliul lakes and rivers lm iasclnstod by country thathaa thu much alsod wsler he said And the lrlenillness oi Cens dlinelalfilwr lla rn Iill Es Dowsil was lmprssyod by the lemtlywrsnn bong ollued CAI Durlri his stay he visited is In nerve drillla llldisod Owsaoound to study poellbie wsye oI improvtng proliliill it Australia Itilhou programs tend to out In ismlly centres and seem lobe very elleollve The else batter then iirote th the Us sre accomplish lag here are inst the lhllige we solid lire to emultla In Austra heissid lid IRE lilNlllTl lie leols Csnldlall youngsters are bound to benelll trom the OP poriunltles eilorded by it pro gram Iii present one at our msior concern It to male our prog Wed like to tell you why First Simcoe County savers want belt its in their interest to erurce Head of executive businessmen and officers mo of whom live in Simcoe County and who clearly know its particular needs Second Security Bankers Corporation 1931 It has proven record of and property management With this background it brings Loan Cdrporatlon its own money and expertise especially in long range investment planning The Municipele parent company is Finally growlh The Municipal opens its llead Oillco in Barrie at time of County unprecedented growth in Simcoe allenge and Simcoes outstanding future prospects The Municipal stands solidly behin providing better aVuilability of mor Victoria Gospels who spent sis days lerrte prior to st tesdlng coolers tennis Item with Na lirv rarne riesibie to the seeds at yeah psrtleulsrly In the cit lee he his licDow pie to Austral llkat slr counterparts across the globe areboeomln mor ctlve Iaso list and polticel are He said the Vietnam War Is very much In Issue down an der Although young people partleuisriy university students are in the vanguard he said It so tune that has divided ell legmealsollhapo ace Comparing Can and the Urdted states with Australia McDowell pointed out there Is bottle Id year llrrie lsl be tween renditions In North Amer ice and his honielsad ror example he said the use oi druse among your pee ls isnoteeprevslentln ustrs and doesnt receive the same eo vorsga In the media it It does beeorrw problem perhaps we can beasllt tram the ever it Is handled here he said mssoucsrrrows In some respects he said when It helps to ho Isolated are some drawbacks though People get ndeceoee eon enssrooeho own not ills main streets on other hand was somewhat dlsap pointed not seeing Mountie isn oing on street corners but the latemonnel direo tor leela there are strong ties existing between the two Com menweelth countries Personally howlllbeesrrylog ltlve leel inglsltowsrd cansds ecitiaAue liIs visit was arranged through lose Interest or range of nancial services served by nancial ilice right in the And managed by directorate jortty Municipal Limited of Toronto ccess in the mortgage old for the post All years to The Municipal Savings to management skill security County To match this its stated policy of tgage funds for Simcoc As you can see The Municipal is not new in the world of business and nance But it has lot of new ideas So are Before you as today lose interest the municipal savings Head Oiilsei ll Dunlap II loserpoeetsd tinder lha lean and Trust Corporal reel East LO loan corp anon Ion Ill Inrrle Ontario 70372617200 loos Art at the llorlnts oi Ontario Aevllsldlay al Munldpol Ianlere Corporation till limited hlembsl Censde Depositlnsurancs Corporation ireotor Doll In his Ierrle boa Ni and till 0ordoo Iistt ties in call dsu ltar rentals penises knows Illnesio horseshoe play weekend at the Ontario Norie shoe Players Association champ tonsth to chaihsrn limes Ilobl oi Nellesiey two in time then returned to an Male in Barrie Mr and lira Cordell Watt and ism As the only representative lions New Zesiend and Auslrsie is hlr lchoirell will be one or morelhan lsoo directors at leading the latemsllenal conven tion In Iroaaoe Calllorais NOW Twhennonloy Spa by enrolling during ourZlorI membership it re Ea Edward crawlosd well Unwwnsldesd peasatCanadlaa and Ontario champion retrained or was the senor title on the his prnvlnelsl title or onset or panels dzaaazuaaadauzazaauuaad assccsmauasaasaasm sun53 llsh histories its opening soon so some on down and luring friend Paradise has complete Indlvlduel exercise programs ior MEN dr WOMEN liaise Shape and Films WAiST Trim Zto til THIGHS Lose to Chive Lose VI to til soot wrrowr Lose Idle as in SOON FULLY EOUIPPEDIBROADLOOMED OVMNASIUM FOR MEN di WOMEN MECHANICAL BODY PROPORTIONINO MACHINES BEAUTIFUL TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED TROPICAL SWIMMING POOL NYOIENICALLY PURE HOT MINERAL WHIRLPOOL BATH all New 7262112 Plllllllil HllllH SPA 65 COLLIER ST oirlroanarlon orrics HOURSl Mon to Fri ID to When In Paradise Se OF Momlo mideld CALIFORNI Saturday to an to pm sl Sun It to NO FINANCE COMPANIES USED CHAROEX ACCEPTED GAIN SHOULDER ARIA ll Fillin and Contact IUSTLINE Gain to ARMS Add to THIGH Gain to CALVES Gain to lli EDDY WEIGHT Cain to lo 25 lbs ASUNIIOOM RDEN UN DECK MODERN SHOWER AREA INDIVIDUAL CHANOINO BOOTH HEAILTH JUICE BAR NEW LEASE ON LIFE 35 asasagaaaaazaaazaaaauaaaasua Is pleased to announce the opening oi his oico tor the lentiiy practice oi blodiclao In association with Dr Ii iaurte 71H EARRIE ornatras sarcomas Ne York stall oereiee II