iii IO Em IAIN leltIN MONDAY MY II 1111 it Barrie Iraolr Stars IWin Six Eventsfln Meet immune Jaindttm tie wonthe pyrite with have at In toet elml Inches thedteotnrrlthetortoet Into It eheetoieendtlueholertthzs III nthe Inde somntm tor Io Cenedten noonu In Irhthltion pIttIn Mont Wdthtlhlti oi queri uh lrwhtetr thettuool eIIIerI ltnt Chuey looy Peelender Ire on the Iteent Erode nun Ire tryInI hIeln iuh tor the Grey Orp ehImp one while the eiuhe We utter Sonny wed on my ohtIrIlIone In the united enter menu roolrle Irarn Univer ty ol Dertrnouth Ind under 1a OIInI Cellt her not hed the hind oi lrItntnr ennp he like to heroend it nor wee reedy when tho onrnp qenod out my Irm wernt he eIld Show fupIeIhet to win you on need to are rSeplemherUn tI Ihould hevo ended month earlier iine nre problem In tho ty Itlon mm 115 toothIIi tn ililiuhle Win no Donahue cnnonroor runrrnou Mich lAPi liIrIr Don uo toil hle elllnl sunoen lic ren lo vtetory In the ltichl um mlie rneo tor ehempion eh eIrestoIdI IImeohonleII oleme telt moot n1 hte mutton Donahue IL grabbed the teed knaipoterttterhobh Uneoron on trl Irou the two III litenyeo Interutionrl wIth thI Ixoep tor luol n1Ihed more then on ree wen otrzyurm elm eono no oopntnner ulnvle Home 04 thdtlnlrh lemon III lint tnnrldret hoyl irrelln Itth thm o1 rot teet eIrhi Inohu Ito pleeed eee ondjln the Ihotnlth 35 teel elm Inehee tho CInIdIen am to not the extre mm or the Ierrer field but the hlrrer belt Cnuoy llyl he Knee Irriurtee to trey pcmnnet Iueh Ie guerd Pierre Der iIne it end Peter DIIII Rite Ind do enetve end Steve Doom hevn ioreed the mo ehImpIone to ehuitlo theIr ployere CInIdiIn PIul Pettenon wIIt mill to the end rpot Itorn hII normel toetlo poIItton while running heelt Don Ahhe they got Ihot It mlddlo line otter Ittoru Demon who her re covered Irom lee InIury Into rered Irntmt Toronto Mooneule two weelu one will be heeit In nellon In tho ltonlreIl heel el Iho hohhhn Alouettee teeo teIm mueh Itierent Irom tho dihey eItminnted In tho ern Foothill Conloreneo Inrt November they will not 111th innit It their nowenmere II Stove Vooeler tho Allvltmerteen tuit bant trorn texII Illeh Pertinnl Ind Tony OIhrlel Aloe weerlnr tho oohlnnd hlnek tor the at time to enter lIohhy lnylor Iorrnerly at Toronto Rndruryohyn 1s The Iirgo Kicker TORONTO CPI Toronto Aroonnute ltloltlny problems hero been eoivodII lent to ItIrt tho eeeeon Tho EnItern Foolhelt Cantor one club reieued Tom Johen een Sundey thereby eonttrmlnr lhet tanner UCLA etIr Zonon Andrtteyehyn oi oIkaIIo will hIndIe the puntlne Ind niece Itlelrlnl ehoree Argue Iten releoeerl 111ttt NeIt Smith on import un Ienrlvo hetthneItIlneheeier Ilun leuitrnor ot Ottnwe Iho deperturo at tho threo rtr dueee the Toronto proreneon router to tl DRTEATI IIUIBAND KEREIIA Now OulneI tAPI itre tnloII 1Ihe her do tolled her huehlnd Itture Lille In IIpuedtetriet own oil election lierrII lend Ilium were never In John Iteiedden pitched plnel Port Rome two 041 met no Chuck lorden led the Ehnveto tIerdrIntI to 54 victory om the mute IIet nyht It QueenI IIrh In In Iermrdleto Futbell Ietlon Elmrelo rot oil on tho rtrht toot when teed all better IIImer hIIeted homer over the toll IIeIeI tente Elmveio rot their eeeond run or tho Inning when Door BIrneI eIerIIIeed to Ieoro Cnutltdorden who tripled he tore hint The 00 Ilted only In the bottom oi he more Pete Lendere hit two run homer IlIn eeorlny AI Ale trop Donnie Turner ecorod the no IheId run tor Eimvele Irom third hnoe Ioliowtny wild plleh tlIrrIo Coop took the teen tor the tint time In ttto rIrno In the lettle oi the 1h1rd Coon ier cutthrr iten Ilouerth tripled Palermo Captures At Combines Tournamen Pelerrm wee the eurprtro win ner oi the crime Comhinoe Inti bolt tournament In 0rlIIn Set urdIy Tho Pelermo elub dropped llir IIIIIttyI Clemente In the tin nt to wtn tho Grnhern Cnrd Tro phy Ind lho tron IlrIt prize money iIIrrInI Chureh lInhIIo llomrn toiled to Iurvlvo tho oIrty Pele Plays Final Game 1110 III JANEIIIO tAll IoIe known nI tho hinelt Ieert Ind herIIded he the orentert ot Ill Ioeeor ninerI ended hII enter with tho Itrorttlen nn tlonoi loom Sunder hetore Ill nmottnnet hrhlrpnrtleln crowd end In Inlemel onni tele vtelon eudlenco Ito played tho tlrel hall at hie teImI mIleh IIIInIt Yurotle vin then hrnlto Into Ielre In hundrede ol IdmIrerI mobbed him Alter rhort ItIy In tho ret itlmIeI tho mnn who not eIrIer loot trotted or out tho told to tho beet oi Itln nnitonI Inthem Ind oint yndo Ielo lIhInt you lole which nettonelh Teere Ititl runnloy down hie theeltl leio elrtpfed nlI hlI Ihlrt end retried II the Ilr II he in god Iround Mere Field 11 irontol record at 100000 Peio wetehedtho Ioeond hull Irom tho ottIeIII hox II llrIrll eerno heck lrom It dottelt tor Milo doubles It tho plate Ind double Ind triple LIurIo WIIIIInu no the In Inr pitcher tor Port Perry lento the nine rode on It htlr Ieortnl At Aletrop Hewitt Id then relied out It third when no one hit by drive trorn Iolo Lantern London then eoored lt 1C4 tinrte hIdthItIe etevnhaeutlwllm the urn Moog mmdereledoai ottorudo ntntheother unrHlIIlrnItdl omnooolu Inlheurtlorpmtheeeor eewereutollowl IIoIeaImPnrth 131mi itlehenml ilrll hhlnnrneeeyI ten pertotheeh tender with hie ettott Ind mom end to recover to tin EQ 33 Richmond 11111 It nur IIri Don little oil ottomnvtlle IL Cabot Denlorth ttIrrle Don Victorle ilriyhton about trom Ilret Ind Coup went heed t3 Elmvnlo thawed everyone the power thIt they heve when they come but with their Ireond ho mo run Chuelt lordon hit tow erInr drive over tho outfield ten rotorooro hImseII Ind CIrI Felwerde IIteher Cori denrd then throw threo hitters tnnlnre to en euro tho win In tho lost at tho eovtnth tho CoOpe rent three plneh hittere to the plate hut Ede overdo hung on tor his seventh win Iyelnrl no lesson The tooth pitrher tor the CoOpI woe Terry Itodoton 12d wnrdr ot Etmuno into on Ilr hIte while he Itruoit out tuur Tnnlrh It Queene Park rloeloelt AW pleyr YInrh Rent or round It they lost to Clemente In tho Iirtt enrne at tho tnurnu menl With the ecnrrel lied on ntlor myutntton Innlnye Clemonl were nwnrded the MOM In tho numhrr oi hose runnerI Il1 Don lleInrhitn who on the mount tor ilnrrio uhtlo Ilhb Dontolt won the contest tor litre Itunrun In other netton hlisrteontrun IelI dttlpptd llreehtn nu nhito liottrn tietoutnd Irllltu Comhtn or Ilutoh 110le tons rlUIltli Irnm Churrh hIoirIIo Home to uttrh tor Ctltlthiitth In lhut our tinynru Initr nntt 1n1ermn Yanch Sponsors Iuvenile Team Itnrnht Yonrh iltttlinrt wIII eponeor tho Ilorrto OASi tutun Iie eluh Tho onnouneement who mode by luuenlie eonoh Pot Vnnu mutter Tho tenm wIth Inch enithett Itan on Weyno Tesrnno nnti II111 lrtehetto ptehino tho iloyrrntt hrolhere tinvo and Gerry In tho tnlleld too not ilnllon nnd Chortle Iltler to nnrno low nrn expected to one their tlrIt OASA notion AuruIli prohnhly ny etnIt Owen Sournl they try In erhiblllon me next Fr Iy night nt shone Pnrlt neIInIt llIrrlo Coon ol the tier rio end Dirtrlet Intermediate hlenI Imuo Anointing eoerh ttInnnmnIter II Itnndy Lnooy while Iltll cteyden Ie the mnnooer Threeliun ist undated III blade Ilea 55 315 error our Rel Item DIRK lunySIIIIlL MII rut WIrdlI meme heme Run multilevel Picnic 0mme 12 gig drIItIeeIiy Whenttwuoverorewtnrdwee teIdlne tho eeeond runner Boh whetenotOrohylhm were verI It the out In the tint non mu Puteh Protrnler ol hreeeheldn end llIthtrIrnnrorol Benton Ietertdrtu onsrnnu srins lyllllAOOATtD Pll MING Snuthpuw teth Welter PtrIteI IonrhttteeIIPltte 80 In Amie nodeerrH to eomplelo duthleheedn men EllllIl Brooke 0010 eon Ortolee hit Ireetl Item home mtorroner LRIIIDIHI umph overOItlIndAtnlettu ltiu ennotmeod Itler the nlyittI min tht In the hit un heeerne oi the number ot entered there would be three hall in title dlltelan ilootlme Inning Was Enough To Beet Lumberjacks CHUCK JottDIIN three run lIrIt tnntny prov Iuntore no they tteteeted the drain Allendele It mberieo yeelordey In 0rIIIII In South Simone Loom pley Iho Litmberileh went out In order In tho top or the tint too too And then Orttlle eent etrhi men to tho ptItI bolero Ilerrto paeher Oord deem retired the Deck to hleh hIIo title hy Dotty Rowe Jerry lIdeI In Andy itowo ol 0rIllI Iet uh tho threo run Inninr Dotty owo Iln led end then elolo Ireond In Ieorod on With Ilnole Mot St 0nro hunted IIter end not Udell Ind Rowe who littl Iod Into reorlny poIItton The mood Ind third rune at the Inn lny oemo on Storioite littllt Tho Lumhorieeuo inno run come In the top ot the tourlh Inn tint1m In do end Ielerrno wot ylvon tho deeIIlon on the number 01 hole runnnrl ttT 1nrem1 IInni notion Clem rntr deltnltd the doll 20 III trite tnrnlnp In the Nut Inninon that one Inlermn deteuled Iioi un Jet Imperial Beets Combines 54 Intnorlnl Enstmnn doteeted Ortltn turnhinoe It In it Innlnu In tho only tlnrrie nnd UiItrIrt Senior hirnl Solttrnli Auocle lion notion yortontuy The name wne played at ttto trrrllln Ovnt lluvo nurtnn wot tho winnlpt pitcher white IlilI tnwlor too the true It nun tho Iourth time to tie trio this room the OrltiII hIe tool in Importh hy one run two names eotny into oxlre tnnlnu Tonight It queene IIrit I100 gelled Oritlte plnre LIIovIew II CHARTER FLIGHT INFORMATION one went one nrtrunN orrenrnn ruortro AVAILABLE tendon Ilril Attend Tel Attit hlunleh lJehon Ilomo Ind tlee III VIoetIon ehIrterr to lie rtI hliinmN Ind 5331 lrtendI For tomrielo Iiit ot ehnrter iltrhle eIil or write CONTINENTAL rnlynu Innvrcno urn tulle not or lltoor IL Well Toronto YELIPHONI lit mouse THE MUFFLER SHOP tterrtoe OII hlnltter IpeeIIIIrle 110 lNNldlll PHONE more 11All 011 lOI IiuronII lymphon width received 01000 Irent trorn the OolIrlo Arte rd to ho enough tor the Ortttte III end home run by John who OrlltII ptteher Koren Ktteny me up only tour hite over the rover Inninre Ind Ilruek out 11 termhoriIeh hetterI The 0rIllI luniorI mud to htle orer the III tnnlnu they come to hot they lot It ieeet nno hit in etlly nninr except Uro leth terno liredy rolleeted turn htte tor the Lumhemite include In douhlo In the Ieeond 1an too The Inurth hit or lierrlo rm double by pttehrr Gard teeh IOU NEMPENIEI my mum rem noon maternal CAR TRUCK EASINO vtte true All Melee Ind Your ttny Fey hlorer CI11lodey mom 230 IIIIOIIR SL llerrln jA Better Wey To Go IIMITED DARRIES COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Open them to mrmhere up to nominate A11 1qu Memhenhlpl 0100000 an retro anrolret IIItlled It NO ADDED mt ErImpiet been 0120000 Trrrn One yrIr Intrreel Amount en Itlndllll 010100 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 111100 10000 10000 120001 hlolthll lIymrntl 011100 11100 11200 11100 11100 11200 11200 100 11200 11100 11100 11200 tlll000 In It month the lone weutd he rroeld It Inn root at IntereIL You would else here tune edded to your IIrtan thie II iuei one It PIId on Added to lntrrrIt Elvin AreouIt 01100 1100 1000 000 000 100 000 000 000 100 100 100 1000 eooo merry yument Illlll item 1105191 Inquire It the oltlre 11 Colller Street hereto