II mourn IIDNDONtCtilltsroid till we wadsoertbedtodsy es rasnwlthashbtusths Miriambe drarebetioaolcammon tisr dip dinette Elliott Ont MW July va the GussdtIn saotber racially hiendty paper said the moet dlsreptdable aspect et Wilsons Saltoday wss that white states his maus lions about the term he did not balance thcee with sings good word about nuope sao lls positive potentlll Crowd Watches Vila Pilot Dies SAN Discount tAPI pilot dtedeppamtiy tryia to gutdIbls naming rsctngpsne tas runny Ix tire and more streamed ever the cockpit antic It hushed spectators wstcbed doing In It me Get out now Get out the lam shaded Into his asteropr brushing ills It tents It Drown Field where the US Asp Ilr rsru were being held illum The Itagloengtned Beerrat burst Into time Is It rounded tbotlsetpyladoitbeliatlspol the leIII race It was like bat ot lire tiring the air said in observer Alter climbing sooo teet Ind stiempttag to land the mhors eepower Second World War lighter broke up in naming hits as it plowed along the ground U1 EMA at State Willism lingers tell chats with presidentlsl side Ilehry Kissinger alter the two arrived in Washington Sunday Ilter stay It the Western White tlouu in San ironed te Calii AP Photo Spiro Agnew xcluded From NixonChina Plan WASHINGTON AP dent Nixon glte VicePrcsldeat Spiro Agnew an advance hotIcI oi his plan to visit thins says so tolorossd tttblts ltmsse wIs excluded treat all phoning Ind Iaewnothtng ot Nixons making made more tratil made when the eat pub unnamed latestlrstlut television and redid Monophonqu At rkd thetimo ilasl lets oi bioethics ch Acuerliltdoadtohssedlb Toronto Couple Wsn Doubles Title cannon OILIQIA ammo more Don sad Jean Wilson west as mixed doubles won the Western Ontario lawn Bowl topplng lield at 72 learns Sunday ggregste score oi 19 Manila Police Ilold Canadian MANILA tAPlA room iudge postponed today until July IrtsiolICaaadiIandIaAnterteeacbsrgcdwllhposseas my Gordon bllcouoii to at Fart Will Wssbburn WLu have plesdod not the Hull since ltied st Aogeles ti miles north cesarean area With Vale Change NIIONN CPIStudents sIIauhi bl strictest to voting an amine osndtdateeIa their home rtdlngs strith Progressive commutes Igreed It weekend meetlnLtbey agree with It argued revision ot the Ontario Elections Act which would tindt satsto voting go their campuses Soutbcilretnam Pro ores Ceaseisre IAIGON tAPlthe 5wa VetnImcse adornment proposed todsy cessetlre and the rcttnillcstioa elections with North Viet ism that President Ngo Diah Diem sutured to hold it years ago The poses Initiative was Sslgon the Viet thong ironstone mo Ilusscln Irit chats to Amman Satan try with list lea Abdul nus Ithellllldlrbrlhusbtlitt answer to the sevenpoint July cblcl ot stall at Syrian armed toms On Sunday Jordsn do nounccd the Cstro agreement governing relations with Pries olcssed the walls Iinttll earlier thisyeer when he described the visit at In Amcrlesn tablet alstesrntotebtagassdtassler tor the United States and preps gandI victory tor thoa Ntron let sepsrsle meet ingsde wt leaders at Con green so cabinet members to report on his dlptcnaslle ep proachcs to Communist Chine The president returned to Washington Sunday night tram tzdsy stay in Csiltosule With NLron were State Secretary VIII ilsm lingers and Dr Henry Ills singer the residential side who secretly ted Peking July to it to nail down prelimi Igreesnent with Premier Chou EliIII tar Nixons planned vlsit During the night irons Cslllar niI Kissinger suggested to se norlers aboard Air Force one tissl thequma trip might well occur next spring warren wrtaaasrtr While saying no data is ilxcd he condoned that access ltd gotJItlons tor the Journey could hardly be completed early in the tall And be noted thattbe winter weather in China is bru ts Klsslngorvnld In Illprcpnred mission tolehlng with purely ctrctwliko lrIpplngs would be realise spring trip would coin cldo with the mine In prod dentist election prtmsrtes Kiaslagtr on his own travels to thin by two secret vservteb Iseatl charged with certain the ctaesltled documents be tool with him never were uninhi Presl leoas politicst Idvlsers also know he wnsbound tor Peling said Kissinger until CbiIuI nIrthiar boarded the plane There has been no word on th ostianslity or type at Ir Insatsla Saigon eatd main gss nutromlgtsttstan biog on encroach trader assumed under 670 Pilots Nightmare HOMNtAP the lunar tar or at Apollo It is pilot Lasers and scientists dream the landing site is smIll Hell on three sides by moons highest matin talus and on the fourth side by hmtooldeep gorge It Is located tIrsher north than any astronaut has ever been lust on the lower inside ed at the man on the moons rl teye The Msy Apollo 15 mission North Vietnam Wont lie Bullied noun KONG neuter Nortb Vietnam annually rrsctltl to President leoos plIao trip to China made It clear todsy It will not be bullied Ioto bigpower compromise on Indocth and said It will go on withlha erslaoe It necessary iisisal warned thIt Nixons policy ls wicked pertldlous and stirred at dividing Communist countries These points were contslned In In editorislpuhllsbed by the oillctal Hanoi daily Nhsn Dan tour days alter the Innomce ment at Nixons trip to China by next hlay Observers add the editorial Indicated North Vletosmese misgivings over the trip and the tinted guerrillas Is Jordsa Isa troops continued to map up guerrilla iorces AP Photot lesr that China malor source oi would to tisnol will so cept so Indochina compromise short ottoulCot vto ory In scheduled tor launch tram Cape Kennedy Fla next lion doy July it It all goes well tour days later Istroosuts David it Scott Ind lsmes Irwin will land on the moors Their trsicctary toward lunsr landing ls like that ot basket ball swlsblaf through net without touch an the baskrt rim they will sildo down steep lsndlng pattern which will carry thth over mountain pass and then drop thcmIIrnost vertt rIIty tor the test 2W tcet into the valley TRICKY TASK For luosr landing thtI threading needle ii the ight path In out at line Scott and Irwin lace the danger at smashing Falcon their lunar module Into the Apennine hiountairu witlrh guard the north eIst Ind south at the vet ll It the tilght path ts long the moon lander could topple into the gorge csllod llodtey little or touch down on the wrong side at tho mllewido gully and block the astronauts lromjhrlr prime geology objectives To compon lhc pmblcm no bad Is prrctscly sure what the sur ace to like It tho tsrgct point Photographs taken at the area give only about to metres oi resolution mush coarser than thatmesns lalasscicn tlst astronaut to Allen that It boulder somewhat smaller than so out in diame ter which is prod good chunk at roclr we want are it In the picture That does not give one warm tooling MONTREAL Cit Talks between Air Canada Ird the ln lemstiounl Attodstioa at his ehtalats and Aerospace Worten were to mums here today lol iowlag government eppoinlrne Sunday at three tcdersl media tors The announcement setting ltooueat II the site as made to Ottawa by labor ttiaister Bryce ilsckssey ii is Itsned It helping Air Clouds and the anion llad basis tor agreement in their contract dispute whirls resulted In hour strike Saturday against the airline in Toronto sad itbour wIlIout In msior can cities earlier In the wee lbs unumuaber union and the publl owned airline hsvs been aego sting new contract since expiry at their rumoutb Igrremsnt Dec ll lilo spokesman tor the labor de partmsos said that Bernard Wits soa Kelly Ind NIt any were to act as goveromcnl rm dielors In the talks scheduled to begin moo pm EDT eatdbs crutmdtorthlimbutla tisuldAerIhsdlpresldent It lisldwirs Ind illsheel wee unIvsilIbto tor comment Irma hora However spokesman tor the Wimbl htIckaseys anaouacneidc Arabs Would Iain lsraeli Ilrmy TEL AVIV Router Three Arab guerrillas who surrens rtered to lsrsell troops told De Irnrc Jiinlster hlosha Dayna they are wltilng to loin the is Hell Imty an Israeli new paper nported today The paper chlot Aharonot said Sen Dayan interviewed the three men who were among Arab guerrilla tram Jordsa who gave themselves up to Is rIetl troops during the weekend The paper ssid thIt when DIyIrl uhd them why they did not go to Syria the guerrillas replied the border with Syria is rested and besides in Israel it tsbettcr Guban Fighter Stabbed To Death SAN FRANCISCO iAPI 0r laodo Zuluets so urban lighter whose tbyear ring car ecr included about tor the world lightweight crown in 1551 was stebbcd to death early todaypoltcesald Police Lteut llobert whiting seld Zuluets was returning to his home when he was attacked by gang which had been brswllog and creating disturb Ines It bar or several hours active at Havana ZuluctI began lighting In late and ended his ring rarch in use with record oi so victories 42 losses and it draws tin taught Joe limo hr Don vrr on Iuarl9 1951 tor the world lightweight title and was knocked out In the lith round 1an Breaks Diplomatic Relations With Jordan BEIRUI Lebanon GP Jardsa renounced the Csiro Ind Amman ements with Paleo tlnIIn Ara or Sunday night as its hrnlrupushed shred ilitls battle Ig the guerril lroqrcptled to the lordsalsa action by breaking diplomstlc relltiaas with King ltuseelns regime and aiming Its border and sir space to Jordan The closure tool elirct It noon EDT Baghdad rsdio Ilsa the lrsqt ambu asdor In Amman would be re esited The radio said the decisions were made by tho Ire Revolu tlonsry Council or rh also ceded on all other oountrtu to bring pressure on Amman Ito stop current msssscrcs In Job dIa which Ilm at liquidating the PItcstlac revolution Sudan also denounccd what it cullcd Jordanian repression at tho gurrrtllu sad Cairo newspaper accused Hussein at being In obedient tool tor die Israelis hut tllcrI was no otticlet staterncai tram Egypt where President AhworSadat has been trying to mediate the Jar dIaiIn contilrtond avoid tur ther divisions la the Arab world trap is the second ArIb lov ernmsnt to cover relations with Jordan lllcys recalled Its dipio mIlI trom Amman It the height at Jordans civil war turbop tornber sitar Hussein decided be hurt to control the guerrillas or be overthrown IIN DOWN BANDS Jordanian military spokes men said the army but pinned down the remnants oi smsll genius bonds In northern lor II More than it at the Palestln Iaas tied into torso and surrea dcrrd The Jordanian spoth men said they were iattttrators trained by Israel who were ro turalng to their masters hut Igucrrllis otllclsi In Sel rut said they were torced to tire because oi nvsny woundcd task at water Ind constant shelling by the story Wm he cr thuum on Were glad negotiations In to start again he said Were looking torwsrd to the reaump lion at tails and are bapelul or quirk setdeman brlier negotiations broie olI July with ttr GrIy then act ing as sole government media tor and union members voted In ideas at rotating strihu to back their demands on issues at lab serially duration at con tracts overtime pay and scbcd uling at shirts htr Wilson Is Issistaal deputy transistor to the labor dc meal hir Kelly director the departmrnr conciliation and Ir Ottowo Offering hitntloa branch and mm the departments lrshrstrrlp rialist Iar IIrIlsscs The Ippolnimrat It thou dIetora was seen as In lion that both tho union elrtlnI have agreed toIr ilarlaseys demand thIt cater madman without condition CAUSED III II was the conditions that led to the hreald Isa tslh sad the eat strIlI rate which cd St at it lllgbte tron min lateraaltoast Alrport we Big Bond Issue OIIAWA CPI The gava meat today ottercd investors yields or In sad six per real on two new short end mailma termhondslnshtilorslsesm pauiblylaog other saoo million In berm tor the tedersl tresutry AI also announced Friday the command Is olleringja tale Ia mo sedition worth at out tafrpaneenr om due 5ch In excbsngI tor new cent Interest year The new lasuu Ir 0neyesr Vs nth bonds duo Dec ts rm tatsr est It pcr cea year air icrcd roots pcr rent at then value and yielding Investors about 51 per ccnr yesr It held to maturity Three year tour month bonds doe Dec mt paving Interest II 55 pcr cent ottered It not per cent at taro inue and yielding Investors about six pcr tool it held to maturity Tho lisnk ot Csaada has agreed to tale at least till mil lion oi the stun million bond at luring Tbs treasury will deter miac the emouau to be issued in short or mediumterm bonds Itler subseri lion boots close probably esday Replacing the $150 million or Policeman ordrrs csm rs to my oil the Tgraunda oi otto lverslty oroato Sun tcr potles iorcibly evict Ito rsmpm oil the campus The campers most at the young transients bad It on to move despite rout Injunction bonds alone end oi next math lends the vermarnts obliga lion tor or east unseen and It Bellast Depot Hit by Bombs roriel bomhd It brewery depot Its Bellsat today and British army uppers db assailed two uthsa bombs No one wII burly sod rIImIgs trons the explosion was hot es teoslve Anothir terrorist blast wrecked small automatic tele phone exchange in Honcho community south It lieliIsL tt wss Issumrd thIt the bombs were planted by the Irish Republican Army which In oooncrd that it was responsible tor the blast Saturdva tht wrecked the tiettasl plant ot the London Daily lllrror Ind cIuscd damage estiraatrd It more than $15 million The IRA said the paper was the great est example at English propa ganda tltl roe which the univsralbl onto My Two policemen wers lulled sad It he led when the campers arthrop tcdtomovebscbon to the