Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1971, p. 5

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in on he lrr it oi Or Isl rctr gov Into will rom have that ut husc thI on stra the be he live us the eternal and as gs egress is best year Romnrlanupoltl tomadlielloiltolboutll nllilollllllalllpusebuam CLONIWWWIO or nail Nursing School TORONTO CPI The burr tnI school It Whitby Psychiatric Hospital will be closed only its nine students can be scrum isolated at another education Imitutldd Health Minister Lawrence told the legisla lurv Prldll air Lllrenu nrl replying to questions irom New Democratic Party members abort the late at the hospital which laces early downasamultotaatalt puts It the hospital Curtail Campaign TORONTO tCPl The Globe Irad Nail says back ailment may torts Premier William Davis to curtail his campaign acbeduls once an Ontario gen eral election ls railed The paper says onsday po illicIl trip to Pembroke Wednes dsy gave an indication at what could linpcn ll tha pro pushes blmseit too hard Dredge Material TORONTO CPI Pollu tion Probe coordinator has called on Ihslederal and On tario governments to bark aelt tied to prohibit dumping oi dredge enamel Int pr Gm mes Paul lionuy says the govern ments should support the Now roe County Conservation Calm cit oi Rocbestu NM which he says is lighting plans by the United States Army Corps cl Engineers to dredge silt irom the Rochester harbor and to dump the dredging into Lake Ontario Resigns Posts UliCA NY AP Russell Stephenson president eblet executive oiticer and director at niohlwk Airliner me an nounced his resignation irom the company Friday etleetlvs Sept Stephenson rnlde the discio sure at meeting oi the re gional Ilrllnrr board oi direc tors Dr William Teller board rhalrmn will assume Siepbensons responsibilities in addition to those ol chairman Murder Charge SUDRURY lCPl Arthur osilly it oi Sudbury was charged with nonranth mur der Friday and remanded in custody to July It In connection with knlle attack June to that iataily injured an Oshawa youth Mark Clark 19 oi Oshawa died Thursday to hospital irom stab wounds sutirred in an at tack at swimming bole near here Compensated ronorvio tCP woman who required psyrbiairlc treat ment inllowing the dynarriltlng at detencs department build trig in Ottawa June it two wu awarded $5ill Friday by the On tario Law Enlorcement Corra pcnsrllcn board Maureen Patton was compen sated by the board even though she wasnt physicallyllniured in tbserploalon which killed hldrie St Germain BLIGHTY BINGO mtg over myear Arthur Wisbart Ontario lip aaeIIl Ind eommerrill attain minister Priory that be llll not seek reelep lion in the next provincial general election Nishart serr ed as Ontario Attorney Gen gt eral lo the John Roberts gov ernment it Photo To Oller Deletion WNWN OIL CPI ham don court otllclala said Friday live oi as delendaata named in dis lawsuit anion the operator at darn club and finance corn party have indicated they will utter delenca Landon lawyer Ernest For lodged the civil action on behall at it tornaer students oi llto Fiesta Dance and Social Club oi tendon The students claim they were lraudulIntly in duced to pay eaborbltant unaunta tor dancing lessons The plaintia seven woolen and tour men said they paid more than uooroa to the Iclub period Indle deceit and undue inuence were employed to persuade them to enter harsh and um ONSClONIOlE debt linlnrlng In rangrmean Killing Dogs TONDON OnL tCPl Alfi esdture Minister William 5th art said Friday regulations at Iotrtng the electrocution ol atrsy dogsrtsa Ontario vol be at tered but up on It came irom stuntanimal shelter owners who cant lllord an ll lernale disposal method in telephone interview irom Calgary where ha is attending nonierence oi urlcuiturv rninlse Icrs Mr Stewart said the smaller operators cant aitord the barbituate injection method because lethal doses can only be administered by qualltted vet erinarian Editor Resrgns WOODSTOCK ICP Wil liam Swan managing editor ot The SentinelRericw or two years resigned Friday to ac cept post as assistant master oi journalism at Durham Col lege in Oshawa lie was with the daily news paper sinra lltl Ills successor was not announced Mrs Blake Dies MONTREAL tCPl Mrs llector Blake wlio oi Iormer Montreal Canadiens coach Toe Blake died in hospital Friday Mrs Blake the Iorrrwr Betty Waiters ni lianrllton had been seriously ill tor the pastthreo years Shh ls aurvlvcd by hcr hum hand one son Snare at home and two married daughters lira Keith McDonald and tire Roderick Stuart both ol Mont realaod six grandchildren One brother llarry Walters oi Grirnsby Ont and three man ried sistersMrs Stan Lnndrey at Wilmington Del Mrs Dart licltte oiTornntn and Mrs Torn Charlton oi St Peteraburgh Fll also survive nlliEr ESSA TAXI Radio Controlled Cars 424 OillAWA Ul The Grade II clan Arplh Mariel lilgb School in Thunder Bay received farm leday irom the tadernl Mermnl The great area arranng In an nounced by the other ot Robert Sianbory minister raponsible tor citizenship No Support TORONTO ICPi The ilb erat partys education critic laid the Ontario legislature PrIdIy that more than mud Iarnliles across the province with men tally retarded children are re celving no support aerva Irons provincial or municipal governments Wood Houses VANCOUVER lCPl Long standlag prejudices aratnst the use oi wood in building houses have begun to crumble as re sult pt conterence on the sub lect sponsored by the United Nalloral the mierencss Cana dian chairman aald lrtday Dr Douglas Redmond said many oi the t9 dciegates irom IT countriea were impressed by the many uses at wood to Can ada They were especially Inter ested in the meat used to tire prool wood and to make it re aistanl to rot riot in April markets will be Au ROBERT WEWM Studies Problem TORONTO CPI Education llnlster Robert Weirh raid Fri day decision on whether or not yudicial inquiry should be held regarding cunstnictlon oi school In Deeds County will bu nude next week Aer closed meeting with three trustees at the Lords and Grenville board ol education Mr Welsh said he would study controversy surrntmding the school this weekend ations Sept am Chrnesrcuisivc llalrevaew 1285l5l 155 Dunlop FAMILY DININO OUT NICHTS Monday To Thursday roasr iron turns with OldFashioned Dressing og SUGAR BAKED run and Pineapple Sauce While Margaret Trudeau Ilgns ainagrapba Prints litrr trier Trudeau abath binds Chlel ludga Arthur Otto Klein ended preliminary hearing Ilter delente lawyers conceded there was aullleleni evidence to New financing On Bond Markets OTTAWA tCPt Tbs tlnancs department Innnunud lInI hidaan raise mt on in new ltnanclng on Canadian bond At the lame time the govern ment will alter to exchange new bond issue tor use million worth bl outstanding tit per cent bonds originally due in ma turs Sept next year Both the new borrowing and the exchange oi bands will go on ctler through banks and in vestrnent dealers Monday when prices interest rates and other details will be announced Dole at issue oi all the new bonds Subscribers to the non million cash borrowing to help ilnancs general government operations will have two bond choicesone year and lit months or titres years and tour months The bank at Canada has agreed to acquire minimum at lit million ot the new bonds which will be tread in help It nance gcncral government opcr The bondexrhange otterlng is designed to reduce by about oncilrlrd tinl size at the bond dclll that would otbcrvtlus come due tor repayment or ielunding with crowd oi wellwishers in Perth Oat Friday The Pump Minister and Mrs Trudeau Photol 13 Convicts Face Trial For NonCapital Murder KINGSTON ICP Thirteen Kingston penitentiary convicts were ordered Friday to stand trial on nuncapital murder charges In the beating deaths at two other prisoners during warrant trial Crown Attorney John Sampson rolled it wil MIXES No trial datoywas art but Mr Sampson raid be would be ready to proceed at the Sept opening here at Ontario Sue preme Court asslaes At least one delenre lawyer said he would seek lllct trial date ludge Klein told drlence Iavr ysrs be bad no authority to grant requests that prisoners be removed trons solitary routine merit in the prison Tbrnnio ian yer Clayton Ruby asked that de IcndInt Brian Dodge bu moved to either hie new Mltlhaven prison til antics west at here or to Collins Ray penitentiary here My client lives in cell nine iect six lect and in only bait an boura exercise each day Mr Ruby aald lie ebb irom bowl that resembles that clzed eminent appearances DIES OP WOUND DETROIT lAPt inrmcr mental patient who killed an administrator and wounded lwo secretaries at hospital Tues day died Friday night at wounds suiiercd In the allootout Robert Putnam who had been tircd irom bis lob at Detroit urnsrat lIospilal shot to death Marlin Battle at the hospitals thirdranking administrator wounded srcretaries and held mare than so policemen at bay tor III minutes ONE OF THE ALL TlM Academy traits lnciudlr STANDS ALONE was we use we Doctors lilvcs have everything Hrccptltusbungis snanoth enooucrou DECIDE IIIIVEE lrnm ColumblaPtciuresCOtllll were in Perth tor the opening at summer testlval rCP in which use to teed my dog All but in ot the dctsmianls aged from is in 39 are being held Kingston penitentiary Two are rontlned It bliilbaren JUDGE ORDERS IAN Judge Klein earlier ordered that no testimony given It the preliminary hearing be publi atnanwhtic Mayor Valnrlo Swain ol Kingston has asked that provincial police nltlcera provide security during the pre llmlnary hearing at charges tar vnlvlng total oi ll prisoners as mull ot the riot III Itso asked in letter to AttorneyGeneral Allan Lau rence that the provincial gov pay the cllya expenses so Iur In investigating the riot and providing security at court Mayor Wain said costs will mount with Judge chirre order that each ol the in convict wit pcsscs called by the Crown be returned daily to new regional delcnlion centre at nearby Na panee rather than housed in Kingston city Iatl City police have had to strip our day shill the mayor said and olilrcrs worked 150 hours up to June on special duties connected with the hearings HEAVY CONE The cone oi the cynad tree can weigh up to too pounds wow PLAYING our suowmo as no on amniocentesis rostrtsmlvlslum mull mammal mom now riavmc snow sranrs ar DUSK muuasusmuumrrmrrmy Presents Milk Plan armed lit Helping Cheese Producers TORONTO tCPI he an iariI Poduanon at mountainousu means at belping mania cheese producers The propose was made by Delmer Bennett II Painters Falls Oatga datryvnIn and ex aeuttrs director oi the CPA It meeting mandated by th Ora tarlo Milk Cornrrtlsslsua The propnnl aimed at seller Ing rotate at the presets an clears prsahieen which lass re eulted lrorn an apparent shortage oi tndlutrlat mill was given generally lavorIblI reaction by abort to producers procmnrs and government aid TORONTO ICPI The Lnl versity at Toronto was granted temporary intunrlian May to rename tent city trorn its ramgtra Tbn unitarsily at the same time withdrew its support tor In alternalue sale tor the emp rrs on lllc abandoned Mercer ernrrnatnry grounds John Sunni the universitys acting prcsnlcnt told the Su preme Court oi Ontario that the presents at campers is cause at vunssrn and apprshtne aion In the board at governors and tho stimrmstrntlte and Ice drmic stalls The court granted tempo rary iniunttlon nanning to Aug II when the university ndl npply tor permanent aniline lion in statement the universlly blannd the Students Admlnlss traltrc Council and Graduate stuttvnls lnion tor not mumlng REACIIES Slim TORONTO lCll Conlrlblh lions Irom United Church merrv bcra to rctict aid tor velugcea lrnm East Pakistan have passed the mm mark church tress urcr Douglas Krugaly In nounccd Friday The United Church has previously donated 525000 In the reiugrcs through the World Council oi Churdm in Geneva SIIOWLIITS TONIGHT Pl AND Pl NOW dalabolltededlblnaed HebeIn that over al talth produrtlm tor the year in don MI MN rsrs Ihtla milk aupdtu tra Mar oboe planes are down is per udi Sannll cheese plants stxlau Plum Nation Foriar and Union Star Iali eastern Ontario pro duerra are baring tom urnl rail right nor ltr Serum Temporary injunction Given To Remove Campus Tent City responsibility tor the opening at the renting and carnpmg inedi ties on the sale Consequently the unrvemty has trrnnnaled Ila endeavors to assist in the re location oi the campers On Wednesday Public WorLI Minister James Auid rrss rr ported to bats agreed to lease the Mercer site in the university tor ll Tits university in turn and it would turn the land aver tor the tent rity llr Sword has issued dead line oi noon lrnlay tor the to youths at the tltltltnily campus to move to the Mercer ails but the dcmilrne valued asa Illa youths stayed The young purple rclusod to mote until the new site tapro prrly prepared in rewive them At mcctmg on the earnous IrIdny one youth said that once the campers moved to the Mere cer site they tousl be ordeer leave because at the lack glib ctlitlrs By THE CANADIAN PR ltlsItreIIllrs llcclor Di wile oi Iormer Montreal Cana dlens hockey coach Too blah Araprtor OntCanola Thomas ltrnry lteton aches tor ol several Oltawarnrea Art It itactrar llyanilitral Mow PLAYING Great Family Entertainment gllean church tor Ibl int OT years mumtransits amomtummmmmmom WI erratum Romeo PLAYING For InIovrnaIlon Call 4450121 Michael Cainc NGcICartcr 5252 24 HRS DAY DAYS WEEK corners ANous area anus SATURDAY NIGHT MA any Dear sot vr llall lu on mo lllth 0nmomaunwiwrm warempowwxsamtrursinlwtmamwmmmkh unhnulm ran an Every man wants Lite line between rigid and wrong 11 line SoriIlTawesrrosse over mammalmu autumn came an mwvmnmossooemmnmupmtmms $190 Children under ll $l30 nuramruvwat Complete meal includes nanan natives Dessert and Beverage

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