Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1971, p. 4

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by Canadian Newspapers urdaed as Bayiield Onset busts Ontario MatterGeneral Manager it McPherson Manadng Editor MITWY lT till PAOIC IllDoing Your Own Thing iBul At Your Own Expense Older generations mag look askance st sung ie today vv cop out at ety and choose material poverty vvsy oi lite However most or is dont really object to the kids run tag mow It place such as Roch College in Toronto or taking to the road In their crosscountry hltc hiking tauataln tact some oi us who are caught In tho workin world may look It them with tinge envy What the senior generations do object itobowever la the tact that many ot these youn people expect them the gt workers oi is aocielyto Support them And whats more through an overgeo 1gp government they are doing lust Pertoctly healthy young people many oi them welleducated and capable oi making substantial contribution to Isodely have dr ped out and now live on weiiars ban outs taken irom the eta oi workln people who are tind ng It lncreasingy dlicult to support themselves and vagrant generation as sstl The people who iorsned Rochdale Col dear to reality ophouse tor the idle hippie did so in revolt against the dis ciplines and standards at the establish man But their ldeallrrn it seems does not extend to the list that they do not expect rubsidles mm the government and exemption from municipal takes Similarly young people who have been given everything and contribute nothing now expect communities to provide tood and shelter tor them on their wander ings across the continent lion adults would concede society has responsibility to provide some sort oi meaningtnt lobs tor these young people but It some at them choose Instead to travel they should be prepared to do so on their own There are plenty oi handicapped peo ple who must rely on society ior help and that alone nuts substantial burden on taxpayers But those who can work should work they also should be learning to help others and it they preter not to work they should not ex pect others to pay their way in short no one wants to stop there voung people Irom doing their own thing but they should do it at their con er pense Orliila Packet and Times irony In Caribbean Bole Caribbean concern with toreign dom ination oi their island economies should intheory strike sympathetic chord in Canada where economic sovereignty is al to current preoccupation lTio problems contronlin Canadas Commonwealth cousins in West in dies as they attempt to corn with the ore ertng inuence oi orcign own rarsla bear decided resemblance to our own situation reected in rising ilc alarm over the de res oi econom controiwleldedby on do mainly UStoterests are olcoum sharp ditter mm as well Poverty endpopulallon renurea are iar more extreme on the lands their resources less pientliul lob opportunities tower their dependency on tourismso great that it heightens the grievances and irustrations bred by dad lsheartentng exposuro to the centres between wea th and proverty in the Caribbean the issue oi loreign conomic control is also complicated by race The dominant economic interests are vdalte the tmprovertshed are black Yet while seekin to aateguard econ omic independence rom external inuen era at home Canada ls contributing to iorelgn economic sscendnn In the Car lbbean Our rots there lron cally invites thvsama typo oi criticism Canadians direct towards the US The scope oi our banking insurance andcommerclal enterprises In the West lndlcs constitut es bill oi indictment somewhat com parable to the one delivered against Am erican enterprise in Canada At the same time both Canada and the Caribbean need the toreigtn investment phpse lniluence they are rylng to colts ro Caribbean governments are now mov ing cautiousl towards nationalization aa means at berating the islands irom toreign economic domination They are examining plans to bring banking and itnanclal ntcresir and mining operations under domestic control Though the Caribbean draws the high est percapitn share oi Canadian econom ic assistance we could do lot more to ioster seltdevelopmenl on the islands by establishing more cooperative relation ship with their governments However much they may resent or deny it Can adian economic interests to the Carib bean are as much the foreign intruder to the people there as US corporations are to nationalists here Canada must try to substituia policy oi genuine partnership with the Carib bean tor one bearing the stigma oi co onomlc sellinterest London Free Press DOWNMEMORY LANE its gunners son or crrv mule Examiner July 17 tutti Pro inelal police charged young man who rove car in wrong lane oi lltfhway 400 aused death oi tive people collision gear tiradlord Building in Barrie rocketing Ald Earle Williams re go ed to City Council llm Small srrle Country club menagoilchamp kin won Simcoe County invitational tour arpent at Camp Borden beating Tommy aaon oi Colltngwood or extra hoo layoti Ron Chantler oi Barrie scored not Torgli Automotive topped liylralor tastball league heating Sew munch in crucial ameal Queens Par Rookie southpaw alph Knapp pit ehe tor Torgis with batting help irom llnri Eduards Homer Darrell lohn stie lilnesing beat Thomas El ctdc bit behind solid pitchingot tiara tiliutclr Boyd who ad bat support ops Bill and Corby Adams Don mm on mound tor Thomas Barrie ayteea won two national awards mem rphip and protect titch Ilarv goll tllte ior Cliit rown Trophy at Barrie Country Club Downtown merchants planned old aahlonrd bargain days later this month ornmltlee included Cord Roach llarry addrn Tony Decarie Earl Simmons unk Croslcy Dave Jones Barrie enturs Club planned tor torn anniver Tary in November Committee headed by reddeni Margaret Goodicilow May Willard Itiane and City Ianagcr Wal er Gigg reported public works program wetl in hand with crublng ahead oi schedule TV cowboy star The Wills ic Ranger and horse Lashmar visited Rarrle Shopping Plaza tor Wild West Days New LCRD store opened at plaza with Bob Powclt as manager Ra port irom Ottawa praised lleber Smith MP Simcoe North ior work as chairman rallan committee in absence through ill ness lion Earl Rowe Music lovers complained that intormal ball games were intertering with Sunday atlcrnoon band concerts at Queens Park Ed on ttnrial claimed City oi Barrie deserved new deal on road work Construction has not kept pace with growth oi past to years and there are iar too many not holes in existing roads inoulring ile portcr asked What do you think ot cul tural iacllitics in liarrlci Replying were Fireman Cecil MeMuikln YMCA Sacret arv usi Davey William Mclvor ilon rnce loncs and Maureen Campiisson who were in agreement on inadequacy City Council in uproar when debate started on committee report tire and traffic it was tell highway interchanges lighting and warning signs were not good enough Entering ClStlllllOIl were Alden mcn Les Cooke Gerry Roberts Frank llerscy Alderman Murray llills wani ed to know why it was costing Barrie so much lor truck rentals Capt liar ris Steele led members Grey and Simon Foresters to summer camp at Niagara onrthevbakc Jarnes MacLean elected president Linns Club succeeding Edwin Myers QUEENS PARK PEPIII PlilGPONG WMWMMWRAmWm Avalanche VOi Bills Bothers Opposition Ry DON OTIEARN The loudest complaints ol lhla seasion irom the opposition have centred on the govemmenta av businesa is the lastiminuts rush many oi the poinla they do mats dont get through to the public The Davis government bow to say that the opposition has hardly had time to look It on new measure and try to Rgura It out betoro it has others in its lap it hasnt had time to catch mm Malibu PM ever has taken this old terh its breath lion It llll always been the habit oi all governments hero to rant through ieglalatlnn lo the dying days oi the session This in tactl is routine tech nioue recognLted it not bimed The main purpose oi course has been to get ccnirovcnial legislation betora the house when the members are tired and anxious to get home They dont give to debate the time or the care they otherwise would and in the big volume ol 11537311121531 like Torrie Examine to bayrld Street llarrie Ontario Telephon HHSIT Second Class Mall Regisirullutl Number our Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Iiolldaya excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier so weekly $3110 year iy Single copies loc llv molt Dlrrlr $3120 yearly Slmcoo County little yearly balance at Canada 52300 yearly All other countries liltlu yearly Motor throw oli moo yearly National Advertising Oillccs I23 University Avenue Toronto Mil Carthturt Sb Montreal Member at the Canadian Press and Audit Rureau nl Crictdn tloru The Canadian Press is cactus Ivcly entitled to the use tor re blirutinn at all news dispatch es in this paper credited to It or The Associated Press or lieuth and also the local news publish ed therein The Darrlc Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and tdltorlal material cro attd by its employees and ro produccd In this newspaper Copyright Registration Nutn bcr mill register St LunaJ iwng move and made something Insan umental oil at it in the past two weeks it has brought down more malor mea sures either through legislation or by announcement than prob ably would be expected ordinar in oi government over into yearl There has been at least one meter step every day and sonic tirnrs two or three or more Moch such as oiltrack betting ncw day nursery sore pro grams pile and quarries lcgls lotion and completely lovllc cInvironrnenlal control legisla Inn it Is probably not Inaccurate ClllillDllS STORY by DOE BOWMAN Canadas railway building aprce that lasted irom use until nearly the end oi the First World War cost governments and taxpayers great drnt nl money but it ouo opened vnsl new areas oi werlth The build ing oi the CPR transcontinental lid to the discovery oi the worlds largest auPPll oi nickel near Sudbury and Canadas largest deposit oi coal at Drum holler Alla Constnrction oi the Timlsltam ing and Northern Ontario llali way in too led to the discovery oi silver at Cobalt Ont when blacksmith threw hammer at ton and uncovered vein that Eroductd allver worth stoo rnlb on in id years As the raliwa went tanker nnrlh so did prospectors und in twill Giorgi Ilannrnnnn and Thomas led ca decided in Work around the Porcupine Lats area They began digging Ono dilierenre with the Darla govrmmrnt and an Important reason why the opposition pro tcal In so Intense thll It has held oil on only coulrovsral legislation until the last the but at its whole legislative pro nemosnteallous or Yet The oniy explanation given tor this and it is altered more or less tongue in check is that It has taken time to prepare the legislation Actually however It is taken tor granted that it is tailoring it set plan which Is aimed at hav ing it wind up the session in hints at oriuevement Iiclty art egg Elisa Egans Is as as tire to Morocco Is permanenl residence Itoreorer Parts doesnt relish the Idea oi seeing French companies exposed to the same degree at natinutlxa lion as was the ease In Algeria Prsaldent Porn ldou ol Planes has thus hard to improve Prancortornccan rein llns which had IIllen Into neardlsarray under tbs late Charles da CIuiie Rovv the Preach are being made to take less optimistic view ot the Raslan regimes sows ANALYSIS EEEEEEE Ir rs Nnroesaa rebels alterand sortie solutes Ia em belate lba guns began using at Nss was tlllatad birthday party it subsequently broke olt relatlppi vitb Norm Ill TO DAT This example at enmity be tween IIo Arab governmmu rauaod acute embarrassment in President Sadat who has sought during the lastlo ntonlhs to promote PartArab tenuous Algeria too was disturbed by the hasty declarations irom Tripoli Tbeu aims at irlctlon ruin cidsd with renewed reports at llahllng between Arab guerril in and government troops Jordan Calm is trying hard to palcll ripor paper Iverthe Libyan Moroccan tend But the impression is that the Arab world in general Is as tar tenured an em irom the achievement at conconl among its various governments Malta Iceland Worry To NATO aycant NANTMEN BRUEELT lAPl Tbs decl alon by Icelands new leilvaliag government to kick till the us naval and air bus at Ketlavtk could more than double the troubll oi till leI Atlantic Ila times in keeping track oi the noturnsorns 301M noes Tola trouble started last inbuilt In Malta 15m miles away in tile central lledilerrr nelrl Tilers another new lett ratcentre government under Prime Minister Dom lllntotl sent home the ltaiian admiral in charge oi allied iorcea and said my parts it wanted to turn neutral In Malta as in instead the new government came to power by tiny but real lltlll In volt tng atrenrtb among tree elec toralv Now britalra which Iran the min allied hue iu Malta Is trying to make new agree ment to ratist llintolis dittl ruli tlnaneial demands Malta wu Erllalna unsinka bie Itrcra carrier in the Sec ond World War Today it is use on the northern side oi the lake and on July it unwvered db rcc oi gold as thick as wax dripping Irom erratic they were lottoon by Denny Rollin gor and Sandy lilcinl re who were also lucky and great Porcupine gold misting area evolved irom their elivrtv Actually Nelntyres real name was Sandy Ollpbant but he changed it when he ed born Scotland to avoid paying aii many in his wile thn he struck old at the mine that bears name he sold his sharca tor IZS to buy llguor and spent the rail oi his llo wccp mg in salooiu The McIntyre mine produced gold worth more than too million Those early prospectors were tar more lucky than Iclentlilc and it is still possible tor Cana dians to gel luck and tlnd pro olons metals lhout much training Unlortunaiely Geddcs lurk did not last tor long its died in lot but not essential Surveil lance ol the Soviet naval buildup In the liedltrrranean could be based on nearby Sicily The essential tor the alliance is to keep Malia irom turning into base tor the Soviets which does not seem likely de velopment lcelnnd could be more seri our problem Ind olilciais oi the alliance are worried about it Early this month US plane based in ltEllIl spotted So vlet war game north oi the No its Circle in which the Soviets attacked NATO nlvai torn and llsitlp Soviet eet no landing operation against the Allies in Norway No easy substitute exists tor lceiands aurvelilance laclltties and recent Soviet eet opcra lions in the North Atlantic have caused even more concern among Allied naval otileers than tn the lledlterraoean ioreat Are in the Porcupine area low years later lceland also Is lltlllicdged member oi the rlliancefls Malta iv notand it always looks like weakness in see member tailoring The US air and naval base in lcelsnd also is an important commutetim sortaInsular client marine as wall as naval rrsatld lnhosillnbmdslcellndcoultl become lormidabe tlrrnltn lbe liiellns between North America and Western Europe That is wiry lhn US and llrtn atn took it ovcr rnilttanly dur ing the Second Work War lcrland like Slalla atoms likely tobecolno Sovth base Communists have cablan posts In tits new lovrrnment but rnler Olaiur lohannessnn is Irom being CorrununlsL The new government aayl intends to remain member the North Atlantic Theaty ganisation all it wants is to rid oi the 3700 US servicemen and their base The lcelandcra have their nomic problems the now ernmeni is bound to get trouble with other Etuopcan countries because it Iaya it impose Stemlla limit to protect its crustal llsbermcn irom pctition But this seems to nothing to do with the deienra issue what has houpcncd is two small countries by tiny ireclyeicctcd maturities ieit sale enough under NATO umbrella to insist their own immediate interests taking preccdcncc over the tegic demands oi the alliance BIBLE THOUGHT Jesus said unto her am mnmclluu and the ier that brileveth in me though were dead yet shalt be John iizti The lord has promised abundant lite hers and lite above Trust llim today be saved turever Kt lATuibmllll xrlut 111IliadLuluLMMXWWMAWWWXZKSWLWEMMixing Pit TO FLASHBIICV sousaphone The band also played ior dancing at the lOOP taken at lllneta Point dance avtllon in loss lrom iett iront row Barrie durln ottsummer seasons Personnel expanded In toll Ken Walls trumpet Gordon RF tenor saxophone Bob Powell alto years to lncuds Orval Pleotham trumpet Aired Shepherd sax Elton Parker alto sax Will am Bell piano At tear the lite sari Petr Sinclair trombone the late Art Rams trttinprt Archie Barth dnrmmer and vocalist Gilbert Wiley bass violin and OTHER EDITORS rirws DOORISHNESS AT THE WHEEL ielloviiie lntolligoncer Princess Anne recently tound heraelt spray human predicament with which 1011th driven on lamiliar When is ht Emkmf and oven when he learned it was the princess he said to the detective What are on doingteaching her to drivel An ncident or this sort brings out the part had been all ready to do battle worst in people One would have 43 thought there were extenuating them stances the cab stopping suddenly and all that yot the cab driver had to be boorlsh about it Unhappily his reaction is oi uncommon Drlvtn acoma to do omething to people and alien it is their advantage ahead oi her braked sharply the vapour car bumped into the hat happened next was pre Thsprindeal sroonatdetotL waswlttarher tdthstalktnr jealtbls to send the bill is iaco The rabbis ior his nos vowsius original Melody lien shown in this photo

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