Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1971, p. 13

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St unit not in anth WI tilthehrbuItrieL Norrheuuinoundho hurt Ind lend the nine Ii dtthl ll riotentomIIIIthuIm Smith would dIuIrd IpIde hundumytoeuliymmm onotrIeL SomstuntoothrtWeItdm will Iotend II Iona worm Iitrr rltildltuiinr yerrL lie tootl high the min In wel II pp Imp tutI nero motive mm liy prdolern wort tor comply thIt hII lsInIiemd me to may dllterent eltler Ind mm min thr countered AG ENT Mr It lm doctor iitIi trim whit title rm ditlon ll let Ilnno who in do IhoutlLIItnnCInyouId VVlll rite Annrtd checkup te rnsln retirew Ill have to In III with the Itlorl diam ynnn Iren he tIItII In girl you Iny elumt explanation oi the row oi welt dlxrhsrre nor post my mediation to stop it lint leli you thIt Zone Ionian In to will erperieneI nipple dtIthIrie soil no tell you lint to do tor uietvr uh The dischnrie tr unity due lo benlin chum in TELEVISION PROGRAMS inmih ninth Iumw ronoxro hirt time then that duet up be removed quietily without uri ottriy dirtirurtni the hunt unnhie to are you my simple Inner but do ieei tint the null mort ImportIt thing In keep in orhtttlnytlte irrrntywthntihnroheen lilTlAlA TORONTO HAMILTON OpeninI lend Ilo oi spades One at thI hIoI thing Ihout tridyl II men in while you an mmplilit tent thIt border on the Iinpostlhle Connidei titl deIi Ihere It would Ippesr that South rnrnt lose tpnde Ind two diamonds to lit down one iionever when nit iindy the Iituntlon more riooeiy it turns out thIt eleven trieh no he made by nonnIt but rIreiui pity Deehrer trips the IpIde lend Indtea that he thiwt Iilord tn tulle trumps rirht Iwny Ior In thit eue he would lose IpIdI Ind two tnirnp tricks lie thereiore runs the NI oi tints Ind ronilnuos with the Ice looping to tind tho ruit div not hill in Ihleh Itenl South dIIeIrds Ipade Irtm dummy II bet ntitn Itth tho men Thin constitute tho tIrst trtnt ior EINWatllhiiltheyuiiipov res the kit at trumpr they us not nnrunrdrd Ill return rpnde rolled to drum but when drainer nol lends trump the All eorno tumhllnx down together mutt South mire the content ity prom rtepn he tom the delenrlen to ex pend their two bnby trumps ell lrnlnntlng the Ipndo low In the proers Ind then lilo Iltimpty Dumpty he train mt lIli SECRET DONALD DUCK NEVER CLOSE The trout ties at the lintray Ind leonie Guggenheim liemo risl Librsry It htnnmooth Coi lers in New Jersey He known on Tho Gntei That Nerrr clone lLZFTTNEM IN MY BRIEFCASE ON OTCH THAT horn on mr tIII rm If Jun Horn rm NI rumor um um toot Ire Boyd in PETERDOROIIGR Inrunntir JULY 11 BVENINII HElll NI Hui HAIMIII tioo Iinotnttt my Bus iIONllAY JULY ii EVENING IIIwrrs norm Ittrrr torrer IlEmly IrateIII IIrmim rrn lFrw ll lpl vu Hen WIIIMI toer AGnrlnoh ontsrrm wutmtnorort rIm Mm DIII tINIIIII no mm ooIInrootrr 10m an saw AHIIr tiRlylrtg two It IUidlmod VI oirnrh r1 Eminent ouwrt Irro Nsrdr Mars to row LtrI IFlmlry AttIu ttvim ttttt III llMt KN Ii country lMewle twat Your limit IIorh stool rm IIMovtI th Iotrrmtl It IInlih Iwtoo world It loot llt um MittMm warm 3er BLONDIE mu ll lSlsr TrIlt iTtum n1 mourn turt our Iloeter Ihhlit wood Hun bottom Hm trII IlMiuloit Immutth Itl Drum OI JIM SMdllo Witt pl OItIpllnItl Film Wmtnr wr nunIr dilly um mum rwm wtoosoom Ilia Ivtuootrr IIrII IJoltmy Inert HM Oiillln LMIIII titI mow PIIII ttPwrrI Ilrtilt Itree lMlvle tintIr John with mournrt PMrll in Lu lUIWIM lIitil tlrtr oMortr he mm truth It 14m wttIImI IMruton IntroIron AO Loutlntt lit IAIIMKI villi MillNun IJMrle WIIIM inherit IMooul IIII Him 1min outrun Flrnlry llelmd Into HAM Im Wild Th IrrrueIott HAM ITM lIirtthIr Irtt Ionrot to ho LII MINI lIKY Ht wu my Good our Ho aliteiy Itnrrr Limit one IMorto lTM Irwu iurtplll nitIota om Hdlyhurry nrn Mo Whos ertdi The Mirrrt it ADoill Dir Help or Whittle mvte Firm MllFmton arrow It DII Boy Beth Philip ion roll III Miltom It ml WWII IMr rem Ions lVll Domino IlUmr Atlltk tree tuttium WIIIM loom Hit rm tore rto mi in Truth Inewtmoo trrt ruretrtrrim wntrwr sum llPutr dim mt Hike Vlrt nytI olroth or to II TNm IIIM Tortm tium tin tHIIm Does Your aneent Tit Drive With ttiitltlit or it Site ALIGNMENT Strait$995 our PAUL lliu Maria sumIr Home notion Itti On TV Vlliertrnrtl leurtldolntl Fhriyl Mb It Home It IMnry rim Moore lIwmtllnp rtow mrtrrr no EROWN NOW bum Mutant mm rrtIIn IIIrIrr rout IIOWM II lltnmnlny nhriomm SUNDAY JULY ii RIORNlNG AND TIullwlrtllo Ittnorons lay IIcroivoIoI llill IvnII II In III tIIIIIro urn Harm hunt or IAITIIIJI PIIDNI 75ml rim IMorto trhtI IIth II MtrIi AFTERNOON Hlim PERI Rollin IHW WI in DIIILY crosswonh IIIII lEdtih Wei not lOwt HMII Iliava llttli lOltl Ill Hinrlo tlsroon Mombml or woman ttrtrn HUM Iitlhiiiifitti Icross Lace writ Slurer 311m tiniltt Llitn torero Seottyl Irerorrar trot unmet how IMIrr trim Urtetr Ioutioirrn DItIrrt FnMI III will role wtqu 21 Nuthim 21 Ier union Admit 15 LILII Inttti ilmitd Tomorrow 3mwa Portnil ortm Hum 74ton TM AdrIrtim ol Nllli IIhI Him TV llAwetlr llTNI tirtnn world lltll INIwImItIr thIrId Ind Gotirrh Iirto Tanle llM TIVIII Linn Oi Adm Irtd Eve HerII or truth onotwettoo on MIoIrInI Itworto Tunoiiplr tHIr Nortwo thentrr 11 Spanish province Victim 12 City at cl Liyht it 13 iittlrinit print revolutionv twds 15 11lolicn 26 Condom 15 Auixiititi notion 32 ituasinn erieniue AIIIer 16 llawildtlnt lmriic dry 19 Llietllittlc literth manure Ill Clnott 0Dunltry 2i PM in Low nhhr tome or South Mtoot III tmtn 12 liohrlu 15 Paper ll Lillian Illh manure Woody or ll min Slctn bmn Martini IIIWII intrintiiritt lniIrity 2ft Niw Ztnintttl tritesmnrt 50 The Old oNortr WW1 ol Flrll ItertIr so It iIooutrv HitKetrioomr rIrtorr Iro Amm Itttyorion Piulrtll NUBBIN IM Him The run Irtnnotrrt 14M lite Vmintr Nomi IIOECA 1L Illn in tittail 30 Potnnuso spreltlty SS iteguniing tIDrrry II Kind II ten 42 Ntekhsmd or princn It Rain hi oAA nonunion Eu DownNT cont mo Big Box arm mo lWorld Dirney Hnimi wane rooo Emu Head Snvlo mom ttII Ihe ilewrt sIItrrItel trio ltitny Tilorti TIrnI Burknt 31 littlldlnr exitlltoill ii Pttiposn 34 Ttxn nhriM Mnltittldny tor OntInn Will 43 Rumpu It lllwaiiln trotting IS Comporcr DrorIk IL Put iioiii It to Ii it wnr le Hinder tour DOWN Littughty lNight hrlnrn DAILY CRYIIIOQUOlElleros how to work It It II ll nonninnnotv Ono lstttr rhnpiy Itonds ror mother in this rompio It used tor the three Dr tor tho two 0s etc Stnrio iellerr npostrophes the length nnrl iormntion ol the words III III Mil Euh day the Lode letters htI iiiiiertnL vryptrprnrn Qunlnllnn RHWRJO llO 7an ZS FHIC JlVltXHl DERWHO IA ZSRUS Vl Nlll ZHGF MIIKMUD SRE Dl ULKLNGllcNIlZLVIGJULC Yenitrrlnyn rpplntptnlet A5 SillZEN CASUAL READING llAliEll STILL IIINII Till ENGLISH DILTIDNAIIY Till MOST INTERESTING BOOK IN OLlI LANGUAGE Als ill2M JAY ROCK mi Kiri Intuit Mimic 1M iroo ionMust To In Him IIttt snort Loom tworro wtmr torl Htrimrrto crurnrroo trwiid Klrrpdvm It 1Prioom kllvlrlll Nllhillill lLowell lhhml IllFilth Ind lit tNYItItilewI WIItnrr snori llil llNiliom lentl urn IMovle IPqu From Noll Hill Eriiilit IMntrle rtir Mr loot IIttIx Rumour ttru sMovtr llhl DIV TM Earth Vim It IottNtwrormrt oMoote hit at OilMid II wean HAVING GUESTFOP DINNER ETTAS BRINGING urn BOYFRIEND III Hid $llilert Firnm lirdl Eye Vtow mt lvlnrtlrtxl JIIIonntin porptrn My Home Inn to IM Rodd llM ConleMiIl llill Hm IOoritinrt Wind tint zcrwrrh lrtrltllioit INortt Miro The Niph Wliil Iroe AClllliit lInoIron DTotorrtl Today TENNVSON REARI WE CK ON DEAR TENNYSONS bNWI lliu ltChu tour NEVER litittoasE I223 oi TM IllEscalate limi AIlmlly ANIlr HSWLIR ttEdAiiIrt Luv it mm tilt you did llIttd Lotion soon How Drum Ittrettir Mil rwtto Whirt or motor tirii Him to or Ewlm an Hmrgm gt 353 gillng lIiIIllriIIR In gure tteIrt tor TAmme ill in Looter Ind rturr um oi In ms WI trxxlmmt tinier tFroomnr in mm Hm iiiur no iliuninnr Izhhmt mg oImu rrm unit hum mm 5w tithour tetrlu tiny rtrnr IlRohirt Mood It mm If Mignon MD immitit on Satur we Alon on oi divinity Hgqu DW University or late the min mi llttiortd cum iMIhIt ocrirhlrtrmo hm mm 1er our bitTmmylomplirtl Hitm Walt iionrtino VIEWING MONDAY to minor my Hi Ml rLurtlir lirrrr Miriam ommr Ti TElmrtlh NW Homer lg llllib hum sooor lLFrhndly qun rm Nliibiillll rw it My rim iti JULY Ii AFTERNOON LAII My lilidrlii ocomtioo lite WVII 1D lint mom rum H3333 lEIM 31 Will iHNIIpwooo so uIrIr Aant It LItI TThItOlri Monte BU ZZ SAWYER IIMIrr In tuttrIII illSummer seen It ALBAtot World HITvilli oSI Moira 16mm Nmuiili It Hal Oul iinill Mman In 41 the wottr Writ North Mull Lll Mlh Dill tHIortImerI lltll uhrrn Him ILL SHORE BE GLAD WHEN TATER LRRNS To WALK ON HIS OWN TWO FEET Hey Kidil Kowoiokl Itp Minibikes rim rrm lwho err or Whore Hum Illton ASeIrth rot Morrow llelr Amiklll IMO Murrum IiIoItIII Pine iILttm DIV IIill MNIW IIN Mun Front out It now lCdmilll rTIm RTiothil will TrIey ItImr ormIiI irIo Inerr It our Live Home out For LIle LLovl to Mm splendor Thing Orl EIrt NORTH IOMIIRII iii no lUET nonrno It meet tron mooettoonn OWIMI mu trio Ouhm Innv1 Iaotrr hm menu BARNEY GOOGLE it we AIIIrr ilmmm wit Mill Ho IIIIrr Hlvldtnn Light pi It gt

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