355 so as 215 at raising Dies 0n lrinclsAroe6tellaksWIl manila kllladyratadaym edmihahl wiyioaserv lnsINhttmotlnstouw lumtlorienthourtsiteio lMHliouerllas Alley mumstrlerids onetcothoirinllenirthoi mormmumiovo highwghaiiepxzdintmnlol TEAM Illirigllo rtdumahbo killedlo Din tit hli III Ythli II le Crt Justuk ac or on ogrlm IBMy it MImlmltcly itantly Tine Two Years Probation lor Possessing Stolen Goods William VIII linemen so It goods were its kegs ot nous Till Utopia was hard non Iixi bathtub toilet tank and prey sure pump stolni troro coshwa launhcr In hassle out on two years prohitlon alter Iitdla Ii Bird moulded his alznre In Thursday mum PollutionContiolPlantloon InCithhursdav Provided By Federal Govl tederal loin oi elicits to by hiaple min Ind our Ibe city let an Iddltinri to the structlon balm chdale will new in on Vin leuvingzded guilty to vas on rlixor to Tina mm mm mm puss grtoten pro is tor another ssiois chIrgc petty worth more thin to The In hiarch lllilWm Coniidsnce sortie Iiiyor It Cooke said today the Inaounreroent oi study at in Sinicoer recreational Ind development potentiIl cootlrrm thacooiideace we have bad In the recreational value at the like The Like Simeon study was unmixed yesterday In Toronto lollowiog the release at re port on the RideiuhentSerera wituwry system The Lake Slrncoe study is to begin to iiicdlitely and Is expected to be groomed to September or Oc Wo will look ior ways to slim ulate tbs develwment oi Kem pentclt Ray liryor Cooke said We the plan dont think this changrs ItIl me acceler ate It Mayor Cooke said there has IIwas hero question about why more but don me to Kerncprnlell DIy lie sald Lako Simeoe must develop more It Talking Oyster Feature Of Play In IdiIItIonto DIrrIe the group Research Ind writing In dono the bar periormtd In Guelph Lon by Doug Thomson Other group mmsmmumm this In Bllile who have been company It conducting In On deli and sodhury members Include Sue Argue Ind mrzmnorl Introduced to trying the talking tarlo tour this summer Todey tho ltlng Sire Players Bill ileed who perlorni In tho Arthur Evans tPCSiioroe oyster Irrsloo oi The hirglc Sea were In llidhiint It pin biopic Sea Shell Dile Cum ccnlre uld In Toronto today Irving Is the min charIctrr he hopes tor cooperation and Shell has been adapted ior The company hopes to expand mlngs handles animation and In The birds Sen Stroll television show its childrens theIIrc eiiorte Dari icncis designing panlnipgtlon 1mm everyone in play being presented by the rrirndrdituily la Latosim Entries El Sire llllvlw foe iii orger winner the prob ens eItre mp or arm Iron by students oi Drimplonr ler ilr Evans raid he listened to IdIn allege Prime lllnlster William ODavII Layiirhthe plIy written rtit mint lri lsbgislahiure by In In was perform day rrnnoo oi as not cd betorw roe Iudieoces oi the time to look It the report in do North York Recreation Commie tall The provinclil member said the rt will start lot at on In the Barrie area crrs YOUNG entertained yesterday It Illll rrat publk sdanol by lrvtal IhI Talking Orrin lit the Pill ro hing are presentation or The Elsi SeI Sileli Th group trons Shaidiri allies in hrrmptm is currently on province wlde loin sponsored rim Today tho it by tho ledrral governments Iormlng In ittdhunt Exam Opportunities inr Youth Prog Iner lliolol Hwy oily itirl ln lemptingtocrosstbe ele Smith ll lcderil governments Oppotrun tilklnr oysterl Via leeuvin Ioceplld the lid Rruce Donnell NDP candidate tor SinoeneCcoix aid criticism oi the llan lyllt lem headed the list oi compillnts in test poll conducted by the party in this city this week Iir Donnell raid the survey at one city potting subdivision Indi cates the support Ind Interest are overwhelming Ii are the dis Etctured or opposing Interests contents ind criticisms isld lasiead the hirine tor Ilightustlonlollowseducitlon high prhes should be placed on the list at gripes Iceording where It belonan the price to ltr Donnell especially enn manlpulitlonsolpowcriul corpor cernirig blink depuits at old Ige Ilions pensioners not the lad at up lilr saamli protested lhhl to Hill WHEN Willi lied Irinthrr episodo oi raw Slum Emil ge being Illowed Into the The long thine tor settlements In pills the Increasing growth otcir Instixioce claims sad the ni Ilree Is result oi high Inadcquicy oi payments Iioog piior hale content at deterg One Ilccidenl City police Investigated Iri Into rnbhip In the Barrie PtIrI yrs terday iliernoon which caused total oi 317$ dairiage Than Used In TORONTO Special Ont rIo tlydro must tind supplies at power In the nut to ease soul The mishap er reported by one oi the dr veri Involved liir wilerpelliitlon contrelplIaIwII The protect Ii expected to be rartt Edwirdr id at Guelbh IrnoirncedInOtIIw Irrdly cnnptatod by late September Ihedrlvernithedheresrwie heredihintoillilst china II nemlahapoocumdiiihmt ml1 INTI mthmm oi the lat Shot rm to rrirynieatollbper cent at the estimated no em Central It and shortlquttce pm IronIlng mmnonggrrdrlrrw Haiti lull in win tlltt ltwIs the ported in the city Rim rccntoiln inlah mildly the loan Barrio Gymnasls To Appear ITIONE Day Rug at thth GyB nestles Club will Ippeir Aug no It the Canadian National Exhibitions Sports Day lhaclub Innounced this week In invitation to pirtlctprte tn the show has been received trons the some medium at the CNE with cost at hubllll luurInce Ind medical are won among the GM be sold lhesldpartiee Itillbla Iatihoglncml ours to In itcerr oi rer Iris when tho two bIIlc werlth inner and IlNlNlIll POLLUTION CITED cots IA tern will be discuised with pro pose yk winciil ND lollies Merl taw hydro Irlihliihl leltIthn ridlnlllm monogamous day lot meeting with tpirty workers lothIIiIiountused thoput ilildillth tr Arthurlnins hrincl aunts eoyetrs am In Simcoe Atticanun llosa Stephens said Dorrie ihouid prepare to rush representations about Kappa itil Dry in light oi the merit oi the duty Aid St ens earlier this week call on the city to law IlgIIe the possibility oi obtaining some lcderii ind provincial rid tor development at harsher in the city All Stephens said Krmpenielt Day is In Inn oi talc Stirr roe would rims dctlolirly re ceivr eonsidentlon la the slildy That certainly will live some portent let our wateriront he said think we should certain ly make some representation lleanlimc lirynr Cooke Iov honored today be his mooni ed to an enquiry Irnni the lake Slmroe Conservation Authority on the possibility ni opening sills cumonr on the lake Simeon Io virunrrienl llsyor Cooke raid represent tires at the conservation authoh ity attended on open house II the citys pollution control plant earlier this year and were line prused by tho eiiort Barrie ll makinglo clean up the wait No laid suggestion be made It that time tor In ongoing uh Simroe environmental eoolerenee has been pltkcd up by the nu lharily Mayor Cooke said my dim Iian oi environmental prohlarrs In the like area should ths epecloi llIllIl oi reicreotw There should be special authority dealing with lake Stro coe be said taking in piliion control Is well as conservation More llydro Needed In Decade Past till Years member told Toronto menu at Thu Examiner today that one oi his new responsibilities as nicmber oi the provincial com mission It to oversee expenditur er in excess oi $600 million The appointment at ilr Evans to replace Robert Buyer prov Iactii member tor Iliiskoka was announced recently by IISNIITERCONTIIMINIITOII Public hullII Iltlclals out leva In the wIler supply show The club tinder the direction at Iidebt John Scott is curr holding trilning sessions iIinlstrr William Davis in Bol er retired June so llr Evans raid that mayor REINO mirlnI operator mom kee tag close wItcb red Ls lorlilii Rowe who operating the Brxrle ll City Marina Operator Is Ready For The Unusual ll youre ever thought ol be ing marina operator be pre pared lor the unusual The unusual means anything lrom llodlog crilt underneath the iurince oi the water Iristeed oi on top or discovering that boot Is nitsslog Both oi tIicso experiences have happened to Bill Rove who Is operating the Norrie Ctly lliirina tor the reason But hill who Ii louth year philosophy student It Glendon College tends to be philosophical about such occurrences iridtolscs things In rtrtdel oper ating marina Is not had my to spend the summer lilIi lie pointed out that one gels to spend lot oi tlnie outder and rims his Iiilniodag IreI available During the week when things trad to be quiet run tari it nothing else tin be Io niiircd During the weekends Ictivtly speeds up Novice captains It tempting to dock their boats can provide anything Irom momen tiry diversion to outright Iiirm towIo generamaMAWV WMVVI City lilarina this riiinnier in spite oi the apparently routine nature at the work Dill Itads at Central collegiate put oi its summerprngrarn tip to eight women item the Barrie club are preparing tor the CNE appear once The club has tiilitlnie train Ing prongni Ind pantime relied ales ler those who cannot Iii2nd lull program blr Scott said the clubs obiectlve is to develop gymnistirg leIm capable at competing It the provincial level and beyond nilnlngiesslonrarebeld Tuesday Ind Wednesday Irons 930 to 30 add llid from 130 to too pm DENTIII DIVISION Health Unit would it second campaign were launched to gain public support ior uoridation oi the citys wal er mouth It would have the en dorsement oi the County Health that there Is always Iomethlng Unit according to Dr Sid bluel unexpected mm gummy Ier cblet at health units dental Photo by John itclverl division Dr Mueller was Ipeiklog la repl to question at meetiai ol Barrie Retrry Club yes trrday where he Ippeartd as guest speaker Rotarlan lilacnillian who is also city ildernrari asked Dr litueller Ii Iny proolnclIi lb gislatlon my be pundlilg that would eliminate the need tor lo cil plebiscllcs bciore uoridation Then there is the person who Launching lees are 50 per will launch the trailer as well as the host And one always has to be pre piicd to alter good customer service This could mean div Ing Into several leet ut water to recover pair ot glasses inad vertently dropped overboard or providing lalormatlon such is where the good llshlng spots are orvwherI halt can he purchased OI course marina operstor Is erpecttd to be generil ro curlty guard Dells at gas tanks Ind other boil accessories lend to be Iriily common unless cirelut watch It nulntained Other duties Inchidr cleirlng the like weedsnhsl spread rap ldly In sum westber lhl BOAT The City lilarlni hos moorlnr spaces or boats Spaces Ire reserved tor the city police boil and the see cadet launch Cort ol mooring Ibloot boat It to Ior the season or III month Weekly and overnight docking II ilso Ivallible launch or III tor the season With general Increase in boiling activity some discussion can berin Dr lilaelier said some legisla tion appears to he pending in that direction has centred on expanding IIeil lites Including three new piers REAL BARGAIN and pumpoiit station Dr Mueller said one part per City council ruhmils tenders million oi fluoride to munlclpal on the marina operation on witerrupplics can cut tooth de yrarly basis The contract cry up to per rent IlIcoat oi grneriiiy awarded in the lowest about It crnls per person per bidder will this case the person year weget real bargain who agreed lnturn over thelxlgh be said est percentage oi the revenue Dr itueller described his div to the oily Iaions role In public health as horn itls standpoint liili Irels primarily preventive th venture tab the mini bus lie raid the health units pro Incas has been worthwhile gram Iollows roughly the prov pari horn the experience be ex inclal policy oi prevention rath pectr to make enough to cover er than treatment at dental dis roost oi his school expenses next rose year Our budget la subsidized to lie runs twornan operation the tune at It per cent by the with his brother Ian itudenl Ontario government and to our II the University nl Tomato lNy tor the to per cent we sharln the workload carry out promrns that are do Ill ror Iny drawback its signed is lit In with their alley the long hours Iiili sold its Ilh oi revenllonherrid our other customer tiger to launch It cities in concerned with the his outboard heritrnliy backed prevention oi dental disease toward the witer Dentists In their others have ulswuw um pert IairaIi poihittos ll in thine at lilrty heavy conir urination It eommlky wIt ee system In the vllloge ol lllllsdale short It miles north oi the city The Medical Oldies at Health Dr Nancy Amhnire this week issued In marinara trienl Idviriag IlliIge mid eIts to boil their drinking wib er distii iiirlher notice Robeert Doubt chtel pishllc health Inspector said the Idvi rory rune alter series It DIRECTOR been advocating prevention Ind practising prevent tor years wiui encouraging rendtr he said But we realise that re latively small number oi child ren only Ihout 35 per cent Ire under the re care at dentist REACH ltd PERCENT To be really elleclive in re during dental problems we should attempt to reach 100 per cent Dr Mueller said Dr hiueiier said the health uri ed ialrly heavy contamina tion Mr Donht Hill the tint III dIrItloas were picked Ip born the malls Ii routine twieb iriiIiiirly test ol IIIIIsdIieI wal cr Further tests It laor resi drarci here not the only re suits Air Doubt sold liirthrr rer Irs oi tests bu Ihnwn consid rrIble lmprovririeni In the outer oaaiiiy lie said atheists In IwIItlag another set at umpire blonds hciorn tilting the boiling advice Dr iluelirr described the health unitr dental health edit cation program in schools rang lng through all elementary school levels with secondary problem tiring Ontario llydrn Is the source or power tor the con tinued growth at the province lie raid beeauto oi the cost at coal other methods DTJITIIIIIITDI turlng supply are required lie iild nuclear power stations are being developed however greements will likely liltl to be made with Quobm to Icnuiro ower trons the proposal Jirnrs ny development his Evans expects that In Ont Irio greater roaridcradon will be given to water protects and building smaller plants which In pill studies may have Ippclted wmmm The dental health division be said also works with pro schoo lrri at public clinics Ind holds scsiions with adult groups to in lorm them about dental health school programs planned Ior dirt and uoridation this year it has In unlouo oppominliv throudt its work to schools to reach children It In Ige where their teeth are most iiiscepliblo to decay tinny aspects oi prevention can be dealt with on group ha sis and the classroom Is an ideal place to do II he Iiid The school proyaisr lncludri denial inspection resulting In report which Ls sent home to parents to tell them about the condition ul their childrens teeth Dr Iliucller said the health unlti school teams recommend that children go to dentist tor treatment It It is reouirld vi the Inspections which in car ried out by team consisting oi hygienist ind Isslstint also have In important gsychologleil ettecl on young chit hesald NATURAL THING Then children are introdu red to drills under relatively pleasant cendi ens be said It Is routine tor the class sort or natural thing to do No contriited their conditions with what he called the traurni tic experience at In emergency appointment with the in iy dentist We have backlog oi no mil DR III MUELLER LE shirt dental health division ol the county berlth unit re ceives memento Iroin prost denl Dr Peter Dean alter id dreaslng the Dirrle Rollry Club yesterday Dr Mueller told Itotirlina prevention Ls the ARTHUR EVANS llr mos sold his new pool Iinn provides challenge ilr mans Is no stringer to electrical utility work to Ontario Ito remd Is director at the tint ario mnnlclpoi Elmirch Auoo lotion District tvo Georgian Day from 1956 to list and was member oi the Bridlord hib Ilc Utilities Commission Ior lt years prior to his election to the provincial Icgtslstuie to root EndorSe Fluoridation lion in tilled cavities so shouldnt we try to stop them ivnm happening he asked Ii wo prnctis good prevention our dental treatment should cost us itsg than hair cuts during it course oi year inswrr to Canadas tho inti lion untitled cavities imm lner Photol cauuuu