to 7DOgICant Bark EEEEEE El PLAN OIIIIWA VOWS Inmltrtlnnrhndmon no ItrIAIa our am otOIhIIIDIIIrIIIIIme Thee ellltIIIpIIoe torthmmln mIrrlm Monday In com thelrdeumer Juneau 0ntnrlolPhotoI roll at unwoumnnn rumor WIIIITTHE STARS SAY III II to Apr ll Athl 4m InyInIILoItlon to out noelen huylnx Pei CPPSPSPSPib1 PP=EF auzgggi In 355 PE in 53 gg Sub mt Inqu unden III III II rmII Romnoe Ill on WWI exertIII In It dentll AIIIIIlytdAstnlltlIIItImIrh July to All IntSo dIl evenll llll he IIIwa Itlmro lItllnl but dont nvrrtIx your Ie Au It to lept 21 ml Dont let your rnlhuslumr entree you to ma on thIn on no handle we It on mont venlnz excitement It found IIh Inme hlnhly unconven nII rompenloon Det It to Nev MM Itnh your mum You Ire rly In teal reckless Ind nv ly eneroun Nov 13 to Ike II Slxlllln HI hunch now Your tultlre one It went to III on Quinn nxdlt ortnnmur An IlIIhI hrlnn muonflnrmp room on the mom plInnIndInIlitloooJlItethI mostotlt gt It depend upon ll mu megum Illa unplete moperellon Itth Merton Ind utodIlu Ind In our Ill tolerance nl onII trltmrrnIn Noontlrne IIII he mutt IorthnIle period tor hott InI Illher Mnlnu nr pennant Intolerance ILIo lur nukln Illunblo new eonlIctI Alter rm new huIlnm ventures me ho IlnIlly hunched Ind heneIIII prevlouIIy Illhheld IL he IVIIIIhII Evenlnn Inuences IIvor the enema underarm lnnlorn Illho 10 JAN SALAD GREENE lnIoetI Ind hon nn men lettuce Ind metthlee route to the turtm It tell IIIndlnl hout III Intnule In Iolullon nl cookout vlneznr to tho pntI we 53 EPEP llll BARBIE EXAMINER PRIDAY MY It Im PRMECI HINDI Ill ltlndlunptd In the shu SIIEIIIIROOKE Que CP hmh Inn The obleet II to Flvo Itudentr rotting VII the 22333 $33 Itecreetlon Club lnrtlte Iltndl uonn In nntllylnx the hunt cevped hm been Inn uppedotepeclntlyphnnedreo H500 Opportunltlze tor Youth reItlonIL weIII Ind culture It vent to romplete rennu ot Ilvttieo nIII alltoe eheded wtlh Con mun BIIIIII toltn he been close Irtend ot nrlne Im at yeIrr III told VodI In rtdIt Thanh my much All laden SHOULD LUDY runner Dru Au LIIIerI MI men In rnnrried Ind moved Inn lny horn llmlly Ind lrlends Ity thhInd does not enjoy my lIrnIlyI company They no not hII Ioelnl or III eIIIonnl rquIII Ind know It rm In In home lot tuowzek vlnlt hut he return to mod III IncItIon Ihnt IIy Ind cnnt htnme hIm lv hunt Ihen mm In Iell he quIIly plIyI Imund llonI 5k DeIr no men who II In ellned to ptIy Iround IIII plu moundInd doesnt matter II the VIII Lr In town or not Go home Ind enjoy younelt Ommlnloeetelnnet MmIIIAI mun From nonto Sptembor 6thTColloIt IO milk loos er in Free IIIII mly Klrn hnelm with the South Krmn mdo ltlulon now IhItInn Inmnto dehlla IhIIh net at eyelanhu loln the MooMooMmrnenl and you can get Into QnIorlo Ploee tree All you do collect l0 mIIII eontolner topttor each person over ox yeon old Colleet the at round top horn rnllk bottles or lune Collect the toldedovor top portlqu of milk cartons Collect the name panel Irom plorIIehoogod milk All ot thorn ore tops Now tolre them to the while MooMoolMovement booth whieh youwttl nd at Ille main entrance to Ontario Ploeo If youre under III youllaet In free Over III and youll need to top Just the mlllt lope ple and youre tees to enter Ontorlo Ploee Join the MoonMovoment todoy Drlnlr more mHIr and enloy all the good thlnge milk ho to oller you Then love the nIlIIr top toward your tree odmlsrlon to Onlorlo Ploee with all the exciting things that hot to oITer you Dont delay The free offer lasts until September 6th only Join the MooMooMovemont today and get Into Ontorlo Ploee tree Romomhor please it bring the to mill top for each person to over elx yeor old lowly THEONIARIOMILKMARKEIINGBOARD magnum LIISHES too sure ymlueI IIIWI MM eyelnsh er month otlerln them In so ntyteund I1mlonuplrt ot Koren It Photo Ilaitth SE nnv Rvmwr DISCOUNI BOMHSHELL WHILE THEY LAST KINGS FORD IO LB M0 Brouettecnncon 76 onIInIIIuInIIoNLI mun orscoum nonrsnu DISCOUIII nonnsnnt DISCOUNl HOMBSHEII roAM PIIIOWS $L34 ON SALE SATURDAY ONLY WHILE THEY LAST HHWV DISCOUMI DISCOUlll Ponrsunt WHILE IIIEY IIIIMISNEII BASKET CHAIRS Ml McCORMICKS SNAP COOKIES $399 gt 67 hat OnluloSItInInyOnLv DISCOUNI WHILE may LAST BOMBSHEIL LIMIT TO CUSTOMER SLEEPING BAGS $544 ON SALE SATURDAY ENLY IEG $699 III Ill try The IlorIInI nl lhelr ml rnllllon mud trade with Canon The hIme boo hnlrnllp Lt also mold rfrff hm ltlm hnmavwww 23 dthtn MI um INUINyIm