33 pinata support lens tam in the to people and to them lured advocating ltyd hand lnrph mini ang and stand line invoke tor and Aimed at and to at by pro into the law the eon caiorce pilittcal political very lav at hold eurosrs to bottom evvrypnl govern the out ii other scl future an hu at lie ll istd lo NW trailli they ms give it appeit YOUNGSTEIISTRYGOLISKIIAINORO 1a manomeedtosalrt WHIimttand count ubhaOrolmahip nearltaw muons aathisphoto hirsJbnheioarths Fdslil mhlsliatstl um shows and atera were trying their skill at puulngoa No green attha time Lumines Photo Milt Vesprcs Revre Praises New Assessment Rule bliDllUliSl Sillii New legislation which will enabia pro owners to make repairs or grommets to their homes withotrt increasing their sausa nrcnt tor the next three years drew praise bera Irom Reece Cori Doran We welcome this move uid the head at the Vespra mvmcli stating he did not Ieel owners should be pus ion improving their property by ordinary repairs New additions to buildings which added to mar ket aslea vahres were itinerant lnr on ordinary Improvements should not wed assessment It was rraallllllrted Teople should be eocoungtd HOLLY By hill MINING Congratulations to Steve Carr and Pat ltswaan who mar ried on July to Congratulaueas to little rub Skatdtng who will be girls In Holly church July it Fisher held trouseau lea in her daughters honor July to kaep up their apertica aatd Reese Devan ltnllng he tell this was good legislation Introduced In the Ontario IAg lowin stature by the minister at mun lcipnl attain Dalton Boles the newtegialation will permit home owners to Improve thehr homes without Innresaing their utens rnent as Img as the repairs dont Increue the market value at the granny by more than some suggestion at Mr Bales that this change would act as an Incentive Coun homeowners to make unlit renovations Usually the coat oi repairs an much greater than the inkrclla In vaiua at home it was potat bd out Mr Balu emeot said the change will apply to replies carried out his year eat your and in 1m to tell overn tneats reassessment all pro pertlu across the province at mlrkei value will be complete hit Brill slid to the meantime boom which have been reuseaaed will be kept at the sense movement trains to and community shower was hed at the home oi lttvv it Inughted lioily Junior choir ot which iiarle Is leader provided some amusing musical nuns bera altar which litarle was pre aenled with miscellaneous gitil and mum cleaner ilr and Mrs lalphton so cently enJoyed weekend boll day with the iormera brother in Ohio others on holidays have been ltr and kiss itorrow who motored to the Calgary stamp ed with their daughters and Airs Wilson Elliott who is visit In her daughter hkikirrd and iamlly at Windlass Downing visited his mother at Bahama Sash and was present tor the school home coming reunion held at nearby Lak ltatepwn Illrris Dcwnin turnlel to his posting with the CAR at Gagetown NB aa holl daylng with his arenta itir and hirs rns Adams at lnndon were weekend illlil with her parents it and tire it Brown TlmEE BERvfhlm Smalhy gorse In htrl Graham and tlml tn the recent death at Arohl ais ter iiiyrtie lira Rel Srtgley at Calgary hire Srigiey was well knlgwn IIn tbsyeomugtg no instbrlmrlecent death at hh mother in Bltr sympathy extended Clnesphere is in the world thats IIO wide and as high as six are lnthc world quite like Civics Dovan agreed withlias till the market value has risen by more than 81500 The new usmmcnt plan tol government manual called tor assmlnl ore rs at normal market sales The government took over assess nrcnt administration irom coun ties and llarnlclplllllcs on Jan uary 1970 lbs Simeon region Ilka llth oliice ls Iocnlsd In Earri wlth aubottica It Or County records show Simeon ty council opposed the gov ernment takeover oi nursan it was contended thateovnaty and bell adminhtr ii In the people and world be more economical Ins ratepaycrh trend toward further centrailz tlon liso was criticised The main argument In tator at it rovsrnment cperatltsa was that it would make help mayl muning tram more PO to tuneth achieved at ahly Iul cut to tllDIY era by int do on was closer dinn umuoenta unl all learn across the province and In other melon Lian huh mil lid DIST cc NEWS fillY ll till Fall Fair Plans Adiranced In Or artsy beau racing will again be issues at the ol the scete oouamooo istrrn Gate at Collingwood pdllna lu tor it years and rrrsnvbsr at the lam tor 1a Doru Beckett irratiringatthee otSep ternber The World war veteran who Joined the loses in this has risen ewmcit notice at his Intention lie was commended tor his serv Icen as his resignation was ac sealed Tha Collin and council endor ard two lions irom Bulls Ono asked an amendment to the Agricuturai Societies Act which mines tax eaern in all dings on tursl society iaada it was tell it the predom tnant use at such buildings were for other purposes than at ricuitura they should be aubicct Id In The second Barri resolution endorsed called on the Ontario government in utlbush pro gram oi unconditional municipal grants Industry Honors Saiaty Graduates ORILLIA Oueo Limited oi Ortiiia will hold reception and at the lilrchrnere Hotel iiuly is to honor it ors who have success moulded the nausqu Accident Prevention Association ping cotsrse The lbaesalon course covered iscets ot accident pretended relation to industry cial guest tor the evening will Cartildga slinky consuitlnt oi ihhhhiiit itll hand and donate lash the most advanced motion picture theatre big dome youll see movies on screen Place and see the speciallyeeommisaioned Seasons In the Mind North of Superior on the site youll dramch exhibit Forum the outdoor amphl daily 10 ry building lhcras nothing pherc so plan ri ht now to visit Ontario to 1230 dailyi pan to 330 and pm to 930 Where the North Begins daily pm to 630 lilouphcro alone is worth bot to Ontario Place but once youre want to capo Discover Ontario lnthc four pods En oy variety of entertainment in The entrc Relax in one of Ontario Piaees 23 restaurants snack bars and waterrn holes Ex lore the bou tiques Ride boat through the lagoons et the lee otOntarso Ontario Place Is open days week Gates close can Admissions adults $1 students 25 senior citizens tree Kennett Iamily in the lost at her niece Penny Command was ktiilcd tr car afident the Coliogw uea Ill airs Kenweil attended the hue oral on Friday Cathy Rodgers is visiting her sister Elena aatd iamiiy his and hill Frank Stone dt Sodhury Sunday July it will be the last service at lioily Church an ill Angust 29 as ltev and lira Parkin will be on holidays The lost euehra tor the summ er vtlil be held on July it at lioi ly Community Centre Prisca tor the series viii be awarded SATURDAY NIGHT PINECREST tCouplea Only to am ds children 12 are riiliitiiliiiakk Be rtoital likallpa olOnlarioPlaec unmanopmrmsstm so Tam Onot Elli Canada hiuchlngonWeaalslandt MINI BOONosTho loitewlnare some Ni hissl ulurc acnek skoruna had mnmrlliiiibr as Jllbzlteark leaching blues slogan or lilonal Inlas Oisni Gran II It mvtbaua Chain Ibront Contest uly JNIeternalllvlbrlli coOubTAhOayvuv Pron bands mend pm it all to oolxltithim it ask on the Ilium OntarinJunlnlharnlcrllntcrtaln Juiy ll Ian 115 swig Directo ot the 0m lair to elude Daput Reeve Wlilacl Key Howard Camp belt George mu Don and hay bell Doug Crawlord Neil lacklven John Olasis or Oalslcs ndersoo and Nchven Lady director Inelastic llrl Git llayd ltrs Earl Scott lbs lint Pcarvnil lira hemail hic Kay lira itoy Gray htrs llsl Jamieson lnd lira Victor llart lten Tran Norman licltsy and Gary Sanderson are Junior dr colors and then are also also state directors who have been actively helping on In arrange meats Pick County Team For Western Trip ORILLIA CPI Oriilla kis Jars oi the South Sinocoe hear hall League hlvsbeen aorsptrd the Ontario baseball Asso clltion as the senior tram tram Ontario to color the Canadian amateur baseball tournament In liritlsh Columbia trons Aug is to 31 Manager Pat lllnncsly aatd today the team is scaly and has added tour players Irom the Senior lntcrcovmty Leaguehob hiclttilop utility man tram Kitchener Tom bicitenzls shortstop also with Kitchener Brian lturphy rIlthand pitcher with london and lithe liuiat Irom Hamilton Evans ReportsIncr use In Farm Insurance Aid the Davis gamut draw at lmantn lilo Ith lalcr ol Initiation and 1M lion William 5mm who al pilined the rise to gun contribution team has to per cut will mean larmen will pay all it per cent oi the Actual premium The iederal Ubkral dim rrvent also pays it per cent was pointed old insurancsiaOntsrio has alwaya represented good value luv the money invested Ill Stewart noted Will the Goveru meat at Ontario absorbing eater proportion ol the cost at program ltnaeaas that croa insistence wttl be an even bc trr Investment tor the tlrnv occ pIa at this province in terms at llcurlly Ind pence mini LVVIRONMENTAL IILI ltr Dana alsa dmv attvntirn to the new environmental hill designed to provide legislative authority to prevent abuse at natural environment The new lull plus antenb masks to the department oi rn crgy and some management act creates the new department at the environment and brings under Ita Jurisdiction these pro grams already existing within government departments related to environmental conservation mlnlgoment and protection The environmental protection not gives iha gogarnment pou cr to control or prohibit the dis obarro int the water soil or air at this provioce any rotam Irrant which will endanger human lite tha helllh oi paopla the welibetng at wiidilis or the ear vlronment or damage property in addition to existing programs dealing with the three basic terms at pollution the hill In eludes rovtllnn lcr new pro grants eating with noise at radioactivity and litter Ilccausa the section dealing with litter is new Mr Davis said perhan who tell the BlltiIITY BINGO ifsrruaoav won PM aaaarr ARENA ADMISSION $I00 NOW PLAYING mm ONE SHOWINO AT 7th PM STARTS TOMORROW liiivcairaueevcrythinp IDOWS Erccplhuabonda WANKOVICH WOODEN trans ColumbiaProturseriiiOR mm One slay Shortli Towel crossed over sawmill4 morwtiaml DWIIIOMM manor 17mm mnemo accustomgame TONIGHT COMING SOON Iawncw cool as MecKINZI BREAK BURN TO SHANIY BAY LOVE STORY muAlmNMWmmummsnu inclrattag onnreturnahiahottieaandrans Iltrnbllctltbeliolllawlllbl intescstedtoknowthastha so vlaitu ol this bill are upon the Com its mean boat neatlttvouratrnaadtntnttna toelcanu llilourcunlat rtronrneot pdiutionrvglsdiua ot the atgln hlr Dalia said To REVIEW mm Ciarksoo butocsstnsrt Thomas htcEwan has been named chairman oi the govern ment colornittca that will the cost at Nation in the ale mommy and secondary Ontario school system lir Elana re ported Also olrned were lira Lisle Away Rheiad In Baseball Race USU Stall Lisle but batten ara making runaway oi the ShnroeDutterIn team with record at it wins one loss and tie tor ts points to date The tasden margin ever see ondplars tiarksburg Is it points We la scheduled to play at IIoneywood thta evening while Clarksbnrg lacs to him lielrl tomorrow Thirdplace Eve srett will on Saturday vcnlng Only team abls to deieat Ll lo tar this season was Honey aood who registered stinging ii to victory Ltala biaostleld Clarkaburg and Everett are In the ilrst di vision with Shelburne New well ilnncywood and Easter Iollowing Three games are scheduled tor Sunday ltoneywood visits lila ler hvvr towalt rose to Clarke burg and slamiield travels to Everett Sheiburosnays at Hall next Tuesday eve ring at education and is to he placed on theth ol educltitm and its mourns btilty to the public it saves PLANS ACILIFI Jams Auid Minister oi Pub lic Works will roll tenders tor stonework cleaning and statues Itton ol the legislative Building Itsady Mnl Plrk Iol the link him since the building opened in ten Work is expected to begin in August and by Cbrlstrnal time this year the old building will be restored to its original pink color that ol the protect In so lirnatrd to be 5500000 ACROSS THE NORTH Great Walt at Gina makes aaou 1500 miles at Qinsl northern prorlnec Irv Om iaslvasuw MIIIIIMAII AIIiIlIIIIIIIE um comm rtitwi iAiiIOiililiivlLl IlthIII Lloan lbtvltltn MIRAMAII GARDENS hi im Isl mm bonito St vs unm mainstream til liattraw llyanttltaal lltCiliiiR ymgmnnmmmnmm IROWLNGI TONIGHT PJIL AND EM TONIOIIT Milli liltlAlAliiAilW tints LOVE MY WIFE Gang DIARY OIF MAD HOUSEWIFE hivein STARTS TOMORROW Michael Caine mm uGet Carter luluM conscientious coursesrctinoar ouquNWlOrN WMMIIOWOwnwm om two nmmuv now vnernnueunro lt EIIFFIUIIIIIIE TONIGHT luv lllllilllllll LOVI STORY TRUE GRIT