Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1971, p. 4

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as com oycmatan urwtpapm trotted 1s Blytioid em Barrie Ontario Editor amne Kerry tenable Wunsrat Manages Mewaraovr Manbging Edda Ill JULY II in PAATI iind It alth to obiectively and Canadians generally would do well to asntna the reality at the dense cralic process rather than the mythdogy and symbols svvrmnding it and mono gy were arm that cropped up repeat adiy in interviews regarding the nature ot discontent to Quebec and Canada Donald Theail daslnnsn oi hchIlll Engillh dep naan remarked that Canada gcia cmslderahls spillover ol discontent irom the United States beside manutlciurlng Its also brands in both countriesthough democracy means ditterent things in each in some estent tha breakdown in the deim cratie myth has had lot to do with discontent said Dr ibeall INEOUIIIES lN LAW no last is that people grow up thinking and ieeltng they had very direct plrticle patory control at their later and have came in mint as Tell Me It Was Doubles Game Sinicoe East Election but ow during oiled Conservatives to plenty oi talk in Slmcoe one i0 me he will take governing Progressive polls either in late tember or early October Legislation be ng pushed through at present also in dicates an early election in our own three ridings which dir ectly aiiect Simcoe County only Slmcoe is ready to go with candidates nom inaed and There has been ec ared Centre and Dul iertnSimcoe but little deiinlte Simcoe Centre runs irom Bradford In the south through the City oi Barrie to Penetangutshene In the north The New Democrattve Party has been most active with Bruce lionneli oi iltnesing tn the tiald ior some time The Liberals are planning meeting ior later this month Toronto lawyer Peter ll lieli has an nounced he will be candidate but there will likely be others liarrie lawyer Bruce Owen is good possibility Arthur Evans oi Bradiord sxmayor and exwarden an trounced his retirement several months ago but since then haabeen persuaded to change his mind Thatshow seriously the PCs are taking this election because Evans is tough man to beat with his Tcrronal popularity and wide connect our in the riding lnlJuiierlnsimcoe the NDi also have candidate Derek hiorlcy oi Orange viile But the sitting member Rev Wal laca Downer oi Duntroon has not yet been heard irom nor has the PC Party annouhccd meeting The Liberals also are still at the piano ng stage However In Simon East the pot is boiling already Gordon Smith PC sitting member will certainly be in the list Jlnrlll tanner ownermanager oi ra dlo station CKOlt to quote the Orlllla cket and Times has been burdened hat by membership in govern At Iii it an every indication that rumn oto with can or area Sit been hardworking member oi East riding ever had an to beat Tire contest will be very lively prob ably the hottest oi the three in Slmcoa County There are big issues all creat ed by the PC government at John Rob arts and now Bill Davis and there are rtron candidates Roger Pretty reprew this New Democrats the most active over to seek election in that riding The organization that itir Pretty has been able to surround himseli with and the support he is getting irom the provin cial party have kept him very much in the lurciront since his nomination some months ago it is the Liberal picture that has chang ed That party has acquired the very colorist William lichlll bl OrlIIla The meeting at Coldwater recently ranked as the moat enthusiastic nomination ever held in this riding according to the Packet and Times The choice was be tween ich111 and Arthur ieskey popu lar iarmer oi the Warmlnster area about hallway between the key communities at Midland and Orlllla an bchill has the solid backing oi John Palmer sea aoned vocal campaigner The Liberals oi Simcoe East hacked erhaps the best we have he must rank as the man ilicGill solidly lie has oiiered trash my new outlook tor the party in the riding lie is associated with prominent manu iacturlng firm and he was Orillias 1970 Citizen oi the Year lluch oi this no claim was because oi his nitcess as man ages at the Orlllla senior hockey team But he wont have to worry about any adversity irom Barrie hockey iansnot iticGlIls most ardent admirers Keep your eyo on the campaigning in Stimson fast it will be boisterous to say CAD DOWN MEMORY LANE 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner July it ltltib Hydro authorized cutIn rates will save Barrie some 19830 in year Service charge ab oltahed on domestic bills consumers will Wasznoa less on commercial rate will sound thousands eng ler to mark centenary Canadas ilrst traln July 21 1836 iliercury roach ed tilt in Barrie two days during cxcco tional week hot weather William Crolslaud and Torn Simpson led liar ria Boy Scouts to summer camp at Cad ar Point Georgian Bay ate Christ tan island bliss Jean raham auth oredltor international repute died tn Toronto She was iirst lady to be ap polnted to secondary teaching ataii Barrte when collegiate located on Blake ZSt The late hi iiunter was princl at go 230 Barrie elected Deputy Grand hiast floor so District at iasonlc Order Pu lic Utilities Commission con Inues water restriction during shortage only one hour daily to use hose 630430 Prospects bright tor holding one show in Barrie again this summer Stewart Pa reported that Sim coo County laces ad crop situation as no rain has talien ior month north oi Barrie Gain and early potatoes are lati uro but wheat looks promising and bar lay iatr Undaunted by heat St Andrews Sunday School pupls held sues ccssiui picnic at Couohlchtng Park 0rll lia Victor Lchar and Quentin ilardy won sack race some Junior ultras Billy Elain Wally Carnttherl Jim more Ororgo hooke Edwin Knapp Stan LoGear it Simpkln reported that playground equipment presented to in ntnu Paris by Churchill Womens truth The tula under President hirs Gavin Allan Watching ball game at Agricultural Park Gerald Carruthers tell all ience and suliercd broken arm which was set at Royal Victoria ilospital by Dr Neil Laurie Barrie baseball club beat Panatang lit as Southpaw Smokv Smith tanned ll Std Rennie and George Scott led hitters years to be hilly aware that with the scale at cities and the scale at everything else this control Just isnt there Prot Grosman was aakrd why the outtawrd Pront ds liberation du Quebec was able to win headlines by at tacking inequitics in law revolutionaries In to build no legitimate ulmncea that have not been looked alter within the are mild tha iencrglllc ataga which normally aug grill that this type at lotus lien is simply aympiotnatic oi totally corrupt system When we in our system in atliutionaitvs injustice and are unable to be exible to make rapid return possible then we leave open to the ravqu ullbIv 1th musovoid gia you lock IhIoa up Sii George Williams University students licnary legitimate pili iorrra WOMEN EXCLUDED Proi Grosman one at the youngest tull prolsssora In Canada said that during the last so years he has published articles in law Journals on some oI the matters broached during FLO trials Why were women excluded irom Juries in Quebec some lnquestl be used as tithing ex pedliions by police and wow colors to gather evidence against man who is corn oil to give avideoca reilh to death with which be subsequenUy lhargsdt That seams to msssnluat And the only wa we can revpiu on at piatiorlm lch rounds gltli mne great many pcopo who ieel alienated diseniran chiscd Is by rotormlng ob vlous injustices Because II politicllns only engage in maior reiorm when theyre looking rlown the bare rel at gun then they give THE LIGHT TOUCH Memory Overlooks Own Neighborhood By IIAL ROYLE NEW YORK iAPi blotti pry is like church spire it generally overlooks the neighborhood It chronicles the earnings and goings and scurryinga at people and time lalsrga abide with ltImpnr tant things curious things IrlvllI things it Is register oi lite Your own memory book has lot at pages in it It you can back and temlmber when ibere was always sorno mamas it Dayileid Street Bhrrle Ontario Telephone masts Second Class liiaii Registration Number MM Return postage guaranteed natty Sundays and Statutory itoiidars catceptcd Subscription rates daily by carrier Iitic weekly with year ly Singa on oc ity mail Darrin strap yearly Slmcoe County stoo yearly Balance oi Canada moo yearly All other countries now yearly iiotrr throw oil treoo yearly National Advertising Oiilccs iii University Avenue Toronto bio Cathcart St iiuniraal ilemher at the Canadian Press and Audit Eurcau oi Circula tions The Canadian Press to escius lvely pub lclttou at all news dispatch ea in this paper credited in It or soc rated Press or Reuicr and also the local news publish ed therein The lilrrte Examiner claims Copyright In all original advert tIs ng and editorial material ere atcd by its employees and so produred In this newspaper Copyright Registration Nam Asbury Adam hlc be not to register at mammogram entitled to the use tor ro thing worth doing except on rainy days Then the world stood dull and still and still There was always girl in your cllss you hardly had the caurlge to speak tobut you still wanted to save her irom runawa horse while slave tra er or any other mmmon lorm oi peril TIIH WORLD rllilID In many lonely event slarved lie as home all by the doctor was In itsell better than the medicine be pre scribed simply because his visit assured the patient that ho was alive In world that cared No matter how homely girl was she could usually be 1y contra social surccss it she studied the art at Iortunn tell tag This gave her an cxcusa torholding and studying in public the palms cl ieliowt who had no desire to hold her hands in private tnllutc was kid who graduated Irom gr to school without ever learning how to spit between his teeth Any tomin that had cat iego graduate or member usually lrlrnad his diploma and hung it on the parlor wailr so that the world would he made properly aware oi the prestige It csniorrcd Times were so hard that things were uses in tho llrntt Nothing was thrown away until it was worn out clear through Whrn you got good news on post card the postman was always the itrat to tailor you his congratulations BIBLE THOUGHT tint and rommrndclh his lot toward In that while we won yet ain Ramona It the lord doesnt wait luv you to get all straightened out beiora lid saves you lndeut this la im olslblo tor we cannot graduate into lists at goodness we must come with our sins of stay still Ihrivl stint in at hlill died the lil ood credence to the auggeatlon made by revolutionaries that Answering Grosman said law protessorl are not generally activists tor reiorm teeiin their hrntiion is to teach In interpret case law and legislation tor no dents But who is better equl than the law protesaor dill dealing with students and their complaints and their teeling oi injustice knowing where the loads ara steeped In the law and having theuttrlnlp to think and write The politician quite otters lives tram day to day In terrna pl his interests and the pressures placadirpoa him aw protesrnr is not aubJeet lo thoaa pressures and think could cults legitimately com blna leaching and research with reel interest in actlv and encouraging retorm its too serious matter to be tell to the politicians But surely the ranks at poli ticians are tall at is are why would they not to law rctornr as natural priority plum when you can MD where are billed no that democratic channels an open Mm cram ProLGrosman be was to attest at electronic or ii on the other thus you pasvmhyiswarl lit admit so as closed mi ayatena doeaa lawycrs probably mu into the most conservativa po litical Iorce to this combs slid Prat Groornan who is graduate oi Unlvaratt oi To rooto Law School limit and has rattiaod law in lb soato Ottawa think that Ilwyers gener ally have been so locked in the system that they are able to discern quite easily natalIo doeacme prisoner being lien some tacet or due roca being overlooked kid in onionsell But when you get to maxi riniuattcs and there is criti cism oi the economic aystam and that our mytholoa about the democratic system Ind the symbols oi turtles are hieaking down because ot our appreciation igalhrelahutlyM does no egreew on thea they have dlttituity TbeyVs been trained Proi Grosman however that sident is aornsthlag alas the law must against plnona who political Justication trim udiag kidnap murder Vihlra protest Is once retorm wives sit sanction led some tniriagsmtnt laws police enlistment ere barren test involves violence rent persons and vthatloital damage to property must be eatorced tor mongoodhutraranvul be taken that strict talent Is limed at violence and not at mint and It is puiln Research Badly Needed All Fields Milk Industry TORONTO iSpealali Pl tic clothes can be made irom petroleum derivatives but what suit or drels mkda irom The suggestion was made George ltcLsughlin0ntario iiibll Marketing Board their recent legislative comnri meeting at Queens Park linking milk actlrripnssibic but until someone hoonerotar clplslvcly he laid was illustrating what he called the miikln Poijnllal with It would ust is harness helsaidumhm lie told the Toronto bureau oi met Illilrrlo bEzlrlaminev that le was new ttehts at the lnduystry In Tho milk business can be liken to chain atnrtlng with the cow and the milking method Then the product is transported to the processor who traoatorms Ior the market where It Is be sold In no area has deed reached itir iricLsughllrldalldn or him the most exciting ro aearch possibilities are In mlr keting and product development MAIN Ullt Upio now bolhhavo bee ly iarkin he laid ad The main use at milk is loud clihcr lluld or processed into cheese or other substances Ila was not minimising use that way he said ior milk contain unique iealurea like the most til geatlvo protein and calcium tuture could are read volume oi the constituent my said tng component arts milk can make other 0an rho per and better he said its fave milk protain used to baby it TINT ttsin milk this way is the tick knowledge ot what actually can atltuics rrrilk The protein element Lv pveit weilknovvn and Ontario Agrl cultural College at Guelph ls en led in breaking down butler tat rightnow in England they arouorklng down to the mole cularatructureheaaid The most unknown category oi allindustrial arse oi milk Is where itr hirinughtin ares to morrows big soles Already milk or its constituents are used In cosmetics paints and some sorts oi guc lioper clothes prompt his thoughts on milk suits start has been made he said but maybe the producers were mining bet by not open rorlng research themselves Pcople complain milk would cost too much it used other than he nskvd illl tomsko Iudgmenu on Personally Im not at all sure we cant compete iha rend is to new tleida and marke laidQ IT but who really knows There was lack oi there Is discussion inl motor lttsdy to the Industry Irom top that would involve Irom producer through ment he said Mr McLaughlin tells keling tulura is aomethlnl crystaibaligaaing but menls oi the business easier to read Production research My covered lot the axampls at how much ll dulled to obtain MW at milk per cow Automation still has or production he sat are machines that teed hair mrh milk they Iltiomtyls nparatlons be out Nomuosnuadrbovm minorities retroi sou intuit

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