gt112 Ws HASH llyer Runs Iih Ht Woodbine rear Lorry HAstth aria lealod Itoy Day Camhbtii Ted lumen Harm and theatre liltitl It Early Day HENDEIJON and Jim is blr you match the near Mine announced roea Iy 21 AL mm am Junior loll Ulric will he held Wednesday July at It rrrui Gott Association may Lima mm il memuwycm ride Pat hiassop vI Ann M5 lb Indllaaei Day is Audrey ml lcllyrnrart in the Shanty Day DON DAMND won couple My dd cmmmrp oi traded hurt from the he ladies handicap has John 51 Willi 101 di ny Dudley llnrter the win JACIIATITELDtLJimWy ties between Smith and att and Bryan Pelt meets liars Gladys West tiarr and Ilary handy in the top hall at the Partridre round out the coolest Shanty Day tub 1rlrnplonshlp unite PAPPAS has done lIalonrtidirIStlnortnInd lotolworkatlheAIcona Ooli harry tocabrnri Iralnst tilts ClubAneweIibhouseote Hayes in the bottom halt boot two square leet dlnlur at run end oi the month Irraprv shop and club mono mat newspapers in the world The ll hole links have beau will he nannlnrapleture at Bob leaded to over rpoo yam trood Competition Expected In Midget Fastball Tourney itieerpeetedthattheharrio OrilllaOorubLoeroltbaDarrle sponsored Illdut netball Term and District Scull hleol Selt olmdltMand Mballilaautare epoeaodnr rash turarIrirw will drww auditoli commemoration oleimlalarlanb aoiyod haciildiol mldoct dull lrorn Wherry Sawmills Srlrhtou Port Posy Richmond Thranta and Scarborde leer day Douala Amateur Sonheti Association sanctioned tournament schecbilad hero tor Darrlea annual labor Week end Soltball moment is belnr spanned this year to become are at the tar oi the type and probably the be Ontario This year to lessen will be in Ttbrnn hlhmi eve pp the holiday weeheod Teams elluhle to th Ontario Amateur Sollblll Asa ltlou sanctioned tournament Inter mediate and air lun ter classes John McCann manarer at the senior learue urorrh hie bile llorocs made the renounce meat oi the expanded sol ibIll tournament yesterday Grouch Mobile Homes and the Latevtew Dairy aoltbell team are so spoosorinr the event Alto present at the announce ment were Jim Quinlan and ti lilacs oi Lateview and Jim litany Iles representative the rewery is beektnr the tourna meat with almost SIM to cash day Srmday and lloaday action IhtslocludesrinrIro he too Iha Deadline ior entries to Aaron tournament winner and em to the runnerup llr herann laid thatioeal bail laria will have an opportun ity to lee er birii calibre ball team play 1o rIma lie expects at least to local senior and In termediate tenure In Iud tor Church end Lakeview to enter We should have no trouble reitlnr ea teams tor the week end Air hiccann said st year we invited to teariu tor one day event and were strain pod with applications Teams comint tram dlaihnoe will have time to travel on the week end At title point teams item as ler Srrrlt Ste hlarlo end North already Indicat ed that they will enter the tour nament The tournament herloa on Fri Sept in 0a 0R0 MOBILE HOMES Weekly SPORTS 32 itPi bet tbeharrtaOASAeloh The action belinr It hath part loam contlautnr tbraumout the day with the This movie calender la uretenlad each week re public service he ova Mobile item armre rmte Ihauld be torerose direct to The Iarvle Examiner hth championship rotation at Queens and the consolation battles It Shear The Grand Grampianspr iron the and leitee will start It pto Barrie Win Proves Costly Neil Reid Has Broken Wrist Barrie Allandaie larmherlackr Ti extended their winnlrrr streak to that third lull nltt in All isloo with to over the Can ticks But the win proved costly to the limit club Veteran tint barernan Nell oseslteidwasiostlo that teem tor In iridetinite period llet he sullered broken hone inbla ielt wrist in the bottom olthe third Inolot the result or IaAiliaton runner rurinlnr into him at first lilyy liaetareche came into the lineup Ln hla apotied LIy odck deleneiveiy movlnrto tlrrl and Bastaracho score the ions total the rame that In the tooth alter its slatted Dob boryrtnrrrerao ilohhutheriand hit to tleidere choice invite Brady reruierly an out tletder pitched live hitter in rettirrr kthe shutout lor the Is Orer Campbell was the later item at the plate The nest Barrie retire la Sun day to Grille with the Juniors the opposition Game time at the Oval is pm II too Obit 0000 Wlunlnr pitcher Drady loo tar pitcher Campbell MANN WIN ln otherSouili Elma Daro hIil tearua action Orllllr liai NEIL REID rum nlp Ellr1 hr mm llm iiunter pitched the shut dlipuwo to Brady who topped NO CANVAS ANYWHERE Department smear wmALbToday Queens Park pm Double header Churdr llohiie liomca lellitil play tleelord WIT TOUXNAMIZNI Saturday Queens Ind Shear Paris to Ian iionnlnr all day barrio OASA uiidrets term basis seven other ciuba Pinata at mreenr Park pm custom TOURNAMENT Saturday Oriiilr Oval it are Drillla Combines first annual solthail tournament Elrht trains includinr Orliila and church tio biie Norriee oi Barrie senior to rue lNltIittiEDlATll PASTDAiJa Suadry Queenr Park km Elmtele Ilerchanta It Clar ilotel At Ease Harden Dose Borden tiueeneParh7 pro cb lleetlnr Tuesday ark pm Ciarkaon QM at CoOp Wednesday DJTI As Eirnvaie Thursday Queens Park pm liorden at Yanch IENiOlt TAllTliALLD Sun day Oriillt Oval pm imper IIIEastman ItDrllliI Combines lilonday Queens Park MO Orilila It Lakevlew Dairy tiiet day Queens Park Izoo pm inkevisw at Imperial chnco day Queens Park ttt pm trichhrook Gail Course at Ini pcrlaltnupm latertew It Church htohiie llomes Thursday Anrua trti Church at IIichbrook VZSPM PAHIDALL lirm nten lilIIIa It New lowelL Perndiia It lierrle hlershanis Steele street pm iiirrerln at Pdenvile Wednesdli hil huret at Arrien tilils Ddrnvele ai lerodaie New inwell at lilo erirrr tuotoeTirerd ild hurri It Anton illllr Grenlel ai Ddsnvale Nari lr hliiit It Pdenvalo Greoicl PaewreTonlrht envele at hlidhurai Anion bills at hlineainr Thunder htidhunt militant Phelprtao It Anteu SNCDI MEAD lioudly Port hirNIcoii It iiiiiattaie ye vrie Wyehridre Vases It Elmvatc Thursday Varey It Wyetalo Wyebridre at Port lio NieoLl Elmralo It lllilsd Ollth LADIES aloraiar Ore Station It htitcheli Square day Delston It iturhy hlINOIt SOCCEE Prewee Thursday 115 pm Orahttpie Grove at are Wamch Cod rinrtiin atPaiaswlck St blon lea Johnson at Steele St St Mary sPrlnee ol Wales at Maple Grove Mesquite liresrley 115 pm liarden ilmrerplo neon at border CodrinrtooWarnica at Codriurtonllurouia rderr list ders tPIlnswick llapie Grave AIla at htaple Grove Sar rie belles Ore at Steele St Prince oi Waits St lilanirar FalrrroundaAloni tiresdry ers pm SI hiorricarSteeio at Steele sr Prince oi Weier liuronle at Palsrrotmda Oro Maple Grove at tho Codrinrton SIrrie Sters at Codrinpton Soolrt Thursday but part tleplo Grove 5t Monicas at Iilepio Inive Codrlnrtouiluroo is It Codrlnrion lthTOHSPDllTlllrile Speed weyr Saturda tilt pm Diav round and ltooilran classes rtock ears Suaact Speedwryi Wednesday do on dis Cylin der It Late Model biodilled di visions stock care Rain date Thursday HARNESS RACING Sundry Orrnrevitls ltacewey pm to rarer lnciudinr ieature ninth with parts at $1000 ODLPTrrurrda Shanty Day Ladies Invitatlonri Tomorrow ltlchhrook Open Teeoii am Mutant mmamuwmmmmmohum liloes oi the latariew Dairy softball Maui Jim Harley ssi ee representative with lahaite Brewery Jim QuintIo at late view and John IleCaon man at nIJIhacntrylcoIrm BOWLING SbrII Petcraao Toemrocat TEAM STANDINGS lion Lee lid tplus llartoy Fraser no plus as Ttuaty Drinkwater tillr tpiue all Dave lirrtrn le ipius at Jack Symcs ltd plus is Jeanne tiartra mu plus Roy Kelly in tphra lat itay Dilrht lll tpliis ill lotto Simo ill plus Ilaroid hiyerr lit lplua til Wayne Snow ill plus tdl Keith Dmibitll iOi plan at liltill SINGLE Ray Slim tit illtllt FOUTI llariey traser oar BOWLING RESULTS Shear tioodey htlxed TEAlil STANDINGS lluobaiids and Wives 99 Dell Ha or The Odd Couples Sd TVro Dy Mes t1 odd Delta to three are 7v Goals 7d The Ontario arer oi the dearth Mobile Home senior team The Lab or company is providinr rl molt time In prise money to hack the innermost Scitball Meet Expec ed To Have 48 Entries no is rrraraoleed ri leui two ramu Winniar teams round while losers are relrrated to the con edvance lo the rotation round OASA rules will apply and lil ramcs will be eeaco iooinra or until winner is declared Three city parka will be used Queens Ind Shear Park and the liarrte Palrrrounds The consolation boat will be played hlouday erauiur at Queens alanine It The chm pionrhlp rama will loiiow It l1 Part oi the weekend activit Ics will he reception lor learn mararcn and coaches Saturda at the Continental too it ie so eapecled that dance will he arraoped tor Saiurdaly nirhl iiilih tut edition men or surpeaI niirrlon Day event in Owen Sound which drew to team this summer Civic Holiday event In htcaiord is expected to draw to entries The local toumarneut will he announced in OASA bulletins crust the practice Local terms should address their applications to John tie Carin warna Titrer wart the bottom ball hl Innnr olL Dave arm on base Immediately Illrr Ians Drent Smith booted the shell itayorall alliterater scared when Gard Kmnody started The lone uerksaa run came in the tap ol tbelosntb as Bob Giecoil slatted went to second ooasecrlnceaodthlrdmra error then stole home ayrvall rot the only other hit all Iiotienden who was the loser Wayne TaIcooI was the Yanch pitcher it allowed five hits Includinr triple in Date tifwood In the lillh with two on Wollendcn slnlck out one bat lcr while Taacoua tilled three MP WEN in the second rIme oi the Ice ruo doubleheader It meteor test blrhl Harrie two with tour HOCKEY SCHOOL WITHOUT lCli Somethior oer has been arid ed to the Barrie hockey scene summer hockey school wistltouanlt in too under it the Red Preach leeieaculloe key Sciiool will operate Inc gage period It Sirooidala Each bar enrolled will re ceive it hours at classroom lecturer Ind instruction All In in report dlca the he atrenrihs end weakness wlil Itro be given It the coochrsioo oi the school it nroiraen warrentssonia ice time my be provided in the nal week Students must supply their own sticks other equipment Is aupplied The ice Is 3150 per week Instruction will he held item No noon and them to pm Vim with whet proved to be the nta run aw replied with two hr bottom ball oi the iterator Ia Itach reached on an ror was helped to third by other Mp error and scored when Allie meta doubled Mmtl scored at Dave lace their linen Tisha tired The oat Mp run came the seventh Is tartan Shaoaban riorlcd lent to third on two pitches then scored Is At trap storied Nodraan Ln pitcbitll the hitter atrith out to Tire oi hits were douth lanaorrreox while Bannerrnan to re wim Gibbons Starr liamrrrood III the pitcher aliawlnr eeruiUoOp hits incluth two to Datum tie struck otrt revcn The next toternrediata learns action Is Sunday alaht It Mens Park oclock when narrate hiercbllon play demon Hold At Dare Borders the err host Barrie Mr LtItaeerer Cllrltou M0100 Yancb MM Winnlnr PitcherTunas rinr pitcherWolleoden Iiome runhicCloskey loo ranch C009 100 an minors thnlny pitcher ilodrsoo loalor pltcberliammood ANDlNGd TV Emsis Yancb Nathan ARE on Al or rravrrw rarrrir Comeonup iointiieiun theexciienreni andgeiinontlre savings TONIGHT ALLDAV SATURDAV 19 Custom SOO Tim Ranch Wagon tit VS en rine Select shill thulseOliaiie power stemint power disc brakes power tailpI radio whitewuils urul wheel covers iiiiiiucr$398700 l97i Torino 500 Lint Door llardtop on V3 to rine Select shlit CruiseOhlatic power rtccrlna power disc broker knitted vinyl seat trim radio whiicuaiti and wheel covers iiirincr$375500 197l LTD Dr Hdtp onit Equipped with air Vt Scl cct rhllt CruiseOilotic power eiecrinr power disc brakes radio whltowriil tires arid wheel covers 1971 Mustang Door trim ilnrdtop Equipped with we va curiae Seich rhiit Cruiser malic power steeriny power disc brakes liaio vinyl root radio whitewaiis and wheel covers iiiiincr$355700 197i Mach Sportsrool Iiiiotr Equipped with air Va en rine sports interior group select shittCruLtOntaIic coiuoie wide oval whitewaii tires and tail wheel covers iiiiirur$382500 197I Custom 500 Door F2020 tut Vt rrixine Select ahlit Cruiathlhlilatlo power steering power disc brakes radio whitewalia and wheel covers Financing Available iiiisiiucr$394900 iiiiiiicr$354600 Chooao Now During This OnceAYear Clearance of Demonstrators era awaniped Penelaor tho Five lioner were hit in the two by Barriar APA MAKES CANVAS OLD FASHIONED OnTIieSpoi Have More Fun This Summer with IT SUNSET ROCKET TRAILER nourrruu wrrru over 2374 0R0 Gtandview Ford MLLRSALES rrorrrr rrorrrs SALESUD uwy nether ume Your Terese rrarel retiree Service Oeatret antirte item mrorryrieiiarmiuorrn riurroeitn ITollrt other Lilo Otewer tiore Ottetrirerator On it otrrvlce Cord mu MUth 7281361