Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1971, p. 1

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the polite at Queens Part Thursday not run m1 Donald Psrroer drier oi cra rts division at the Pedarl Transport Department and Wil duuSerorn report released lirm marlin at Toronto eo ehrlrnien ol the coordinating committee which prepared the report and Diergy and lie rourru harassment Minister George liars iSpeclsl Brain lner Photo Air Canada Machinists Start Strikes Saturday MONTREAL CF The In ternrlloosl Assoelalton ol Mae ctitalstsllllrtrrtsreiterotro tsllag Itrites rgalnrt Air Con ads at ran Saturday Illke Pllchlord chiel negotia iorehradtodtsaassoypropor authasrioutdointmorethans coonrt otter It made week II It Li still Ippartnl that Air Csnhdrr pullion tollrd the re runaition ot hIrgsinlng remains essentially unchanged thorn that takes by row committee last thigh the idem it is not possible to hrrgrin ettecttvetyunda these elreoin strum Dim on and tar his tatervesUsu ecssttngeot on your shiltty to pcrrusde Air Canada to moire collective bargaining rlthnut any prior rutrielimi Sharp Welcomes llixon Decision OTTAWA tCPl satesan Allhlrl tdintrter hlilchcll Ssrp sshi today he welcomes the Nixon Arranges Visit To Peking SAN Chm Calif CF Presldeat Nixon bounced thursdsy amt he will visit Pe tirig within to months at the In vitatlnri at Premla Chou Brlrl oi the Peoples Republic ot Grins The president said he will reel norrrialiratlon ot relations between the United States rnd China The visit was arranged lrst weekend by Chou and Dr Henry Kissinger leons Id vtoer on national security It lairs who made secret stop in Pehtnr during today trip Iroimd the world The pruldentr unexpected rnnouneeinent was made on tel evision Ind rsdio Speaking tor live mlnutu from the National Broseastlng Co ltudlrl in hurhaiih Chill Nixon said the purpose ot his mission is to seek no tlcn ol relations between the two countries Ind also to es ehssge vim on estions oi roncern to the trio dos Nixons discloeure drew quick protest trnin Trich deduce by President Kim where Natimrstlrt esteem lead PBBTDIZNI NIXON pmldrntlal campaign in the United States and may have In lnlluerrto on the search tor ns gottated peace in Vletoain Nor It is more widely Ir seeiried to suggest that his visit In Peking will be rlmaxed by establishment ol lull diplomatic relatlons hctseen the United States and the Communist gov ernment whirls took over main land China is years ago Nixon said will undertake schist deeply hope will become lotnney tor pumped not lust for our gmeratlan but tar iuturo generations on thls earth we share together the pmident miotcd rush joins announcement made it mulianeously ln Pehirip ACCEPTS INVITATION ons expressed dcslre lo the Peoples Republic or thins Premier Chou tinlat on hchrlt ol the government or the Peo ples Republic ot thine has ex tended an invitation to Presi dent Nixon to visit thins It an appropriate date betore liar Wit President Kim has re eepted the invitation with pics sure Many congressional Demo crats including number ol Thedut olandtiamp entail Bay will play an import taut part in comprehmlve study ol Late Slows which lolluIr the Tint Semis Kid 51 report released Thursday recording to Paul Wyatt one ol the to authors htr Wyatt told the Thronlo bu reru at The Euniiner that the Kempentelt Bay area is import ant to lake Simone heroine nsr rte is the sailor urban centre at tttpply tor the sourthern end ol the late hlMtB ulEDLtTELY The Lake Sirricoe study Is to begin immediately to investi gate the recreational and derel opment potential at the Late it is expected to be completed in September or October lllr tt said an otllm oi the provincial Department at Lands and Forests John Ariabro re has been appointed to coor dinate studies carried out by members at the doors commit tees which prepared the Kid eau Trent Severn report htr Wyatt ssld Lshe Sim one study villi tale nsllor ov erview ol the recreational pot enllal and problems at the lake lie raid the IRIS eviniriltltu realised in its own study tbst it did not have the time to do In lndephi study ol lake 51mm We realized it had to be done its Wyatt raid htr Wyatt said one inrln ares ol concern is that lathe Slim has replaced Lake St ctrir Is the take in Dntnri lth the blh est tishery espsb ity late St Clair he raid lost out because erway shoreline should remsis open space llaial operated locks and period buildings room he nuns Minions overnight ump ing and traileraig lacitittes should be romidrml Launching ramps should be built at all tederal locks where is potentially adiouate err par king st provincial mimlclpdl and conservation pasts laocsl municipal and tourist authorities should loin in nub ltshing system ol scenic and heritage roads canoe routes and writing cycling and riding trails Federal risl provincial birth should Iork with rotmcds on the six malor Indian reserve to explore park potentials Capital roots rouki be shar ed by federal provincial and municipal gorernmrnts over the in to is yerrs hlr anstnri said the goal or the study is to develop distin ctive environmental corridor tor wide variety or recreational opportunttes Iet Lands Gets Threat SlEPllLlVlLLlD lllld tCPl National Airlines DOB let en route to ledon trons Miami made an emergency Ianthng hora early lodIy alter melting word that bomb was aboard at pollution union therein III ism visit Peking helm its uh rut unless your ruined thrneverthsttherum aims roostlikely ion election mam norram it not ehsl Mmlmmwdhtl BItotdtheltsamtIIrthrtth tothammmtdusa tesgunrsiauunuinuano wmmsieillwmet dopartnsentotlandarsdksstr and sum cum mm girls mast thins totttle Uglavrr ltrtlonslist thlnIr estimates than three inilh Simon rniius rm study or the aeiitbern end oi us Simeoe will mm innny Em ftlgg lmllldllm WM lm minuti hciorr the crllcr said An urtdeotltted caller unlined normalisation ol relations lcouldnt helieia my cars all volred ha said was spr by its sample test Otto in rec WASlllNGNN tAPl Strik ers began shutting down today the Southern ltsllwsy and the Union PrclIte alter Illalcht summit negotiatlonr The two lines together ac count tor or per cent oi the rail mites and csrry per cent alt rail shipments at term produce in the United States in dustry llgurrs show Pew coin mutera Ire Iltteted The lirst picksu were rc ported shortly alter the bran itsito deadline at Southemr la lirezhliutgllowni By Strike twine NC rod It the UP rdousrtere in Omaha however negottstlons Irltong cabinet olllclals rail presidents Ind President Charles LunI ot lllull the Peking regime to lists Austria snd several other emitter hsve done so since then the Csasdisn pmltion had been clear tor long timem nonrecognition ol govern ment ot its worlds most popo lass country ti so smart Dont Cutliiair liocliilale Urges tho AFLClO United Transpor trtion Union Were set to resume ol later will today The extraordinary Iummlt session began Thursday mot and Atoehrdrd hosportatton Seeretar John Votpe retlng labor Laurence Sit verinrn Assistant labor Stere tary Urery tour rrtl pres idents sad the representative oi eiilttts in Knoxville Tehar and filth rail ehlu EXPSULE News Ottawa To Help Tent Community mltONttl CPlhtont community oi so transient youths will receive tederrl hurts to more to commits on reiormatory grounds lrom the lawn ol University oi Toronto conspire In olllclsl withthr lederrl Opportunities tor Youth progrrni raid Trudeau Pleased By Nixon Decision tmAWA CPIPrism lllntster Trudeoir today described Pres ldent Nixons decision to vlstt Petting Is very stgotltcrot move its told reporters he was very used that dialogue has been rsLtbllsbtd between thI Unlt States and China Regional Bill Advanced In The House NEONN tCPl Roch drle Colleges medical clinic has reacted sharply to cleaneut addsory Lrsued doctors It two Toronto hoopl tsls tn the beltel well grooiriid doctor rilects ple tlents tsvorsbty stall at the clinic were or dcrcd Wednesday night not to cut their hair or beards or wear Jackets and ties ihere is no iustitlestlon lor the cllrslcstlll to add to persons lelrs by rdoptlng sri authorttsrlsn mode ot dress behrvlor Ind groondng which tends to produce great psrs noII such is is routinely gen erated by the stall ol some melor hospitab in lictro Rocbdale release said Rocbdale is downtown blghilse run by stiatents whose unlnhbited behavior has lreoucntly been source at crerlsm There has been pressure to close the college new in llnsnclrl dtttloiiltles rnd sometimes the target ol police drug raids suitoivro rems bill that would mm the government to provide additions llnanclal seristrnceto regional municipalities was given second reodlsr approval in principle Thursday night in the legislature Man With Gun Arrested lloar President ins ANGELS tAPlA thyesrold chltdlet who police said was carrying ueilbre pistol oode the restauth when President tllxon dined Thursday night was srcested on charges ot rsrrying concerted wespoa police said there was dellnltety no insemination sltcrnptnothlns connected with the prsslden arid police Detective Joe tiny Cigarette Firms Challenge Ban VANCOUVER CPltour nialor lgrretts soropanles three pubttstilng tornpsnies sad the Cans In Football league started court action Thursday against the British Columbia loveramenll be an olwhol and tobacco advertlsliiarA writ tiled In it creme loud asks that the legislation he declared invalid iiiemmcntPromisosChocIiOnDoctors TORONTO iClllleslth Minister tawrenee said zhursduy tbs Ontario governineat has no intention ot telling does tors bow to practise niediolne but will rnrhr sure Ivery ddlar the prolessloii grit trom the Ontario ttoolth Serotch ms nu Program is legitimately earned mg mamas scram Presidents Aide Made Secret Trip To Peking WASHINGTW AP ilenry Kissingers clandestine trip to Peking tor President titon was one oi the must closelyheld tecrets in United States diplomacy little the prcsldents lla ltonil security allllrs sdviser wrs reported recovering trom stomach illness in the moon talus at Pakistan July to it be was in China cooleran with Premier Chou Ental And with all the speculation shout his ltday World trip there was none even remotely touching on Chins Vllsll The trstlon Ls ex tremely eloremouthed abut the Kissinger mission but It is possible to piece together guinea oi Ute clandestine ll Moscow lteports Nixons Plans MOSNW Router The So viet new agency llu roportrd today wttbout comment Presl dcnt ltlsonr rcceptrnro ol an invitation to visit china The agency reporttd the an nouncemcnt both trorn Peking and Washington in two brlet noncommittal dispatches The news sgeuey canted its tlrst report on the announce ment some seven hours alter it wns mode in bus Angolcs and Peking Strikes Idle lllllllSShips SAN FRANCISCO All One hundred ships Ill idle today In it posts between Canada to Mexico as the economic impact grows In the ttlh day at strike by room West Gout loniiihore melt Porn hsse toted on millions oldattarr in lost wages and di vested cargo had little gross about an hour ago And its gone right to my head f3svnm7fw Hundreds ot workers in re lrtrd dockside industries were reported laid oil Thousands at others were ordeled to late early vacations The tntsrnstionsl innubore mens and Wrrobousemenr Union and the employer Purltlc lisrtttme Association say no talks are scheduled 0n the morning ot July it was rumoured in Pakistan that Kissinger had become ill with stomach roblems lie canesll lormal dinr nor with President rtgha ttov bsmnitd Yahyn Khan sched ultd tor that ntglitorsl was reportid to have gone to the Nathlagati lllll Station little more than so niilcs rem its wrtpindi to recover llowevor tngcr new trom Rawalpind in his own large Jet and Asian diplomats say the hill station cannot re ceive such large planes Thus they lndioattd Kissinger lelt directly tor Peking Olllclals hcru teel only Yahya tincw ol the trip From July it to it Sun day Kissinger was reportrd in the Pakistani mountains it was announced Saturday he was staying on estra day in Pakistan because at his ltl nest Irish Republican Militants Snatch Patient BELFAST tltculcrl An armed sang ol lrlsh Republican militants burst into heavily guarded hospital here today and rnatehtd wounded patient as nurses watched helplessly One of the gunmen broke the hospitals security by donrdnn doctors Ihlte gown wsiltng crlriily into the ward and then producing submsrhlnesun lrom undrr hls coat The gong ol the men were believed to be members at the militant provisional branch at tho outlawed lrlsh Republican irom Hospital Army and the wounded man comrade caplurtd in bomb llllt client in Roman Catholic part cl ballast this week car drew up outside the Royal Victoria Hospital in the heart at the Catholic past at Brllrsl The tire gunmen scrambled out enlrrcd the building and tied and gagged two sceurlty guards Apparently acting on in hl in tho Desi lor Devel mdllt Tomato Andcntred midi lb Mb ll my All no nonsense rad crew Peter lessux assistantdistc Wild the plane were men tor atltheflattonal part or it Ml lax rials and the RCMP srnrehrd ler tecl oi the whole system as the dine but no bomb was lore tackling Luke Simcoe iir Lesous said Lake Stmcoo 11 mime Ili trht to has heavy recreation oile tri hm 55 tion while the rest of Use The Severn waterway has va Canada sExports Continue High uses from agricultural tn liti toric sites his haaur said he hopcd ior completion oi the Late Simcoe rtport in Scptendscr or Transport domportment oltl October The Lake Simeon study is seen as further step in the CORTS study DEVEWPMENT AREAS The 75pago report relcosrd Thursday in Toronto contains recommendations in to develop mcnt areas along the ct mile system William Cranston co chair man ot CORTS said the recom mendations and Latest ol the over all report enter the next 15 years The report proposed Urban areas and industries along the waterway should have satislactory waste treatment plants Some 25 per ml ol the wat sldc Inlormatlon they made their way to the wud where their comrade was under police rvard Canadians Strong In Bisley Shoot BISLEY England lCPl Cs nadisn Forces rnrrtisinen switched trom cervlee rllle to submachinan 1hqu and hoped to hold their dom once over Commonwealth ttnlts ln llnrl Iventr counting toward the coveted overoil tesrn rhampl onshlp tn Btsleyr annual shoot Observers considered that the Royal and lleglments isd Bah tsllon contingent had built up such lose tn rltto competition earlier this neck that it rise un likely permits could overtake it in the sehtne competi tion The Cansdisris hid pitted otl tour ol the air tesrn rttto events in the championship chase and hsd placed second in illth matrh win would bring the title to Canada lot the first time their latest win was in the Roberts nip event or soap shooting in which they beat out the htghlyrrtrd Royal Marines in shootoil alter the Crnadl Ins had come trons behind tor lie The tiehreohtng score was 36 to it it late individual win tor the Canadians was by Opt Ghlslsln handolay of Val Michel Que who nstled down Ute Queen htsry Challenge Trophy top individual prtre by per form the rarp lestolwlnniog each is the two stages at the tough competition under battle conditions An NBC corespoodent quot ed extremely reliable South Vietnamese sources Thins day as will that South Vlet armese President Nettles Van Thleii right and Vice Pre pldent Nguyen Cro lty were uslrr hind1 trom the literal t7llAWA tCP Canadas mold export pcrlorninnce cons Itnuat through June reaching Md million and bringing thel hall total to inqu than $3731 the Dominion llu scan of Statistics reported today it was both the highest monthly figure and the bi est haltvycur total on record taking seasons lactors into account June reports ucre $08 million higher than your ago with shipments to the Unilcd States up by tax million While Cuti odas export trade has been booming tor more than your exports to the its lagged be hind the growth ralc herausc ol the economic sluwdonn their urine Itt mm munch drug market to help ttnance their election campaigns The report by correspondent Phil nerdy sold the rains rourees sold ital Gen Tran Thanh Phong rad Lt Gen Dang Van Quin werosisotnvohedAAP Pbo

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