PIIEPIIIIE IOB M00 Although he has been there three times already man hissts oil Jilly It ior still an other visit to the moon Aral to it astronaut James ll lrwtn plains wh ihI Apollo ights are no lust IpIoe spee tIctliarI he ys reek basic insights into mIn why he is here where is be it FLIGHT goingt Bidin with lrwin tieit will be Alired ll Wur den Al centre and David hi Scott who will command the mission iAP Photo Property Owners To Get qu Break On Improvements TORONTO CPI Property owners who complained that in viva their houses meant high taase will get hroIk Indor new legislation iatro lIIcorI Wednesdl by Nuhicipei sold Alielro llialster Iiton Bates 11 the legislation tth iii bemestto make repairs or irn provameats to their hornea with out incroealu their assessment tor the hear so years as long as the repairs dont teams the IIbllhileIlld oi the property by more than 1500 as said that previously in or htprdvomenu assass CALGARY tCPl heath grim under that rodeo sports are Inde the worlds most dangerous stmct Wsdresday night It the Ceigrry StImpode The victim was young Al hertI cowboy who died in hospi tal ot interest honorrlteges shortly Iitor ho was involved in chuctwsgon racing accident Ilod Glass it oi High River was one at his IIiherI outsiders in the humane event Although detIlis were not clear some witnesses said the oath was knocked irom his oroe when he bcoImo trapped between two wagons to turn Ono oi the wagons Ipparendy ran over him ilir mother was broadcasting the race ior local radio stItion whentho accident occurrch it was the second iatuilty In mmnmmm meal thereby adding to prop erty taxeaoo it lhsdtIneslwruldactIaIa incentive or homeowners to lot oi rmIii renovations Bales it would do ad on the type at lrnprovemen he said liut there is big diiiereoco to value oi repairs ssod value at tho horde fllsaaiiy the costs or repairs are much sreater than the in aease in the value at home he slid The change will apply to rolerI canted out this year but 19 larva the neat reassessment at all properties across the province at market value will be complete he said Meanwhile the legislation will ireete Issessmeate on all homes until ml at their mo levels Apartment tenants and mu illclpiliitiu will also be given better tax break an apartment rid buildings said hir ilalcs liuniclpriiilcs now will Iblo to collect taxes on Ipart meat units as soon as they are occupied Previously in cases oi unnished apartment buildings muaidpalitlcs had to wait until they were substantially com plated hetero collecting taru even thou Ioma units had been re ior maths The ehaoIe will also IthlI apartment tenants to begin col property tax rebate leciiri MAMmoment to mp chuclwagon racing since it burn at the Stampede e7 ycars ago less than minuio otter the eccldent New Yurkvbased photographer ior West Ger man magazine had his camera tIkcn Irom him by Winston Bnice director oi the liodco Areas INSIDE TUBN The photographcr liill Yor cIry was with another photog rapherRandy lllli oi the Cal gary AihcriInlnside one at the turns when tho accident oc curred They spotted wagon approaching with limping lame lust hetero it come to liiii said YoscIry went onto the track to late pictures when truck come out supposedly to pick up the iniurtd horse CAPSULE NEWS Pipeline Costs Could Be Tremendous WASHINGTDNtClliatlmairs oi the costs oi the IlllllJAIale its oil pipeline appear to be growing to the point where they to preach the cost vi pipeline irom Alaska down the hiacheare Valley oipanado lo the Us Midwest Vermiliion Commander Is Promoted WAWA CPlCbl Ockenden II at Vermilion AiiII has been promoted to brigudlcrvgcncrill end named deputy director oi the combat crotions centre at North Arrericm Air Dclence Conunand in crude springs Colo Queen Could Lose Her Job inilit IDNDON iAPIDuttn Elisabeth could loso her too as tlrlt Iins chiei oi riale ii the country told the European Common Market prominent opponent mIn socla services minister oi entry said today lticlrrrd cross in thc lormcr Labor government Ind new editor oi The New Statesman magarinc said in col umn today that Buckingham loiacc does have serious grounds Ior Inxicty Government Policies lire Bapped vOliAWA tCPliatesi unemployment iigurcs show that the lgovernrnentr mismanagement We New Democratic Party Leader to the economy continues agate David levels liI virus that lit Bensons statements are simply not to he accepted Canada Bargaining iiiay liosume tors ior Air Cans MONTREAL tCPl lirttoillemmnd be mom Wk telephone discussions between airline anicr Irld ground personnel bargaining table today aIter president John Baldwin and title Pitchloni do and its mch hiei union ncgoIIAtor Investigate LongDistance Iiaies adinn irsusport commission has mm Chm 6its impact on subscribers oiInaw launched In investigation inlot lungdistance telephone role to Canada The commission said uilcr complaints were received lmtatmetnumnumewmmv it ltcduie introducch Juno by Dell oday lhc Invcstigalinn was ordc oi In rmcnt building to re eelre property amount at basic Ihciicr tax rebate raid lir Bales Also provided would be some breults or iandownrrs Ono pro vides that land will not be as Bid To Sea China UNITED NATIONS Hatter Sponsors pt new bid to seat Communist China in the United Nations Ital expel the Taiwan based Wm NIlIrnIltttI were expected to submit their iormIi proposal today tor the Genersl Assembly agenda lhey approved the text or the document including In explana tory memorandum and dull resolution Tbcsday Only tech nical details including the In production oi material and oh taining delegates signatures held up presentation inlormai sources said this procvdurc sbordd be completed today July It is the deadline tor the rubmhslnn oi the tirsl lot or items tor the provisional agenda at the ma assembly which opens Sept 11 in many years oi debris on be the Chinese representation ones lion in the UN supporters at Pckings entry never have laid their cards on the We so wpsmumou tap port describing bus wagons Is marginally rate It best and in IdeouIta It wont has pointed loopholu permitting ouch ve mu IIIlee toaspepe iodcrsl IIIID Illeli rm ca report came Wednesday Irons Consumers Union am mid logdptiitovderitI plrodushtest or been In NIYwhleh rmd anal grutection in the Volkswagen cIriy PEDESTBIIIN CliitSit norm meantime pedestrian III II illiabwag It It Emeline Ailey late this more proviadsiJooilte spokesman It liarrle III the person was struck by Ivehlcie at mid Im Accident occurred near the Cult service suitor tested It greater Vllue be cause it is In orchard Quebec Iissembly Approves Controversial Hydro Bill QUEBEC tCll Premier Robert tlourassas lath birthday was marked in the Qucbcw na tional as mh Wednesday with adoption oi legislation that establishes the groundwork ior corutruciion oi it billion hy droeiectrie development on riv ers owing into James Day Talrdandiinui reading at the controvrrsial bill corno alter more than sit hours oi hot and often bitter debate and was tol lowed as promised earlier by the premier with adjournment ior summer recess The legislation creates Crown corporation to oversee all aspects oi the James Bay is FIVEYEAII0LD EiirIboth Evens rests eloag the sidewalk oi tho ltoll Telephono do in Miami and lets the grownups tin 53 do the walking Elisabeths per Enrico which hir Bourasss bo eves wid be the itoy to iuiure economic daveiopmcni and res clai progress In the province Announcement at the morn molh hydro system test lily so the iirrt Inniversury oi the Lib eral victory in lms provincial general election and passage oi the development biii Wednesdl highlighted the legislatures no and acsslon and emphasised the premlars dolermlnIilon to put Quebecs staggering economy on iirm looting Tao multisbiiliorldoilar pro iecl rcprcscnis the insert rin gio tinancial urnicrtlking in the provinces history enlr llrt and tire diaries Evens tell broilght her doing bchuse they rennet Iliord baby sitter during the strike OTTAWA CPI With the school year over ilood oi liltlt dusts shunt worh last month and many isiied to dad lobe probing unemployment It mid June up to 55100 Irons SLIM In III This was despite the tart that rather more when were em ployed last month lhIn in llsy hetierihaneverags gain in employment luv this time at year The number oi joblesr was moon in midduno last year and thawed shup drop irom hiay that year More than one In every eight persists in Iho labor Iorce aged it to it was unemployed last month The unemployment rate in this age bracket rose to in per cent from in May it was in per cent ywar no The actuII unemployment rate the Iii Iorkcrs however declined rlighuy to as per cent In June irom in tiny The lower rate lrIItciM the last that while unemployment rose It did not risI quite as last as the also at the total work iorce MI us wagon sad the Ford Lb teau Club illran as grossly ia Idcquate Chevrolet and Dodge models were rated marginal Volkswagen challcnrd Coir rumers Union to provl any in iormoilon irom crash tests and said its buswhich it calls station wagonmeets existing icdcrrl irontend crash stand Irds ior automobiles lord had no immediate comment The report also disclosed the government has exempted bus wagons irom many iedcral Ioxas Horses Hit By Disease IIAIILINGEN Tex API Texas health oiitclai estimates that not horscs may die within the next two months In two counties irom mosquiiocan ried disease that acts like sleep lng sickness and is spreading among horses in the stoic Thirtytour persons in Teal have been salon to hospital with the Millie human symptoms at the disease Three are known to have contracted the illness and tests are awaiting on 31 others The mempiaymenl pieturI in briel with ilgures shoeing esti mates in thoroands Inc May Jase Ill lIIl IJII Labor landll Am anioyed IN ml ltled Unemployed hit are While total oi mom wosh era Joined the labor iorceetu deals new graduates and otih Holy moo at them iound yobs This boosted the number at jobless by Alibi The figures were released In iolnt report by the Dominion hureau oi Statistics Ind the manpower department hased on survey oi snoop households tor the employment situation in the week ended June to The report said the number who taunt lobe was better than average ior the period between htay and June and the number at Jobless was not much diiier ant irom the number In stay The number at unemployed was actually per cent at the labor lorce compared with per cent In lilay satety regulations by labelling or iorwardeonlrol vehicles Ihem multipurpose vehicles Thus the bus wagons are not is Ilia ids slr his go Inuthsit tocItnI ateerlnr col umaa nroolispsibiI mortal Wallis thaw la the cohrmna doeiasdto prevent ti driven irom log gored in would collision The seat gt since were Mildred on wagons only since July And shoulder harnesses are optional The vehicles also In exempt irom the department at trans poriIilonI proposed standards at occupant protection in crashes and rollovers The bus wagons were created enrmptiorn though advertised as iamily vehicles and pro moted as Iiternatives to station wagons Iord listcd Its sales oi the bus wagons this war at lil9l it has been malt no the wagons ior live years Voiltsuogcn sales hit record 6506 last year and have been over 3000 year since trot France Adding To Strike Force WASHINGTON tlt United States military sources expch France soon will become the Iourih nation to placv sila tcgic landbased or submarine launched nuclear missilrs In combat readiness iha henchmircady have it lilrage nuclear bombers and the missiles represent second generation oi lrancos lode pendent strategic strike tom US authorities have dieted China will deploy its rst PickrlIIrlee went up early vWednesda alter communica tions worers went out on airthe AP Photol mediumrange missiles this year Joining the United States liussiI Britain Ird Prince in that nuclear class POMPANO BEACH Fla iAPl John Owen Russell bought shorthaired wig because employers were re iuctsnt to hire long hair IIle wig brought him lab and wceir In tail accused oi robberies he didnt commit There is also piie at trial lets liusseil was stopped by lice Is he rude his motorcycle near his suburban home last tiny They Iccusrsi him at being blondcwich gun man who had held up so stores in the Fort Laudardrio Irca Russell however was in San irIncisco when to oi the robberies were committed and another man who resem GOVT HEPOHT Foreign oi the Phillip shatter Browsrd County stat attnmey celled liusselis arrest terrible tragedy ilui noted liussoll then are still lets people who dont believe thecbarges have been droppsd And lhcre are the pnmril oi some at my irisads who wondvr atwut me and the lawyers icesunwi ltusrciia nightmare started when he waikcd into drug store that had been robbid by the blondc gunman in Iittse Ieiis motorcycle helmet was ill blondc wig he were on bl Iummcr 10D Drugstore per snnncl sputtcd the wig and this lid to his one Energy Vital To US itrihlllVGTON ilIl Tile diluted can expect to tind iiscii increasingly dependent on iorcign energy supplies and neutcly short oi natural gas in iuiure unless its govcrnment policies and the American cm aortic climan chunpo slgniii iordan lieports Heavy Fighting BEIRUI Lebanon tlieuterl Palestine guerrilla leader Yeaser AraiIi mode sudden return by air irom Cairo to the Syriellordan border Wednesday night amid reports oi turther heavy lighting between com mando iorccs end Jordanian government troopl ihr commandos raeInwhiic claimed that the Jordanisn army was marthaillng its iorces ior renewed attacks on guerrilla positions gt Phone Service Continues in 15 By THE ASIDIIAIED PRESS Etiocts on telephone service in the United States were mird mIl todIy Is strike by some 100000 members at the Alb cro Commrmicatiooa Workers at America against the Bell Iys tern entered ILIIICOIII dpy Thousarwla oi management perlullnei tools aver alter the Im wIlkoui Wednesday cavity the govcrnrnrnt was warned teddy The Pruicciihm wcrn con taiocd In report prepared or Inicrtur Secretary llogcrs liar ion by subcommith oi the National Petroleum Council In advising group mm the nil lntlus imports at Canadian all could be orpcctrd to shore than dou trie by ivhl and those oi gas in increase slightly but they would still hold relatively small share at the Iuiurc market blast at tho drastic increase in iorcign sup particularly at all would to come irom beyond the intern Iieml sp ere Subcommittee chtilillan John tickets president oi Conti nental Oil Co emphasized that the illsan report LI not lorecast what we think will probsbiy happen in the iuiure instead he told iorion It meeting here it is protection at what can be expected to hap nrars our We workers would thI lot more money in the bank it only we got hall at many licks out oi saving the rtuil II we do spending it pen it misting condizions dont change The report would bc used by the petroleum NIIllllI as touts ior druliing range at prupotvd my government policies and economic condi tions that could improvethe its energy picture in iuiure Inc poweriui oil and gas in tiurtrics in the 05 have been pressing hard In rcccnt years ior higher prices and other cltvnucs in its policy that would provide greater lncen livcs ior exploration and devel nping oi supplies to the U5 mainland They have frequently stressed the security harards oi ticpanting on iorcign supplies axsvtsvcawas WavabAanhmauyWmsmmu onm