Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1971, p. 8

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55 re E2 ear Egg 35 in Vtdurrooyleryreettiv ltteh hhn teem colledotr Inetllote ellnttludbyhmdm remnlnmqrrrtntllIII1tIlnloeroepeodeo My 0mm II he Ilene old tormentch It SLJor Corrigatll FtndISI Gets deven ml Greenwood IIImm Milkmen more DIneer Women yeer trIIoInr crrnp eetr tenrer hlm Iottaetoc DIM Imam on noon III monoI may nIttd Ilneheteer Ind Iormesrchrtoi telegdbrtt lttd rested Inenhetor lathe turretll 11 my Mun who IIrl ere rote III hrrneu rIeIrIx Ill pro our lltltoo on Ihoredey July WI 15 K2 mar log mmmmmhmhm lchYMlluo etrt tenementmime mm mlmpm mmmmm at 9m miltltt won for veteIIne Id In III Amateur III eoelveeodtromhtetrtSIIIeUn or the amt no Ind oopeotlve Irern membere Newlol WWII All0c Ircretty Wheoerln mmmumdlmmnym mdrdrundar It 5L MW mndmmdm Durtny the two weete rt IrIIn hell Lorene button the nth Cotlclre Igor youth no eltltolee ot the SL lnulr CltlIIl 11qu mm nm In 1mm mm gene pl In er II ree momeo thtrdberemen hIe otlrIIoInorImp Ie oven He He told the Toronto bureru ot uh up on Ml vb my hRllmhfu the Mormon now meet tor two The herrte Eumloer tlle ItrKIt mum heme no pl new 51mm to three hour preetlee ereh nIotI VIII wtn lImee thte yeIr com or pl mm MN eyenlny It thoCenrdtrn Netlon Ind wIIlwIn the Grey Cup ll gm am 11 WI cw Extdbltlonetutlom they Ilryeoertetent tootbett Illa mm For the put two weetrr IIIn there Ill good term eotrlt at Hymn def Ind theme thIn other Ar ermo thtr yerr hehrimI would yield Kellil etdaeetreeeltlotal they Ierleur eonteodere torthrrvu Ion work It CHO telemn South strneorhruhett IeIroe PenetInr wood It home tomor elm It NW NW note when he he IeIrntne the Mammy Itrrteey pIIye wrtehed yreetlee Ilne Ind IhIrry Beth herrle teem wttt be dd ml Noll Ind rented out In lull mm mu mum whom he met wth It hotter told to WIN VIh eer two or three llmee rtey IIUIT Waltlt IIth IttyIeulrrIy returntohlrrtete Item no lerder to lm mlnhmld myxmfmuw to temperature Ie htIh II Itlthomhltm II took yen gettlkhxtr Ilr end the deyreee meet rxonrur omltr mmumm fllflun the loyerr old BIrrIe no work loot herd or herder The tlnt erhthltlon lltttl Ier eherethehlolodeputrreotwlth II II 53 woeorr noose BECOMES women mutualme IIEIII MUN outlet or omtde oouorrhltobttetlmu themt III rIIl bIMIldWlI ewlew Irerrrrme thotor olleher Dyhtr ptteherette HomMnIIhoorouo who twemtloeetorhrhertrw mnorm ISendrIt IFJIJIRIIGI nu mmuufnnho entry In potn nutter Mother oI meor IIm ed eeII ellould be Inlereet the er dtuorrlooe Ibout recto oboe nttmI KentoehyI reede Ind Iulurl poethII III rm rod to the Irnerermt III Ibould even Itlr more ex oI rpecutore yulded the hem ettemeet men the teeth Ire to our record Lute mile terntty LUMBEIUACKS SERIOUS CONTENDER thou th blew thetrlert eecord bleeeiltere the letter teulAnI tertrelo In Ortttlr ttrtore the Iound In remit Sets Swlro hecord Ilo oloe trio event II the nItInan thmeolor III Moore Cenedtrn record were hroten htdry II the CI oIdIIn Dolphln Swtrn one VIoceurer eontlotted thetr done helm at the retry mole The cluh Ion lire oI etrht ereoter thuredIy Ind ret two Conedllh no dere ttve deerrihertrrlnln cIrn Il then the rootlee to llrtprell the Armltlll VIII hound mm to th turur 1t II WM It ruechuncrtmvaInIheve blllrd IMPm Idl NWT to remember the reottler Ire II ortt ol tree would be In encour Ieement currently the IIIrrIe term II to teen bettIe wtth Mdllnd IndIInI Ier thlrd root end netther eourd Ir Ier Irorn IIIIr to club wIIh the htrtore ehtto OrttIII Idlen lunlore vtr It Doctor The detrndlor rhem Ioo OrtllII Junlen Ire eurrroty In Ollh plrce In the to cluh ctr roll LAWN BOWLING GAINS ATTENTION Whlle the younyoterr the tIltIn Idveotere II the Allen dtte etuh otter to term the tun dIrneotIII ol lrwo howtlne more would hr welcome It er etrero ed by Std Roach prutdent We would the to no more people under In tree In Inter ert Into the retlreo Illlmlllr er II he reterred Ie the Helm Illnn ot the me once the rub er Ire termed ttIhrI ood Ian ol Itlll toe IrInIr ere eeeretrry drew Iltentlon to theeothueleem than by ployere eomed tn oh rtoenly eon mmpetltlon on the lion reed Ire III the whlte hell tdee It to roll the hrtlr elorort to It tor poInII he polot erplrtnlny thrt there tnrek to Iron mwtlnl oomewhel rlmIIIr to ttlltlni lIt doreot lrke novlcer loo tool to term he riled II he dlreeted Itteotton to eylendtd curve Ihot mrdo by Me wIIe IIIreI who won the dIrtrIct elrI Ier rhemptonrhtp tor My how err you No veleren bowlere both over to who Ire rtlll exreIIIor erI Ed Kohtmeyer end We ltnleht IItItory ot the AIIIrIdrIe club rIItrr hrek to root the Itrrt bowling yreenr were on hrIdIord met It Tittlrt At the Irnnt ot the pruont men on Eeerrord neIr the IlItIen II the amber Irrld monument to honor ot the ploneer the Northern ttIlIwry hlch hld III Ilner extended to AIIIndIIe to tttl ludy Ouellete Better Looking Hut Says Husband Better Shot BISLEY Entllnd It Judy turttette Ir better look In then hurhrnd Gerry hot erI her better that ny cue the hendeomr eou Irom Wlndror Ont more Iotnt dIItIrtotlon It to pommoowertth ahlo meet here oponlltl Iy they no the only huehrnd IndwIIe lerever to eurtlty together to reorerent CInIdI tel thII meccr ot rherorhoot ere Errh II noon the Com monwertthI IIneeI rheto enIIr or IemIlernd Judy rentI close to the ten to her he The Itrlktny bllchvhltred beeuty wne In Qurenr hun Ittmrr bcIore rnIrry gtelto htrleyourtltter tt tlmrr end cenelrtently rolld preer In thtl too event IIletr oecerIoIIII meetlnu there led to lhetr eventurI 1mrrrteye In hlorIlreII to De The hm II II Ith III Ir than rhootlnl to hrttrlne III ttmr tome Arroclelton meet Ior yeIre Born In 0rnI Iduelted In the Unlted Stlter llvtn Enyllrel InIt IIIIIIIIIed or school rI member at North ton duh Slner then she he won eurh InIlledurI evenlI hero or the Do Ill Treohy Ind the New zeIInd OI tor IrmyIle ecoree mteeottrneour rtentII She em member ot the Unltrd ttlnydom term rhootlnl tor the prlred ttoII poro out In tees Ind Ihe wee on the Ilrttlrh rlne term to Crnedr lo tool Durtny epott et tlvlnr lo the Chenan IetrndI the no relented Jerrey It the metro arm In IImetrI In tree where her Iuture hurbrnd Ihot tor CInrdr Sllm ludy releer to the term not eweot Ihlrt rhrttre oII her rlne Iceompltrhmeotl reelnet the router Not etore ennunh the em when eehrd how elore rho ever orrrre lIndInI tho Queenl Ir mu htt the nut th She emleretod to CInIdI Ind tool too It Wild thoreptet In Montreal It whlte ehelru therka Ouetete yeero geetloorl Iehoot teeeher tn ttlttgdror IIeelded to rot mrr re rnr oxnumon wonr ADI PHONE mWd meet It um mo hrcrtlrrt It prIctl It lunch eemo trylny to yet your welllm It It proctth Ind meotlou to rod even your too eeye Cortl the nIternoonIupocr It 000 yell rrletlce orrneettnoe III the event Armoqu III or Curlew It It Jtm telned the Copy Of The Rule Book bIeIter poettloo Into this onI when the double blue delertod cnt Edwrrdr oI noun Lt htortlreII II to It the ONE etI the Imuer tort hurIer tIe her rtlum For the remetnder ol the lee ronI oI YInrh II It eon Ilm wltl work reruIIr dey JIhe turtle II to Ictlon Into ltrrl exyrete to they the deten It mo tleerdttoo Ietlre It tomorrow when Queeoe Perk Ilreend I10 Ihd middle tlne Idrht IndItoto ttrrIe etlotrlvel Ieee herrle My bIttIe Cloth II the schedule reoutrre Needed To Follow Action oy onuco LEVETI CInIrIlIn Prere snortr Edltor Youll be oblo to tell the olry under the new rules thel hrII wine the Hrd It IIlIen heck on to tho Iteld ol nIIy It world here been dead err In the CIItItIIIn teothett Monte without yroyrem thlr yerrhot you they need new rule boot to IoIIow the pm the CH heI Imended the old book to mete the name eeetrr to Ioltow tor the tune orrn II It mennr mute on the room when For Instnee tn the eehthttteo yImI between tlontlert AI oueltce Ind Ibronto modems Iomlohrneen trtrd tor Itetd oated the test ploy ol the Ilrrt olL boundl Nnrr cenelemetlon need In the prone box WII tho hell IIIvo or dredt Wrr It Itnete or wee It hlontrenlr hull ottl It the Mud Itnot Why dtdnl ourrlrrbnrtr IIoo Thelrmenn who hold Ior Iohenecn teen on to the belt In the end who Ior yolntetho hell wet lIvI woent It Ind ThelemInn wer le nhvlooety enrtde Toronto the hlektnl IenrrI wee Iwrrded etnrlo beam the hell htt the eorlport bounced Into the end zone end rotuctnnlly wnhhled out It ONLY KICKER ONIIDE he tor Ihctemenn betnl one eldernot Io ruled tree Fulton rtettrttelIn tor the Clh Only the trleker II onelde Tho lIvehIIlInthheodrono rule to new thII yeIr AIro In Innoyrlloo wIll be etrycre nemer promtnently oteplIyeo on the torch to Ieh tore three other hlnh ehove the numbere Itrtttrh Columble LIqu odorled thIe torture In mo Ind moved or popuIIr that It he been mIde mende tory or III Iluhr Interrue Ind ytryotl Sport wrtterr Ind Ieor rttke lIrve rurch In the you on eruclet merrurernenIthr hell he been oheeurtd hy the IlIett bootr oI pllycre ctllrlcr Ind IroundI Not thIr yeer The new rote llylt Durtnr meIeuremeot Ior ttrrt downI only the two up trInI ehIII be permttted totht vlelnlly ol the mereuremrnl thIe the other oIIyerI mutt re mIIo eome dlrtenee my ThII rhould prove to be eeperlrlly ooputer to lenr wrtrhlnl the were on tetevlelon In tht to Ither Ilt Intended pun the CPI nonouncement rIye Ihrt In the loterertr oI urn tIorrntty the pIIyrrr ehetl keep thetr helmrte on durIn the pllylttl ot the nether Io them III deer not rentllet wtth the eethItthed protocol rm herdtnr reopect tor the In mu tIIVI you ever routed wllh ho record thlI Weene Tee eon Hotel It mm whllI AW trIveII tolhnse Borden tor yeroewlth tho htyerI It 180 Fettdwtnr Ire the teIderI ot In It more All herlrlm CO lteyootde underem Kelly tlerh hurhrneo hor tlIteoIt Clertr IteyerIIt ItIyerIIt Ahtron co Brownhor helcottrl Elm llellerrn nor Itrtd AW Armetrone CO lIrNIhh AIII Aruorult IIor Ilodm CO hltCtortey Imoetlence durn there teem Inyty lnlermInIble onIleld eon Ierencee between the oIIIelItI Ind teem rInIIIIIrl Well the CPI trnt ruttln out the centroetrttone but thy ere IlloeItInI the blemeo the out cIII Involved will mute the term requeetlol en explrnetlon II oenrlly or ootlon At prevlouew renounced the hell thI be ouertor ol Io Inch tree In the let elrrurnterenee hell tlme IhIII be It mtnuler tony hatred ol xeoerII In mtnutee to me PIrII nolIbly CIt ery Veneouver Ind Ilemtllon Ole oItIetet tlmetreeper ehrll openIll lrom pronehoe teen qu MARLETTE tutlklrndreroed no ototInIIn to no erron llenree Undrrrreund lerr moo mm It herI Iotll II llth the lottery between llrrh Ind Ortltll our Orttttr IelIow Itd lIrrlt Ieed te lurhy turn north III II IIIIrI Big one Estatee deem to here hrte ru there It Country hetete LIvIn thh the Communlly Itmotphore none It MIN Welk tnend rtut Itvln Inn lqvueltty home by Here peel lItII thtr In your hIeIryIrd tor only 55599 COMPLITI common rteroll PATS boot mm IIhIrrIII Own IIIIoortu teel IttIIer lII DUNLOI II ttouerth C0 Archtheld hor orun netting ltryrrItt heynotdt GIecoII lethMIrl Edwude Im the tolermrdtete turtle vl mm III or Tueone tench to to IM on WthtsEdwudr AMINO htmvole Iroeh ttrrteon Bree Borden AW Mommao CAltlhlIIAN Three wryr to the run Ire Ind erred lhrlltdlnl lot Ilr tere Ind the left It Ireontrnodrllon Iklr the RIM oI hotlda ml ltrte up party or brInI the tenth ll olrol hoIt recordr terrett Itooouoder horn Southrmpten Enllrnd rwlntr out lot too he ltuuwurm nut er um cult bet the Brttteh mun rtuueotmrr mWKIIUII IntLinden Ind CroIdtIo open record In on the Wheeler lndtrtdorl medley whleh he mm In true hunter mom Thlr bettered hle Ens record oI nor Ind one when IuIIeI hrttLIh oIIrt ol III end erthltIheddtlhe mar In reeor or d1III eld No tor todexe Iloometre Ireertrte Ind MEI Iodteldurt medley rlIll ton wonune rwlIonIIr the Out the deye II the tone dry meet he been tertte GIII at the Dolphlor who lolloved In the lodtrlmret Itrndtnre AnretI Oouehteo ot Borttnrto complete me teh Intented otryyrourd Iorvtoe you her to leII III eItII rhop IltllltlOltl rmer hot lhyl Iteer lerWee lOO DUNLOPSTRE tour ten to on lAltItADOh $300 It lull the hour JAMAICA 5295 ll metal Pleuerend me Iutldetettr on crrlhbeen ener 76 II

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