Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1971, p. 6

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my Mu euah was CAS yrs gt 35 on or Single Parents ORefugelsv ForySinlgle quertts dren Ind eInt etlard to hire Whllltultobd 1beree no my be con ole IIln eupprxt or unlunnee trom ed harm the enld km Ill about thIt enywey wen not wonderlnl how you were no to get erotnd It nmotnzn terror society In beginnlnn to rem nlte the needn nI elngle per end mpond to then The in White Pnpen on Ten hen tr homemehemrvlerv Bin than more Ihtt Inn be done hobntdlred houelnn tor three with lower tneornen lev event Income ol Jemiehuded tnntlien to com twine her the mothert DIre lord Innilow WENDYS COLUMN Pakistan Situation An Appdlling Story by mm mm Illle BEEN cell dent uid Ind tvrlttm than the Iltuntlon in Indie Ind Int IIb inten There hm been rogue tlonn In to the proper wny to dent with the politleel tide ol the Illttlun lrom vuloun people who one It In vnrlwn weyn But Ihlle ell thle to coin on It hllh lowing people whom cotntoitnbly clolhed end hound In oppolllnn horror etory exletn Imunn the ironic Iho Ire ectuellynllecled the tltue tiott thcre hid the veto rel ert Incredibly lure number oi them lett over from the mute at two To no over the eltuetloo In November mo cyclone and ldnl wleve deveneled lIett Pek ten lwnr re not the ent eet neturel drnettor lo tcrrrle ot human Iutierlng that the modern world till ever teen ll tell In utlrnnttd two million eople without lood tutor ltrr or modin euppllce N0 SOON WERE REUEV Ind rcthtlltIttert cttortr under wny then thin out unturnl din Itlrr wen tollowed by rtod oi lntento ctvllunml ten of lo runny exndue nl rctupnet nto the Indlen border erenn An rerult It In eelimntotl thIt up in tin million ple heve mlunled trorn Beet Itlrlen Into Indle one at the torrent movementn oi populetton in modern timer Ne lIeliitIcn were Ivnilebie It hnttdle thin rnlmtlon and the re ureultlni htnnen mieery Itu clue ed truernntlonti Ind nnllonnl communities to comqu All ct tale to provide IIIirtIntI to thepcgpgothitunn plrllctt were torn It colorantu ltotlol retugece Ire In reled In Went Benul Arum itmteye Itlpuu Ind tllher Ire cluttered In In entlrry too rriuue rempn The Combined AppeII ttw PIIIntInI Itellei II cmltetlnn he eltortn on beiptnn the retupeee in there In but It menu the rlyhl to help them wherever they they be Intbe elluetlon chnnle re ll COMBINED AYPZAL lot Petlnlutt ltellet tCAllll but been lorrned by nine motor can IdlIn ornruutlonn Canndlen Catholic in nlztllon lot Dent opulent Pence Cenndlnn Atrttll oi Orurrhre Ind lte member churrhce Unnedlen lien Coon Society tinnedlnn UNIDEP committee CANUAVZ Childrrrt fund CARE ol Cute ldl oxmt at ConIdI Unli cd Netlonn Illeh Commlnelorter tor Itclugeee end World Vlelon otCnnoetn The role purpose at CAlIl In to retrieve concerted tundreln Inn ettort on nttlon wlde bee In to provide the tnentrnton ee Itntnce to the Pntletnnl people who Ire lllllltllll Io much since nine melee In turn blning tn thin ettort to ellminete dupllcellon Ind competition Idrnlnlntrntlve coetn will he kept to en lbItAltld minimum It in lmpoeIIhle to determine or turn rent the percentage et title time but the eaete lot rlmllnr vrn lure the Combined Appenl tor Nlmtn llinlrn llellrl were he nper cent ottontrlbqunr Beeeuee the trouble In no in my it In bent to 1m no the Iullerlng thIt In there II II ml the nude ot the re tuteoI ere lntntenu end my urrnntthe time In net to now vou IIIAV cournlnurn to thin Combined Appent throuyb road convenient ony cert nerv ker lob trnlnln Ind retrnlre root out unlcce Ind veerertleonl uovleee Ire Int tctv ueomroendellonn oi the Venler tnetitute oi the Femily our in nble to help in come ottheeenmn It you ere tingle perent end Ire Interentnd tn the W7 roetnct timber ehlp director JIcI ttnreden It arm or Strode Mon It no If ii go llleAklltAII WWW yretnoteereetrpcr it to Itey It fumi mnrdlun dry II In pernon you ndntlre pm you greet compliment It nutte mt II III II to My II Glue need toy tor with your InlereeteJnltlItlve will pe oil hi it to Au t1 thee Art excellent dry tor doityourult Minty atltnuuehlp gener Itty All It to dept Vlml An Inroclete you hm helped In the put will went to recipro IIII 5M It IO tubul lIll nndIr rate ontIotrI leitorih AI ettort to be pleural end new hrlnu unexpected re In en te Dee rt tlIntttetv IIIITbe unexpected generoelty oi otherI wlll mmegIMI it line II to III WWII 1mg Old no on new nnoe armed III It to III tMIIrtIII lood dey tor Iho on Yon may pith up here let 10 te MINI he Piece Dorrlentic InteveetI here more to otter tth mlde Idlvlllee AlTlotPAn excellent Venue nepert now Itlnunleten ro Bonana Record Makes Boy Sick WI ANGEL tAPi It you nlnp Yen We line No Benzene to Robin Bile he only More you prolnreiy lie lnnl the teen on bInIrIu Itter lIItlng to hrent the world hennnuetlng record The IhyeIIold Ellie rend tn the CAM etrncy oi ourcttolct the Conedlen Jen Connect II elne rnpportlnt interment throng your church eny char terod bent or dlreell to the tovnblned Appttl lor thieteot llellet II 170 Box I000 Shiloh Term Ihe pent two wreltn hove teen tvo openinu In Butte the tint helnr the ne oi the eccond union ot Gryphon tbentte Compeoy It in to plenum to be this to to the theetu gut rtlydor plhevumrnev no loot dvtvl to Toronto on to teen wnn Iolnt end one lhnt the lit eondlttonete Installed no mlthty endurtnce tent motor but One oi the upecln til loent romper In lhnt Iocni mldootn hnvo to enpply etrnont III the lutnltnre Ind minnow thin neck tethered up tollovloy Irony my been and trout Intruder FOUR Willth GLASS tour hlyhhell nlnnncn two burn cendieulrti ten bootende iotu Incient Ioollnn bootni terloun Intlouet type ovnnmenln hyp odrvmlc needle end doctorn he ltI rather lite thou trey euro huntn thet we need tub wlltcLe everyone wen elvtnn fie tn tovn hm loot teblrn no In Ind ehelrn In trot ltn rent community theatre the other openlnp her been that ol Ute new envlnu end torn compIuy Iodtllnt vendetta m0 oi little tiny the mo Gulncnn lloot oi World llecordn that 11 yeerotd colleu ntudent In KultInd held record tor be nennteetlnxee In to nurture lit I061 lle not out SIlundIy to on themrtbyonennddoltln It minutee end to mom At hie elde were two by nnnnpcetlnr elder Ind ebout to wellelehm Ind rc ere helveendnhtli neon end It mlnutu leler be beltited exctued Itlnurlt end ried to mrne room to be Your title who wetehr in It It poundn end In tour tool It lnchee IIII tntlltl hove been nletrv tied he need the roll record boot it try South Alrlcen htepbrn Net so who welth no output toritimed note benenen In ill rnlnutu leet July Ilooln Ellie vemnlm men ol vision thourh lle nyn Im coin to try Ind net tormenting rcroru beoeune no one line done lhnt yet tectn to collect other peo lttenewtelerwnnnotnulte euro ot the term need in the retina buelneu end no he one ed the pretty etenounpber tor tome Itel Breton one he held do you retlre Iotnt No ehe replied dentur tiltt men with my leter Reople it or need Intel 1an or do they rt new Irtletle Ind cttlhrrnl portidtn Ileo domain entn Pint mode In to the prone Ind bumper home or em born dell with btntneee In Iodele ll te JUNE It tellnlt member ol your It In honored in nehlevernent oo ottemte tum Jim to JUL II teem amine wttitntrodneeyote to mle modern thin or JULY IA to AUG ht lleel An excellent dny tor hendllnn eli mnttern oi ronlldenllel net AUG It le Im II ttlml hit our ctreer problem with your mete Ilie her no vice helplul IEPI te WI tent Derotlrr time to er in In mirth tv in you npirttuel off It to NOV tlceryt run to be intend with pernonn outelde your lmmedlete eurcle NOV II to DIG II tIItlltIr tee It on need tenor to dont the in III in it DE 21 to JAN tCIprt eenlYdullottldbeblnblyop tlmlelld not All thing go well JAN tem It MuttIi IImlly nuttere Ind donate tic tinnncee hove brtghl new outlook It te Al to Ptneeel IIte rtovrl even the ollbent no you can rrtnrt tbll daydoten on our retrnder In one ot nut pplnern In romnnce mntlve punultn Ibelher torellonel or Ivocellonnl Ind one oi urnl urenliy on the domcrllc iront Irtmtn will Iino be In ltlghly congenial mood Ind tn name cure could even bet you to die tIin tome mm to or otter live lrnvel Ilno tevorod mums tortsrs Hdndicapp ed IChildr Need Not Be spoiled 32 gorgesracing in trade my trtendn there Ind the to yo none to tlnd mph or more productive hunch ol ttdI 1ny Illt mined in mention that will ennble then to be ulieultlctent Ind rclleuppontlng thln would not here been poorer and lint role not rernmlztd the need trunlne mu hope will my letter on tr It It dell children wlil end dd InletA Pull Inter Deerltntrrt Whnt hurt wermton trlbu NEW Intermenqu Ichlevetnenln dent Im rem ment by Ilelrn Keller who em both dent nod blind noted her which Ihe would rhoonr it nhe could thrwth eotne nitrncie here one oi three eenrct re elmd bllne Keller replied wooldchoneethuhttltythhur mu ell aInmttdnutl colleen greduete lie meltenntotceletie Innveyt never been before Now reellen Ive been living In cocoon Idem gave my nell thence tn know whet other Inrn In lite Tn mnhe tore ntory chart went to hrrnhtlte comment Mytrllmoltwnnhlbe en eettentodnthletnnylnllte uMoe Would Itt mere Add in net my heed on mum lrnlded lrIlIl Deer hrntdndr Sorry you didnt write belore you bccttne conned would hnve told you nottodolLIlowtnnttttnlt you nrn oppoeed to nendlnn up IntheurvlreIDIerJobn PEOPLE AND PLACES Call the nodule BRIDGE CLUB WINNERS The limit Duplieete Brldre Lluh met Thundey evenlnl Ior rezuler IIIM ttrn tiery Woodnlod Ind Dipper tic ltounell were llrnt Second were John lluell Ind lobn Grnltnnt Ind thlrd were hurt Gourch Ind Vlvlnn llmrrre DOUBLE ellNo CIRDIONY Shirley Jun Sullivan thrush ter oi Ilr end ntrn ntrrrltt Miller oi Seult Ste Itnrlo Onto nrto Irehnngrd town with Cor pout Gernld Arthur Scene non oi utr Ind him Inrrrn hurl tlddle Snrtvllle ern bcotin June In It St Peuln utnrch Snult Irie It CUSTOM DRAPERIES Item IId CemeretIl Wide ltInge et lIltrlrI For tree or all GWA LITTLE 72W horror COWANM PHYSICIAN 21 SECOND COLLINOWOOD OFFICE 4455922 RES 4455970 OFFICE HOURS MoreJIDHIIOHobd I09 Tomi to IMO to Wed to 30 to ThomwoltttoAteSIto Pet In Itr30 to Set to IMO MINI Pied Auden ottlrletod II the double tine ceremony Attend Into tor the brtde Ind bride proom were tlr Ind Idrn Rut PIlIot oi Gounln River Onterio tdlchnel Sulllvnn non oi the bride wen usher Ind tllee Joyce IIIrrln ol herein trtend ol the bride wen eoloLtt The couple It reelde nt CPI Borden Ont Ir lllGTENlNO C0105 Red pint Ind purple gIrrnentn an be brittlened coneldnnbly bymnlnnlng In weter contelnlnp in vlneytr Implementationsnoun toblntke ttrn lylvle Kent timd lone end theory ere no ot the Roynl ammo ory ol Monte Toronto Kent hen been ntudent Johnlmdney oi the entry end lenehcr nltno theory Ind bletory Bernie Itrv Kent plqu in tinue urchin Site In It loteretted in mullcll to the tell the wtllcontlnue her tbtdlet in pinno Ind ponltlon with Mr Dewdney Ind orgnn with Mrn June ccheclter ot Barrie LIVE LOBSTERS Avntlnhle revIt Mun ml MAW Alt Cnndtttml open it let MI te lrldIy rtteeire menu ON lrIdlerl ht he Cueinestcuisiuo lalrevrelw 185 Dunlap 7znstsi FAMILY DINING our mourn Mondoy To Ihurndoy BAKED HAM with Spnnltit entree on COLD MEAT and noted plote s175$ Cltlldn under 12 $Ito Compl meet includes Deenert and leverage

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