NEWS rnneusemmlsruioerieun em StolenInCily tannin weir anterioProltnclelPoheem tadeyrecoleeedtwo double bread pertlns meters stolen homtbedlyudietthleleeh muonrelasendthapdd mlerelound mumsluv nn mowersct hell parting he teeters hm All Thrills test For NARI oennatscholnrships centres Colleglale geldueted nerrle saunterus Andree their home towns in theblmei member ol Ontario Scholars oi the three ironic high schools otterlng tired it coure as total st 11 students it iron the city erhleled an Image oi more then so per eat in seven Delierredylllcherd Denneyllnr Feltls hlkheel Forbes loIn Freeman illchlrd leidtlon Cer ol PIrhsr John Prince Dom Irslnue heeled Donald Spencer ierrria Temple Kingston Vane Irwi Cheryl llood er the other On eoholeee and Most Students mt htroud Willi heeten towell tires tleheen heeled Kenneth lioggsrth mm Sylle Neath News hence Plrle Paleswiel Denny llnd gene Sbenty hey Deborah Kubl ilnepayne 15 Cdsul Work MoslGOOd JobsGone arsomrlmm unnamlnter hereticshymen VIHIi mummy oi studentsletiil eee ernntnere toyneen are bids Iiimol mid Meet uni lmtty Ind commrmily college ltndmle bale intend oi enoloymerrt dlt or terracesnellobeercleeelewn Miles house oalntlu Wine sod orhlylnglor lerasare tbeutobeeanlaetoneortwo wSWilbidlnfliw iilhiithh lull mead over mm mbetoistttdntelheihltoi the weeh is pretty hectic It the placement service se teenagers to Ipeeerler interviews We lust need more lobe hob Alexander eeld Although people In general becoming more aware the attention there In let lobe these hide can it they no the then he eeld 95 porllnt as summer long loy hilmirt Then ere low ge rleht now lorJurnmu ernpler Eh in that on aspen ge ueue reenlrupccill still or cations euch chelleurs il Vccnce tor lrucir driving the majority ol erunmcrlon he were tilled eerly Approx metely loo students were hired cello It base harden tor road and hilthenhel Ind other dutiee des Lerge re stores such Ia thw ereendltmertaseellesln duslriee DeVllblls Ind tied done to iulttime lobe but the tact remains thIt stutter oi etudms are having to scramble tor lobe GOOD WORK Beth cosmetics here tound tht the roelotlty oi liudente ere perIlstent and willing to work They have both been rlsed by the neurrber oi emp oyerl hers relied their oillce to renterir on the line too students have done tor thorn with the lob limit the wey it ie ereryono tools We not hard to be replaced Mr Alex lndereeld Although there have been nurnber ol enquiries eheut mini mum wage standerds the coun sellers have toned thei mosl oaths heve tew Singleton the otter lder gliil tend to ey irem babysit 1w lobe and one boys Ire to lot to pert wlth their long locks to tend GlllEiOltttlill es cools or hltdsen eipere The most serious complelnt wee lodged Friday by two her rla students who worked less lth week tor Wesege Beech rnntel Andyltenacl and bob Bytes both students ItNortb col tjiele quit when their pay But his situation Is beoonslnl perete now ills parents mosedootwestendhehaato werhioeopport blmreli cant live on nothingjhe sold nonunion he cant re dont wlntrloei Itter two years noting tor that good steedy lob lohn quit school It lt end hes worted all and on him then tie hee no intention ol retinitis to lehoot he he the Iddod eds vantage that be our eleynn hie parente term Both youths heve sought elrF ployment in min but have set ii 58 2i it it Eggnog is $5 223 Sta In E5 gins in gist 55 qw iddi wegther Should Ldst n11 ldeel sororities needles to tore cert tor Barrie and region to day end turtles low humidity and tenrrre inree in the high the toe II are expected lemperetnres in the area ere todey end Surdey seer 13 ton lonldlt ti to Sit ottewe and bloatreel thdey end Sundey sonny Night el eepi ego In the cure low tonight to notupecttdtodrnpholnwhtWMn degrees oserolght nAntlsuneietoud II will prevail over northwestern Onlselo with the poulbtlity oi hriei nowhere across the south ehiee shorrld remeln generally elelr thusan the weekend with low humhllllee Ind Ilteh Highs both days tontowe onlehtmnhs TernIgImt Cochrene th iy Iunny today end bunday Winds te to es todsy becom ing li this evening Highs iound the sltultlon there even IM lob teeters like Daniel and lohn ere generell processed theougbtbs meta enede lien power eillee but when it he comes question ol daytoday survival every avenue oi poo slhte employment to explored Disrellmouneellin one cdyouthieldenesn gtIs tor the plecernenl sincere Sores museum recline emuloymrol ethe opportunity to talk over We smallness Jelaling to In to arm era but emp at remelns the bleeertl on ot the piseernent service Employment contributes to the weltheinn oi Iny individ ual periloslerly teenager not come enywhere neer the amount promised Finding and keeping summer anlployment has not been prob lem in the pest tor Andy in part summers he hes worked ll lust about everything with lots interview Ilreedy lined up tor nest weelr he slid this yeer the Job situation isnt any worse then itel good educational belnound rouorm tcrr bterine lmceeteiseuod It no am EDT hate hapeelor westWinds variable Ito to tools lllr to partly cloudy Lehe dlperior reel halt Vttnde west tondrthereel ill to it hullsII Gender has leis MerleWinds wear to northest line in table becom ing lteht end llslIbla this evening ieir Weekend assessedSSSSEuaxzsss asasuaaaaaunnaauaua lttr hetel oceant nn berrie sell the NEW MW ui courts xertrhiirettire Ne ltdl oi theindependent Order at Terretirl AIIeIl Pluto You wouldnt drive your car without insurance generelly helps younnrtor llnd roe sous youn eople iindeaglmemployvnentliepmueh more portlnt then lust eh reorientedre telling work for the lumen Daniel Nelson l7 tietl and John has it the looted tor unis Players Here For Queens Park lennle pllyt and lens oi the sport in the herrle me are in iorelrest this weekend lhie liternoon special in ltnlellon clinic is being held at dsotos Park with hire lronhe Brown and Devhjrorm to rented Csnedlen tehnla store homelessnessrso Morrow It Vlrioue city eourta the libido mens doub tel Ill belple ed with the ilnli Queens set is the Iitemoon Both the clinic and the tourne neeest are open to the petite with as eonsm ehirge or it iel elsorr quit his wey Yottrlgsters lertins thle beeh ground heve grounds torpout mum Seventeenemu Denv ob not re htsxethenb Is at by on variety oi pertrlime to wort ee ler away as tosonto Deniel wean to llnd perm Inent lob so he can attend night echool Ind get hint school diploma lehn lives with his percntl on their term Den iels parents hm moved to western Caneds lie needl lob to support hlmselt but most openlnys no re lor ceeuel tebor only Examiner Photo th lteltlgeurbe SALMON Aseliable low It Milli SEAFOOD REilttlllttANr Iredtnrd Itm Air conditioned on liel leid ilrtt thltl MON World Wide insurance Facilities With experience to com plots the trenseellon Clell the trained people it till INELGROVI Ital Srelglovr retrnlan oi llerrih llroedeestlng limited lnnouuces the eppotntnwat oi ll arm hnelgrove at Fresh dent compby The letter has been with the company since in inceptionln lets end her served in room ber oi executive positions our ing the pest two decedcs hcrt Snelgreve will shortly divest blrneell ot his praeerrt ltlon oi Aseletent Generel integer oi CKVMV and no vote his ellorts to Barrie broad ceetlnse Redlo interests in bar riefollinguood led Peterboe btil Wayne hiogse will eootlrue es General some at citsn Barrie and cm dolltsgwood Ralph Snelsrove else is also Chairmen oi the board oi Cltllih erslieleln volved in number at broilers endpuhlleeervl llvltl WHYTAKETHERISKWlTH BOATING Waterways are almost as crowdedes the highways today Thuts why its best to play safe with an Economical pnekago plan that protects you against liability or property damage should on accident occur It also covers host motor trailer equipment from tire theft and collision You wouldnt drive car without insurance Dont run the risk when hunting Call your Economical insurance Agent now and enioy carefree hosting this summer ECONOMICAL MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Estohlsltntl 137 Heart Oiles Kitchener Ontario HOME BUSINESS AUT JIM Dunlop St Msreverisouco retreoi