Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Mar 1953, p. 11

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do spring Wblix Another event of wide lntcrcslrf ii the rst rummuc sale or will be me Spring Bound lea bra of hellorium tomorrow evening by tho Ws Auxiliary SHOIBchl Sigma Pm sorority In mu very salt on Sali afternoon the Ladies Auxlllary oj morning while the ladytlle Kiwanis Club will hull hcrrg bcld similar projch in annual flower fund in for mem Tnlc Blue Kill lbcrs at the home Bars ll were ha been mp5 Rodgers Sunnldzle Road rid toward Friday evenf Also coming cvcn of ms usij scheduled for 15 com food at St Andrst Church fact all Lhe evening FHGB afternoon with The Burton Avcnuc Church is ww morning The LiglGl Auxlllsr3331oqdhk $23 will sponsor Friday cloning EUthrl Uri rd was lx projccl hrs sch well as lllc at we morning Aqullary of St Gmrgvs mm ails onus sale of goods the pzlrlsb ball 1Ho ll the Saturday morning sales crf wish PK Abe wcckczld will be in Central Womans Associalzon is boldlug The mm solo and in Trinity rar Whips NH under tho ausplccs eta form Anglican Mission 0n the of prillll then will be rummage Ball at Essa Rood llurcll loloued while In Saturday nzornlng sale and 12 and MM sale in till Oddfcllows Hall ans Assocl about Trlmty Junior Guild Commium Jilanmng rummage sale on Sat semi mi uvial All 13 lplnnzllc sales and ozber Scclsl events is 01 Ail5 flag TllLs afternoon the f9 l6 Cowmanan Tea of the 5123 mfgffghgm to be hold at the home of rd nr rer an under the auspices of the Al 19 HI rise Group of Ccnzral Cburchi he 53 pimps Agoclalzon and ZOmClllih3131ler ri Kit Parlahlbcmg held ln St Josephs Audr 53355 were ts the bake sale or debutedch sale to bc held also on Saturdayi Md mms 11 Church what will be holdrrlg 0de GURU Unltcd Church when the lunar rilin evening following Easter out worm sored by fire Beaver RcbekallI 11mm spring llurry of was 53 or Mrs McLean lfl Clappertoni Monkman diam not evening the Codrlrlgtorl Home The hm Aarl School Association is holding iis annual Klddlcs Fashion Show ivorshlpp uomly lrom SI rozto gand Masters Da go Barrle lOutolown guests sic gcbeans son Kenneth Bl and Mrs McLaan of EClllllCl of Mr and Mrs Edgortorl McLean RR Barrio The groom ME AN MRS 1LLLL ANDREW CLARK PlllNllllS IN TWO recon weddlllgs meld in Barric and Ultllltl Clark Margori llc lorzilcr utiizlg her wedding cake with their marriage in Crown Hill United Elizabeth McLean daughter is the son of Mr and Mrs Gordon Clark of Shanty Bay After Arrhrilis Topic Of Doctors Talk is weddzzlg trip in llc Billed Sistes hc couple are making glhezr home in Sh MR AX MRS MKIVYN BRUCE COOK Mrs Cook signing the register following her March wed St Andrews Presbyterian Church ls the former Dom Juno Patterson daughter ersozl Barrie Her husband is the son of Mr and Mrs Earl Cook of Mansfield After wedding trip to Northern Ontario are making their home in Discusses Prevention of Home Accidents ll 50 es care and vigilance were exercised Special Service Follows Sunday School Course Go Sunday March 22 the teachg laud officers the Burlap Avel out United Church Sunday Schooll surf pirllclwled in me evcnint survive This service was planned to acquaint the congreutlon with be work of the Sunday School and ln particular for the preseng alum of certicatcs to the leachl er who had been able to complelel an gmweek course in leadership education The teachers were privileged fol lake the place of the regular choir and sang two numbers Out of My Bondage Sorrow and Night and Lead Me Lord Mrs Downing and Mrs Hermebry slag is ducL Who is the Stranger Followup the mums selections the ministlr Rev Eugene Beech spoke briefly of his appreciation for ill interest shown by the EDENVALE Wl ENTERTAINS HUSBANDS Eialcnvnlc Womens Ellstlzulc held its March meeilng at the home of Mr and Mrs McNabb on Tllursdu evening March 12 with the husbands and families of mem bars in attendance The president Mrs Ward was in lhc chair The meeting opened with the Inszltufc Ode followed by the Mary Slewarz Collect and The Lords Prayer Husbands of the members answered the roll call with an Irish joke Canvasscrs were appointed fort the Red Cross campaign and ex hibits for the Barrie fair were dis cussed The matter was left over unlll the next meeting Mrs Maw community actlvl tics and publlc relations converter was lll charge of the program Everybody joined in singsong followed by humorous poem Tllc Womens Institute Mrs Glffen read paper enlillcd Pa Makes Pancakes The Misses June and Dorothv McNabb son Chute FOUR be Ugh Willovcly duet accompanied by Dim away me 03 mom 101C Grant Mrs Maw gave keep the Cell 531 9mm 39d humorous touch to her Institute there are many other simple but Spy and Herald that put the 1180955 PYCVLMWE mlEE audience in happy frame of mind Several stunts and contests were Several safety rules New read by enloSCd 311d Miss JOYCE Partridge of Mr and Mrs Dalton Pat Barrie at 32 Granville St Ptoxea by Henry Rook Burl per cent could be avoided if more other members which it was con played several selections on the was Hints on proV cidems in the 30ch no Health is more wealth dent Mrs Reid was sidcrcd they would do well to not piam upon These were followed by God Save the Queen and dain few Short humorous readings ly St Patricks lunch served by Mrs Evans spoke on menu the ladies brought the very enjoy health telling how parents can help ab eyemng to close their children grow into well bl What this premd the nape has another alqu course would undmmnen year and that Interest would be even more widospread Foster gave word of mug on behalf of the When in Beech for conducting the clams and to Mrs Beech fOr Wimsly opening her home for the weal meetings He gave an outline or the course of study and stated than it was the consensus of tho teach len that much benet had beau derived Mrs Clammens and Mrs Langman spoke on the subject course has meant to me The following teachers were me sented with certicates Footer Mrs Clemmens Mrs Funk Mrs Langman Mrs William Furzecolt Mrs Zimmerman Mrs Vellch Mrs Downing Mrs llennebry Mrs Matter lcy Mrs Hallley Mrs Henry MISS Ferguson and Mrs Beech CALL Tim EXAMINER F08 TRY AN EXAMINER WAN Al 3arlccd men and women by giving one which was most effective athem love and well bemg 1n their cards receed m3 Lunch was served by the hostess the meetidgomes taklngvarl lntcrcst lrl tllclr and lunch commuter Evans 99 and lms them responszv rbllmes accordmg to their age and Mrs McLean recaacd 10 cards and flowers one her son Doxaid PM as eaM ww iwiinavegu and youll want it ENHRELY DIFFERENT topazted 1113 been lumedi mm not all yet Mrs Good3 report of the lib3 New and the coun ere cxchangedi quarterly 51 Stated that burn3 be of people were lam advanl Torary arzd no doubtg also remixdeli books arthritis crippling per can of lhe cases men between the ages of 20 and 30 years Syrup3 toms are gradual fatigue and 32 irlg join Some joints are 31 tacked more than others he bandsE kn and ankles Then is also reduction in appetite2 In treatment the general health should be increased along who certain exercises In all cases your doctor shouldf be consulted Some of the newer dmgs are great help but as yet no compleze cure has been discovf cred Rheumatoid spondylis which 05 33 fflbi also affects peoj P39 bemeen 18 3385 Of f0 40 the relief of pain Seek doctorsl 122 corjcrence ear on May M94 years with tiredness and an lach mg body nellvrourldcd dict by 30 wild treatment including dep 35 59 ray and no excess weight Brute1 commendli and Osteoarthritis affect= joints under CAMS base ower 5110 again date be 915 hb Con talk on accr and tile leas 50E lin and other drug5i treatment abilities The national anthem brought Ell meeting to close and Bring an Buy auction sale was conduct cd 537 Mrs Reid who made an gcxcellcnt auctioneer Each member had brought rm article for solo These includcl amen3 hehmamm mm lsucll varied lrems as Jam turnlps flroeitis and bursitis Aurrtatzcdever is more com5 rr children although there 20 be more adults having disease than formerly adults Over 20 years it does not affect the heart as in children Children should be carefully guard ed Inall cases of rheumatism the doctor should be consulted ass treatment may not necessarily be the same in individuals and the use may be absolutely different me should go early for diagnosis Points to remember according to Dr Doidgc are Dorm put faith in drugs or patent edicines unless prescribed doctor gt Danot listen to tales of cures Tncre is enough known about advice early Try to live free of worries Ge lots of resz Avoid extra strain on jointsl if pbjsiclan orders exercise follow thoroughly and use common sense pickles potatoes eggs teapot al rhinestone brooch and many other items The sale realized the sum of $965 providing an easy and pleasant way in which to raise funds and ANNOUNCINGm rnwms lllllllllllESSlllll OPENING SPECIAL Deluxe Creme Oil Permgnent $650 171 column lllllllllr 16357 lgrea stress Keep weigh down31rom day to day mg he advised It may be treated by Hughes thanked Drfl 13315 0031 massage land Xray Doidge for his helpful and inform 395a fourteen Gout is found more frequently alive address was med more cam24m men Painis felt in the big toeg Tuerratnulmnlhem brought al cr rge or the Womens 13 will Wald mes 5185 191 very mterestirlg meeting to close section oi be Barrie fair Due 19 failure of kidney to ex social hour was enjoyed over idem poison each attack 13 more cup of lea clm Afriendof workShere llllllrnlzcomlrrlmwl ributcd for socialiors Ontario Division The presidan expressed the wish of lhe members for splendid trip leaving for Era pd or March 28 Goodiellow Al brducll of The Bank Tof Nova Scotia thrbugh the door marked Mama er works sollwlle you should Mrs Clyde Scott gel to know Someone who caurkbeas gooda fricnll as the busmessehesready l0 be your frlend Youllnd him good man to know suuwonrllvosunusrso WALLPAPERS old family doctor Puts on aluminum Saysits Best Sure hes business mapfand blie vlioknmvsiratllor morovthanvthe next mall 31mm nance whether it affects you lnd ybur family or yourlhusinoss Thors vwhy hes got when he is But hes learned one lesson7 lesson passed on to him from The Bald of Nova Scotias f2 yoars of ospcri price That is that whorl you getvorlght down to it business is really People And because peopleneod friendship in ODODCOIOODIOCCOIIIIIOOOO Topquglitymateriols assure youof job that protect us well as beautics wearing Floglaze palm illegals and Col mag alrauroom fools Iv1 mm mixers will serve your every Idted iv buduuunnuu on do hula Illa rulrl Jim no at mammalia Ihdo It with Your BNS Manager is any spread at any price oull Se the complete range witb the mother of hadnt famr flash Street avor wins from egyml Youll love Burg 80 ll nutritional all too hoods read is richer in yearround Vitamin Barbara Ann Burn Borsms lAndyoullndBlmanntis wonderful moneyosam mo Bay Boon Roam AllI 3Fhmd lelritm Econ Bum BoxsuMarprinoiolp in with be color water Aho inlltfgga of ilcw patterns and colors man to know In Barrie he i511

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