rowxmr or gym GHQ Tender for Gravel SMES Razors during 12 Wkm mar Teodor Will be recesll to Twmip rinks awt Chara 114 and HIS Kenwell Weft Sahib Cm It Pam Wtazhenpl Baby 821131 11 raglan aka no 0le owl day April for 111 crushing and Min 31 Stewart NW luu Gaw1 mm Yd mull mwiv1w and Mrs Law It 4313 or EvifCUbH3affs 3er Reg Kruwell andlvan Kens gimme Eggfgvpfvugz Juiodcubsi ydrdsfwe nu mum 8m Petunia $9 05 Male $1393 33 Rw when and but Mrs Plorcnce Ben inclodes 1w pkg 84ng food 41 and 83 semen all at unguw am 51 rule UWDrZ 41561 8322 FARMS FOR SALE 9131 mm mm 11 311111 1m er 1c alJILCt somber 30 Gravel to pass brougu screen and lo be dellzemzim anywhere the TownsnlpA Congratulations to Mrs Margaret Uw 95353431 marksd Cheque for the anwunzoiiwwmcmp Wm mitigated by as for any me toaccompany mil amigo 5mm 05 My 333 gc bird or Further particulars may be Oblfdlfli WM WW ad from the undersigned 13 WW 313 50mg cowgirl val who are ill at 1112 of Road Superinlendenulwziimg 99 Dmiop Pliotw 2911 Barrm kinr WV 33 311 so 11mm cosr N0 EXTRA cosr iidil$h Township of lnnislil mm NOTIC 11 accurdzlme Amksm SUPPLIES FOR TY BUILDINGS RS will lt1 117 11 Hams 212 11m and udcd farm including UdLlzlrS 111 515 l33 ULlij BE Track 17 11 41111 Hominy inch 33 1953 for supl plus for the many Buildings 11 Ill ml 521 rum Aixi 1911 WEEK of ill xiirzi BW START REDUClNG 11m xu linrcire v1ll llJlb lltilltlttfil Sgluul but 331111 Peggys Reducing So 17 lltltzllr Ag lil Movement Ai hiiip of Im in half luau lon Burr1 111111119 3092 30 42063 DAINES ROCK EXCLUSIVE 111151311 col ml Af 111111 5111111 PHONE 2461 ONLY 13fnwvimh Mn DOWN Im 21 70 3145121 tl11111111 LZy 1111111013 MQmmn 4WWW gt AND $1 Pm WEEK HOS at mtlr 3111511 now 01 31111111 12 IN 1952 715 children 111 their homes came to the fruuic 1101539 Natice of Publication Town of Barrie attention of your Barrie Branch of the Childrens Aid Society Do YOU KNOW THAI ucrvs 0131112111111 13 30115 01141 There is no provision within this Society to help ll lli nlulril ulJl ulion 1111 It COLEMAN 111 it LOCKIIARI mew It my 10115 own 111an Sl1v11tvrle11 ANTISLUDhE PM and all lle Li Ii111141 on $50 To $1200 Need money for down payment bringing proof of ownership On or repairs on an auto repain approvnl get cash Of count or down payment on homo you keep your ctr 03 MW pm Phone or com in badly fa Now you can get that cash on 1011 on your mm your auto mptly and simply Loans also on signtutu or at Drive it to ofce furniture tom $50M $13M 51W Worm pm Dmiy Appoiuzmcu Plume 31411 IIIIIIINHIIIIIIIIIIIIll buldncu bush and pasture furmi zutzick and 01111114111111 5111 11 130 4111 TKInli cash Jcrry ougliluLl uCllmtcer plump 211M Barr11 272155 chncsduy April James ashl nn lilyrrzus 1W2 Lot 18 Con 15 Vch Pumbmc mism mud mnmvrl may 1pm 1121 north of Barrio Union OPEN DAILY TO HAWWAY I0 Comctcry uuctzlm 5111 of farm stock and lmpltllltllLS Terms c3911 im 19 Sale at 111 Slezssrir AUG 111 11 Axw41bzyw mahuwgsgmluh ng Mnrung Ownw these children materially FIRESIONE STORE Cor of anl Ave and Dunlap St Phone 3195 130 9111 iuntcr llEBHSEYS can join Will your Barrie Branch the Child rens Aid Society by sending 5100 to Mn Barbara Scott Brunch Committee Treasurer 76 Toronto St YOU Your 833 will help us to help children in their awn homes Clip and mail this coupon to 70 Toronto St Barrie ENCLOSED FIND $100 FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE BARBIE BRANCH CHILDRENS All SOCIETY 55 HEAD FOUNDATION FEMALES Selling from the herds of ALANBE FARMS WAIEKDOWN ONTARIO MAPLEWtH FARMS MAPLE ONTARIO ARTHUR BENGE MERLIN ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MARCH 25 pm EST in the HAYS SALES ARENA Located 11 Trafalgar on Highway Name Address Box 64 OAKVILLE ml FULLY ACCREDITED 1CALFHOOD VACCINATED HAYS FARMS lTD Sale Managers PHONE 1308 3038 Tuesday April Simcoe County lShorthuxn Club lnd Annual Spring 51111 Barrio Fair Grounds Sale 11 lulls12 females Bulls flpplilvlfl for bonus For cataloguos 21511113 William New Sales Mum ugvr Slruud Auclimwcr Sinlulu Struud 111 3140 12 1101111151110 0010171110 CHARGES 519 48 ODE Sim huvgugood supply 111 llllllmllll 00 will unfavour VW in lslock gt1 WHEREAS IT IS DEEMED net WW n0 nally passed by the Council Notice of Proposed ByLow of The Corporation of the Town of Barrie TAKE NOT from and iaflcr the pub lrvof once wuuk for our 111 weeks 11 newspaper 1111111 cd in the Town 01 Burma and k1 v11 us The Bar 111 Elezuirlcr 1311 Council of 1111 Corporation of 1111 Town 111 Bary intends to pass Byulmw to c1052 the unopened portion of Vcspra Strum and ganglion 0f Sanford Street The following is copy of tlrcl proposed ByLuw Byinv 01 the Corporation of of mu Town of Barrie to close lltat porlmn of Vespru Street hereinafter more particularly described and shown on rcgisi lured plzm Number 27 which said porliun 1115 never been opened or ust by the public by that portion of Sanford Street here inafter more particularly les cribed and shown on registered plan Number 215 which said por tion has never been opened or used by the public lesdatyand advisable to close said lionof Vespra Street and San to dStre1e1r MMW BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Corporation of the Town gcf Barrie as follows 111 All that portion of Ves ra Sl lying East of the production outb lerly of the Easterly limit of JamH lStreet and West of theproduclion lSnulherly of the Westerly limit of iEccles Street all as shown on tho lsaid registered plan number 27 b0 land the same is hereby stopped fup and closed 21 All that portion of Sanford Slreel lying North of line drawn parallel with and dista One Hun drcd andrFifty feet 150 North lflom the North limil of Vespm Street as shown on registered plan lNumber 245 be and the same hereby stopped up and closed That the land comprising 1111 said portion of Vespra Street and lthe land comprising tire said pml lion of Sanford Street hereinbeforc mere particularly described be sold by the Corporation of the Town 10f Barrie to such person or cor ipojration as the Council may de 121 141 This ByIaw shall come into lforce and have effect after notice lot the same has been published for four successive weeks in av newspaper published in the Town of Barrie and known as The Barrio Examiner and after it has been DATED at the Town of Barrie this 28111 day of February 1953 11 BARRAND 25341 be most economical enamel HES No min UNDER OR At last food prepared specially for cats and kittens Puss 11 BOOIS supplies the prbeins minerals vitamins nd carbohydrates cats need daily And how cars go for that fresh whole sh ClerkTreasurer groovyor bautiful one and kw05picetyles in almost any color you Can mention Asdifi lemmas the flowers that 131011111 the Spring flit11110 415121239 to 17 matron sizes 1412 11112414 r3914 19951 51111111 deposit Wm holdanyarticle until Easter DRESSES 1W MORE roan on 101111 up MORE mus lt 1011 101111 11911111 ANN PAGE MllK BREAD VITAMIN Canada approved or REGULAR CRACKED 0r WHOLE WHEAT 2402 loaf1 4c SLICED or UNSLICED Amy 11111111 ANN PAGE DELUXE lOAF All Reg Price 45 Vleonous wmsv cusrom Gnouma noxnncom 413493 onouucr specmsi Floridn No New Crop While Calirornia No Fred California Fresh No 31319 Spanish No SeCdless film lge 216 IRIIHES lSUPER 81 Large himIT Very Meaty