mm At Tm mang was bid Jamming Byd Cicar mleer lgtiti lilertiijilllts unending deem an My mum Miami my meeting which was held in the Community House that night tritium papers on election ctlylt under the sponsorship of the Chamber of Commerce illdicu resen gvwi nmpll Mellow Mghopplnr hours by remaining open on Friday night until Cf 1101 gitzivgiiplogllLIll 1pm and Closnig on saturduy evening Lil pm Manda papeE mm Sill mm Lummlswn tamed mm Forty nlnc ballot Clrds which VLTL Used only for the pu telephone call had been receivodFUdc Of gotttllg the letllllg OI he mcetzng TWO members Of The BarnC bummer Spring inking for six men to be sent loztlle audience were undtcldcd 35 wore in favor of the Chung fashion edition originally WNW 351 ltrllllud and told The room 33 tellIilled hen Uit to any inercilunts wno PublSth Hm Mum ThC Similar Sitily of some to the For Sandy Couth presztient of cure to use it was hoped for ll ug irregmbsvoc in our Ilincc the Chamber of Commerce web tlte sake of public12m the towns Wm 0P HS Wka and Ah UH mu lllb in ml and Wm We mrz21160lnedlhc mmlmb WW be Nd meh mm mk industrial Innis to iIS rt GUOIQL Cldwtll tllmlllmn 15 lmny 15 pugsible of the We are sun you will nd the butt popess Returning to the Foygumn of the ILlilli rnerchunts COlIlllllllCt towns business firms fashion edition quite interesting billle ench mull stated he was pdiil 59m it had some 1mm 1v only mm the Smdpom $2 ll Slliil mound Ihad blues Urp vmwpf 135 ME CUT it at chtuxc angel buidayso wkm Eco cd ttzis to 0pm lu vertising 35 present by Hum memngg would kc pm 121LLUmhud mm cm snml mm merchants more frequently when matters lhf UbJLCl Ul MWLYUS on Mundnv me Dru was 2conccming the mrlcllillliscould be gladlfmmyGigglkrtuwlmbyits mm Tuemy and two on St EblUUght upward for discussion kiwi 1034 Ly Sick By wedncmy gnu mph 1m 34mm lltl utt in sonic form or another to different ldvertis the count of bunk in Saving WW 33 mwvm ovum motionnorm Sim l8 89th YeahNo 34 Judgment Reserved Following Trial Julian Ferguson Judgment has been reserved until March 30 by Magistrate Gordon Foster following the trial in Col llngwood this week of Julian Hw Ferguson MP for Simcoe North who was charged With Violation of Section Ill5 of the Ontario Muni bcaring names of cunddates in Col Mr Felglisons home by am JAIL live of the li men who we Produce Comedy The members of the dlaznuiic group of St Marys Parish Socml Club are to be congratulated upon the production of their charming comedydrunlo You Cant Beat audience to St Josephs Auditorium much to the entertainment with colorful Irish numbers and were the Irish which brought capacity Authority to an mm Iv at has om Wt can Merchants Majority Favour Closing late Friday Shut Early Saturday led that they were in favor of changing the existing weekend and 12 were gninst lnlecting was to discuss how the store in town could fit in 1th the plans which were being drawn up for the centcnnlill celebrations and also the question of stores remain ing open on Friday evenings tlnlll oclock and closing on Saturdays at pm as rm alternative to the existing system Work of Committee on but muhtg Mlmh dhmdwfmd 1m mum viccypllwme in any program regarding the cen mc Lml1 COmmL temliol it is not wzth the sanction if pwnh cast Of Eleven chmuclersl the Clrlrnhlhk ofCommorce then1 me centennial Committee he new 5e 1gznlgijonLLNK1th$2 informed the meeting of the work iiiffiL VIEW TEE amav on the norm Side Of Highway 90 hi5 horseh was lound lymg ravme Offlcerfmm Tor Ills or her Chin right olrgciiii 31 which had been doneno ditto 01 xxaznglra liglogmgnglgg were the body of George Mason operator of the Sunny onto assisted members of the OPP Headquartersta Burrl Murphy made the most or lgggfggfsdj333333l centennial committee that they brook Riding Academy York Mills was found lust nigh lie in investigations which were carried out thumpming Sendid so at li bi pp wnch he receld Week referred to calm mm make Dench sollcltatlons mth otbun woun Mason who is understood to have let udlS art avails at present nsert ows 10hhe big Aam winch had been held wrtll the Urugdvemsmg mm mennal Campaign chairman Jack Mue been comlng up to thls area for some time to buy buy for Mr Mason It 35 cd by John CameronL Vrlgccnctiybznfinif 1535 They are putting out special Egg29031112tghegfagufl the cast with voucherf lceitcnnhl Am licr husband the Iut Ljur sue which Vlll con 011 hat mifticslontiaz 12 132 till great deal of informationrgg Lligrafgsilygm icy come with his brother LLVli group of five Singers added OlIOWEd through by the Commiti abom Barne 935 and present It beginning 10 give trouble and mu tee The news of Barries centennial lil programs iljk you to put an advertisement Closing llours llote Fashion Edition scheduled 13 supplement for todltys newspaper will not be 1mij Composing room was three Yesterday brought me in my ll Ill or lot of even qua to an vllsted tune the committee had adopted the policy that no orgzlrll iazdiistrbnmlisfml two on lzzltlon partlrlpollng in the conj tennizll celebrations was to mokci general solicitations for advertlslng In order to save the If anyone comes around and will be something very worth while he added when the municipality was incurs delay complete returns pointed The first railway in Or Wurd One was the first togo lOniario Hospital MRS EllEN CARIEY CELEBRATES MT LCIShma W011i t0 53 swell Icndld Malgore Mclltinluilrfptplainll that lThe Eiammefhhad agreed 10 Im CWHXJ in 153 mmth Bum the sum 5111 gm is to committee Lar on nmsfl You vLill known at th Untarits Xi nglllrnugmexaciatlmfmgii act1 gypggmolwllhtirl Sad ccnmunmy booklet which would but Big Bay Point to Highway ll was and liizlull italiciv mm will iefcm If 30 r9 51 given to the public and the people covered by Murray Wilmica who The bvzhtrs Iei ill 3113111291 Deslrlrdln Tlmy prog motors ho were interested lnE who would be coming to Barriemonecmd $23 Ivy forums mum maldm ldbutmeqs llml we been awarded the contract for it it tgteBplthlth Clancy Lowg gmmgfto 1221 andtstabmg 531mm during Old Hom Weak Em CGHCCUODS 00 completed building where Clifford Clrlnv $013952 bmoldilg ail111mm 00m and Little Bltl p6 an men or am 6L This is better than fewdiffrlwith $7350 Shanty Bay Womensef Without doubt games Cemgcmk Sitcwmc on Mrs BafeS wummm Guariaixl wgzplum ngeg giddereon they nlt bed building The contract for the construdian of 324bed childrens dormitory nus operated ii boat building shop and boat livery since the death of They all wished to sell something variant organizations gomg amuhdtfnstlmlclsalso complete lclth $53 The commutee howeverv 113611 sollcmng advertising for differentI The CNR canvass which is handled iignngzrinmggeegftzxitfgibggrfgfSipugfrf of Heaven with 591913 pat ML Grath In the first intermission they ltlother ltlachreen Dan2f9rmed mfg Fermi or Emmi boometsv he commented lsepalateiyshou1cd $30350 from I14 3121 nYBoy with 5010 by Desiardin trons rmly but politely that their The Speaker famede his repmsons NEW York Shittdlfdgmg by mixourlg Yanccuver S02 Hewett whefgg John group was awarded mm The sec Sewxces would not be requued marks by referring to the fact that formation rccervc iromo doughute latched On and Plul HLTC Champion Dadnmmcgfl drag Department of Pubbllicmwghmm is and When Irish Eyes group included Peg MM art Did Your Mother Comel rom Ireland solo by John Cam Should be 60099mm communl all merchants in its campaign to emu and Peggy Gwen with $310 ity effort Any business whichl have the town decorated with ags by Allan Shrubsolc BennettPratt Ltd of WW Colonel the Hon William Grie singer is minister of Public World Williams is deputy minister and chief architect It was the Chambers policy that the Centennial committee hoped onhmd and like bank 410 iiltcr Mrs Stanley Muller the form land Brian Muller Lewiston for the centennial celebrations it that it would have the support 0156009 and at AHStO mower $1er Marguerite Carley of that cityl There are 16 greatgrandchildren 059 hand but not yet tlan5ivhich states that Mrs Ellen Carley ECarollnc Sylvia ankocan Braslcr fered 919 makmg tom $70lformellr of Barrie will cechraiePatsy and Judy IIcslop June Car was coming should come to thetand buntingduring the festivitieslby press time lher 100111 birthday today Fridayfimen Ann Jeanette Margaret and trict and Clifford is also an expertl oarsman Another large building stood up the east side of the old Mulcasler The film number was Tooanomrah merchants of the town not to out imarch 20 in Lewiston where shclJoh Gable Brian and David Tyre Street wharf to many years and Th audience joined in the chorus isrders Closing ours SEE BUILDmG FEATURE has been living with Mr and MTStClmord and Robert Carl David was both boaihcusc and club bonsai Government baggy several Mr Lelshman reminded his lis Mr Caldwell then referred to Dont miss Iets have look at Muller or the past few years lycung and John Cal19 Completely finished throughout pmpnated WWW 91 Tum to page ve glease tellers that centennial crest had the matter of closing hours fulll 9m lmme Pages and this 04 family reunion is being held ms Carlcv is enjoying cumpar it 35 the gathering place for oars filthihfs gating ramicme thee desmed and that was Tum topage mun please mm there tomorrow when most of the 1tively good health with keen men and Dildlers ii the days wher program appmvedpm the gt family will be present including mind is still able to enjoy scw the was no radio phonograph Budget last week for which ll Barrie mlatiVCS it1 Hh SLE mom or man mar Th3 Big At meeting of Barrlei Town Essisixs Sill smilinhiossoholddcutaigs bicycle 35 JUSt 60mm illlOUSC Eggs fwtmigegmg gt She can relate many intelestlng lll the 53ml madCl tatio Council on Monday evening trioI twitchingher 100th birthday and 1tron by Aldermen Williams cidents of her early years in Eng and HJJTIS was possed land having seen the late Queen unammously That this councrl on Victoria on many occaleP5 behalf of the citizens of Barrie extend our Congratulations and test to Mrs cartel March ls Waning Graduation Certificates Inner the tllote with pride on her behalf Peacefully Yet jattainment of this milestone not only in her life but also in the losing lcentennial year of Barrie Mrs Carley wasborn in Braintrec Essex on March 20 1853 and came to Canada in March 1870 after six weeks crossing which was bout thefaverage in those days of Members of the night classes in Jasic English and citizenship at the Barrie District Collegiatelnstitutel eceived their graduation certifi ates and enjoyed party marking the close of the term on Monday Springlike weather is still with us and the robins have been all around since Wednes day Yesterday showed 49 high for the second time this month world Simcoe County recreation director 1nd Mrs Stewart Page and Victor Knox of the nightschool staf ed in singsong In the absence of the mayorat council meeting certificates ere resentcd to the New Canadians by lis wife Mrs James Hart After aaking brief speech in which hcystressed the value of them new itizens to country sh pl ented Depa intent of Educ tiim Eertificates English and citiz hip to the following students lad cpmpleted quite diffith nations Wanda Jarmhetvskiv Paid Scbilthuis Elinor Pal$3 Wickyvftriemstra John0uivc Bill Dykstra martin wish Lrietl Tornnto Ont Mrs Stanlev Muller Margueritel Lewiston NY andClifford iv Gariey Barrie She also has eleven grandchil dferl Ldnard Brasier Duodris Ont Mrs Howard Heslop and Hal lold BrislcrToronto George hacking MINORS macros TITLES ggrAsou CLOSE While Chicago Black Hawks zinc llMontreoI Canadiens played to 11 tie In the NHL championship final llast night in the mammoth Legion Farm People imidgct NHL playoff Show three Key ToCouhtryr llotilgrvdivismns emerged as title Ilo ers Hershey Bears ivbo swept unde WKGLS opted in scheduled play finished Spanking at this annual mob successful shown by Atrounculg 81 Gimme Meta991 Buffalo Bisous Home American in in MilitantMl League sawom I5 l3 thwnf Hamilton Tigers pulled the bi of DAG Guelph told gest upset ofsthe eveningblanlll ence of that with the rapid Marlboros 20 to the senior Wind2pmth this honors mi of Comma it would only 330mm Sallmg Sepmmper 0f me snow fell wrong we might Sgaefrefafngigf 2135 nigh Members Oriole time while ell can Church girlie bv the Eta Bay ice is beginning to Show li5 Barrie Rotary Club Served 1x if is lliht Canon Morgan who was an unng ahe ecw soiling vaccrgse ear Sill lunchiln the school cmc 0f the me B053 mung graduation 28F ummmr 13 Carlo Plume boat bum ken mon gmesand 01k dime hemied 331912 and MrsCarky Tempemmms em 103nm muegme gymnasium FOR weu maa mink been remained in Barrie until 1927 when 15 L9 Wing the sewing of refreshments busy down here minisedjmggt She moved to Erindalc to vammly March In 03 la quare and folk dancing was again sanctum smcfoxum c014 her son George arley also de march 16 30 Joyed to 1659 the evening um reamV Claw ceased as are an ther son and Marc 17 19 Chairman for the graduation was during the 9352 Week lottem ldaughter Her remaining children march 13 Bell Games and dancing congratulagtvrx idemwindca claret Mrs Sidney Brasier Har Mar 19 Were led by Miss Louise Culley mes 90mm 33s Windsor Spitfires managed to of attendance were were hang Dim their ungoalmargm mm rs 059 m6 farm M05 over Marlboms in the junior 100 new mm Wouwmhveashortueof night at finale ticing 14 and thus winning year the twogame goals trycount tool by single marker grins within the nut six Months he stated he de converters cmmmz homomorphism $3 mg up Cygywd 5kg pit till per motile which The timer photorwas another the Marlboro cage Wrw Wed mess Ionizinthe bestdnfninejun which could have causedtronblmllsers Jimmy Robertson 33 weghmTllmh nightmcuttght luthyjtapg stole the pocket the boardsand attempted to tbcklt In mihfte Wu mhm just rm tsp ed demote hug tbedtsk theshort side but Eeudrsoncovered gloat god smothercdv 19 Henderson broke Dave behind Robertson comb Baum hairs and monomers an stoppinghie mei mm from pulling the