Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1953, p. 9

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SUNNY SYELL ANNAPOLES ROYAL N23 ICle This part of Nova Senna rngoyed 82 hours of sunshine in February cnmpared to 63 hours in the month last Cur according to Wea thcr records lesrzpcratuzcs Tasted from high of 58 to seven below Zero IIIIIIeIame DIODE DAYS mini iErT Iosrr TURNER Som THURSDAY EVENING SHOWS AT 550 and pm PLUS COLOR CARTOO AND OTHER TREATS FOX MOVIETONE NEWS THURSDAY LllLllLl nuzse Iiiss Lona Insulin reported an uiczvase Oi Inot 00 ilt nor the past Tin total of 11444 1i zizade in tlielyeaz brunts the nurses 1kl11 day average Ippriy Iiuatelf nine visits Gladstone Currie QC previ eu owr the early pitll of the tttml Hit and the ilcItlycieclcd itir Iderit liii Duncan owr liie fact that lite locl branch has reached the point of almost coming twonurse biazicl Liill quite biI of discussion it was hoped that during the Chilling tear the scrvzce might be extendui took PLAYING FRIDAY and SATURDAY Continuous Shows Saturday 230 pm GRAND MOVIE MADE FOR THAT SPECIAL CORNER OF YOUR HEART Mostly Home Nursing The largest part of the Vicioxlan Order nurses service Barge Is d1 in the form of home nursing Winch accounied or about 70 Ier Cent ul Batween Ctlte years visits 012 thousand illl risus were made for bedside gnuising care it medical and nurtu cal patients the chronically 11 Rue the aged them theyve got dime dream and day love em in Boots Malone will STANtEY BASIL WYSDAEI and Introducing EVE sHows 550 and pm Also CARTOON AND NEWS MARILYN MONROE Every inch Womonxvs Every inch St LORRAINE SOMERVILLE types and calls 311 RICHARD WIDMARK MARILYN MONROE othc conditions TWO GREAT STARS 1N SCORCHING MELODRAMA EVE SHOWS 6750 anus pm RANADA ENTERTAINMENT LAST SHOWINGTONIGHT WEDNESDAY Somerville ADUIiT ENTERTAINMENT hospital daily some two or three times week or less often according condition or doctors orders are carried for short period of years span there is less acute illness THUR FRI SAT ACTION LOADED HITS CONTINUOUS snows SAT 230 p111 EVE Snows THUR FRI and 840 pm PLUS WARNERSjNEWSREEL Types Of Patients DNDERVWER rwonoERfsnowl services during the past year coopcration of the family mother who was so happy to 053111211 week after at operation or SAVE WARFAE Von mud moi 5mm domandiogh dectomy dressing hospital bed Over the entire year money and adults made for total of RKO Older Will Expand to lwo Nurses isiis Nurses Average Day llilS Earn KIRK annualm 31232 ENme DGEON WEDNESDAY DICK POWELL is based on the patients ability to Iumbia employing 534 nurses and These cover great variety of Five patients sub fel from cancer ll from heart con dition 15 from strokes Parkinson disease etc and 137 cases from Patton with their dociorsap proval are frequently able to lcai hospital sooner than otherwise by using the Victorian Order servrce in their homes pointed out Miss Those suffering from chronic illness and the aged are able to remain in the cheerful at mosphere of their homes rather than be confined indefinitely to Some of these patients age visited Some time and then dismissed as not rc qutring further care or treatment Others are carried over number Since the advent of antibiotics pcnieillim and the increased life more chronic illness which requires ADULT not only nursing service but some ENTERTAINMENT attempt atrebabilitation Miss Somcrvillc reviewcdfor the annual meeting several of the types of patients who have used VON patient with astrokc after some time in the hospital had care con tinued at home with the nurse and An other patient was an elderly grand 9315mm it home fractured hip case was mummy cared for four months by the VIP Made No Reta Feb 16 In Vespra against Jack Wed until ah rack accuseds car was on county roa marinemmglsn torian Order VlSlIed daily or less 31 35 ISWSE 1011 No 10 16 feet east of the raw March 13 MIME frequently for two and mm On charge laid by Cpl Pav of cvtdence owmg to the absence months am returning home elich RCMP Camp Borden of aCrown witness Finkbiuer was convicted of failing PC Lyle gave evidence that Surgical cases included appen leascd and nursing care continued at minimum cost to thepatient lilo forulifoi vvuamhh hm 51211lgbgzlegfmgeif873 Unusual Request cedar on Nomi ans EEsttrgggr who ano er carw In Calms 0f the branlh Charged with failing to keep to on the west side and had evtd MARKET BLDG Maternal and Infant the Fight 01 F911 14 highwayv may been travelling 11011 DO MULCASTEB ST WI Emmot Quick requested weeks Not Enter signs were placed on Lasi yea the local emu adjournment as he had not been the highway 231g31tiirfsdfggfgfomegs working and could not pay line At the request of defence coun It was granted Rapson the case was dis The Alpha Phi Chum at Ben Si Phi men geesand newborn babies Health superwsmn to infants preschoolers visits The Victorian Ordeiv is able etc assist in Canadas maternaland in fant welfareprogram in this way Visits to the mother before the baby is born assist her in preparationfor the baby and give health instruc s1 1R tion The VON 150 eludes demonstratistfnvbi tallehaliilll $0 and care of the young infant on iiBEBl IIIITIDII Dr mmnmmrumsmn Dorrie Examinrr hr WEDNESDAY MARCH 18 195 ranch Victorian Royal Section ZvPoges RSI Destiny White Corridors LAST SHOWI NG TONIGHT WEDNESDAY iII Lulll the hogpilal and eutzi rieixoi to the tus til 112 It Lit lit 41311 qumn trul that has had awning Rut Ieou Ci ilIJlllLil mih Ier ttilftvz medical tisrts to he doc Ktn 15 Is Lute Im ziti for her IL Itl and s5 11 l$it Them xiv iiuzztly lint vlu efiited by doctors tiimm wins aziiz utcv 11 return home help bridge the pop brine zi ltrI1il and hour 1er hoptil Whore eonipietc charge by the nursing tatl and iltiilti Ill suddenly all the responsbilztj fills on the nevi mother lo have IiuISe go ill or the lift ew dz after tit Itun Iltilttt 15 uoudeilul help to l1ce young Inotliezs taker Nursing Education Vietothn Ortixy takes part Th iiy tilltlltluil gineial musing each student of tin Hound Vatoria llospai the sworn yer class two days of observation on VON work This attempts to pm It tIIIieItS at Insight ll Itin total community health picture and to see the patient as part of 31 group lIt year public health stutt ten froth the University of Toronto ispcnt month LII Barrie observati land putting into practice the the she had studied during the DI n1 no nos me But uninhibited Rillf Millith STARTS THURSDAY SHOWING 0N SAME PROGRAM JIGGS and MAGGIE OUT WEST NIGIIT PRICES ADULTS 10c CHILDREN 15c Incl TAX SATURDAY NIGHT ALL SEATS 40c ory ireIr The VON SCIVICQ is available to everyone young or old rich or ipoor and in every type of illness reported the nurse livery call Iunsuered but care is given only it 1tho patient is under doctors super vision The fee which is moderate ipay in sharing the highlights of the past year With those present at the annual meeting Miss Somerviil greminded her audience that the lilocal branch is one of nation wrde organization of 113 branches Coming Monday THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNES the car front The clled portion with the right side evidently left tliei against small tree It had apparently left the road travelled 120 feet nerth then new re remanded on substantial was done to ivehicle had Ti road and travelled 108 feet land and we bail until March 20 for trial William Brunskill is facmg fou in cities and towns across Canada lfmm Newfoundland to British Cu charges Assaulting Schombcrgi ing In the ditch waiter for assaulting PC MOOi PC at Thompson also acted hit an eight foot shoulder and eight the case and stated that the ne foot ditch and from there for 21 Ely who attempted to arrest liimzi for drivmg in Innism While his cuscd had made statement verb ability to drive v351ml791r0d ally which the officer had taken stopped after skidding alcohol and 10 havmg liquor in Defence counsel Bounon Map The driver claimed that he had place Other Fm resmence shall objected to the statement 85 found some slippery spots on the Hamid BrUIISklu also wars fhdrg being pint of the notes taken in gravel had swung wide to miss id 01 the accigfctecr Ellgp evidence and not permissible Lone and lost control He had no srucmgapo id1 withhimAsus PC Hcdrick stated that he Lad rivets men PC We 13 mesmg win found nieces of the flout ttings pensmn was lifted one month 880 tam Brunskill also for assaulting His Worship pointed 0M mat ldn wheel hub rim all Chappcu Whlle duty mcu Hutchinson was familiar With the livdro ole which had been The uid man Lawrence Hasi ligation Off The truck had gone lowland had Traveuei 1t berm that day He was ned $10 With Set is Charged With Obsuucung Pci about 155 feet after striking the MowV While he was arresnng post No other vehicles were to COSIS 05 $1450 William Brunskill and for haying be seen at the me It was quite be place other man ms 195 foggy but otherwise there was iReserved Judgment dche clear view for 800 feet Hurst had Fourth man Ivan Furlong been drinking but was normal DAgltlEI 120132 defended one charge only of obstructing ewar was arge Moody in arresting William Brun with Sillydfrgt fggnge failure to makea Signal for left Skm The latter has rewined road but there was no explanation hand on Highway 90 Fen 25 Boulton Marshall QC of Orillia and consequcmly there was no case Sgt Wilks of Camp Borden driv as defence counsel as the onus is not placed on me ing west on 90 said that henna driving his 1948 Dodge at 50 alias an hour and seeing Dorian aha intended to pass him but tho accused to make out case against Defrauds City Cafe himself feet in the air rolled over an serving 33 per cent of the entire population Purpose of VON The primary purpose of the Vie torian Order is to provide nursing service for the Sick in their home on visiting parttime basis to demonstrate nursing methods iti the home aha teach the family how to care for the patient in the nurses absence and to aid in the mainten ance of health and the prevention of disease by integrating health teaching in every visit possible The VON fills the special need of those who do not require or can not afford fulltime nurse or who for various reasons cannot or need not be hospitalized Turn to page sixteen please to Roman Parazcbuk chef Camp Ml Hm Stated math had other swung toward the left lam Borden was charged with failure been ms Vfyhme to HaWkeI at the same time Wilks than Ct to pay fora meal which he had Nom It mgrQuite foggy and go turned to the right to get behind ordered and aten on March 1213 13 itwoFars swung outShim but although he applied Camil 9355 mm He swung the brakes there wasa collision one about midni ht at the City The check was for $155 and when Fight and the the it and 105 tendered he said hg had no money mg track of his location strucki Proprietor Jack Lem appioached the he 9019 115 caused 30 truck which was forced over on him and suggested calling the p01 scantlings in the truck to sliclOIi its Side to the comer the ic 10 Whig Roman replied g0 ahsad and he was pmnei the tersection He saw no signal from ahead PC Chaddock who an Dorion Mr Seagram constdcred that if XEEdhagleovuzzalgersaton 1135 the cars caused the trouble the $15183 when searched at the police Off 0359 Shfmm be dmmssed but Dorion maimed that 313 ice at 19 45 am Magistrate Foster ruled for cori in viction with ne of $15 plus Rave 011 nose we wrth the intention of turning and Age 52 and single accusedre costs of $14 50 fused to give evidence but claim had slowed to or 15 miles MI Marshall stated that the net hour at 55 feet ft the ed that he Could get the money at WOI Id be palll under test 1th yOung Who gtwas Ah Stewart QC Camp Borden He was convicted 11 Convicted Under LCA and ned $5 with costs of $8 or We Pen mg for ride saw the Wilks mxm ve days He gave Vancouver at 50 to 70 miles an hour he said while Dorion was doing 3510 AD Two convictions were handed out address for intoxication in public place Mr Stewart claimedthat it was Insufcuent Evrdence not necessary to make hand Sig with the usual nes of $15 with costs of $250 nal when the vehicle has pulled charge ofcareless drivmg on over to the centre and slawd Judgment was front of his car carnein contact FRIDAY MARCIA Vth the wheel of Donions panel His Worship Magistrate Foster presided with Charles Seagram Acting Crown Attorney Essa Cases Adioumed Several cases in contravention of Essa Township bylaws were ad journed until April 10 at the re quest of the E553 solicitor nd Cur Took To Air Charles Hutchinson pleaded not guilty to charge of careless driv ing OIiFcb ltz PC Thompson in vestigated and stated that the be he had investigated an accident on Highway 400 at the intersec tion of Highway 11 at 245 pm on that date and found McNairs car on the boulevard heading south He had been heading in that dir tO make an income tax return for 1951 and fined $25 with costs of $5 The officer asked an adjournment on similar charge against Robert Taylor to March 27 AND INGO EVERY THURSDAY 11 1e Suspended Sonteiice Convictcdii charge iof theft Fred Clark was given suspended sentence but must make resti tova charge of careless driving on tion of $30 and also pay costs of Highway It on Feb 20 laid by PC $17 He was allowedtwomonths Hedrick inWhich to meet this He is mar Giving evidence he stated that tied and has ve children on that date be bad investigated an acCident on Highway 11 about Assaulted Police three miles north of Crown Hill at 730 pm Following fracas on Thursday panel truck was against the night March 12 in Innisl four east fence facing northeast The men appeared on serious charges driver was James Hurst Damage SPRING SUITING ARE HERE HAVE YOUR SUIT TAILORED err GUARANTEED PRICED mom Unusual SituoriOn James Hurst pleaded not guilty Spring Bonnet TOO citation Slim oilllis Thursday 252 to ID DOOR PRIZES ySPBIBONNET Proceeds torSorority Welfare Work 163 ADMISSION soc Tickets my be obtainedfromany club or at the door Ya so

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